Nikki Haley showing how the GOP Establishment still doesn't get it

It's now impossible to know who is a "RINO" and who is "establishment", because it completely depends on who is doing the labeling.

Does conservative media change the designation daily? Is there a place we can go online to keep up with the official status of each person?
The GOP establishment talked a lot of trash. The bastards shit on the tea party representatives, they shit on the base, they bragged that they could win the White House without the base and now they are getting theirs.
The TPM is the base of the far right not the GOP.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general
Trump is the symbol of a significant minority of the far right in America, very little of the center.
Any views or opinions expressed in USMB Op-Eds are solely those of each author and do not reflect the opinions or views of USMB, its staff and/or its owners..
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
Seriously. The Republican power structure is facing the biggest challenge they've ever had.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general
Trump is the symbol of a significant minority of the far right in America, very little of the center.
Any views or opinions expressed in USMB Op-Eds are solely those of each author and do not reflect the opinions or views of USMB, its staff and/or its owners..
Jake you have it all backwards. The minority in the far right supported Bush and Rubio.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general
Trump is the symbol of a significant minority of the far right in America, very little of the center.
Any views or opinions expressed in USMB Op-Eds are solely those of each author and do not reflect the opinions or views of USMB, its staff and/or its owners..
Jake you have it all backwards. The minority in the far right supported Bush and Rubio.
I don't think so. 35% indicates Trump does not have even one-half of the hard cons.

You can have some satisfaction that some Dems crossed in OH to vote for Trump even though more Dems crossed to vote against Trump. That first group, of course, includes Dems who think Trump is the easier candidate for HRC to beat.

But . . . I will admit that Trump when he slips gets up and regains traction . . . each time.
The right of center voter in America is desperate to win the presidency. They see the trends. They will therefore throw in with any GOPer whose best feature is the appearance of being able to win,

his positions and agenda be damned.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general
Trump is the symbol of a significant minority of the far right in America, very little of the center.
Any views or opinions expressed in USMB Op-Eds are solely those of each author and do not reflect the opinions or views of USMB, its staff and/or its owners..

With due respect I'd hardly say 1/3 to 1/2 of the party is an insignificant minority. They are a very loud and angry minority. Trying to ignore them is a bad idea
With due respect I'd hardly say 1/3 to 1/2 of the party is an insignificant minority. They are a very loud and angry minority. Trying to ignore them is a bad idea
I wrote significant minority. Not insignificant. I agree that is stupid to ignore them. On the other hand, it is silly to say they are the base of the party.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Ted Cruz is neither establishment, nor "elite", unless you're one of the sad sacks who defines "elite" as "bastard went to college and knows big words; he makes me feel stoopid".
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?

They really can't define "establishment", other than "he's in elected office! The bastard!" It doesn't seem to have occurred to them that if they manage to elect Trump President, HE'LL be in office, which will make HIM "establishment" by their lights. One wonders if they'll suddenly hate HIM at that moment, too.
Of course is part of the establishment: links to Goldman Sachs?

So the solution to big money in government is to elect the billionaire tyrant who would sell his mom for the right price?

Yeah, somehow the antidote to politicians who can be bought is to elect a politician who did the buying. I'm not really sure how that's supposed to work. :eusa_think:
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?

Well, do you see all the elites backing him? Why is that?

All the elites? All WHAT elites? Even now, when he's the only chance they've got not to wind up on the ash heap of history, those stupid bastards STILL would rather risk a Trump Presidency than coalesce behind Cruz. They have some wack-ass notion that they're going to manipulate up a way to let them continue business as usual.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?

When they decided a man who has buying influence with politicians his entire life is anti establishment

If you don't trust Trump, I can understand that. If you think he's two-face, fine. But he's not part of the GOP wheel of BS.

No, he's part of the Democrat wheel of mega-nuclear grade-BS.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general

And we give a rat's furry fat ass about the GOP because why? I thought the whole point of the Trump insurgency was to burn down the GOPe and all its works, and now suddenly, we're supposed to cheer on Trump to SAVE them?

Yeah, no consistency issues THERE.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

First of all, Haley isn't establishment. She was a political outsider who defeated a sitting Lt Governor, Attorney General, and U.S. Congressman to win the Republican nomination for governor in 2010 and ultimately win the general election. She went from fourth place and basically unheard of to the top of the pack literally overnight after Sarah Palin endorsed her.

Second, unlike The Donald, Haley is an actual conservative Republican, so it's not hard to figure out why she'd want to endorse two conservative Republicans.

Oh, she's all in it at this point, bro. She's a phony GOPer. What is an "actual conservative Republican?" Cos if they're anything like the elected officials, I want nothing to do with it.

If you have to ask that question, then you probably aren't informed, involved, or intelligent enough to be voting, anyway.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?

Well, do you see all the elites backing him? Why is that?

No, I don't see all the elites backing him.

Well, Christie didn't. But he's known to sell out the party. Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

No one sane does.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Little perky Niki Haley likely got her shot at the governorship by giving BJs on demand to the top bankers in South Carolina.

Why should anyone give a flying fuck what she tries to think?

I do know that I95 is the biggest patch of sink holes and anti-tank traps when one goes through South Carolina.

Maybe if she did her job instead of playing Candy Crush and watching gay porn she might be able to do her fucking job. /sarc

Translated: "She doesn't support Trump, so she's establishment, and evil, and a slut, and the DEVIL!!!! Trump is conservatism . . . even though he doesn't have any conservative policies, or policies at all!!!!"

And then you start foaming at the mouth and fall down, and the orderlies have to lead you away to a quiet room.

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