Nikki exists with no class, Kaz exists gracefully. So long and thanks for all the fish ...

Did I miss something? Is there any reason she should NOT have run, IF she wants to be president?
Any reason why she should not have taken it to the end, SO she could see how much political support she has?
Very few politicians understand Americans or even America. Most of them were raised in a fishbowl, went to the best schools, were fawned over, had the Red Carpet layed out for them everywhere they went....... Then, they grew up and went into politics.

They don't understand America or Americans. Just the game. They understand the ins and outs of "The Game".

We don't. We don't understand The Game and the game doesn't understand us. And that, Ladies and Gents, is why Trump is so popular....... He is not a politician. Never has been; until 2015.

All these others? Born and bred, raised to be politicians. Even Nikki. Her daddy was a perfesser and her mama was a lawyer.

Any questions about who steered her into politics? I don't hate her, I just don't have time for her and her ancient bullshit. The "Born To Rule" bullshit present in BOTH Parties but more so, MUCH more so, in the dimocrap scum party.

They work the system. They work inside the Party apparatus and can't understand why they get rejected by The People.

It's because they are not Of The People. They are Of THE SYSTEM.

They need to Learn To Code. ALL of them.

We do understand the system, the game.
We still want President Trump.
That was a personal comment on your negative post.
Had nothing to do with being a Liberal when it comes to the PERSONAL rights of women.

So now you're a mind reader are you, vermin? I said nothing about the "personal rights of women" being in any way different than men. But you just go let women with the wrong views know they aren't real women and blacks who don't vote for who you tell them to they aren't black. You're a terrible human being in every way, twat
Damn, some of you are harsh.

Is she the best choice, no.
Is she the worst, hell no.

Out of Trump or her, she is the worst, by far.

We're not harsh, we're REALISTIC. She is NOT the republican party. Not when she's had more democrat donors to her campaign than all other republican candidates combined.

They wanted her not because she could beat Biden, but because they knew she had no chance in hell of beating Biden. TRUMP does. Thus the 91 crimes.

97% of people who voted for Trump said they will vote for him in November. That percentage of Biden voters is now down into the low 80's. That's the election right there.
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I dunno
Americans have short memories.

Yeah, but we're talking about the base here. I mentioned I do understand how Trump supporters feel screwed by the system. Nikki failed to put herself in their shoes. She should have acknowledged the problem and didn't. I don't think this crowd will have short memories of what they see as her putting up another hurdle for Trump, but we'll see. I doubt they forget
Nikki is EXACTLY why I hate both parties. They get addicted to the praise and constant attention more than getting addicted to serving the American people. We are literally going to have to carry out the Pedophile in the Oval Office in a pine box. Nikki is a good woman and I think she still is, but wow, what a classless exit. She could have been graceful and said it's Trump's time. But instead the LOSER lectured him on how to campaign and didn't endorse Trump over JOE FUCKING BIDEN. It was sad and pathetic.

I believe she kamikazed her own career, and it was a totally self inflicted wound. The one good thing is she was being set up by the Democrats like Mitt Romney. Remember the Democrats campaigned FOR him in the primaries calling him a moderate and reasonable and they just didn't know how they would even run against him. Then when he did win they went nuts calling him an extremist and a dog killer. They had Halley all set up to be Romney II if she won. She clearly was NOT READY for that.

Anyway, this is literally my last day on the site. All the left has are double standards. I love debating issues, but when their position changes by party, that is pointless. I would like to thank a few people before I go:

1) Lakhota and the kaz hating hard left gang who ignored me. I was worn out on the site over a year ago and was tired of every post being answered with stupid illogical hate and racism, then they started ignoring me. I got to respond to their crap and they didn't respond making the site so much more enjoyable. People told me about them, they didn't realize what a pleasure it was to have people I kept putting on ignore do it to themselves. Thank you, guys.

2) Dont Taz Me Bro - Actually I have nothing to thank you for, but feel free to take over my account like you've done with Toro and the others and make me a lefist like you did them, LOL.

3) Billiejeens and Oddball and a bunch of other good people. Carry on the fight, my friends

Cool, but what the hell do you mean by Nikki exists?
Damn, some of you are harsh.

Is she the best choice, no.
Is she the worst, hell no.

I agree, she's not a bad candidate at all. I asked before what the accusations of "neocon" and such are based on and got nothing content wise back. She's better in my view than Romney and W and Dole easily. But this is Trump's last shot and that's why I don't understand her decision to fly her Zero into the battleship rather than ditching it and living to fight another day
Yeah, but we're talking about the base here. I mentioned I do understand how Trump supporters feel screwed by the system. Nikki failed to put herself in their shoes. She should have acknowledged the problem and didn't. I don't think this crowd will have short memories of what they see as her putting up another hurdle for Trump, but we'll see. I doubt they forget

It was hardly a hurdle, maybe a speed bump.
It was almost like she represented The Washington Generals and President Trump was The Harlem Globetrotters.
No matter how talented the Globetrotters are, if they are on the court by themselves, they are not as entertaining.
Nikki is EXACTLY why I hate both parties. They get addicted to the praise and constant attention more than getting addicted to serving the American people. We are literally going to have to carry out the Pedophile in the Oval Office in a pine box. Nikki is a good woman and I think she still is, but wow, what a classless exit. She could have been graceful and said it's Trump's time. But instead the LOSER lectured him on how to campaign and didn't endorse Trump over JOE FUCKING BIDEN. It was sad and pathetic.

I believe she kamikazed her own career, and it was a totally self inflicted wound. The one good thing is she was being set up by the Democrats like Mitt Romney. Remember the Democrats campaigned FOR him in the primaries calling him a moderate and reasonable and they just didn't know how they would even run against him. Then when he did win they went nuts calling him an extremist and a dog killer. They had Halley all set up to be Romney II if she won. She clearly was NOT READY for that.

Anyway, this is literally my last day on the site. All the left has are double standards. I love debating issues, but when their position changes by party, that is pointless. I would like to thank a few people before I go:

1) Lakhota and the kaz hating hard left gang who ignored me. I was worn out on the site over a year ago and was tired of every post being answered with stupid illogical hate and racism, then they started ignoring me. I got to respond to their crap and they didn't respond making the site so much more enjoyable. People told me about them, they didn't realize what a pleasure it was to have people I kept putting on ignore do it to themselves. Thank you, guys.

2) Dont Taz Me Bro - Actually I have nothing to thank you for, but feel free to take over my account like you've done with Toro and the others and make me a lefist like you did them, LOL.

3) Billiejeens and Oddball and a bunch of other good people. Carry on the fight, my friends

Thanks, will do.
  • Thanks
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Bull fucking shit. Same shit, different post with you. Get presented with facts....issue standard denial.
If Haley won, we'd be debating ISSUES. Not her character. Not her fitness for the job. Not her corruption.
She's a career politician. You get what you get with them.

Jeez, you can't even be genuine on your way (supposed) out the door.
Don't let it hit you in the ass. :)

Trump couldn't even discuss policy this morning.
Nikki is EXACTLY why I hate both parties. They get addicted to the praise and constant attention more than getting addicted to serving the American people. We are literally going to have to carry out the Pedophile in the Oval Office in a pine box. Nikki is a good woman and I think she still is, but wow, what a classless exit. She could have been graceful and said it's Trump's time. But instead the LOSER lectured him on how to campaign and didn't endorse Trump over JOE FUCKING BIDEN. It was sad and pathetic.

I believe she kamikazed her own career, and it was a totally self inflicted wound. The one good thing is she was being set up by the Democrats like Mitt Romney. Remember the Democrats campaigned FOR him in the primaries calling him a moderate and reasonable and they just didn't know how they would even run against him. Then when he did win they went nuts calling him an extremist and a dog killer. They had Halley all set up to be Romney II if she won. She clearly was NOT READY for that.

Anyway, this is literally my last day on the site. All the left has are double standards. I love debating issues, but when their position changes by party, that is pointless. I would like to thank a few people before I go:

1) Lakhota and the kaz hating hard left gang who ignored me. I was worn out on the site over a year ago and was tired of every post being answered with stupid illogical hate and racism, then they started ignoring me. I got to respond to their crap and they didn't respond making the site so much more enjoyable. People told me about them, they didn't realize what a pleasure it was to have people I kept putting on ignore do it to themselves. Thank you, guys.

2) Dont Taz Me Bro - Actually I have nothing to thank you for, but feel free to take over my account like you've done with Toro and the others and make me a lefist like you did them, LOL.

3) Billiejeens and Oddball and a bunch of other good people. Carry on the fight, my friends

The Defense contractors told her what to say

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