NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes while Colin Powell speaks up - Auburn Journal

From an article by Victoria N. Alexander in the Digital Journal, she says "An international tribunal has found former US President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld guilty of the crime of conspiracy to allow torture in Guantanamo Bay, Bagram and Abu Ghraib.

Also convicted were former White House legal advisors, Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo. The the tribunal was organized by the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War (KLFCW), a non-governmental organization established under the laws of Malaysia. The court heard testimony from a number of victims, including Abbas Abid, who had his fingernails removed by pliers, Ali Shalal, who was electrocuted and hanged on a wall, and Jameelah Abbas Hameedi, who was stripped and beaten."

Is this like The Onion? If this were reality, wouldn't it be the biggest news story of the year? WTF are they smoking over there?
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld war criminals verdict Enforcement Phase begins - National Human Rights |

The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, based on the Nuremberg Charter, is proceeding to the enforcement phase after officially convicting George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and lawyers of war crimes in a packed court Friday where legal experts heard shocking testimonies of American torture inflicted by United States soldiers such as removing fingernails with pliers, electrocutions and sexual humiliation.

After eleven years of human rights defender organizations such as Veterans for Peace and United for Peace and Justice working to hold American war criminals accountable, a worldwide grassroots citizen's tribunal of conscience movement is proceeding to the Enforcement Phase after finding Bush, Cheney, Rumfeld and lawyers guilty of war crimes on May 12 in Malaysia in a court using the Nuremberg Charter, according to Press TV.

“This is the first conviction of these people anywhere in the world,” said war crimes expert and lawyer Francis Boyle, professor of international law at University of Illinois College of Law in America.

“We tried three times to get Bush in Canada but were thwarted by the Canadian Government, then we scared Bush out of going to Switzerland. The Spanish attempt failed because of the government there and the same happened in Germany.”
a non-governmental organization established under the laws of Malaysia'


You are a freak.
I just convicted luddly, Cindy Sheehan, Sarah Palin, and Rabbi for crimes against intelligence. The first in the world to do so.
Good for them. It's nothing that the rest of the world doesn't know and, to a huge extent agree with, but it really doesn't mean much for the criminals.

They are the great shame of our country.
I find Malaysia guilty of criminal vapidity and sentence them to continued backwardness and general irrelevance.

And I pass sentence on the NGO. I fart in their general direction.
It's like when OWS calls it huge news that the general assembly gave up twinkles for a general nationwide strike.
It's very ridiculous! I had to do more digging to even find out what 'tribunal' this is.

That's why my first guess was "Onion," followed by "Wildwood Weed."
I find Malaysia guilty of criminal vapidity and sentence them to continued backwardness and general irrelevance.

And I pass sentence on the NGO. I fart in their general direction.

My farts only kill the grass in my immediate vicinity. How do yours make it to Malaysia?

Oh wait. "General direction." Never mind.

Ignore that bit about my farts as well.
I just convicted luddly, Cindy Sheehan, Sarah Palin, and Rabbi for crimes against intelligence. The first in the world to do so.

I convicted Sniper for showing her ass everywhere, all the time.
it does mean Bush and team cant travel overseas.

they can be taken away to jail if they do
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld war criminals verdict Enforcement Phase begins - National Human Rights |

“We tried three times to get Bush in Canada but were thwarted by the Canadian Government, then we scared Bush out of going to Switzerland. The Spanish attempt failed because of the government there and the same happened in Germany.”

Boyle referenced the Nuremberg Charter used as the format for the tribunal when asked about credibility of the initiative in Malaysia.

“Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit war crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any person in execution of such a plan,” Boyle quoted.

The US is subject to customary international law and to the Principles of the Nuremberg Charter said Boyle.
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Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld war criminals verdict Enforcement Phase begins - National Human Rights |

“We tried three times to get Bush in Canada but were thwarted by the Canadian Government, then we scared Bush out of going to Switzerland. The Spanish attempt failed because of the government there and the same happened in Germany.”


The Avalon Project : Charter of the International Military Tribunal

HOW (or in what POSSIBLE way) the Nuremberg Charter (involving signatories not including Malaysia, much less some NGO out of Malaysia) and which was explicitly designed to deal with Axis Powers (European) WAR Crimes could make that kangaroo court an actual valid international law body remains completely unstated.

For good reason.

And there's nothing "customary" about that show boat bullshit "tribunal."
Ohhh it's a MALAYSIAN Tribunal backed by a gen u wine grassroots effort. Well, that's different!

The "Conscience Group" has already been thrown out of Canada, Spain, Germany and Switzerland.
Ohhh it's a MALAYSIAN Tribunal backed by a gen u wine grassroots effort. Well, that's different!

The "Conscience Group" has already been thrown out of Canada, Spain, Germany and Switzerland.

It is established as a merely SYMBOLIC Tribunal.

Malaysian tribunal finds Bush guilty of war crimes

A symbolic War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia has found former US President George W. Bush and several other members of his administration guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity , Press TV reports.

The second “Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal”, part of an initiative by former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad, in a unanimous vote on Saturday found Bush and seven of his associates, including former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld guilty of torture and war crimes.

The court also heard evidence from former detainees in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, of torture methods used by US soldiers during their captivity in prisons run by American forces.

A former inmate, Abbas Abid appeared in a scarf fearing reprisals. He enacted how US troops subjected him to electric shocks, beatings and sexual abuse over a number of months.

High ranking former UN officials present in the courtroom expressed frustration over the evidence. “The UN is a weak body ... and it’s corrupted by member states, who use the Security Council for their own interests. They don’t respect the charter. They don’t respect the international law. They don’t respect the Geneva Conventions,” former UN Assistant Secretary General, Denis Halliday told Press TV.

“As long as they continue to use the UN it’s going to be somehow redundant possibly a dangerous and certainly corrupted organization,” Halliday went on to say.

Meanwhile, Mahatir remains determined to bring Bush and his cohorts to justice.

In response to a question on the sidelines of the court regarding the Malaysian police’s authority to arrest the criminals of war, Mahathir expressed hope that the charged officials won’t be invited to Malaysia.

“I hope people in the world will take notice and they should actually ... these are basically murderers and they kill on large scale,” the former Malaysian premier maintained.

The symbolic court was first held in November 2011 during which Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair were found guilty for committing "crimes against peace" during the Iraq war.

PressTV - Malaysian tribunal finds Bush guilty of war crimes


truthmatters but not to her is proving yet again what a willing dupe she always is.

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