Nikki Haley showing how the GOP Establishment still doesn't get it

Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Yeah, 'cause you're all kinds of representative of conservative thinking, hon. "Boooooosh!!!" Whatever.
Translated: "She doesn't support Trump, so she's establishment, and evil, and a slut, and the DEVIL!!!! Trump is conservatism . . . even though he doesn't have any conservative policies, or policies at all!!!!"

And then you start foaming at the mouth and fall down, and the orderlies have to lead you away to a quiet room.

No, I said that due to her support of open borders and tearing down the Confederate Battle Flag.

I'm happy as hell she has not endorsed Trump; that would be the kiss of death, worse than a Lindsey GRaham endorsement.

Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Yeah, 'cause you're all kinds of representative of conservative thinking, hon. "Boooooosh!!!" Whatever.

What, and you are?

It's now impossible to know who is a "RINO" and who is "establishment", because it completely depends on who is doing the labeling.

Does conservative media change the designation daily? Is there a place we can go online to keep up with the official status of each person?

There's your mistake right there: you're trying to figure out who will tell you what you should think.

REAL conservatives know how to figure out if someone's conservative or not all by their onesy.
Translated: "She doesn't support Trump, so she's establishment, and evil, and a slut, and the DEVIL!!!! Trump is conservatism . . . even though he doesn't have any conservative policies, or policies at all!!!!"

And then you start foaming at the mouth and fall down, and the orderlies have to lead you away to a quiet room.

No, I said that due to her support of open borders and tearing down the Confederate Battle Flag.

I'm happy as hell she has not endorsed Trump; that would be the kiss of death, worse than a Lindsey GRaham endorsement.


Yeah, right. Like Trump couldn't get endorsed by the Antichrist with a big 666 in the middle of his forehead and still get your vote.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Yeah, 'cause you're all kinds of representative of conservative thinking, hon. "Boooooosh!!!" Whatever.

What, and you are?


If you have to ask, you've just demonstrated that you're neither conservative, nor able to recognize it.
Yeah, right. Like Trump couldn't get endorsed by the Antichrist with a big 666 in the middle of his forehead and still get your vote.
What a pile of unreadable nonsense.

Trump has been endorsed by quite a few people in industries of various kinds and Congresspersons.

I get it now; you dont know what the hell you're talking about.
Yeah, right. Like Trump couldn't get endorsed by the Antichrist with a big 666 in the middle of his forehead and still get your vote.
What a pile of unreadable nonsense.

Trump has been endorsed by quite a few people in industries of various kinds and Congresspersons.

I get it now; you dont know what the hell you're talking about.

When you realize that you just automatically reject anything that doesn't legitimize your sucking of Trump's dick, THEN you'll get it.
If you have to ask, you've just demonstrated that you're neither conservative, nor able to recognize it.

just giving yo a chance to speak for yourself.

You strike me as a neocon Open Borders nutball.

No, dipshit, you just assume that your opinion matters enough for you to demand that I justify myself to you. However, I wouldn't trust your expertise on how to pee standing up without getting it on your shoes, let alone things that require brain power. So I really don't give a shit if you delude yourself into thinking you and Narcissus-on-Fifth-Avenue are "conservatism" or not. Anyone still able to think knows I'm one of the most conservative, far-right members of this board . . . which I realize leaves you out entirely.

Given the damage to your logic capacities, I'd say you've been struck enough.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Ted Cruz is neither establishment, nor "elite", unless you're one of the sad sacks who defines "elite" as "bastard went to college and knows big words; he makes me feel stoopid".
Goldman Sachs, Senate, etc. Yeah, he is.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general

And we give a rat's furry fat ass about the GOP because why? I thought the whole point of the Trump insurgency was to burn down the GOPe and all its works, and now suddenly, we're supposed to cheer on Trump to SAVE them?

Yeah, no consistency issues THERE.
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I give zero fucks about the GOP. I dislike the party tremendously and really do not care what happens to it. I'm saying if the GOP wants to win, Trump is their only chance. I want him to win strictly because he is whats best for the country right now. I don't care what ticket he runs under he has my vote.
Trump will not get 40% of the vote. At least that much of the GOP will vote against him or not vote. There has been some slight movement among the blue dog Democrats in the last two week, but very slight and outweighed by those who crossed to vote for Kasich.

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