Nikki Haley: "I will vote for Donald Trump."


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Will the Never Trumper's ever forgive her?

From her remarks, looks like she's trying to get some traction in the Veep-stakes.


She whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttt???????????????????????????

Is this for real? :p

Now that the NY show trial case against President Trump has come off the rails, she knows her only shot at a political future is as part of Trump Administration.

But I expect one TDS afflicted Never Trumper mod will hide this into a forum far, far away from Politics.
It's a Giant Douche vs. a Turd Sandwich all over again. South Park predicted it years ago. Now let's show then how much we care by not voting at all this time around.
I don't think that tRump will pick anyone with much notoriety

He ain't sharing the spotlight with anybody
I don't think his base would allow it.

Kamala Harris has a better shot of being Trumps VP than Nikki Hillary, IMO.
If I recall Nikki failed to kiss the ring when offered. That usually means second level post at best,
They always eventually come crawling back to kiss the ring and beg for forgiveness.

Disappointing, but not surprising.
Tulsi is a Vet. She gives a damn about America. But most of her career she has been a liberal on too many issues.

Has she come around a bit? Could be.

But not enough for her to merit a VEEP spot on the Trump ticket.
tRump would run away with it if he had Tulsi

But like I said

No way in hell will he pick someone that popular

He couldn't stand to see her getting ANY credit for him being elected

He is not wired like that
Tulsi is popular? Where?
Women have no business in leadership rolls such as POTUS or vice POTUS. They aren’t wired for that.
That’s all just silly Lib pushed retarded bullshit.

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