Nikki Haley showing how the GOP Establishment still doesn't get it

Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

First of all, Haley isn't establishment. She was a political outsider who defeated a sitting Lt Governor, Attorney General, and U.S. Congressman to win the Republican nomination for governor in 2010 and ultimately win the general election. She went from fourth place and basically unheard of to the top of the pack literally overnight after Sarah Palin endorsed her.

Second, unlike The Donald, Haley is an actual conservative Republican, so it's not hard to figure out why she'd want to endorse two conservative Republicans.

Oh, she's all in it at this point, bro. She's a phony GOPer. What is an "actual conservative Republican?" Cos if they're anything like the elected officials, I want nothing to do with it.

It'll be fun to bring this up in 2020 when she is running and you're behind her

No doubt Haley has her eyes on a nice cabinet position from Cruz. That won't happen though, since Cruz won't be the nominee :lmao:
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Ted Cruz is neither establishment, nor "elite", unless you're one of the sad sacks who defines "elite" as "bastard went to college and knows big words; he makes me feel stoopid".

I don't consider elites automatically smart. They're people who are entrenched in a system and ultimately don't give a fuck about you as an individual when it comes down to it.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

So we elect a corrupt corporate who has already stated everything on immigration is negotiable and that we only need to build half a wall now?
Well, do you see all the elites backing him? Why is that?

No, I don't see all the elites backing him.

Well, Christie didn't. But he's known to sell out the party. Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Why do you feel that makes Cruz part of the establishment?

Haven't you heard? Everybody is the establishment now if you're against The Donald, the only true RINO running for the GOP nomination. How's that for irony?

Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

Straight talk? Seriously? How many lies does he need to be caught in until that myth is busted? How many times does he need to say he will change as the campaign goes along?

Heck he said the only difference between him and the establishment is trade. Not immigration, trade. What's the establishments immigration policy again?
No, I don't see all the elites backing him.

Well, Christie didn't. But he's known to sell out the party. Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Why do you feel that makes Cruz part of the establishment?

Haven't you heard? Everybody is the establishment now if you're against The Donald, the only true RINO running for the GOP nomination. How's that for irony?

Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

Straight talk? Seriously? How many lies does he need to be caught in until that myth is busted? How many times does he need to say he will change as the campaign goes along?

Heck he said the only difference between him and the establishment is trade. Not immigration, trade. What's the establishments immigration policy again?

What prominent politician doesn't "lie"? But Trump doesn't appear to be about the prototypical GOP bait and switch is the point.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

So we elect a corrupt corporate who has already stated everything on immigration is negotiable and that we only need to build half a wall now?

I don't recall any of that, tbh.
Amazing the Nikki Haley can be so out of touch but ex Arizona Governor Jan Brewer can figure it out.

Watching Trump speak about immigration in Tucson now. He is very plain spoken; his stance is pretty undeniable. And he's mocking Cruz for being a Johnny-Come-Lately on the wall.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

So we elect a corrupt corporate who has already stated everything on immigration is negotiable and that we only need to build half a wall now?

I don't recall any of that, tbh.

Really? Because he said those things and yet its ignored excused etc
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

And what reason do you have to think he would "play ball" with the corporations, whatever that means?
Well, do you see all the elites backing him? Why is that?

No, I don't see all the elites backing him.

Well, Christie didn't. But he's known to sell out the party. Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Why do you feel that makes Cruz part of the establishment?

Haven't you heard? Everybody is the establishment now if you're against The Donald, the only true RINO running for the GOP nomination. How's that for irony?

Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

Why is Trump winning? Because we have a distressingly large number of imbeciles in this country who want to be respected for their "feelz" and who want to hear simplistic answers, whether they're right or not.

How else do you explain defining Trump's flip-flopping as "straight talk"? All he's really telling you straight is that he thinks you're a bunch of idiots and he's laughing at you.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Ted Cruz is neither establishment, nor "elite", unless you're one of the sad sacks who defines "elite" as "bastard went to college and knows big words; he makes me feel stoopid".

I don't consider elites automatically smart. They're people who are entrenched in a system and ultimately don't give a fuck about you as an individual when it comes down to it.

Geez, another "draw me a picture, because English is too tough" poster.

I didn't say anyone considered elites automatically smart, Mensa Girl. I said Trumpettes consider smart people automatically elites.

If you're pissed off at people "not giving a fuck about you", but you're supporting Trump, you're a hypocrite and a dimwit. Trump's never cared about anyone but himself in his entire joke of a life.

Frankly, if you're looking for anyone in government to "care" about you, you're not terribly bright, anyway. That's not their job. There are therapists for that.
Trump is winning because a distressing lyrics large number of people are furious, enraged, ready and willing to strike out at whatever moves. Trump is just the weapon for blowing up the system.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

So we elect a corrupt corporate who has already stated everything on immigration is negotiable and that we only need to build half a wall now?

Yeah, didn't you know? If you hate corporations and want to stick it to them, the best way to do that is to elect a billionaire (who OBVIOUSLY hates corporations, such as his own). And if you have your panties all in a ruffle over donors and "bought politicians", the solution is CLEARLY to elect the donor himself.

And if you want to go west, NATURALLY you need to head east. :rolleyes:
Well, Christie didn't. But he's known to sell out the party. Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Why do you feel that makes Cruz part of the establishment?

Haven't you heard? Everybody is the establishment now if you're against The Donald, the only true RINO running for the GOP nomination. How's that for irony?

Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

Straight talk? Seriously? How many lies does he need to be caught in until that myth is busted? How many times does he need to say he will change as the campaign goes along?

Heck he said the only difference between him and the establishment is trade. Not immigration, trade. What's the establishments immigration policy again?

What prominent politician doesn't "lie"? But Trump doesn't appear to be about the prototypical GOP bait and switch is the point.

Oh, okay. So we're mad at politicians lying to us, except if it's Trump, in which case suddenly it's okay because "everyone does it".

Trump isn't about the prototypical bait and switch? Honey, snake oil salesmen like him are the granddaddies of that little maneuver. He's conning you, and you're praising him for how good he is at it.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

So we elect a corrupt corporate who has already stated everything on immigration is negotiable and that we only need to build half a wall now?

I don't recall any of that, tbh.

Then you need to not vote, Chuckles. Seriously. And not go outside the house without a babysitter, for that matter. Are you even fucking paying attention, or just getting high on the mob mentality?

'I'm changing': Trump U-turns on immigration and assault rifles
Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.

So we elect a corrupt corporate who has already stated everything on immigration is negotiable and that we only need to build half a wall now?

I don't recall any of that, tbh.

Really? Because he said those things and yet its ignored excused etc

Well, clearly, they just didn't hear it at all, because they were so busy orgasming over his "plain speaking".

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