NFL to stencil 'End Racism' on end zone borders as part of social justice rollout for kickoff week

I just decided I won't be watching any football this season, or perhaps ever.

As part of the NFL's ongoing commitment to social justice programs, the messages "It Takes All of Us" and "End Racism" will be stenciled on all end zone borders for home openers, the league office informed clubs in a memo Monday obtained by ESPN.
The two messages of inclusion, which will be stenciled on opposite end zones during kickoff week, are key elements of the league's broader, multifaceted rollout intended to highlight its efforts to support diversity and inclusion while the new season begins.
The end zone messages demonstrate "how football and the NFL brings people together to work as one and use our example and our actions to help conquer racism," the memo reads. The memo also confirms that players will have the option to wear helmet decals honoring victims of systemic racism.
"Each player will have the option to honor an individual by displaying that person's name via a decal on the back of their helmet," the memo reads. "Players will be offered a list of names and short biographical information to help guide their decision-making, however, they can also select a victim of systemic racism who is not represented on this list." If coaches desire, they can honor victims of systemic racism by wearing patches on their hats.
Additionally, the league will recognize essential workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
....most of the racism is from blacks --not whites--if that's what the NFL means

....all this BLM/end racism shit is not going to help the blacks!!!!!!!!!!!!...they will still commit crimes at high rates/murder each other at high rates and graduate at low rates
Only a racist wouldn't feel insulted by being called a racist.
Are you speaking from experience?
The NFL is calling its fans a bunch of racists, you fucking moron. self-identify, eh?
I'm not a TDS moron who doesn't know when he's being insulted.

Go fuck yourself, douchebag.
You sound upset....why aren't you embracing your racism? Surely it makes you proud. Your pride shines thru on your posts.
You're proud to be a douchebag, aren't you?
I'm proud of being against racism. It would be racists who would consider that being a douchbag, correct?
You aren't against racism. You are a racist, and you're a douchebag.
You are sure confused....After your whining about what the NFL is putting on their field end zones, and then you call others racist? Sounds like you have to take that same cognitive test that bunker boy took.
You're calling people racists, douchebag, and so is the NFL.

Who do you imagine your fooling?
It's a key component of the orange cult.
Trump owes his election to White Supremacy, imho:

"'I think we now have a President with some of the same ideals,' a member of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan said.Photograph by Chet Strange / Getty"

What a White Supremacist Told Me After Donald Trump Was Elected
....white supremacists have very little to do with anything
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

Go back and see who started the thread, just as easy for you to do it as it is me. Can you show a post of where I said "End Racism is bad"? I'm sorry you lack simple reading comprehension.

I gave you my answer and asked you a question, you failed to do like wise.
Then you think ending racism is good? If so, we are in agreement. Are we?

Can you answer my question first? I have actually answered your questions and you do not return the same courtesy, Why can't you grant me the same courtesy?
Are you for ending racism or not? Odd that anyone would avoid answering that one. I am against racism, myself.

I'm not avoiding anything. I have asked you the same question at least three times, I have answered other questions you have posed and you have not answered my question. Why can you not respect my questions and then expect me to answer yours? Why do you think you are better than I that you won't answer my question?
Now again, can you show me the post where I said "End Racism" is bad? Answer me that and I'll answer yours. Fair enough?
No, I don't think I am better than you........and when did I ever accuse YOU of saying "End Racism" is bad? What post was that?

You implied it in post 177 and then again in 223.
"Implied"? Again, if you do not consider yourself as a cult follower in trumpland, my comments do not apply to you.

Fuck you and your "cult" bullshit.

You losers have been a hoard of whinny crying bitches for 4 years.

And that is the best you can do.

You lost an easy election and somehow you think your going to do better by putting the rancid tomato at the top of the ticket.

Your devotion to bullshit does help explain why this country is headed for third world status.
It's clearly a cult. What but a cult would make adult, thinking right wing Americans throw away their sports, support of veterans, care for POWs, concern for the physically handicapped, their support of Gold Star families, love of R. Reagan, their morals....all on a dime because an orange-skinned lard snapped his tiny fingers?

Given your lack of analytical capability, nothing is clear. Sport....big fucking deal. Support of veterans....never waivered........the rest is all bullshit claims on your part.

You really need to have your head examined.

Democrats have given up credibility with a lot of people over a moron shitsham called impeachment.

They no longer support the rule of law.

The very institutions that have been bulwark of our democracy are under attack.

Al the while they try to rewrite or outlaw history (things at they really happened).
Only a racist wouldn't feel insulted by being called a racist.
Are you speaking from experience?
The NFL is calling its fans a bunch of racists, you fucking moron. self-identify, eh?
I'm not a TDS moron who doesn't know when he's being insulted.

Go fuck yourself, douchebag.
You sound upset....why aren't you embracing your racism? Surely it makes you proud. Your pride shines thru on your posts.
You're proud to be a douchebag, aren't you?
I'm proud of being against racism. It would be racists who would consider that being a douchbag, correct?
You aren't against racism. You are a racist, and you're a douchebag.
You are sure confused....After your whining about what the NFL is putting on their field end zones, and then you call others racist? Sounds like you have to take that same cognitive test that bunker boy took.
You're calling people racists, douchebag, and so is the NFL.

Who do you imagine your fooling?


She's as demented as Joe Biden.
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

those are American patriots who actually fought fascists.

the "antifa" of today are man babies, having tantrums.

that you try to conflate the two, is you disrespect dead heroes to benefit marxist assholes.
It's quite telling so see who is against those who are anti-fascist today. Talk about having tantrums........
Antifa is fascist. They don't oppose fascism. They employ it.
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

Go back and see who started the thread, just as easy for you to do it as it is me. Can you show a post of where I said "End Racism is bad"? I'm sorry you lack simple reading comprehension.

I gave you my answer and asked you a question, you failed to do like wise.
Then you think ending racism is good? If so, we are in agreement. Are we?

Can you answer my question first? I have actually answered your questions and you do not return the same courtesy, Why can't you grant me the same courtesy?
Are you for ending racism or not? Odd that anyone would avoid answering that one. I am against racism, myself.

I'm not avoiding anything. I have asked you the same question at least three times, I have answered other questions you have posed and you have not answered my question. Why can you not respect my questions and then expect me to answer yours? Why do you think you are better than I that you won't answer my question?
Now again, can you show me the post where I said "End Racism" is bad? Answer me that and I'll answer yours. Fair enough?
No, I don't think I am better than you........and when did I ever accuse YOU of saying "End Racism" is bad? What post was that?

You implied it in post 177 and then again in 223.
"Implied"? Again, if you do not consider yourself as a cult follower in trumpland, my comments do not apply to you.

Fuck you and your "cult" bullshit.

You losers have been a hoard of whinny crying bitches for 4 years.

And that is the best you can do.

You lost an easy election and somehow you think your going to do better by putting the rancid tomato at the top of the ticket.

Your devotion to bullshit does help explain why this country is headed for third world status.
It's clearly a cult. What but a cult would make adult, thinking right wing Americans throw away their sports, support of veterans, care for POWs, concern for the physically handicapped, their support of Gold Star families, love of R. Reagan, their morals....all on a dime because an orange-skinned lard snapped his tiny fingers?
When did Republicans stop supporting veterans and POWs? How are they even relevant to this horseshit?
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

Go back and see who started the thread, just as easy for you to do it as it is me. Can you show a post of where I said "End Racism is bad"? I'm sorry you lack simple reading comprehension.

I gave you my answer and asked you a question, you failed to do like wise.
Then you think ending racism is good? If so, we are in agreement. Are we?

Can you answer my question first? I have actually answered your questions and you do not return the same courtesy, Why can't you grant me the same courtesy?
Are you for ending racism or not? Odd that anyone would avoid answering that one. I am against racism, myself.

I'm not avoiding anything. I have asked you the same question at least three times, I have answered other questions you have posed and you have not answered my question. Why can you not respect my questions and then expect me to answer yours? Why do you think you are better than I that you won't answer my question?
Now again, can you show me the post where I said "End Racism" is bad? Answer me that and I'll answer yours. Fair enough?
No, I don't think I am better than you........and when did I ever accuse YOU of saying "End Racism" is bad? What post was that?

You implied it in post 177 and then again in 223.
"Implied"? Again, if you do not consider yourself as a cult follower in trumpland, my comments do not apply to you.

Fuck you and your "cult" bullshit.

You losers have been a hoard of whinny crying bitches for 4 years.

And that is the best you can do.

You lost an easy election and somehow you think your going to do better by putting the rancid tomato at the top of the ticket.

Your devotion to bullshit does help explain why this country is headed for third world status.
It's clearly a cult. What but a cult would make adult, thinking right wing Americans throw away their sports, support of veterans, care for POWs, concern for the physically handicapped, their support of Gold Star families, love of R. Reagan, their morals....all on a dime because an orange-skinned lard snapped his tiny fingers?
When did Americans stop supporting veterans and POWs? How are they even relevant to this horseshit?

It's all part of the self-delusional horsehit narrative that justifies doing really stupid things like getting rid of police.
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

Go back and see who started the thread, just as easy for you to do it as it is me. Can you show a post of where I said "End Racism is bad"? I'm sorry you lack simple reading comprehension.

I gave you my answer and asked you a question, you failed to do like wise.
Then you think ending racism is good? If so, we are in agreement. Are we?

Can you answer my question first? I have actually answered your questions and you do not return the same courtesy, Why can't you grant me the same courtesy?
Are you for ending racism or not? Odd that anyone would avoid answering that one. I am against racism, myself.

I'm not avoiding anything. I have asked you the same question at least three times, I have answered other questions you have posed and you have not answered my question. Why can you not respect my questions and then expect me to answer yours? Why do you think you are better than I that you won't answer my question?
Now again, can you show me the post where I said "End Racism" is bad? Answer me that and I'll answer yours. Fair enough?
No, I don't think I am better than you........and when did I ever accuse YOU of saying "End Racism" is bad? What post was that?

You implied it in post 177 and then again in 223.
"Implied"? Again, if you do not consider yourself as a cult follower in trumpland, my comments do not apply to you.

So you are replying directly to me but not to me. Got it.

I am against racism, my post over the years have clearly pointed this out on many occasions.
where's all this racism?
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

those are American patriots who actually fought fascists.

the "antifa" of today are man babies, having tantrums.

that you try to conflate the two, is you disrespect dead heroes to benefit marxist assholes.
It's quite telling so see who is against those who are anti-fascist today. Talk about having tantrums........

the ones you claim to be "anti-fascist" are violent mobs rampaging though the streets.

it is telling to see who is against them. we are the civilized people in our society, while you side with the barbaric mobs.

your pretense that some labeling makes you the good guys, is a thin lie, that fools no one.
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

those are American patriots who actually fought fascists.

the "antifa" of today are man babies, having tantrums.

that you try to conflate the two, is you disrespect dead heroes to benefit marxist assholes.
It's quite telling so see who is against those who are anti-fascist today. Talk about having tantrums........
Antifa is fascist. They don't oppose fascism. They employ it.

bodecea is pretending that their name defines them more than their actions define them.

she does not believe that, but it is the best lie she has to explain away her support of a murderous marxist mob of violent thugs.
Only a racist wouldn't feel insulted by being called a racist.
Are you speaking from experience?
The NFL is calling its fans a bunch of racists, you fucking moron. self-identify, eh?
I'm not a TDS moron who doesn't know when he's being insulted.

Go fuck yourself, douchebag.
You sound upset....why aren't you embracing your racism? Surely it makes you proud. Your pride shines thru on your posts.
You're proud to be a douchebag, aren't you?
I'm proud of being against racism. It would be racists who would consider that being a douchbag, correct?
You aren't against racism. You are a racist, and you're a douchebag.
You are sure confused....After your whining about what the NFL is putting on their field end zones, and then you call others racist? Sounds like you have to take that same cognitive test that bunker boy took.
You're calling people racists, douchebag, and so is the NFL.

Who do you imagine your fooling?

she doesn't think she is fooling anyone.

the idea is the tell a moronic lie, no more sophisticated than a school yard bully taking his victims hands and punching him with his own hand, asking "why are you hitting yourself",

and to depend on her assumption, that there are enough liberals who are dishonest assholes, to join in supporting the lie, to make is stick, to get away with the lie, to insult people with the most vicious slurs, while pretending not to,

so that when the people respond with appropriate anger, the libs in question can pretend to be shocked, oh so shocked that anyone would be soooo rude.

every day, that we see this work in action, is the liberals admitting to themselves that they are all filthy lying scum. and that they know it.
Only a racist wouldn't feel insulted by being called a racist.
Are you speaking from experience?
The NFL is calling its fans a bunch of racists, you fucking moron. self-identify, eh?
I'm not a TDS moron who doesn't know when he's being insulted.

Go fuck yourself, douchebag.
You sound upset....why aren't you embracing your racism? Surely it makes you proud. Your pride shines thru on your posts.
You're proud to be a douchebag, aren't you?
I'm proud of being against racism. It would be racists who would consider that being a douchbag, correct?
You aren't against racism. You are a racist, and you're a douchebag.
You are sure confused....After your whining about what the NFL is putting on their field end zones, and then you call others racist? Sounds like you have to take that same cognitive test that bunker boy took.
You're calling people racists, douchebag, and so is the NFL.

Who do you imagine your fooling?
I'm not the one starting a thread whining about an "End Racism" stencil.
It's a key component of the orange cult.
Trump owes his election to White Supremacy, imho:

"'I think we now have a President with some of the same ideals,' a member of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan said.Photograph by Chet Strange / Getty"

What a White Supremacist Told Me After Donald Trump Was Elected
....white supremacists have very little to do with anything
"some good people"
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

those are American patriots who actually fought fascists.

the "antifa" of today are man babies, having tantrums.

that you try to conflate the two, is you disrespect dead heroes to benefit marxist assholes.
It's quite telling so see who is against those who are anti-fascist today. Talk about having tantrums........
Antifa is fascist. They don't oppose fascism. They employ it.
Nope....Antifa is go clutch your pearls.
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

Where did I post "End Racism" is bad? Antifa uses force, and violence to make others fall in line. So they are as fascist, the very thing they pretend to be against.
DId you start this thread? Are you against anti-fascists? These anti-fascists also used force: View attachment 368349

Go back and see who started the thread, just as easy for you to do it as it is me. Can you show a post of where I said "End Racism is bad"? I'm sorry you lack simple reading comprehension.

I gave you my answer and asked you a question, you failed to do like wise.
Then you think ending racism is good? If so, we are in agreement. Are we?

Can you answer my question first? I have actually answered your questions and you do not return the same courtesy, Why can't you grant me the same courtesy?
Are you for ending racism or not? Odd that anyone would avoid answering that one. I am against racism, myself.

I'm not avoiding anything. I have asked you the same question at least three times, I have answered other questions you have posed and you have not answered my question. Why can you not respect my questions and then expect me to answer yours? Why do you think you are better than I that you won't answer my question?
Now again, can you show me the post where I said "End Racism" is bad? Answer me that and I'll answer yours. Fair enough?
No, I don't think I am better than you........and when did I ever accuse YOU of saying "End Racism" is bad? What post was that?

You implied it in post 177 and then again in 223.
"Implied"? Again, if you do not consider yourself as a cult follower in trumpland, my comments do not apply to you.

Fuck you and your "cult" bullshit.

You losers have been a hoard of whinny crying bitches for 4 years.

And that is the best you can do.

You lost an easy election and somehow you think your going to do better by putting the rancid tomato at the top of the ticket.

Your devotion to bullshit does help explain why this country is headed for third world status.
It's clearly a cult. What but a cult would make adult, thinking right wing Americans throw away their sports, support of veterans, care for POWs, concern for the physically handicapped, their support of Gold Star families, love of R. Reagan, their morals....all on a dime because an orange-skinned lard snapped his tiny fingers?
When did Republicans stop supporting veterans and POWs? How are they even relevant to this horseshit?
Tammy Duckworth.....John McCain.....just for starters.

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