Nice going President Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Trump knows he won the election - American Thinker

During his speech at CPAC on Sunday afternoon, Donald Trump made no bones about the fact that he won the 2020 election. The reason he's not in the White House is because of a system that was reconfigured for fraud and a cowardly Supreme Court. He also warned Americans worried about future elections that HR1, a bill the Congressional Democrats are pushing, will permanently ensconce election fraud.

Trump noted that he got 12 million more votes than in 2016; carried Florida, Ohio, and Iowa by large margins; and won 18 of America's 19 bellwether counties. "There's never been anything like that. And yet, did Biden win? No!" The election, Trump rightly said, was "a disgrace to our country."

Trump had a laundry list of ways to make the elections fair:

  • Hold them on a single day, not over weeks;
  • Limit absentee ballots to those who prove they cannot make it to the polls;
  • Demand voter ID, universal signature-matching, and citizenship verification; and
  • Enforce stringent chain of custody requirements.
Using COVID as an excuse, the Democrats ignored all the systems that ensure fair elections. The result was an "election process [that] is worse than that in many cases of a third-world country." And the Democrats, he said, are so proud of what they did, they "admitted [it] in Time Magazine[.] ... They just couldn't hold it in. They had to brag about it."
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
Get out the vote and vote and vote and vote again. 1 ballot run through 100 times, times 10000 anyone can win. Even the racist prick Joe Biden who called blacks Super Predators and had the greatest "Voter Fraud Organization". Dumbass fucks like you should just shut the fuck up and worry about your own country....

Biden says in video he has created 'voter fraud organization' | Fox News
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
But that was only part of it. The get out the vote effort...better known as Vote illegal in itself....but last minute changes of election law without the okay of the legislature is also illegal. Never mind the fact that key states set up a counting system that was rigged to help Biden. They had machines that were rebooted at the same time in the dark of night for some strange reason. Counting was ongoing even when the observers were told counting was shut down for the night. Signatures were not verified in absentee and mail-in ballots which is a must.
No evidence of election fraud?
My hairy nutsack!!!
So we're pretty much where we left off before the Stop the Steal insurrection? Just so you know, I ignore this foolishness, so don't bother on my account.
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
Total 100 percent BS. Vote counts were stopped in demrat controlled cites of Detroit, Philly and Atlanta until the demrats created enough votes to carry those states. Not to mention Chinese communist dominion software preforming their slanted counting.
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
So was everything Hitler and Stalin did. What's your point?
The point is that your Orange Baboon-God was outsmarted... again...
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
So was everything Hitler and Stalin did. What's your point?
The point is that your Orange Baboon-God was outsmarted... again...
Decent people are always shocked and surprised at the depths to which folks like you will sink.
So we're pretty much where we left off before the Stop the Steal insurrection? Just so you know, I ignore this foolishness, so don't bother on my account.
Pussies like you are the reason why Canada is all fucked up.

Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
No ma'am, It was not just a get out the vote effort. It was a conspiracy to manipulate the election for Biden and if we had a true justice system I doubt it would be deemed legal. From the article: That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information." That you can see the effort was for Biden gives lie to their statement that they weren't trying to control the outcome. That this happened should terrify people on both sides of political ideology.

The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election | Time
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
Get out the vote and vote and vote and vote again. 1 ballot run through 100 times, times 10000 anyone can win. Even the racist prick Joe Biden who called blacks Super Predators and had the greatest "Voter Fraud Organization". Dumbass fucks like you should just shut the fuck up and worry about your own country....

Biden says in video he has created 'voter fraud organization' | Fox News

Pretty sure Maine is one of the 57 states there, Tovarich.
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
No ma'am, It was not just a get out the vote effort. It was a conspiracy to manipulate the election for Biden and if we had a true justice system I doubt it would be deemed legal. From the article: That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information." That you can see the effort was for Biden gives lie to their statement that they weren't trying to control the outcome. That this happened should terrify people on both sides of political ideology.

The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election | Time
What do you call the concerted effort across media and tech to broadcast The Big Lie? They were just combatting the most dishonest hoax ever foisted on the American people by T**** and the Republican party.
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
Get out the vote and vote and vote and vote again. 1 ballot run through 100 times, times 10000 anyone can win. Even the racist prick Joe Biden who called blacks Super Predators and had the greatest "Voter Fraud Organization". Dumbass fucks like you should just shut the fuck up and worry about your own country....

Biden says in video he has created 'voter fraud organization' | Fox News

Pretty sure Maine is one of the 57 states there, Tovarich.
He likes to pretend I'm from Canada because he thinks it annoys me. Lol
Everything listed in the TIME article was perfectly legal. It was just a coordinated get out the vote effort. Of course he didn't like it--the effort was for Biden, and it worked.
Total 100 percent BS. Vote counts were stopped in demrat controlled cites of Detroit, Philly and Atlanta until the demrats created enough votes to carry those states. Not to mention Chinese communist dominion software preforming their slanted counting.

Two of those cities --- I won't even tell you which two, you'll have to actually break a sweat and look it up ---- don't even have political parties in their elections, Dumbass.

No votes were "stopped" anyway. That's yet more of your pathetic comic book fantasy. Time to grow up now.

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