Nikki Haley: Biden will likely die within five years

I think it'll be earlier than 5 years.

She probably shouldn't have said that but the truth is the truth. Even though his age by itself is not really much of an issue, coupling it with his severe dementia and sliding downhill so damned fast, it is an issue. Kamala Harris is one heartbeat away from the presidency. Most presidents age 20 years during their time in office and Uncle Joe doesn't have much time to work with, given his obvious speedy decline.
It turned his skin Orange
More denials….that’s makeup or tanning solution.

But interesting - and predictable - attempt to deflect from the very obvious fact that Biden is in mid-stage dementia and can barely get up a flight of stairs. The poor old guy couldn’t even remember what country he was in last week.

The nation cannot elect a demented man to serve as the Communists‘ puppet. Nor can we afford to have a woman so inept she can’t say a sentence with any substance and is only in that position because she’s a black female.
So, this is all a bit misleading I think. Sure, one could think that’s what she is talking about, but there are other explanations.

Does anyone else notice that every video cuts off at the end of that sentence? All the articles written also only quote that specific phrase. Yesterday, i was listening to the radio and they actually played a more complete segment of that interview. The overall context was they were talking about bidens cognitive ability and they were talking about “competency tests”, and then she made that statement, and it was a bit unclear if she was suggesting that Biden would not be alive by 86, or if his cognitive ability wouldn’t make it to 86.

I’m not suggesting that that’s not what she meant…I’m just saying there is a bigger picture.

Also, I find it strange that I cannot find the larger video clip. I’ve searched “Fox News interview with Nikki Haley” “Fox news interview with Nikki Haley Biden won’t make it to 86”, “Nikki Haley says Biden won’t make it to 86”, “Nikki haley Biden 86”, both YouTube and online, and strangely, everything always pulls up just that clip, or stories quoting that phrase, I cannot seem to find the full interview…you would think that it would be easy to have the full video right away….

Anyway, if you can find the full interview, post it, because I’m not sure the context says what the media is saying..
But it’s true. The life expectancy of an 82-year-old male is 7 more years - and that of course is the average, Many 82-year-olds are intelligent with plenty of energy - heck, my dad (may he RIP) played golf until he was 90 - and thus bring the average up.

But when you add in Biden’s dementia and frailty, he is likely to be below the average. I’d say the odds of a man in his condition living another 7 years is 50/50.
Good god, it isn't about whether or not the heart is still beating but does Biden still possesses any working brain cells. According to all you left-wing fools, Biden is a good choice even if he is totally comatose, as long as he has a beating heart.
More denials….that’s makeup or tanning solution.

But interesting - and predictable - attempt to deflect from the very obvious fact that Biden is in mid-stage dementia and can barely get up a flight of stairs. The poor old guy couldn’t even remember what country he was in last week.

The nation cannot elect a demented man to serve as the Communists‘ puppet. Nor can we afford to have a woman so inept she can’t say a sentence with any substance and is only in that position because she’s a black female.

Show any legitimate diagnosis of dementia

I can make the same claim that Trumps behavior demonstrates dementia
Good god, it isn't about whether or not the heart is still beating but does Biden still possesses any working brain cells. According to all you left-wing fools, Biden is a good choice even if he is totally comatose, as long as he has a beating heart.
You’re talking to ME? I’m the one saying you can’t elected someone in his 80s already in mid-stage dementia!
You’re talking to ME? I’m the one saying you can’t elected someone in his 80s already in mid-stage dementia!
Sorry Lisa, I wasn't clear enough. Just calling out all the fools that voted for Biden and who would do it again.
Show any legitimate diagnosis of dementia

I can make the same claim that Trumps behavior demonstrates dementia
OK, WrongWinger, you put yourself in this position. Document all the things that even remotely show a sign of dementia in Trump. Don't even go near his personality because that pig won't fly.
Sorry Lisa, I wasn't clear enough. Just calling out all the fools that voted for Biden and who would do it again.

OK, WrongWinger, you put yourself in this position. Document all the things that even remotely show a sign of dementia in Trump. Don't even go near his personality because that pig won't fly.
Let’s see

Out of control temper
Extreme paranoia
Uncontrollable lying

Looks like Trump has dementia without doubt
People (Trump) with neurosyphilis may have one or more symptoms. They may also have no symptoms at all.
Possible symptoms of neurosyphilis include:
  • Partial paralysis or weakness, affecting one or more areas of the body
  • Emotional lability, a difficulty controlling emotions. Emotions may change quickly or fail to match the situation.
  • Difficulty with memory
  • Psychosis, where someone hears, sees, or believes things that aren't real
  • Personality changes
  • Changes in sensation in the limbs
  • Loss of, or changes in, coordination
  • Progressive dementia
People (Trump) with neurosyphilis may have one or more symptoms. They may also have no symptoms at all.
Possible symptoms of neurosyphilis include:
  • Partial paralysis or weakness, affecting one or more areas of the body
  • Emotional lability, a difficulty controlling emotions. Emotions may change quickly or fail to match the situation.
  • Difficulty with memory
  • Psychosis, where someone hears, sees, or believes things that aren't real
  • Personality changes
  • Changes in sensation in the limbs
  • Loss of, or changes in, coordination
  • Progressive dementia
Wow! Sounds exactly like Joe Biden.

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