Nikki Haley: Biden will likely die within five years

Pedo Joe is a puppet…filler…a card board cut out for his handlers. He is not a president by any stretch of the imagination.
Joe Biden is your President and you need to own up to it. If you have evidence of pedophilia (none of this FAUX news bunk) as you claim, present the proof.
Joe Biden is far from a "card board cut out".
Joe Biden is the duly elected President of the United States of America. Nikki Haley has no qualifications to predict anything, let alone a lifespan.
Just going by statistics, he has 7 years left. But that factors in healthy 80-year-olds. Dementia will shorten his life. And besides, can you imagine how much more demented he will be in 5 years? You really want to vote for someone who may not remember his own name while in office?

As it is, he seems to have forgotten one of his own grandchildren.
Present your credentials for estimating lifespans or interpreting statistics. Joe Biden has forgotten no one. The only person that has forgotten anything is you. The ORANGE CHEETOH MESSIAH was shown the exit sign and he didn't want to leave and he wanted to overthrow the 100% safe and secure election. Nikki Haley has ZERO qualifications to predict lifespans, and neither do you.
Do not forget that. Write it down if you have to.
Lol, you're a clown
I present information that is 100% accurate and factual. If that makes me a clown so be it.
Nikki Haley is an embarrassment to herself for making this outrageous prediction. She is not qualified to make any such predictions.
You should print that article and use it as toilet paper and give it a flush.
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Present your credentials for estimating lifespans or interpreting statistics. Joe Biden has forgotten no one. The only person that has forgotten anything is you. The ORANGE CHEETOH MESSIAH was shown the exit sign and he didn't want to leave and he wanted to overthrow the 100% safe and secure election. Nikki Haley has ZERO qualifications to predict lifespans, and neither do you.
Do not forget that. Write it down if you have to.
Orange Cheeto?! Sorry, I don’t lower myself to engage with someone so common.
It's not a stretch. I mean it doesn't mean she has any special insight. For most people the odds aren't high they will make it to 86.

But then again, being willing to go to work for Trump is kind of a given we aren't working with the brightest among us.
^^^ this poster votes for a man with neurosyphilis which could include dementia
Everyone with a brain can see the difference in cognitive ability between Trump and Biden. The latter cannot formulate an answer to a question, cannot complete a simple sentence, and cannot remember what country he was in last week.

Your trying to make it as if TRUMP is the one with the serious mental incompetence would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Everyone with a brain can see the difference in cognitive ability between Trump and Biden. The latter cannot formulate an answer to a question, cannot complete a simple sentence, and cannot remember what country he was in last week.

Your trying to make it as if TRUMP is the one with the serious mental incompetence would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
trump is imbalanced, a bully, and an authoritarian lover
Biden passed the bar and is politically savvy. Trump couldn't pass a civil service exam and is politically inept.
Show us Joe Biden's the clinical diagnosis of dementia.
We are ALL waiting. Nikki Haley has ZERO qualifications to predict lifespans.
You have no qualifications to diagnosis the health of the President of the United States.
She illustrated her naked ignoranc

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