Nikki Haley op-ed in The Daily Wire: "Socialism Is Standing In The Way Of Social Justice"

She makes excellent's one that is 100 percent true about the left, and their divisionism policies: " There’s still work to be done, no question. But today’s liberals are standing in the way of progress. They claim to be fighting for social justice, but they’re really making it impossible to achieve a more just society. They claim to be “progressive,” but they’re dragging America backward."


"Socialism claims to be about achieving equality in every part of daily life. But it’s not equality of opportunity, where everyone has the freedom to soar. It’s equality of outcome, where everyone is destined to be the same.

The Left calls this “equity,” but there’s nothing equitable about it. Their whole vision depends on providing government with complete control over the American people. The goal isn’t to lift people up, it’s to level people out — which means tearing some down. Yet there’s no way to do that without tearing apart America in the process."

She's right...the left doesn't want to make the poor richer, they want to make the richer poorer...that's the goal of leftist policies, that is how leftist gain power and maintain power...keep folks poor, hungry and dependent
After she really messed up and showed herself a month or so ago now she's trying to worm her way back in? no.

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