NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)

Tom Brady is the best NFL player in history. And he is a Whitey. Holla if ya hear meh. His best receivers are Whitey. It must be "racism!"
Sports and politics don't mix.

Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to turn the NFL into a liberal protest, Americans have been turning off the television and staying away from the stadiums.

It has become so bad, overall ratings for the NFL has sunk to their worst ratings in nearly 20 years.

NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)
That is what happens when Blacks unite.


The NFL isn't bleeding viewers because of a boycott, but because of the attitude of the league and that of certain players.

Everyone is entitled to free speech, but if you offend the wrong people, there will be consequences social and economic.
The black players are making more demands. They are so stupid they don't recognize the losing hand they are holding.
What losing hand are they holding?
The more successful they are in complaining, the less successful they are in game play.

I wish them a lot of luck. Keep up the good work until the shareholders start demanding blood and a pound of flesh per player.
What makes think protesting impacts their game performance? Do you have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time or something?
You do see what's happening.

The protesting will go on until the financial losses start to hurt.
And then the NFL will hire Kap and the money will start coming back in.

Now, that's funny.

Because if they do sign him, whites and anyone else who has an appreciation for this country will stop watching and those ratings will be even worse.

The best thing the NFL can do is to stop putting blacks on teams altogether.
I only watch the Dallas Cowboys. Half the time, because of time difference, I dont even get a chance to see them. I have some friends back home who purchase NFL packages...$200...$300?... per year watching football? Silly to me.
Sports and politics don't mix.

Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to turn the NFL into a liberal protest, Americans have been turning off the television and staying away from the stadiums.

It has become so bad, overall ratings for the NFL has sunk to their worst ratings in nearly 20 years.

NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)
That is what happens when Blacks unite.

I don't think anyone will sign him up. They're too scared. He's become something akin to the Plague.
The players want to boycott! They want to boycott what? The fans? Ticket buyers? That's like a store boycotting its customers.

Bring back the USFL

Let them strike

Sports and politics don't mix.

Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to turn the NFL into a liberal protest, Americans have been turning off the television and staying away from the stadiums.

It has become so bad, overall ratings for the NFL has sunk to their worst ratings in nearly 20 years.

NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)

Americans do not watch the national anthem

It has no bearing on not tuning into the games
Sports and politics don't mix.

Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to turn the NFL into a liberal protest, Americans have been turning off the television and staying away from the stadiums.

It has become so bad, overall ratings for the NFL has sunk to their worst ratings in nearly 20 years.

NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)
That is what happens when Blacks unite.

I don't think anyone will sign him up. They're too scared. He's become something akin to the Plague.
The players want to boycott! They want to boycott what? The fans? Ticket buyers? That's like a store boycotting its customers.

Bring back the USFL

Let them strike

Trump destroyed the USFL
Sports and politics don't mix.

Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to turn the NFL into a liberal protest, Americans have been turning off the television and staying away from the stadiums.

It has become so bad, overall ratings for the NFL has sunk to their worst ratings in nearly 20 years.

NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)
That is what happens when Blacks unite.

I don't think anyone will sign him up. They're too scared. He's become something akin to the Plague.
The players want to boycott! They want to boycott what? The fans? Ticket buyers? That's like a store boycotting its customers.

Bring back the USFL

Let them strike

Trump destroyed the USFL


Sports and politics don't mix.

Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to turn the NFL into a liberal protest, Americans have been turning off the television and staying away from the stadiums.

It has become so bad, overall ratings for the NFL has sunk to their worst ratings in nearly 20 years.

NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)

Americans do not watch the national anthem

It has no bearing on not tuning into the games
Lol, your wrong. I'm a dallas fan, and if Jerry Jones allowed his players to kneel. I would quit watching. So yes, if the owners continue to let them kneel. More fans will stop their support.
Sports and politics don't mix.

Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to turn the NFL into a liberal protest, Americans have been turning off the television and staying away from the stadiums.

It has become so bad, overall ratings for the NFL has sunk to their worst ratings in nearly 20 years.

NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)

Americans do not watch the national anthem

It has no bearing on not tuning into the games
Lol, your wrong. I'm a dallas fan, and if Jerry Jones allowed his players to kneel. I would quit watching. So yes, if the owners continue to let them kneel. More fans will stop their support.
I'd give you a week
thank god taxpayers just built a new billion plus stadium for the Vikwings............oooopps
I feel there's more reason for the drop than politics. Video games, brain disease CTE, deflategate, too many commercials, same-old teams receiving more attention than warranted, team disloyalty to their cities, etc.

No. College football ratings are up.

NFL fans are turned off by the politics. ESPN is not helping at all. Most businesses do not allow protests on company time and do not allow controversial statements from visible employees. It harms a business when reps or employees insult half the customer base.

The players have their protest. The fans who quit supporting the business as a result have their boycott. Working as intended. If the business is not pleased with the result, it is on the NFL to tweak their approach/position.
Sports and politics don't mix.

Ever since backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to turn the NFL into a liberal protest, Americans have been turning off the television and staying away from the stadiums.

It has become so bad, overall ratings for the NFL has sunk to their worst ratings in nearly 20 years.

NFL ratings plummet to near 20-year low (TERRIBLE!)
That is what happens when Blacks unite.


The NFL isn't bleeding viewers because of a boycott, but because of the attitude of the league and that of certain players.

Everyone is entitled to free speech, but if you offend the wrong people, there will be consequences social and economic.
Of course it is bleeding viewers because of the Black boycott. Most Black people love watching football.

Colin Kaepernick’s protest has launched a movement

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