NH GOP lawmaker heckles Hillary Clinton over Bill Clinton's sex scandals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'This time she's not smiling' reads another headline....

Faced with a woman exposing her despicable past that includes villainizing, bullying, threatening, silencing, and using investigators to dig up information to use against Bill's victims of sexual harassment, rape, and numerous affairs, Hillary responded with the most appropriate, vicious, comeback she could think of:

"You are very rude, and I'm not ever going to call on you. Thank you."

Yeah, THAT will shut that bitch up and completely end all discussion about how Hillary's past proves that her claim now to be such a staunch defender / champion of women is nothing but pure, self-serving, political-enhancing horse hockey!


Hillary Clinton heckled by NH lawmaker over Bill Clinton's sex scandals - CNNPolitics.com
Yep, that hildabeast bitch will try to deflect from her record any way it can.
For one she wasn't a heckler (that's what dnc medias are putting out), she was someone trying to ask the Queen witch a question. It must be nice to have the lamestream medias to cover and make up LIES for her.... and notice how Hillary handled it? Rude, crude and nasty just like usual. a video at the site

Hillary Snaps At A Woman Shouting Question At Town Hall: “You Are Very Rude” – Update: Woman Was Rape Survivor, Former Democrat Who Switched To Republican Because Of Dem Hypocrisy On Women

What was the woman asking about?

According to Hillary we should believe all women who allege rape and it’s belittling of women to question the allegations. So why is Hillary not acknowledging these allegations?


The woman was a former Democrat who switched to Republican because of Democratic and Clinton hypocrisy on women.

She also told reporters she is concerned about the issue because she is a rape survivor, a fact that most are not tweeting, while referring to her as a ‘heckler’.

One reporter, Monica Alba, an NBC reporter assigned to cover Hillary Clinton, actually posted O’Brien’s contact information on Twitter, including her address and phone number, against Twitter rules of ‘doxxing’ people.

all of it here:
Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
The above ^^^^ is what happens you cross these snakes in the Democrat party. they release your information and put you and your families lives in danger.
"...actually posted O’Brien’s contact information on Twitter, including her address and phone number, against Twitter rules of ‘doxxing’ people."

So the Liberal response is to post the woman's personal information out to deranged people / Hillary supporters and just 'let whatever happens happen'?

Yeah, Hillary is a champion for women, and the Hillary-protecting media care about them, too.
So the best Re-pubes-tards have is to rehash an issue they lost 20 years ago?
The best you can do is minimalize Hillary's obvious lie about giving a damn about women when she spent the better part of her political career villainizing, bullying, threatening, investigating, and trying to silence the sexually harassed and raped female victims of her husband and those who had affairs with him?

Yow.... With every such post is is ever clearer Liberals don't give a damn about women...just about Hillary and retaining POWER (such as the power Hillary wielded to make Slick Willey's victims suffer through a nightmare...)
"...actually posted O’Brien’s contact information on Twitter, including her address and phone number, against Twitter rules of ‘doxxing’ people."

So the Liberal response is to post the woman's personal information out to deranged people / Hillary supporters and just 'let whatever happens happen'?

Yeah, Hillary is a champion for women, and the Hillary-protecting media care about them, too.

This is yet another example of the unbiased media and the depths they sink to for anyone who embarrasses The Queen.
So the best Re-pubes-tards have is to rehash an issue they lost 20 years ago?
The best you can do is minimalize Hillary's obvious lie about giving a damn about women when she spent the better part of her political career villainizing, bullying, threatening, investigating, and trying to silence the sexually harassed and raped female victims of her husband and those who had affairs with him?

Yow.... With every such post is is ever clearer Liberals don't give a damn about women...just about Hillary and retaining POWER (such as the power Hillary wielded to make Slick Willey's victims suffer through a nightmare...)

There is no lie, her husband was attacked by political hacks who paid women to say they were "raped" or 'sexually assaulted' when they never were.
There is no lie, her husband was attacked by political hacks who paid women to say they were "raped" or 'sexually assaulted' when they never were.
And you can prove that, right?!

You DO know we're talking about Slick Willey, not Herman Cain, right?! :p

In the end you're wrong...because your 'Queen' said that ALL women who make such accusations are to be believed. Sorry, Hillary says, 'You're wrong'.
"...actually posted O’Brien’s contact information on Twitter, including her address and phone number, against Twitter rules of ‘doxxing’ people."

So the Liberal response is to post the woman's personal information out to deranged people / Hillary supporters and just 'let whatever happens happen'?

Yeah, Hillary is a champion for women, and the Hillary-protecting media care about them, too.

This is yet another example of the unbiased media and the depths they sink to for anyone who embarrasses The Queen.

But remember we are told. there isn't bias. the only reason they hated (and the left, like mediamatters, the DNC, etc) went out of their way to create this hate for Fox news. it's the ONLY station they couldn't buy off or threaten into submission on their reporting about the snakes in the Democrat party. Look at all the all the other ones. even NPR has used our money against us to put down Republicans and built up the Democrats
So the best Re-pubes-tards have is to rehash an issue they lost 20 years ago?
The best you can do is minimalize Hillary's obvious lie about giving a damn about women when she spent the better part of her political career villainizing, bullying, threatening, investigating, and trying to silence the sexually harassed and raped female victims of her husband and those who had affairs with him?

Yow.... With every such post is is ever clearer Liberals don't give a damn about women...just about Hillary and retaining POWER (such as the power Hillary wielded to make Slick Willey's victims suffer through a nightmare...)

There is no lie, her husband was attacked by political hacks who paid women to say they were "raped" or 'sexually assaulted' when they never were.

So the best Re-pubes-tards have is to rehash an issue they lost 20 years ago?
The best you can do is minimalize Hillary's obvious lie about giving a damn about women when she spent the better part of her political career villainizing, bullying, threatening, investigating, and trying to silence the sexually harassed and raped female victims of her husband and those who had affairs with him?

Yow.... With every such post is is ever clearer Liberals don't give a damn about women...just about Hillary and retaining POWER (such as the power Hillary wielded to make Slick Willey's victims suffer through a nightmare...)

There is no lie, her husband was attacked by political hacks who paid women to say they were "raped" or 'sexually assaulted' when they never were.


You believe something that was never proven by a court of law!

Enjoy losing in 2016.

This is you after Hillary wins

'This time she's not smiling' reads another headline....

Faced with a woman exposing her despicable past that includes villainizing, bullying, threatening, silencing, and using investigators to dig up information to use against Bill's victims of sexual harassment, rape, and numerous affairs, Hillary responded with the most appropriate, vicious, comeback she could think of:

"You are very rude, and I'm not ever going to call on you. Thank you."

Yeah, THAT will shut that bitch up and completely end all discussion about how Hillary's past proves that her claim now to be such a staunch defender / champion of women is nothing but pure, self-serving, political-enhancing horse hockey!


Hillary Clinton heckled by NH lawmaker over Bill Clinton's sex scandals - CNNPolitics.com
I wonder if that heckler likes it to be blamed for HER husband's wandering.
I wonder if that heckler likes it to be blamed for HER husband's wandering.
DID her own husband 'wander'?

'Wander'? Is that what liberals call other liberals 'sexually harassing', 'raping', and 'having affairs' with other women?

...and are we really seeing Hillary defenders attacking previous victims again in Hillary's defense?

'This time she's not smiling' reads another headline....

Faced with a woman exposing her despicable past that includes villainizing, bullying, threatening, silencing, and using investigators to dig up information to use against Bill's victims of sexual harassment, rape, and numerous affairs, Hillary responded with the most appropriate, vicious, comeback she could think of:

"You are very rude, and I'm not ever going to call on you. Thank you."

Yeah, THAT will shut that bitch up and completely end all discussion about how Hillary's past proves that her claim now to be such a staunch defender / champion of women is nothing but pure, self-serving, political-enhancing horse hockey!


Hillary Clinton heckled by NH lawmaker over Bill Clinton's sex scandals - CNNPolitics.com
I wonder if that heckler likes it to be blamed for HER husband's wandering.
Awe another tolerant concerned liberal. Nothing but a hateful empty suit.

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