Nice Going Barack Obama: 47 Major Retailers Announce Closing of 6,000 Stores Across the Country

1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

Then why do we have more total employment now than we ever have in US history?
Agreed. However we have more people, more jobs and more businesses. Unfortunately, the real unemployment rate is about 11.5%, not the 5.5% the Labor Department reports.It's a farce.

You're citing U-6 umemployment. The Labor department reports U-3 and has for decades. Every official unemployment number is U-3. If you've ever cited an unemployment rate below 8% for GW, then you're not using U-6. As the U-6 under GW hovered between 8 and 14%.

And the U-6 was 14% when Obama took office. Its 11.5% now. Even by your apples and oranges comparisons, Obama's reduced the U-6 by 2 and half points.

Thanks Obama!
I know a few people who aren't working, no longer eligible for unemployment and can't find a job. And they couldn't care less about the Labor statistics. To them you're either working for a paycheck or depending on relatives and friends.

If employment statistics are irrelevant, then why did you cite them?

Sigh.....or did they only become irrelevant when they no longer supported your 'patriot post' narrative? Its the second one, isn't it?
You didn't read the list, or more likely you are attempting to deceive, as done before

I wonder how many jobs lost that will entail?
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

A lot more people will be out of work. And since so many aren't even counted in the unemployment numbers, it falsely appears that the number is down. I shop at some of the stores on the list and it sucks that they are going away. Where are people going to find more jobs? Between Obamacare and raising minimum wage, the few jobs left will disappear.
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?
I bought a nice short wave radio there a few months back. Absolutely love it.
Helps you keep in touch with all your neo nazi friends?

Nazi friends? Is he a National Socialist?
He is indeed, a racist, an anti semite, an all around bigot pretending to be a conservative.
You didn't read the list, or more likely you are attempting to deceive, as done before

I wonder how many jobs lost that will entail?
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

A lot more people will be out of work. And since so many aren't even counted in the unemployment numbers, it falsely appears that the number is down. I shop at some of the stores on the list and it sucks that they are going away. Where are people going to find more jobs? Between Obamacare and raising minimum wage, the few jobs left will disappear.

Yeah, because there's not going to be any retail opening of ANY store in the US, ever.
You didn't read the list, or more likely you are attempting to deceive, as done before

I wonder how many jobs lost that will entail?
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

We have already lost several on that list. Plus several that aren't. Several restaurants,ups stores and my favorite bank. :(

Then why do we have more total employment now than we ever have in US history?
Agreed. However we have more people, more jobs and more businesses. Unfortunately, the real unemployment rate is about 11.5%, not the 5.5% the Labor Department reports.It's a farce.

You're citing U-6 umemployment. The Labor department reports U-3 and has for decades. Every official unemployment number is U-3. If you've ever cited an unemployment rate below 8% for GW, then you're not using U-6. As the U-6 under GW hovered between 8 and 14%.

And the U-6 was 14% when Obama took office. Its 11.5% now. Even by your apples and oranges comparisons, Obama's reduced the U-6 by 2 and half points.

Thanks Obama!
I know a few people who aren't working, no longer eligible for unemployment and can't find a job. And they couldn't care less about the Labor statistics. To them you're either working for a paycheck or depending on relatives and friends.

If employment statistics are irrelevant, then why did you cite them?

Sigh.....or did they only become irrelevant when they no longer supported your 'patriot post' narrative? Its the second one, isn't it?
O.K. Your U-3 may cause Obama to throw out his chest but 11.5% of workers who once drew a paycheck ain't gettin' one now. So I suppose they will be proud to be a U-3 if it makes Obobo look good..
Then why do we have more total employment now than we ever have in US history?
Agreed. However we have more people, more jobs and more businesses. Unfortunately, the real unemployment rate is about 11.5%, not the 5.5% the Labor Department reports.It's a farce.

You're citing U-6 umemployment. The Labor department reports U-3 and has for decades. Every official unemployment number is U-3. If you've ever cited an unemployment rate below 8% for GW, then you're not using U-6. As the U-6 under GW hovered between 8 and 14%.

And the U-6 was 14% when Obama took office. Its 11.5% now. Even by your apples and oranges comparisons, Obama's reduced the U-6 by 2 and half points.

Thanks Obama!
I know a few people who aren't working, no longer eligible for unemployment and can't find a job. And they couldn't care less about the Labor statistics. To them you're either working for a paycheck or depending on relatives and friends.

If employment statistics are irrelevant, then why did you cite them?

Sigh.....or did they only become irrelevant when they no longer supported your 'patriot post' narrative? Its the second one, isn't it?
O.K. Your U-3 may cause Obama to throw out his chest but 11.5% of workers who once drew a paycheck ain't gettin' one now. So I suppose they will be proud to be a U-3 if it makes Obobo look good..

U-6 is down as well. From 14% when Obama took office. To 11.5% now and declining.

Thanks Obama!
The devastation this constitutionally ineligible non-natural born citizen president is causing to businesses and families is unimaginable. This is terrible news.

Wow. 47 Major Retailers Announce Closing of 6 000 Stores Across the Country

And how many new retailers are opening new stores?

Oh, and I like how Steven slipped in retail closures in Canada, hoping no one would notice. Rather flexible definition of 'the country'.
You can accuse him of just not liking Obama because of his race. For once you'd be correct.
You didn't read the list, or more likely you are attempting to deceive, as done before

I wonder how many jobs lost that will entail?
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

A lot more people will be out of work. And since so many aren't even counted in the unemployment numbers, it falsely appears that the number is down. I shop at some of the stores on the list and it sucks that they are going away. Where are people going to find more jobs? Between Obamacare and raising minimum wage, the few jobs left will disappear.

Libs think we can all work for the government.
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?
I bought a nice short wave radio there a few months back. Absolutely love it.
Helps you keep in touch with all your neo nazi friends?

Nazi friends? Is he a National Socialist?
He is indeed, a racist, an anti semite, an all around bigot pretending to be a conservative.
I'm just a patriotic Christian conservative who happens to want to preserve our White European heritage and traditions. That's all.
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?
I bought a nice short wave radio there a few months back. Absolutely love it.
Helps you keep in touch with all your neo nazi friends?

Nazi friends? Is he a National Socialist?
He is indeed, a racist, an anti semite, an all around bigot pretending to be a conservative.
I'm just a patriotic Christian conservative who happens to want to preserve our White European heritage and traditions. That's all.
Uh huh.....
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?
I bought a nice short wave radio there a few months back. Absolutely love it.
Helps you keep in touch with all your neo nazi friends?

Nazi friends? Is he a National Socialist?
He is indeed, a racist, an anti semite, an all around bigot pretending to be a conservative.
I'm just a patriotic Christian conservative who happens to want to preserve our White European heritage and traditions. That's all.

A patriotic Christian conservative?

When did you become a racist? :afro:
You didn't read the list, or more likely you are attempting to deceive, as done before

I wonder how many jobs lost that will entail?
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

A lot more people will be out of work. And since so many aren't even counted in the unemployment numbers, it falsely appears that the number is down. I shop at some of the stores on the list and it sucks that they are going away. Where are people going to find more jobs? Between Obamacare and raising minimum wage, the few jobs left will disappear.

Libs think we can all work for the government.

Correction, we ALL do work for the government.

When over half of our pay check goes to them rest assured we work for them
This is just blame everything on Obama derangement.

Take one example, the Wet Seal bankruptcy. The reason, as cited by Bloomberg...

“The continuing fundamental shift in consumer behavior away from traditional mall shopping toward online-only stores and increased competition throughout the specialty retail fashion industry have created a difficult operating environment,” Thomas Hillebrandt, Wet Seal’s chief financial officer, said in the company’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Yes, blame that on Obama, lol.

Wet Seal Joins March of Mall Retailers Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg Business
ODS is strong within the ranks of our eXtreme rw brethren. Outsourcing labor to the lowest common denominator has been going on for a generation and the partisan hack OP wants to blame the resultant effects of globalized commerce on the current POTUS.

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