Nick sandman looks happy I guess 200 million will do that haha

Yeah, they gave him $25.00 in go away money... but his face is still punchable...

25 MILLION, mr liar.

Since neither side has divulged the amount of the settlement, it would be extremely foolish of you to assume he got much of anything.

The fact they haven't said anything tells me it is a significant amount.

The fact that there is a gag order on the settlement is utterly meaningless to the amount.

The reality is that the case was very weak in the first place, hence the original dismissals.

My best guess is there was enough to pay the lawyers and not much more.

And Sandman is a child. He didn’t sue, his parents did. Sandman said he wished he had just walked away.

This is child abuse. Those children should not have been there.

Should not have been where?
This is child abuse. Those children should not have been there. I’d pull my kid outta that school for the dereliction of the chaperones’ responsibility to keep them safe.

So children, (near-adults, actually) should not be allowed to go out in public in supervised groups to participate in public activities?
Yeah, they gave him $25.00 in go away money... but his face is still punchable...

25 MILLION, mr liar.

Since neither side has divulged the amount of the settlement, it would be extremely foolish of you to assume he got much of anything.

The fact they haven't said anything tells me it is a significant amount.

The fact that there is a gag order on the settlement is utterly meaningless to the amount.

The reality is that the case was very weak in the first place, hence the original dismissals.

My best guess is there was enough to pay the lawyers and not much more.

And Sandman is a child. He didn’t sue, his parents did. Sandman said he wished he had just walked away.

This is child abuse. Those children should not have been there. I’d pull my kid outta that school for the dereliction of the chaperones’ responsibility to keep them safe.

You are absolutely wrong. Had the case been weak, as you claim, there is no way in hell that CNN would have settled.


It sets a precedent that others are now going to use against them. No, the case was solid, and they knew it.

That's why they bailed so fast.
The fact they haven't said anything tells me it is a significant amount.

It tells me the opposite. It tells me the lawyer got "Go away, you're bothering me, son!" money they are trying to spin into a victory. Probably Mommy and Daddy McPunchface saw the mounting legal bills and put a stop to this.

That's because you are an ignorant fool.

CNN only settled because they knew they would get crushed in a trial. The precedent of settling is too damaging had there been no case.

You are simply wrong. As usual.
Yeah, they gave him $25.00 in go away money... but his face is still punchable...

25 MILLION, mr liar.

Since neither side has divulged the amount of the settlement, it would be extremely foolish of you to assume he got much of anything.

The fact they haven't said anything tells me it is a significant amount.

The fact that there is a gag order on the settlement is utterly meaningless to the amount.

The reality is that the case was very weak in the first place, hence the original dismissals.

My best guess is there was enough to pay the lawyers and not much more.

And Sandman is a child. He didn’t sue, his parents did. Sandman said he wished he had just walked away.

This is child abuse. Those children should not have been there. I’d pull my kid outta that school for the dereliction of the chaperones’ responsibility to keep them safe.

My best guess is there was enough to pay the lawyers and not much more.

Why would paying the lawyers ever be an issue?
Don't you know how these cases work?
Yeah, they gave him $25.00 in go away money... but his face is still punchable...

25 MILLION, mr liar.

Since neither side has divulged the amount of the settlement, it would be extremely foolish of you to assume he got much of anything.

The fact they haven't said anything tells me it is a significant amount.

The fact that there is a gag order on the settlement is utterly meaningless to the amount.

The reality is that the case was very weak in the first place, hence the original dismissals.

My best guess is there was enough to pay the lawyers and not much more.

And Sandman is a child. He didn’t sue, his parents did. Sandman said he wished he had just walked away.

This is child abuse. Those children should not have been there. I’d pull my kid outta that school for the dereliction of the chaperones’ responsibility to keep them safe.

You are absolutely wrong. Had the case been weak, as you claim, there is no way in hell that CNN would have settled.


It sets a precedent that others are now going to use against them. No, the case was solid, and they knew it.

That's why they bailed so fast.

They did NOT bail fast. They bailed because it was cheaper than having a team of lawyers fight the case. I notice that the Washington Post and others are fighting the case. I have no idea of what CNN's coverage was like since I have no access to the channel, and no interest in watching it, if I did. But the case was initially tossed.

The boy's claim for "damages" would be negligible, at best. As a high school student, his reputation has little to no value, he lost no income, and no potential income. It would be hard to prove he's been harmed in any way at all. Except by his parents who pursued this foolish claim.
25 MILLION, mr liar.

Since neither side has divulged the amount of the settlement, it would be extremely foolish of you to assume he got much of anything.

The fact they haven't said anything tells me it is a significant amount.

The fact that there is a gag order on the settlement is utterly meaningless to the amount.

The reality is that the case was very weak in the first place, hence the original dismissals.

My best guess is there was enough to pay the lawyers and not much more.

And Sandman is a child. He didn’t sue, his parents did. Sandman said he wished he had just walked away.

This is child abuse. Those children should not have been there. I’d pull my kid outta that school for the dereliction of the chaperones’ responsibility to keep them safe.

You are absolutely wrong. Had the case been weak, as you claim, there is no way in hell that CNN would have settled.


It sets a precedent that others are now going to use against them. No, the case was solid, and they knew it.

That's why they bailed so fast.

They did NOT bail fast. They bailed because it was cheaper than having a team of lawyers fight the case. I notice that the Washington Post and others are fighting the case. I have no idea of what CNN's coverage was like since I have no access to the channel, and no interest in watching it, if I did. But the case was initially tossed.

The boy's claim for "damages" would be negligible, at best. As a high school student, his reputation has little to no value, he lost no income, and no potential income. It would be hard to prove he's been harmed in any way at all. Except by his parents who pursued this foolish claim.

You really are ignorant of the legal process. Or willfully blind. They bailed fast because they were going to get destroyed, and the fact that they ignored factual evidence that proved beyond doubt that Sandmann was innocent means that the jury would have FUCKED cnn to the max.

You can live in your infantile, ignorant, low information world, but the rest of us don't.
You are absolutely wrong. Had the case been weak, as you claim, there is no way in hell that CNN would have settled.


It sets a precedent that others are now going to use against them. No, the case was solid, and they knew it.

That's why they bailed so fast.

Or they just realized it was cheaper to pay "Go the fuck away" money than to have this get rehashed in the press over and over and over again.
You are absolutely wrong. Had the case been weak, as you claim, there is no way in hell that CNN would have settled.


It sets a precedent that others are now going to use against them. No, the case was solid, and they knew it.

That's why they bailed so fast.

Or they just realized it was cheaper to pay "Go the fuck away" money than to have this get rehashed in the press over and over and over again.

No, the LAST thing a media company would EVER want to do in this situation is pay money. PERIOD. It sets a precedent that ALL media companies are now going to be saddled with. The only reason why they settled is because they knew they were going to get fucked.

And rightfully so.
No, the LAST thing a media company would EVER want to do in this situation is pay money. PERIOD. It sets a precedent that ALL media companies are now going to be saddled with. The only reason why they settled is because they knew they were going to get fucked.

And rightfully so.

Companies settle these nuisance lawsuits all the time, because it's cheaper than litigating them.

Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers got a payday.. that was it.
No, the LAST thing a media company would EVER want to do in this situation is pay money. PERIOD. It sets a precedent that ALL media companies are now going to be saddled with. The only reason why they settled is because they knew they were going to get fucked.

And rightfully so.

Companies settle these nuisance lawsuits all the time, because it's cheaper than litigating them.

Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers got a payday.. that was it.

Companies settle these nuisance lawsuits all the time, because it's cheaper than litigating them.

You're kidding, right?

Media companies would die on the hill of defending the 1st Amendment.

But they knew they'd lose this one. Because it wasn't about the 1st Amendment.
It was about defamation.
I see where Mr. Sandmann and his lawyer have filed some more lawsuits, against more defendants. I would think that this must indicate that their outcome from this one was favorable enough that they think it was worth pursuing, and that others are equally likely to turn out to be worth pursuing.

If it was me in Mr. Sandmann's place, I would not accept any settlement that didn't require the defendant to make a public statement admitting their wrongdoing, that they knowingly made defamatory representations that were damaging to my reputation, knowing full well that those representations were likely to be false, and which, in fact,did turn out to be false.
No, the LAST thing a media company would EVER want to do in this situation is pay money. PERIOD. It sets a precedent that ALL media companies are now going to be saddled with. The only reason why they settled is because they knew they were going to get fucked.

And rightfully so.

Companies settle these nuisance lawsuits all the time, because it's cheaper than litigating them.

Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers got a payday.. that was it.
The lawyers only get 10% of that payday lol 200 million Wow! Dozens more to come hahaha.. hey democrats watch your mouth! Before the sandman comes and smacks ya down lol
No, the LAST thing a media company would EVER want to do in this situation is pay money. PERIOD. It sets a precedent that ALL media companies are now going to be saddled with. The only reason why they settled is because they knew they were going to get fucked.

And rightfully so.

Companies settle these nuisance lawsuits all the time, because it's cheaper than litigating them.

Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers got a payday.. that was it.
The lawyers only get 10% of that payday lol 200 million Wow! Dozens more to come hahaha.. hey democrats watch your mouth! Before the sandman comes and smacks ya down lol

Lawyers involved in lawsuits like this will get between 33% and 40% of any winnings.
No, the LAST thing a media company would EVER want to do in this situation is pay money. PERIOD. It sets a precedent that ALL media companies are now going to be saddled with. The only reason why they settled is because they knew they were going to get fucked.

And rightfully so.

Companies settle these nuisance lawsuits all the time, because it's cheaper than litigating them.

Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers got a payday.. that was it.
The lawyers only get 10% of that payday lol 200 million Wow! Dozens more to come hahaha.. hey democrats watch your mouth! Before the sandman comes and smacks ya down lol

Lawyers involved in lawsuits like this will get between 33% and 40% of any winnings.
Cool story
No, the LAST thing a media company would EVER want to do in this situation is pay money. PERIOD. It sets a precedent that ALL media companies are now going to be saddled with. The only reason why they settled is because they knew they were going to get fucked.

And rightfully so.

Companies settle these nuisance lawsuits all the time, because it's cheaper than litigating them.

Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers got a payday.. that was it.
The lawyers only get 10% of that payday lol 200 million Wow! Dozens more to come hahaha.. hey democrats watch your mouth! Before the sandman comes and smacks ya down lol

Lawyers involved in lawsuits like this will get between 33% and 40% of any winnings.
Cool story

As usual, what you call a "cool story" is a factually accurate statement.
Lawyers involved in lawsuits like this will get between 33% and 40% of any winnings.

Legal fees aren't exactly cheap. If the lawyers got enough out of this to make it worth their work in having pursued it, and if their share is no more than 40% of the total award, then Mr. Sandmann's remaining 60% to 65% is going to be a rather nice amount. Maybe not millions, but not exactly the nothing that JoeB131 is trying to make it out to be.
Lawyers involved in lawsuits like this will get between 33% and 40% of any winnings.

Legal fees aren't exactly cheap. If the lawyers got enough out of this to make it worth their work in having pursued it, and if their share is no more than 40% of the total award, then Mr. Sandmann's remaining 60% to 65% is going to be a rather nice amount. Maybe not millions, but not exactly the nothing that JoeB131 is trying to make it out to be.
From what I hear it’s around 15%
No, the LAST thing a media company would EVER want to do in this situation is pay money. PERIOD. It sets a precedent that ALL media companies are now going to be saddled with. The only reason why they settled is because they knew they were going to get fucked.

And rightfully so.

Companies settle these nuisance lawsuits all the time, because it's cheaper than litigating them.

Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers got a payday.. that was it.
The lawyers only get 10% of that payday lol 200 million Wow! Dozens more to come hahaha.. hey democrats watch your mouth! Before the sandman comes and smacks ya down lol

Lawyers involved in lawsuits like this will get between 33% and 40% of any winnings.

In general. However it is also not uncommon for media centered cases to get discounted rates because of the advertising benefits.

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