Nikki Haley showing how the GOP Establishment still doesn't get it

Trump is winning because a distressing lyrics large number of people are furious, enraged, ready and willing to strike out at whatever moves. Trump is just the weapon for blowing up the system.

Great. So now our political system is Ferguson writ large. Terrific.
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I give zero fucks about the GOP. I dislike the party tremendously and really do not care what happens to it. I'm saying if the GOP wants to win, Trump is their only chance. I want him to win strictly because he is whats best for the country right now. I don't care what ticket he runs under he has my vote.

No, he's really not. The last thing we need at any point in time, but especially not now, is a loose-cannon egomaniac who makes up his policy positions off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment, irrespective of the facts OR what he said on the same subject the day before.
Thats your opinion--and I will respect that--but lets be perfectly honest Cruz or Kasich CANNOT beat Hillary in the general election.

Like Clinton or not, she is a seasoned politician with decades of experience. She'll run roughshod over Cruz or Kasich. She'll have a field day with them and easily defeat them. It will be an ass whipping like Obama gave Romney

What are you talking about? Trump is the only candidate polling worse than Hillary and the only candidate in the history of polling with worse negatives than Hillary. I'm not saying trump will definitely lose, Clinton is that bad a candidate, but he is only one who can lose to her.

I'm tired of you guys acting as if Hillary is some big unstoppable juggernaut. She is such a bad candidate that she has been beaten by Obama and now she is being seriously challenged by sanders. If the criminal investigations continue there is a good chance she is in jail next year.

And the Democrats are terrified of a president Cruz. So much so that they are voting for trump to stop him. How about we give them what they truly fear? A constitutional conservative that will destroy their socialist dreams forever
I'm not saying Hillary is unstoppable. I'm saying Cruz and/or Kasich cannot beat her. In regards to polling its still way too early. They haven't even faced off yet and the polls WILL change once the match-up gets underway.

Clinton isn't going to jail and she won't be indicted. Hasn't happened yet and it never will.

And we're asking, "Where's the evidence that Cruz can't beat her, and Trump can? Especially considering that all the polls show the exact opposite."

I'll agree with you that Kasich couldn't beat eggs, let alone an electoral opponent.

Cruz is too conservative and doesn't have any cross over appeal.
No, he's really not. The last thing we need at any point in time, but especially not now, is a loose-cannon egomaniac who makes up his policy positions off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment, irrespective of the facts OR what he said on the same subject the day before.
Thats your opinion--and I will respect that--but lets be perfectly honest Cruz or Kasich CANNOT beat Hillary in the general election.

Like Clinton or not, she is a seasoned politician with decades of experience. She'll run roughshod over Cruz or Kasich. She'll have a field day with them and easily defeat them. It will be an ass whipping like Obama gave Romney

What are you talking about? Trump is the only candidate polling worse than Hillary and the only candidate in the history of polling with worse negatives than Hillary. I'm not saying trump will definitely lose, Clinton is that bad a candidate, but he is only one who can lose to her.

I'm tired of you guys acting as if Hillary is some big unstoppable juggernaut. She is such a bad candidate that she has been beaten by Obama and now she is being seriously challenged by sanders. If the criminal investigations continue there is a good chance she is in jail next year.

And the Democrats are terrified of a president Cruz. So much so that they are voting for trump to stop him. How about we give them what they truly fear? A constitutional conservative that will destroy their socialist dreams forever
I'm not saying Hillary is unstoppable. I'm saying Cruz and/or Kasich cannot beat her. In regards to polling its still way too early. They haven't even faced off yet and the polls WILL change once the match-up gets underway.

Clinton isn't going to jail and she won't be indicted. Hasn't happened yet and it never will.

And we're asking, "Where's the evidence that Cruz can't beat her, and Trump can? Especially considering that all the polls show the exact opposite."

I'll agree with you that Kasich couldn't beat eggs, let alone an electoral opponent.

Cruz is too conservative and doesn't have any cross over appeal.

Again, been there, heard that, not buying it any more.

And frankly, I'm still not interested in playing the, "electability" game. The object of the exercise is not to have bragging rights because "my guy won!" This is not a sporting event. The point of the entire thing is to make a thoughtful choice about who would genuinely be a good President. I don't need to join the "electability" bandwagon; they need to join the "conscience" one.
Tipsy is an American fascist, a heater of American democracy.

Cereak_Killer is just dead wrong on Trump's electability,
Tipsy is an American fascist, a heater of American democracy. Cereal_Killer is just dead wrong on Trump's electability,
we understand your fantasies. enjoy them while you can.
Redfish fantasy boy has spoken.
"redfish, fantasy boy has spoken" you left the comma out.
See, "Reddish the fantasy boy" still has his fantasies. Tipsy is an American fascist, you are an American racist, and C_K is wrong about the power of Trump's electability. The fantasy is that you or Tipsy would think that you speak for or represent the decency of America.
Tipsy is an American fascist, a heater of American democracy. Cereal_Killer is just dead wrong on Trump's electability,
we understand your fantasies. enjoy them while you can.
Redfish fantasy boy has spoken.
"redfish, fantasy boy has spoken" you left the comma out.
See, "Reddish the fantasy boy" still has his fantasies. Tipsy is an American fascist, you are an American racist, and C_K is wrong about the power of Trump's electability. The fantasy is that you or Tipsy would think that you speak for or represent the decency of America.

lets save this for November. Then you can admit how wrong you were.
Tipsy is an American fascist, a heater of American democracy. Cereal_Killer is just dead wrong on Trump's electability,
we understand your fantasies. enjoy them while you can.
Redfish fantasy boy has spoken.
"redfish, fantasy boy has spoken" you left the comma out.
See, "Reddish the fantasy boy" still has his fantasies. Tipsy is an American fascist, you are an American racist, and C_K is wrong about the power of Trump's electability. The fantasy is that you or Tipsy would think that you speak for or represent the decency of America.
lets save this for November. Then you can admit how wrong you were.
Yup, you see Trump's massive defeat coming.
we understand your fantasies. enjoy them while you can.
Redfish fantasy boy has spoken.
"redfish, fantasy boy has spoken" you left the comma out.
See, "Reddish the fantasy boy" still has his fantasies. Tipsy is an American fascist, you are an American racist, and C_K is wrong about the power of Trump's electability. The fantasy is that you or Tipsy would think that you speak for or represent the decency of America.
lets save this for November. Then you can admit how wrong you were.
Yup, you see Trump's massive defeat coming.

wrong, the defeat of the hildebeast is coming, and I am going to enjoy it very much. That horrible woman deserves to spend the rest of her miserable life in jail. She probably won't, but being soundly defeated first by obozo and then by Trump will be sufficient.

as the mother of one of the dead from Benghazi said "there is a special place in hell for Hillary Clinton".
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

And what reason do you have to think he would "play ball" with the corporations, whatever that means?

Come on now. You're not stupid. You know that politicians feast on corporate perks.
No, I don't see all the elites backing him.

Well, Christie didn't. But he's known to sell out the party. Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Why do you feel that makes Cruz part of the establishment?

Haven't you heard? Everybody is the establishment now if you're against The Donald, the only true RINO running for the GOP nomination. How's that for irony?

Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

Why is Trump winning? Because we have a distressingly large number of imbeciles in this country who want to be respected for their "feelz" and who want to hear simplistic answers, whether they're right or not.

How else do you explain defining Trump's flip-flopping as "straight talk"? All he's really telling you straight is that he thinks you're a bunch of idiots and he's laughing at you.

You're right to be skeptical of Trump. You should take that same skepticism and apply it to Cruz. If you vote him in, you're getting the next Dubya.
Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

So we elect a corrupt corporate who has already stated everything on immigration is negotiable and that we only need to build half a wall now?

I don't recall any of that, tbh.

Really? Because he said those things and yet its ignored excused etc

Feel free to post such matters. I'm saying, I've not heard him say such things.

Watching Trump speak about immigration in Tucson now. He is very plain spoken; his stance is pretty undeniable. And he's mocking Cruz for being a Johnny-Come-Lately on the wall.

Lying about Cruz? Not shocking at all

He's not lying. He's saying Cruz is trying to make it an issue now whereas he hasn't been. I have no idea what he may have thought at one point; and that's sort of the point. Cruz was lying in the weeds waiting for candidates to picked off and make it to the final two and wait and see if Trump would f it up from there. The dude is a snake in the grass; nothing more.
Well, Christie didn't. But he's known to sell out the party. Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Why do you feel that makes Cruz part of the establishment?

Haven't you heard? Everybody is the establishment now if you're against The Donald, the only true RINO running for the GOP nomination. How's that for irony?

Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

Why is Trump winning? Because we have a distressingly large number of imbeciles in this country who want to be respected for their "feelz" and who want to hear simplistic answers, whether they're right or not.

How else do you explain defining Trump's flip-flopping as "straight talk"? All he's really telling you straight is that he thinks you're a bunch of idiots and he's laughing at you.

You're right to be skeptical of Trump. You should take that same skepticism and apply it to Cruz. If you vote him in, you're getting the next Dubya.

Who says I haven't? Unlike you, I'm not a worshipper, excusing - or happily oblivious to - the faults of my chosen candidate. Learn the difference between "listened and decided to support" and "decided to support and then refused to listen."

Cruz is "the next Dubya"? What does that mean? What is your proof? Please explain. I have never said anything about Trump that wasn't specific and supportable by his own words and actions. Show your work.

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