Nikki Haley showing how the GOP Establishment still doesn't get it

Who says I haven't? Unlike you, I'm not a worshipper, excusing - or happily oblivious to - the faults of my chosen candidate. Learn the difference between "listened and decided to support" and "decided to support and then refused to listen."

Cruz is "the next Dubya"? What does that mean? What is your proof? Please explain. I have never said anything about Trump that wasn't specific and supportable by his own words and actions. Show your work.

Dude, you don't even have to go outside this thread to know I don't worship Trump. In fact, that reality has been clear in nearly every message.

I don't have time to dig for you honestly. I'm just telling you my inclination that Cruz will give you big government like the rest. He came out trying to be strong on anti immigration and be mr. tea party and that ended up being a lie.

1) Unless you know a lot of "dudes" named Cecilie, please try to be less clueless.

2) I not only don't have to go outside this thread, I don't intend to. We're dealing with what you're saying right here, right now, and right here and now, you're shilling for Trump.

3) "I don't have time to dig for you, honestly" translates to "I just like making wild-assed accusations, how DARE you expect me to prove it! YOU do my homework for me!"

I'm just telling YOU your inclination is a gigantic load of rationalizing horseshit based on your vague "feelz", and "I'm MUCH too busy to tell you why" just proves it. Can't prove he's a liar? Then as far as I'm concerned, YOU are the liar. Can't tell me what the fuck "the next Dubya means"? Then as far as I'm concerned, it means you checked your brain at the door of the Trump rally.

Don't be calling me clueless, dude, when you know I ain't one to worship Trump. I didn't say you have to go outside the thread. I've said plenty against Trump or otherwise been skeptical of him. But at least I'm not stupid enough to hold out hope that this will be the one time the GOP actually gets sh** done. That ain't happening. Bush set the tone when he called Islam a religion of peace and the GOP fell in line. Same with immigration. Cruz can say what he wants; but he's in the corporatists' pockets. You want to talk about rationalizing; you're all up in it.

You keep calling me "dude", so yeah, you're clueless. Don't like it? Learn to tell girls from boys. Even my 7-year-old has mastered that.

You can say what you want, but until you back up "Cruz is in the corporatists' pockets" (whatever the fuck a "corporatist" is, since it's not a word) with some proof, you're just spewing empty feces out your OTHER asshole.

You're not "digging for me", lazy ass. It's YOUR fucking statements, so it's YOUR fucking homework to substantiate them. I don't personally care; I've already assumed you're an idiot on this subject, so I'll be just as happy to shrug and say, "No proof, so I was right."

Already showed you that Mr. Hardcore Conservative was really Mr. Amnesty, dude. Anyone getting a Bush endorsement should be all the signal you need. They're the biggest corporatists of all.

No, you already showed me that you're determined to believe it no matter what the facts, "dude". And frankly, your mindless clinging to that mode of address is all the signal I need.

Fucking idiot = CHECK!

And vague, sinister cryings of "Booooosh!" like a fucking liberal don't help.
3) Everyone who's been paying attention, rather than just waking up last fall and going, "Ooh, an election . . . with a celebrity! How exciting!" knows that Cruz did NOT support amnesty. He proposed an amendment to a bad bill, which he did not support, in an effort to mitigate its damage. It's called "working with the system you've got".

:lmao: Cruz didn't support the bill; he just went along with it :lmao: What kind of horse sh** is that? When you actually stupidly attempt to justify their nonsense for them, that's when they know they got you snared.

Oh, well, okay, if you're going to ignore what I said and argue with what you want me to have said, then you can do that in your mirror without wasting my time. Buh bye. :fu:
REAL conservatives know how to figure out if someone's conservative or not all by their onesy.
Great! Who are the "real conservatives"?

People who actually hold conservative ideals and principles.

Basically, as I said, if you have to ask, you aren't one.

You are an ideological nut case, that much is clear.

All these little fools that get into their esoteric navel gazing and chat every issue up in their ideological echo chambers are just hilarious when they try to tell people who work in the REAL WORLD, what is what.

If you are the kind of conservative that runs the GOP Establishment, I hope the party dies a slow and painful death.

I always loved it when leftists hilariously accused me of their own sins, and it's not any less funny when cultists of the slimeball Trump do it, as it turns out.

The funniest thing, though, is that you lackwits actually make the left look marginally sane and intelligent. How does it feel to have raced to the bottom of the brains scale for this message board?
Dude, you don't even have to go outside this thread to know I don't worship Trump. In fact, that reality has been clear in nearly every message.

I don't have time to dig for you honestly. I'm just telling you my inclination that Cruz will give you big government like the rest. He came out trying to be strong on anti immigration and be mr. tea party and that ended up being a lie.

1) Unless you know a lot of "dudes" named Cecilie, please try to be less clueless.

2) I not only don't have to go outside this thread, I don't intend to. We're dealing with what you're saying right here, right now, and right here and now, you're shilling for Trump.

3) "I don't have time to dig for you, honestly" translates to "I just like making wild-assed accusations, how DARE you expect me to prove it! YOU do my homework for me!"

I'm just telling YOU your inclination is a gigantic load of rationalizing horseshit based on your vague "feelz", and "I'm MUCH too busy to tell you why" just proves it. Can't prove he's a liar? Then as far as I'm concerned, YOU are the liar. Can't tell me what the fuck "the next Dubya means"? Then as far as I'm concerned, it means you checked your brain at the door of the Trump rally.

Don't be calling me clueless, dude, when you know I ain't one to worship Trump. I didn't say you have to go outside the thread. I've said plenty against Trump or otherwise been skeptical of him. But at least I'm not stupid enough to hold out hope that this will be the one time the GOP actually gets sh** done. That ain't happening. Bush set the tone when he called Islam a religion of peace and the GOP fell in line. Same with immigration. Cruz can say what he wants; but he's in the corporatists' pockets. You want to talk about rationalizing; you're all up in it.

You keep calling me "dude", so yeah, you're clueless. Don't like it? Learn to tell girls from boys. Even my 7-year-old has mastered that.

You can say what you want, but until you back up "Cruz is in the corporatists' pockets" (whatever the fuck a "corporatist" is, since it's not a word) with some proof, you're just spewing empty feces out your OTHER asshole.

You're not "digging for me", lazy ass. It's YOUR fucking statements, so it's YOUR fucking homework to substantiate them. I don't personally care; I've already assumed you're an idiot on this subject, so I'll be just as happy to shrug and say, "No proof, so I was right."

Already showed you that Mr. Hardcore Conservative was really Mr. Amnesty, dude. Anyone getting a Bush endorsement should be all the signal you need. They're the biggest corporatists of all.

No, you already showed me that you're determined to believe it no matter what the facts, "dude". And frankly, your mindless clinging to that mode of address is all the signal I need.

Fucking idiot = CHECK!

And vague, sinister cryings of "Booooosh!" like a fucking liberal don't help.

“I have great respect for George W Bush, and was proud to work on his 2000 campaign and in his administration," Cruz said.

Read more: George W. Bush unleashes on Ted Cruz
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This is what Cruz said after GWB basically called Cruz a spineless leach. The guy will be what he needs to be when he needs to be it. He's not going to solve sh**. It'll be business as usual; and we all fucking know it. Maybe, you're happy with the status quo.
3) Everyone who's been paying attention, rather than just waking up last fall and going, "Ooh, an election . . . with a celebrity! How exciting!" knows that Cruz did NOT support amnesty. He proposed an amendment to a bad bill, which he did not support, in an effort to mitigate its damage. It's called "working with the system you've got".

:lmao: Cruz didn't support the bill; he just went along with it :lmao: What kind of horse sh** is that? When you actually stupidly attempt to justify their nonsense for them, that's when they know they got you snared.

Oh, well, okay, if you're going to ignore what I said and argue with what you want me to have said, then you can do that in your mirror without wasting my time. Buh bye. :fu:

I ignored nothing. You were giving me lame rationalizations for Cruz supporting amnesty. But if you need to take your ball and go home and have a good cry; then, do what you got to do. :lmao:
I always loved it when leftists hilariously accused me of their own sins, and it's not any less funny when cultists of the slimeball Trump do it, as it turns out.

The funniest thing, though, is that you lackwits actually make the left look marginally sane and intelligent. How does it feel to have raced to the bottom of the brains scale for this message board?
Oh, blah,blah, blah.

You and I both know that Niki Haley is a whore who betrayed a life long friend who helped her get into office so she could hitch her whoring ass to Rubios star.

IT failed, and she failed, and I cannot wait till she is out of office and on her ass on the street once more, selling BJs for a dollar.
oh horse pucky, Haley did not save Rubios campaign and she backstabbed Jeb! to do it.

She sure did and for her effort she'd have gotten his VP offer she got and she took it. Jeb! was sucking wind by S.Carolina...even Nikki couldn't have saved him there. And she stuck by her guns and campaigned for Marco in northern Florida...true to the end. And she's got nice tits.

Rubio/Haley 2016! :eusa_dance:
She sure did and for her effort she'd have gotten his VP offer she got and she took it.

So you confirm what I have been alleging all along; Niki Haley chose Rubio over Jeb! because Rubio gave her a better offer.

She is a whore.
So you confirm what I have been alleging all along; Niki Haley chose Rubio over Jeb! because Rubio gave her a better offer.

She is a whore.

We're all whores in one way or another; that's why it's the world's oldest profession. :lol:

Speak for yourself.

There is a basic need for honesty in our society, and letting people buy your support is a cancer on our social system.

If I know that a client is asking for something that is impossible, then I have a duty to tell him the Truth, and not just hold my tongue and take his money.

Part of the reason we had the last real estate market crash was that the ratings agencies were not giving honest ratings on CDOs, MBS, etc because if the did the banks would take their business to another rating agency where they knew they would get the rating they wanted. The resulting crash was as bad as it was in part because everyone was trusting rating agencies like Moody's to be honest about the AAA MBS ratings.

Liars and whores like Haley are a cancer that is killing our entire civilization.
Liars and whores like Haley are a cancer that is killing our entire civilization.

You need to read your own siggy again. :rolleyes-41:

In every agricultural industry I have ever worked in, there comes a time to burn off the rot, the overgrowth of weeds and the poison oak, so you can restore the underlying land to some kind of quality.

that is why the Joker makes more sense when you grow up and see what whores like Haley have turned everything into.
In every agricultural industry I have ever worked in, there comes a time to burn off the rot, the overgrowth of weeds and the poison oak, so you can restore the underlying land to some kind of quality.

that is why the Joker makes more sense when you grow up and see what whores like Haley have turned everything into.

WTF is the matter with you today? You sound like a woman-hating moron calling Nikki Haley a "whore"...she's a politician and a damn good one. Use your "joker" theory on your boy the about rot...
WTF is the matter with you today? You sound like a woman-hating moron calling Nikki Haley a "whore"...she's a politician and a damn good one. Use your "joker" theory on your boy the about rot...

Niki Haley is the epitome of our national culture and the system of corruption, fraud and deceit that manages the herds of people well enough that the elites think that they can abandon ship before they have to start swimming.

It isnt going to work that way for 98% of them, you and me included.

"We live in an era of fraud in America. Not just in banking, but in government, education, religion, food. Even baseball…
For fifteen thousand years, fraud and short sighted thinking have never, ever worked. Not once. Eventually you get caught, things go south.
When the hell did we forget all that?" - Mark Baum
Niki Haley is the epitome of our national culture and the system of corruption, fraud and deceit that manages the herds of people well enough that the elites think that they can abandon ship before they have to start swimming.

Look, it was a supposition on my part that she was offered the VP slot...might never have happened. So let's say it didn't....does that remove her "whore" factor with you?
Niki Haley is the epitome of our national culture and the system of corruption, fraud and deceit that manages the herds of people well enough that the elites think that they can abandon ship before they have to start swimming.

Look, it was a supposition on my part that she was offered the VP slot...might never have happened. So let's say it didn't....does that remove her "whore" factor with you?

But you and I know that is how these politicians buy their support.

The details dont matter; it is the inherent corruption of our system that is the key here.

When these people 'support' a candidate, it is supposed to mean that they did their duty and investigated the candidate and they are giving their pledge that this is the best candidate. That is why nobody listens to the bullshit any more; everyone knows a deal was cut for the support and all such 'support' is evidence of is who has the power and money to buy so many supporters.

It is exactly like all these celebrities that plug products for the money and couldnt care less if the product actually works and they have never used it themselves, but they say things like 'I use this every day and it really works.'

Bullshit. IT is all now nothing more than just pure 100% grade bullshit.
But you and I know that is how these politicians buy their support.

The details dont matter; it is the inherent corruption of our system that is the key here.

When these people 'support' a candidate, it is supposed to mean that they did their duty and investigated the candidate and they are giving their pledge that this is the best candidate. That is why nobody listens to the bullshit any more; everyone knows a deal was cut for the support and all such 'support' is evidence of is who has the power and money to buy so many supporters.

It is exactly like all these celebrities that plug products for the money and couldnt care less if the product actually works and they have never used it themselves, but they say things like 'I use this every day and it really works.'

Bullshit. IT is all now nothing more than just pure 100% grade bullshit.

Okay, but compared to a world history full of nepotist kings and other tyrants, our system is pretty damn good. Money will always turn into power. You and everybody here had a chance to support Rubio...he came from nothing and got pretty far, but lost out to the likes of Cruz, a liar and a creep, and Trump, who has no idea what he's doing in politics or trying to run a government like a real estate empire. I'm too far past caring to give a shit about any of them now. I thought Rubio had a Jack Kennedy thing going and would have beat Grannypants like a rug. So now I'm just watching the show and not planning on ever voting again.
Okay, but compared to a world history full of nepotist kings and other tyrants, our system is pretty damn good.

No, actually the vast majority of monarchies and even dictatorships have been more honest and gave more freedom to their people than the current US system.

The most basic duty of every government is the same since St Paul wrote in the New Testament that the duty of government was to punish the wicked and corrupt and to protect and uphold the honest righteous people in their society.

Our government no longer does that and that is in large part due to the whores that run our government, who tell lies for cash, who have no honor or even basic integrity any more.

Money will always turn into power.

Which is why itmust be restricted, regulated and watched like a hawk on a field mouse.

You and everybody here had a chance to support Rubio...he came from nothing and got pretty far, but lost out to the likes of Cruz, a liar and a creep, and Trump, who has no idea what he's doing in politics or trying to run a government like a real estate empire.

Rubio is another whore, willing to sell his ass to the highest bidder of the moment and he lied so badly he was insulting in the way he lied. Fuck Rubio.

I'm too far past caring to give a shit about any of them now. I thought Rubio had a Jack Kennedy thing going and would have beat Grannypants like a rug. So now I'm just watching the show and not planning on ever voting again.

You are not talking about the root problem,cleaning up the corporate crony system, but are concerned only with photogenics and style.

That wont save our country, but then again I am not sure that anything can any more.

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