NHL gay pride night

There was apparently one player in that game who did not put on the LGBT uniform it was a Russian hockey player who said it was due to his Russian orthodox beliefs.

Perhaps similar to the Russian hockey player, I believe in respecting everyone but I would not put on an LGBT uniform, I would not put on a BLM logo… It’s not for me

I was actually surprised the NHL backed provorov on it. I don’t know if the NBA would back one of its players if they refuse to put on a BLM logo.

We know the NFL did not back coach Jack del Rio when they find him $100,000 for comparing the BLM riots to the January 6 event. These are shocking events that adults cannot comprehend. We have people with children like minds who run our law system and our professional sports systems unfortunately….. it has led to less masculinity in this country, it has led to more crime in this country, and all for nothing.

We could have equal rights for everyone but we can also have a strong masculine society that respects religion and we don’t have that right now.
It is a tad early in the morning for such over the top drama.

Nobody gives a fuck about the NHL doing this but a bunch of hate filled bigots.
Looks like you just tried to go over the edge. Now it’s straight up a matter of common sense and logic. Get back to me when you’re not controlled by the devil man…. And you are controlled by the devil you are making things up about other people claiming other people are bigots
Looks like you just tried to go over the edge. Now it’s straight up a matter of common sense and logic. Get back to me when you’re not controlled by the devil man…. And you are controlled by the devil you are making things up about other people claiming other people are bigots

I will get back to you when you are not controlled by hate.

Let me know when that is.
I will get back to you when you are not controlled by hate.

Let me know when that is.
You’re controlled by The devil. You can’t expect somebody to put on a T-shirt with a cross or with a Muslim sign ….or with a lgbt sign

This is on you you are choosing to be defensive and aggressive. Have a good day buddy
You’re controlled by The devil. You can’t expect somebody to put on a T-shirt with a cross or with a Muslim sign ….or with a lgbt sign

This is on you you are choosing to be defensive and aggressive. Have a good day buddy

I am neither defensive not aggressive, I just think bigots suck ass. If that bothers you, then maybe you should look in the mirror.
I am neither defensive not aggressive, I just think bigots suck ass. If that bothers you, then maybe you should look in the mirror.
Lol man … you were aggressive and you do not have an argument. I would hope that you’re smarter than that. It’s insane to just claim some invisible person or group is a bigot what are you even talking about.?

I did say you were controlled by the devil. I’m sure you’re a nice person. But if you think that a hockey player is wrong for refusing to put on an LGBT uniform than yeah this is something that I think is wrong. This is a free country. You were created by a man and a woman.

Praise God
Lol man … you were aggressive and you do not have an argument. I would hope that you’re smarter than that. It’s insane to just claim some invisible person or group is a bigot what are you even talking about.?

You need to toughen up if you think I was being aggressive. This site is no place for snowflakes.

I did say you were controlled by the devil. I’m sure you’re a nice person.

So you think the devil is a nice person? I am a tad confused now.

But if you think that a hockey player is wrong for refusing to put on an LGBT uniform than yeah this is something that I think is wrong. This is a free country. You were created by a man and a woman.

I agree they have every right to refuse to wear the uniform and the league has every right to say "well then sit your ass down and do not play". It works both ways. The league is who dictates what uniform is worn, not the players. It is this way in ever sports league in the country.

Oh, and I have the right to say I think the dude is a bigot....part of the whole free country thing you know!
It is a tad early in the morning for such over the top drama.

Nobody gives a fuck about the NHL doing this but a bunch of hate filled bigots.
That Russian may had had a relative or two killed since the Russian revolution that ushered in Communism. between the Communist government and WW 2 they lost 60 million people. The Church was muted for all of that time until the fall of the Soviet Union. The Eastern Orthodox Church is not the Western version who have sold out their principles. In the west we have cross dressers in public schools while he knows of stories of millions of decomposing humans on the side of the roads in his nation.
That Russian may had had a relative or two killed since the Russian revolution that ushered in Communism. between the Communist government and WW 2 they lost 60 million people. The Church was muted for all of that time until the fall of the Soviet Union. The Eastern Orthodox Church is not the Western version who have sold out their principles. In the west we have cross dressers in public schools while he knows of stories of millions of decomposing humans on the side of the roads in his nation.


NHL was the last professional sport I loved and watch. All the others went woke and I stopped watching.

Then the NHL pulled this woke stunt and I immediately stopped watching the NHL.

The NHL took away the last sport from me and I'll never watch it again.

NHL cannot constitutionaly force players to dress in rainbow BS

That might be debatable. When you work for someone you follow their dress code. Cops have to wear their uniform, nurses have to wear theirs and so on.
NHL was the last professional sport I loved and watch. All the others went woke and I stopped watching.

Then the NHL pulled this woke stunt and I immediately stopped watching the NHL.

The NHL took away the last sport from me and I'll never watch it again.

That might be debatable. When you work for someone you follow their dress code. Cops have to wear their uniform, nurses have to wear theirs and so on.

Watch ufc
You need to toughen up if you think I was being aggressive. This site is no place for snowflakes.

So you think the devil is a nice person? I am a tad confused now.

I agree they have every right to refuse to wear the uniform and the league has every right to say "well then sit your ass down and do not play". It works both ways. The league is who dictates what uniform is worn, not the players. It is this way in ever sports league in the country.

Oh, and I have the right to say I think the dude is a bigot....part of the whole free country thing you know!

Ya know man we owe it to the world to answer the question what if everyone was gay there will be no more humans. you were born because of a man and a woman same with me. Now I recognize that an LGBT person has a right to live. At the same time gay marriage is kind of new to American society…. we need to look at this and look at the effects of it.

It’s all good man you can say what you want. I do regret saying that you are controlled by the devil. That just kind of makes me look bad. I don’t think you are but I was merely expressing myself. I’m not very religious but I recognize that the Russian hockey player cited his Russian orthodox Christian religion is why he does not want to put on an LGBT uniform. This is serious stuff that’s it that’s his human right to do that.

Right now the NHL made a good decision. They said they are supporting the Philadelphia Flyers hockey player for refusing to put on the LGBT jersey.

It’s a matter of being hypocritical like the NFL is how they find Jack del Rio $100,000 for comparing the January 6 event to the BLM riots. But they do nothing about pro blm views and even encourage racism against white people. So it’s just insane man we live in a country where a few powerful people in the media, Hollywood the athletic field and in the political field are trying to tell us that America is a racist country filled with racism against Black people. And it couldn’t be any further from the truth.

This whole LGBT thing is unnecessary….. we could have equality among men without having pride events specifically forcing players to wear a “pride jersey. “
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