Nikki Haley showing how the GOP Establishment still doesn't get it


Watching Trump speak about immigration in Tucson now. He is very plain spoken; his stance is pretty undeniable. And he's mocking Cruz for being a Johnny-Come-Lately on the wall.

Lying about Cruz? Not shocking at all

He's not lying. He's saying Cruz is trying to make it an issue now whereas he hasn't been. I have no idea what he may have thought at one point; and that's sort of the point. Cruz was lying in the weeds waiting for candidates to picked off and make it to the final two and wait and see if Trump would f it up from there. The dude is a snake in the grass; nothing more.

. . . says the person who admits he didn't listen to any of the debates, because it would have been impossible to do so and not hear the things you say you never heard from Trump.

Ted Cruz authored an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in 2006 on the case of Lopez v Gonzales, advocating strict punishment of felons who enter the country illegally.
Ted Cruz introduced the Stop Amnesty Bill in 2012 to defund the Obama Administration's executive order granting amnesty to illegals under 30.
Ted Cruz, also in 2012, advocated tripling the size of the Border Patrol, opposed in-state tuition for illegals, the building of a border wall (although Cruz at least recognizes that there are places on the border which make it physically unfeasible and that border security requires a great deal more), advocated allowing police officers to question detainees on their immigration status (as Arizona does), rejected any "path to citizenship" for people in the country illegally, advocating instead that Congress use its power of the purse to stop any illegal executive orders in that direction from the President.

So no, Cruz is not the Johnny-Come-Lately on immigration. But wait. Where was Trump on the subject during that same time period?

When Trump had the Bonwit Teller building demolished to build Trump Tower, the work was done by illegal immigrants. Trump testified in court that "he didn't know anything about the hiring practices" of the subcontractors he paid for. It was alleged in that same court case that he, in fact, overlooked the hiring of illegals to bring the project in fast and under budget, and that his company threatened the illegals with deportation if they complained about conditions or the fact that they were subsequently not paid everything they were owed.
Workers on his Trump International Hotel, currently under construction, allege that much of the labor there is illegal immigrants. Trump again claims his defense is that he has no idea what the people who work for him are doing in relation to verifying legal status of workers.
Since 2006, his Mar-A-Lago Club in Florida has imported hundreds of foreign workers.
In 2012, following the election, Trump advocated a path to citizenship for illegals remarkably similar to Obama's plan.

The truth is, Trump only became hardline on immigration in 2015, and that just long enough to get the talking point out to his minions. He is now advocating "flexibility" and a "merit system" for allowing illegals to remain if they're good enough.

So you tell me: who's lying? Who's a Johnny-Come-Lately? Who's really trustworthy on this subject? And how in the hell can you be making assertions about EITHER candidate when you don't know any of this?

I never admitted that I haven't caught any of the debates. But I know what you're trying to cite, so I'll just call that an excusable error.

I have no doubt that Cruz has thrown his bones to the conservatives. But he's still big govt. as fuck. What do you honestly think you're going to get? Maybe tax rates not going through the roof? Health care will still be a mess. He ain't going to make that efficient. Oh, but a few Mexican criminals are in jail longer so let's give him a giant pat on the back.

Trump was a shrewd businessman. I'm sure you'll find plenty of blemishes on his record. But he's going to be shrewd for America now. He's right. We do sh** and don't get anything back. That needs to change. I'm not painting Trump as a good guy. Hell, when he says Saudi Arabia are good people, I know he's full of sh** and I have to wonder if he'll really not be putting a knife in our back at the end of the day. I'm saying he's different though and he'll finally change out some of this nonsense. Cruz is just another Bush. You can take that to the bank.
Haven't you heard? Everybody is the establishment now if you're against The Donald, the only true RINO running for the GOP nomination. How's that for irony?

Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

Why is Trump winning? Because we have a distressingly large number of imbeciles in this country who want to be respected for their "feelz" and who want to hear simplistic answers, whether they're right or not.

How else do you explain defining Trump's flip-flopping as "straight talk"? All he's really telling you straight is that he thinks you're a bunch of idiots and he's laughing at you.

You're right to be skeptical of Trump. You should take that same skepticism and apply it to Cruz. If you vote him in, you're getting the next Dubya.

Who says I haven't? Unlike you, I'm not a worshipper, excusing - or happily oblivious to - the faults of my chosen candidate. Learn the difference between "listened and decided to support" and "decided to support and then refused to listen."

Cruz is "the next Dubya"? What does that mean? What is your proof? Please explain. I have never said anything about Trump that wasn't specific and supportable by his own words and actions. Show your work.

Dude, you don't even have to go outside this thread to know I don't worship Trump. In fact, that reality has been clear in nearly every message.

I don't have time to dig for you honestly. I'm just telling you my inclination that Cruz will give you big government like the rest. He came out trying to be strong on anti immigration and be mr. tea party and that ended up being a lie.

1) Unless you know a lot of "dudes" named Cecilie, please try to be less clueless.

2) I not only don't have to go outside this thread, I don't intend to. We're dealing with what you're saying right here, right now, and right here and now, you're shilling for Trump.

3) "I don't have time to dig for you, honestly" translates to "I just like making wild-assed accusations, how DARE you expect me to prove it! YOU do my homework for me!"

I'm just telling YOU your inclination is a gigantic load of rationalizing horseshit based on your vague "feelz", and "I'm MUCH too busy to tell you why" just proves it. Can't prove he's a liar? Then as far as I'm concerned, YOU are the liar. Can't tell me what the fuck "the next Dubya means"? Then as far as I'm concerned, it means you checked your brain at the door of the Trump rally.
So we elect a corrupt corporate who has already stated everything on immigration is negotiable and that we only need to build half a wall now?

I don't recall any of that, tbh.

Really? Because he said those things and yet its ignored excused etc

Feel free to post such matters. I'm saying, I've not heard him say such things.

Then what in the hell did you listen to, exactly, that made you decide the nation HAD to have him for President? I literally cannot think of any way you could possibly know anything about Donald Trump sufficient to vote for him WITHOUT having heard him say these things. Did you have your fingers in your ears?

I never said I'm voting for Trump. I probably won't honestly. But I'm saying the GOP was corroded to the core; and that includes Cruz. He brilliantly tried to sell himself as the hardcore conservative; but he's big govt. as fuck; and I don't want to give that bozo a chance. At least Trump has came out and said no, fuck the Muslims, we know your game. Fuck China ripping us off. And fuck Mexico coming in and drying us up of services. And he's done it in no uncertain terms and without equivocating like the party always does.

Oooh, look, more blank assertions that you "don't have time to dig up", but they're true, it happened, HONEST! We should just take your word for it that there were lies . . . somewhere, you don't know where, you're too BUSY.

Tell you what, Chuckles. Since you're so short on fucking time, how's about you stop wasting so much of it posting about things you think you know but have no intention of substantiating? I bet if you cut out every single "Cruz is a liar; he's big government; he just IS!" post you slobbered out, you'd have freed up oodles of time in this day.

I don't really give a shit whether you claim to be voting for Trump or not. The issue is that you're flacking for him and have exactly shit-all to say with any more weight than a puff of warm hydrogen.

Cite the lie, or understand that you're proving yourself to be the liar. Simple as that. It's not quite as pithy as "fuck everything!" but even a Trumpette should be able to grasp it.
Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

Why is Trump winning? Because we have a distressingly large number of imbeciles in this country who want to be respected for their "feelz" and who want to hear simplistic answers, whether they're right or not.

How else do you explain defining Trump's flip-flopping as "straight talk"? All he's really telling you straight is that he thinks you're a bunch of idiots and he's laughing at you.

You're right to be skeptical of Trump. You should take that same skepticism and apply it to Cruz. If you vote him in, you're getting the next Dubya.

Who says I haven't? Unlike you, I'm not a worshipper, excusing - or happily oblivious to - the faults of my chosen candidate. Learn the difference between "listened and decided to support" and "decided to support and then refused to listen."

Cruz is "the next Dubya"? What does that mean? What is your proof? Please explain. I have never said anything about Trump that wasn't specific and supportable by his own words and actions. Show your work.

Dude, you don't even have to go outside this thread to know I don't worship Trump. In fact, that reality has been clear in nearly every message.

I don't have time to dig for you honestly. I'm just telling you my inclination that Cruz will give you big government like the rest. He came out trying to be strong on anti immigration and be mr. tea party and that ended up being a lie.

1) Unless you know a lot of "dudes" named Cecilie, please try to be less clueless.

2) I not only don't have to go outside this thread, I don't intend to. We're dealing with what you're saying right here, right now, and right here and now, you're shilling for Trump.

3) "I don't have time to dig for you, honestly" translates to "I just like making wild-assed accusations, how DARE you expect me to prove it! YOU do my homework for me!"

I'm just telling YOU your inclination is a gigantic load of rationalizing horseshit based on your vague "feelz", and "I'm MUCH too busy to tell you why" just proves it. Can't prove he's a liar? Then as far as I'm concerned, YOU are the liar. Can't tell me what the fuck "the next Dubya means"? Then as far as I'm concerned, it means you checked your brain at the door of the Trump rally.

Don't be calling me clueless, dude, when you know I ain't one to worship Trump. I didn't say you have to go outside the thread. I've said plenty against Trump or otherwise been skeptical of him. But at least I'm not stupid enough to hold out hope that this will be the one time the GOP actually gets sh** done. That ain't happening. Bush set the tone when he called Islam a religion of peace and the GOP fell in line. Same with immigration. Cruz can say what he wants; but he's in the corporatists' pockets. You want to talk about rationalizing; you're all up in it.
I don't recall any of that, tbh.

Really? Because he said those things and yet its ignored excused etc

Feel free to post such matters. I'm saying, I've not heard him say such things.

Then what in the hell did you listen to, exactly, that made you decide the nation HAD to have him for President? I literally cannot think of any way you could possibly know anything about Donald Trump sufficient to vote for him WITHOUT having heard him say these things. Did you have your fingers in your ears?

I never said I'm voting for Trump. I probably won't honestly. But I'm saying the GOP was corroded to the core; and that includes Cruz. He brilliantly tried to sell himself as the hardcore conservative; but he's big govt. as fuck; and I don't want to give that bozo a chance. At least Trump has came out and said no, fuck the Muslims, we know your game. Fuck China ripping us off. And fuck Mexico coming in and drying us up of services. And he's done it in no uncertain terms and without equivocating like the party always does.

Oooh, look, more blank assertions that you "don't have time to dig up", but they're true, it happened, HONEST! We should just take your word for it that there were lies . . . somewhere, you don't know where, you're too BUSY.

Tell you what, Chuckles. Since you're so short on fucking time, how's about you stop wasting so much of it posting about things you think you know but have no intention of substantiating? I bet if you cut out every single "Cruz is a liar; he's big government; he just IS!" post you slobbered out, you'd have freed up oodles of time in this day.

I don't really give a shit whether you claim to be voting for Trump or not. The issue is that you're flacking for him and have exactly shit-all to say with any more weight than a puff of warm hydrogen.

Cite the lie, or understand that you're proving yourself to be the liar. Simple as that. It's not quite as pithy as "fuck everything!" but even a Trumpette should be able to grasp it.

Remember when Cruz came out all Mr. Hardcore Conservative Enough Of Illegal Immigration Guy? Then, he supports Amnesty? Dude's Bushy. Deal with it.

Fox News Is Getting Really Good at Catching Ted Cruz in Lies

On cue: Bush Cruz!

Bush, the former Florida governor once considered a mainstream Republican powerhouse, dropped out of the contest in February after weak showings in early primaries. "Ted is a consistent, principled conservative who has shown he can unite the party," he tweeted. Bush added on his Facebook page that Republicans "must overcome the divisiveness and vulgarity Donald Trump has brought into the political arena" or risk losing to Clinton.

GOP loves their feel good "I'm Mr. Conservative" chest thumping and only acting like Democrats once they take office.
Why is Trump winning? Because we have a distressingly large number of imbeciles in this country who want to be respected for their "feelz" and who want to hear simplistic answers, whether they're right or not.

How else do you explain defining Trump's flip-flopping as "straight talk"? All he's really telling you straight is that he thinks you're a bunch of idiots and he's laughing at you.

You're right to be skeptical of Trump. You should take that same skepticism and apply it to Cruz. If you vote him in, you're getting the next Dubya.

Who says I haven't? Unlike you, I'm not a worshipper, excusing - or happily oblivious to - the faults of my chosen candidate. Learn the difference between "listened and decided to support" and "decided to support and then refused to listen."

Cruz is "the next Dubya"? What does that mean? What is your proof? Please explain. I have never said anything about Trump that wasn't specific and supportable by his own words and actions. Show your work.

Dude, you don't even have to go outside this thread to know I don't worship Trump. In fact, that reality has been clear in nearly every message.

I don't have time to dig for you honestly. I'm just telling you my inclination that Cruz will give you big government like the rest. He came out trying to be strong on anti immigration and be mr. tea party and that ended up being a lie.

1) Unless you know a lot of "dudes" named Cecilie, please try to be less clueless.

2) I not only don't have to go outside this thread, I don't intend to. We're dealing with what you're saying right here, right now, and right here and now, you're shilling for Trump.

3) "I don't have time to dig for you, honestly" translates to "I just like making wild-assed accusations, how DARE you expect me to prove it! YOU do my homework for me!"

I'm just telling YOU your inclination is a gigantic load of rationalizing horseshit based on your vague "feelz", and "I'm MUCH too busy to tell you why" just proves it. Can't prove he's a liar? Then as far as I'm concerned, YOU are the liar. Can't tell me what the fuck "the next Dubya means"? Then as far as I'm concerned, it means you checked your brain at the door of the Trump rally.

Don't be calling me clueless, dude, when you know I ain't one to worship Trump. I didn't say you have to go outside the thread. I've said plenty against Trump or otherwise been skeptical of him. But at least I'm not stupid enough to hold out hope that this will be the one time the GOP actually gets sh** done. That ain't happening. Bush set the tone when he called Islam a religion of peace and the GOP fell in line. Same with immigration. Cruz can say what he wants; but he's in the corporatists' pockets. You want to talk about rationalizing; you're all up in it.

You keep calling me "dude", so yeah, you're clueless. Don't like it? Learn to tell girls from boys. Even my 7-year-old has mastered that.

You can say what you want, but until you back up "Cruz is in the corporatists' pockets" (whatever the fuck a "corporatist" is, since it's not a word) with some proof, you're just spewing empty feces out your OTHER asshole.

You're not "digging for me", lazy ass. It's YOUR fucking statements, so it's YOUR fucking homework to substantiate them. I don't personally care; I've already assumed you're an idiot on this subject, so I'll be just as happy to shrug and say, "No proof, so I was right."
Really? Because he said those things and yet its ignored excused etc

Feel free to post such matters. I'm saying, I've not heard him say such things.

Then what in the hell did you listen to, exactly, that made you decide the nation HAD to have him for President? I literally cannot think of any way you could possibly know anything about Donald Trump sufficient to vote for him WITHOUT having heard him say these things. Did you have your fingers in your ears?

I never said I'm voting for Trump. I probably won't honestly. But I'm saying the GOP was corroded to the core; and that includes Cruz. He brilliantly tried to sell himself as the hardcore conservative; but he's big govt. as fuck; and I don't want to give that bozo a chance. At least Trump has came out and said no, fuck the Muslims, we know your game. Fuck China ripping us off. And fuck Mexico coming in and drying us up of services. And he's done it in no uncertain terms and without equivocating like the party always does.

Oooh, look, more blank assertions that you "don't have time to dig up", but they're true, it happened, HONEST! We should just take your word for it that there were lies . . . somewhere, you don't know where, you're too BUSY.

Tell you what, Chuckles. Since you're so short on fucking time, how's about you stop wasting so much of it posting about things you think you know but have no intention of substantiating? I bet if you cut out every single "Cruz is a liar; he's big government; he just IS!" post you slobbered out, you'd have freed up oodles of time in this day.

I don't really give a shit whether you claim to be voting for Trump or not. The issue is that you're flacking for him and have exactly shit-all to say with any more weight than a puff of warm hydrogen.

Cite the lie, or understand that you're proving yourself to be the liar. Simple as that. It's not quite as pithy as "fuck everything!" but even a Trumpette should be able to grasp it.

Remember when Cruz came out all Mr. Hardcore Conservative Enough Of Illegal Immigration Guy? Then, he supports Amnesty? Dude's Bushy. Deal with it.

Fox News Is Getting Really Good at Catching Ted Cruz in Lies

1) With the exception of Megyn Kelly and one or two other employees, Fox News is in the tank for Donald Trump, second only to Breitbart and Sean Hannity.

2) Slate? Really? THAT'S supposed to prove something to me? A citation from Slate? All that proves is that you wouldn't know a reliable source to believe if one crawled up your pants leg.

3) Everyone who's been paying attention, rather than just waking up last fall and going, "Ooh, an election . . . with a celebrity! How exciting!" knows that Cruz did NOT support amnesty. He proposed an amendment to a bad bill, which he did not support, in an effort to mitigate its damage. It's called "working with the system you've got".

"Dude's Bushy". Is that supposed to be a real, serious comment? You make up a fucking word, which you won't explain, and I'm supposed to defend against the unknown meaning of your nonsense sound?

Dude's Cruzy. Deal with it.

There you go. "Accusation" answered, we're done. :rolleyes:

On cue: Bush Cruz!

Bush, the former Florida governor once considered a mainstream Republican powerhouse, dropped out of the contest in February after weak showings in early primaries. "Ted is a consistent, principled conservative who has shown he can unite the party," he tweeted. Bush added on his Facebook page that Republicans "must overcome the divisiveness and vulgarity Donald Trump has brought into the political arena" or risk losing to Clinton.

GOP loves their feel good "I'm Mr. Conservative" chest thumping and only acting like Democrats once they take office.

Internet shit-spewers love their chest-thumping Democrats pretending to be Republicans while slinging accusations with literally no meaning at people they weren't even aware of before the primary.

Seriously, that sphincter below your nose? You might want to close it occasionally.
Nikky Haley is a bright and clever politician who was recently REelected. She's apt to be vice-president one day down the road. Her endorsement of Marco Rubio was a good move on her part despite his campaign managers' incompetence later on. Face it, Trump's fortunes are the product of divided forces against him, his name recognition, his unbelievable use of free media, and the timing of world events. None of this reflects on Nikki Haley's choices...she doesn't care for Trump's vulgar language, insults, bizarre tweets, or lack of knowledge and specifics to solve the country's problems. There are millions, tens of millions, who see him the same way. :eusa_whistle:
You're right to be skeptical of Trump. You should take that same skepticism and apply it to Cruz. If you vote him in, you're getting the next Dubya.

Who says I haven't? Unlike you, I'm not a worshipper, excusing - or happily oblivious to - the faults of my chosen candidate. Learn the difference between "listened and decided to support" and "decided to support and then refused to listen."

Cruz is "the next Dubya"? What does that mean? What is your proof? Please explain. I have never said anything about Trump that wasn't specific and supportable by his own words and actions. Show your work.

Dude, you don't even have to go outside this thread to know I don't worship Trump. In fact, that reality has been clear in nearly every message.

I don't have time to dig for you honestly. I'm just telling you my inclination that Cruz will give you big government like the rest. He came out trying to be strong on anti immigration and be mr. tea party and that ended up being a lie.

1) Unless you know a lot of "dudes" named Cecilie, please try to be less clueless.

2) I not only don't have to go outside this thread, I don't intend to. We're dealing with what you're saying right here, right now, and right here and now, you're shilling for Trump.

3) "I don't have time to dig for you, honestly" translates to "I just like making wild-assed accusations, how DARE you expect me to prove it! YOU do my homework for me!"

I'm just telling YOU your inclination is a gigantic load of rationalizing horseshit based on your vague "feelz", and "I'm MUCH too busy to tell you why" just proves it. Can't prove he's a liar? Then as far as I'm concerned, YOU are the liar. Can't tell me what the fuck "the next Dubya means"? Then as far as I'm concerned, it means you checked your brain at the door of the Trump rally.

Don't be calling me clueless, dude, when you know I ain't one to worship Trump. I didn't say you have to go outside the thread. I've said plenty against Trump or otherwise been skeptical of him. But at least I'm not stupid enough to hold out hope that this will be the one time the GOP actually gets sh** done. That ain't happening. Bush set the tone when he called Islam a religion of peace and the GOP fell in line. Same with immigration. Cruz can say what he wants; but he's in the corporatists' pockets. You want to talk about rationalizing; you're all up in it.

You keep calling me "dude", so yeah, you're clueless. Don't like it? Learn to tell girls from boys. Even my 7-year-old has mastered that.

You can say what you want, but until you back up "Cruz is in the corporatists' pockets" (whatever the fuck a "corporatist" is, since it's not a word) with some proof, you're just spewing empty feces out your OTHER asshole.

You're not "digging for me", lazy ass. It's YOUR fucking statements, so it's YOUR fucking homework to substantiate them. I don't personally care; I've already assumed you're an idiot on this subject, so I'll be just as happy to shrug and say, "No proof, so I was right."

Already showed you that Mr. Hardcore Conservative was really Mr. Amnesty, dude. Anyone getting a Bush endorsement should be all the signal you need. They're the biggest corporatists of all.
3) Everyone who's been paying attention, rather than just waking up last fall and going, "Ooh, an election . . . with a celebrity! How exciting!" knows that Cruz did NOT support amnesty. He proposed an amendment to a bad bill, which he did not support, in an effort to mitigate its damage. It's called "working with the system you've got".

:lmao: Cruz didn't support the bill; he just went along with it :lmao: What kind of horse sh** is that? When you actually stupidly attempt to justify their nonsense for them, that's when they know they got you snared.

On cue: Bush Cruz!

Bush, the former Florida governor once considered a mainstream Republican powerhouse, dropped out of the contest in February after weak showings in early primaries. "Ted is a consistent, principled conservative who has shown he can unite the party," he tweeted. Bush added on his Facebook page that Republicans "must overcome the divisiveness and vulgarity Donald Trump has brought into the political arena" or risk losing to Clinton.

GOP loves their feel good "I'm Mr. Conservative" chest thumping and only acting like Democrats once they take office.

Internet shit-spewers love their chest-thumping Democrats pretending to be Republicans while slinging accusations with literally no meaning at people they weren't even aware of before the primary.

Seriously, that sphincter below your nose? You might want to close it occasionally.

When have I ever pretended to be Republican? That'd be like being a proud moron. I may have some conservative leanings, but I know a con when I see one. GOP is big government as fuck. Look at the last three GOP candidates; Bush, McCain, Romney. All of them are huge government proponents.Now, you want another one with Cruz.
Nikky Haley is a bright and clever politician who was recently REelected. She's apt to be vice-president one day down the road. Her endorsement of Marco Rubio was a good move on her part despite his campaign managers' incompetence later on. Face it, Trump's fortunes are the product of divided forces against him, his name recognition, his unbelievable use of free media, and the timing of world events. None of this reflects on Nikki Haley's choices...she doesn't care for Trump's vulgar language, insults, bizarre tweets, or lack of knowledge and specifics to solve the country's problems. There are millions, tens of millions, who see him the same way. :eusa_whistle:

Nikki Haley is a calculated con artist, who doesn't care about you. Republicans sporting wood over anything decent looking in a skirt; that's how you got stuck with a butt load of Palin.
REAL conservatives know how to figure out if someone's conservative or not all by their onesy.
Great! Who are the "real conservatives"?

People who actually hold conservative ideals and principles.

Basically, as I said, if you have to ask, you aren't one.

You are an ideological nut case, that much is clear.

All these little fools that get into their esoteric navel gazing and chat every issue up in their ideological echo chambers are just hilarious when they try to tell people who work in the REAL WORLD, what is what.

If you are the kind of conservative that runs the GOP Establishment, I hope the party dies a slow and painful death.
Nikki Haley is a calculated con artist, who doesn't care about you. Republicans sporting wood over anything decent looking in a skirt; that's how you got stuck with a butt load of Palin.
Haley is also radioactive; look how fast Rubio's numbers tanked after she gave him her endorsement. It was like a curse.
Nikki Haley is a calculated con artist, who doesn't care about you. Republicans sporting wood over anything decent looking in a skirt; that's how you got stuck with a butt load of Palin.

News flash...NO politician gives a crap about any of us. Haley is no more a "con artist" than any of the others and is in fact, an adroit and successful REelected governor of a seaboard state. Is her being nice to look at a bonus? Of course. Or maybe you don't care for sexy women eh, Gat?
Haley is also radioactive; look how fast Rubio's numbers tanked after she gave him her endorsement. It was like a curse.

:lol: She was so "radioactive" she saved his campaign with her endorsement getting him a second in her state. She simply doesn't like Trump....can't stand him. And in due time she'll probably be proved to be right about him.
Nikki Haley is a calculated con artist, who doesn't care about you. Republicans sporting wood over anything decent looking in a skirt; that's how you got stuck with a butt load of Palin.

News flash...NO politician gives a crap about any of us. Haley is no more a "con artist" than any of the others and is in fact, an adroit and successful REelected governor of a seaboard state. Is her being nice to look at a bonus? Of course. Or maybe you don't care for sexy women eh, Gat?

I think Reps get a boner over Haley because they think her good looks will mean something for them. It won't; it just means she thinks she can get away with more.
:lol: She was so "radioactive" she saved his campaign with her endorsement getting him a second in her state. She simply doesn't like Trump....can't stand him. And in due time she'll probably be proved to be right about him.
oh horse pucky, Haley did not save Rubios campaign and she backstabbed Jeb! to do it.

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