Nikki Haley showing how the GOP Establishment still doesn't get it

Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general

And we give a rat's furry fat ass about the GOP because why? I thought the whole point of the Trump insurgency was to burn down the GOPe and all its works, and now suddenly, we're supposed to cheer on Trump to SAVE them?

Yeah, no consistency issues THERE.
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I give zero fucks about the GOP. I dislike the party tremendously and really do not care what happens to it. I'm saying if the GOP wants to win, Trump is their only chance. I want him to win strictly because he is whats best for the country right now. I don't care what ticket he runs under he has my vote.

No, he's really not. The last thing we need at any point in time, but especially not now, is a loose-cannon egomaniac who makes up his policy positions off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment, irrespective of the facts OR what he said on the same subject the day before.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general

And we give a rat's furry fat ass about the GOP because why? I thought the whole point of the Trump insurgency was to burn down the GOPe and all its works, and now suddenly, we're supposed to cheer on Trump to SAVE them?

Yeah, no consistency issues THERE.
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I give zero fucks about the GOP. I dislike the party tremendously and really do not care what happens to it. I'm saying if the GOP wants to win, Trump is their only chance. I want him to win strictly because he is whats best for the country right now. I don't care what ticket he runs under he has my vote.

No, he's really not. The last thing we need at any point in time, but especially not now, is a loose-cannon egomaniac who makes up his policy positions off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment, irrespective of the facts OR what he said on the same subject the day before.
Thats your opinion--and I will respect that--but lets be perfectly honest Cruz or Kasich CANNOT beat Hillary in the general election.

Like Clinton or not, she is a seasoned politician with decades of experience. She'll run roughshod over Cruz or Kasich. She'll have a field day with them and easily defeat them. It will be an ass whipping like Obama gave Romney
REAL conservatives know how to figure out if someone's conservative or not all by their onesy.
Great! Who are the "real conservatives"?.
People who actually hold conservative ideals and principles. Basically, as I said, if you have to ask, you aren't one.
Correct, I'm not one.

But Republicans are fighting with each other so much I can't tell who is what at this point.

I'm just curious.

Is Trump a real conservative? Cruz? Kasich? Rubio? Ryan? Preibus?
Trump is either a Rino or a progressive centrist: take your pick.

Kasich steadily polls as the best candidate to beat HRC.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Cruz is not "establishment".. hell, the GOP won't even acknowledge his existence.
REAL conservatives know how to figure out if someone's conservative or not all by their onesy.
Great! Who are the "real conservatives"?.
People who actually hold conservative ideals and principles. Basically, as I said, if you have to ask, you aren't one.
Correct, I'm not one.

But Republicans are fighting with each other so much I can't tell who is what at this point.

I'm just curious.

Is Trump a real conservative? Cruz? Kasich? Rubio? Ryan? Preibus?

Cruz? As close as we've seen in a while.. Trump, he's a populist.
The GOP establishment talked a lot of trash. The bastards shit on the tea party representatives, they shit on the base, they bragged that they could win the White House without the base and now they are getting theirs.
The TPM is the base of the far right not the GOP.

The tea party is Cruz's base. Not sure what Trump's base is

Trump's base is your momma!

Unlikely. My mother isn't a white male with small hands;)
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general

And we give a rat's furry fat ass about the GOP because why? I thought the whole point of the Trump insurgency was to burn down the GOPe and all its works, and now suddenly, we're supposed to cheer on Trump to SAVE them?

Yeah, no consistency issues THERE.
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I give zero fucks about the GOP. I dislike the party tremendously and really do not care what happens to it. I'm saying if the GOP wants to win, Trump is their only chance. I want him to win strictly because he is whats best for the country right now. I don't care what ticket he runs under he has my vote.

No, he's really not. The last thing we need at any point in time, but especially not now, is a loose-cannon egomaniac who makes up his policy positions off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment, irrespective of the facts OR what he said on the same subject the day before.
Thats your opinion--and I will respect that--but lets be perfectly honest Cruz or Kasich CANNOT beat Hillary in the general election.

Like Clinton or not, she is a seasoned politician with decades of experience. She'll run roughshod over Cruz or Kasich. She'll have a field day with them and easily defeat them. It will be an ass whipping like Obama gave Romney

Well, while we're being completely honest, isn't that whole "Mr. Clever, Electability" game exactly how we got into this mess? "Oh, no, we CAN'T vote our conscience, we CAN'T run someone who articulates conservative values, they can't get elected! We have to run a milquetoast moderate who's going to cave the first time a Democrat looks at him cross-eyed!"

Where anyone got the idea that Donald Trump has any great electability is the biggest mystery of all. The members of the party he's hijacking hate him as much as if not more than Hillary. How does he get elected without a base?

Maybe we ought to try actually being proud of what we believe instead of ashamed of it, and nominate someone who can articulately it clearly and fearlessly. Not like things can get any WORSE by doing so, and at least it wouldn't leave a bad taste in your mouth afterward.
REAL conservatives know how to figure out if someone's conservative or not all by their onesy.
Great! Who are the "real conservatives"?.
People who actually hold conservative ideals and principles. Basically, as I said, if you have to ask, you aren't one.
Correct, I'm not one.

But Republicans are fighting with each other so much I can't tell who is what at this point.

I'm just curious.

Is Trump a real conservative? Cruz? Kasich? Rubio? Ryan? Preibus?

Trump isn't even remotely a conservative. He's not even a Republican. He's just dressed up as one, like he's going trick-or-treating later or something.

Cruz is. Rubio is, although not as much and with a distressing tendency to stray from core principles on occasion. Kasich doesn't even pretend to be conservative. He's very firmly moderate. Ryan used to be, before he got utterly co-opted by DC. Preibus? I'm not entirely sure he HAS a governing principle, besides The Party.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Cruz is not "establishment".. hell, the GOP won't even acknowledge his existence.

Part of the chaos right now is that the GOPe can't decide whether they hate Cruz or Trump more. What they really want is to find some way to wish them both away, and retain the reins of party power for themselves, via some moderate "company man". THAT ain't gonna happen.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general

And we give a rat's furry fat ass about the GOP because why? I thought the whole point of the Trump insurgency was to burn down the GOPe and all its works, and now suddenly, we're supposed to cheer on Trump to SAVE them?

Yeah, no consistency issues THERE.
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I give zero fucks about the GOP. I dislike the party tremendously and really do not care what happens to it. I'm saying if the GOP wants to win, Trump is their only chance. I want him to win strictly because he is whats best for the country right now. I don't care what ticket he runs under he has my vote.

No, he's really not. The last thing we need at any point in time, but especially not now, is a loose-cannon egomaniac who makes up his policy positions off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment, irrespective of the facts OR what he said on the same subject the day before.
Thats your opinion--and I will respect that--but lets be perfectly honest Cruz or Kasich CANNOT beat Hillary in the general election.

Like Clinton or not, she is a seasoned politician with decades of experience. She'll run roughshod over Cruz or Kasich. She'll have a field day with them and easily defeat them. It will be an ass whipping like Obama gave Romney

What are you talking about? Trump is the only candidate polling worse than Hillary and the only candidate in the history of polling with worse negatives than Hillary. I'm not saying trump will definitely lose, Clinton is that bad a candidate, but he is only one who can lose to her.

I'm tired of you guys acting as if Hillary is some big unstoppable juggernaut. She is such a bad candidate that she has been beaten by Obama and now she is being seriously challenged by sanders. If the criminal investigations continue there is a good chance she is in jail next year.

And the Democrats are terrified of a president Cruz. So much so that they are voting for trump to stop him. How about we give them what they truly fear? A constitutional conservative that will destroy their socialist dreams forever
Trump is either a Rino or a progressive centrist: take your pick.

Kasich steadily polls as the best candidate to beat HRC.

Kasich couldn't win. He'd have to piss on 90% of the party to get the nomination
Trump is either a Rino or a progressive centrist: take your pick.

Kasich steadily polls as the best candidate to beat HRC.

Kasich couldn't win. He'd have to piss on 90% of the party to get the nomination

The only thing I can think of that would bring Trumpettes and conservatives together would be for the GOPe to try to shoehorn Kasich or Ryan or Romney (or anyone similar) into the nominee slot.
Trump is a populist and represents the views/attitudes of most right/center Americans. There's no getting around this fact. He's ahead of Cruz by 2 million votes which proves Cruz cannot win a general election.

Like Trump or not he is the GOP's best and ONLY hope for beating Hillary in the general

And we give a rat's furry fat ass about the GOP because why? I thought the whole point of the Trump insurgency was to burn down the GOPe and all its works, and now suddenly, we're supposed to cheer on Trump to SAVE them?

Yeah, no consistency issues THERE.
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I give zero fucks about the GOP. I dislike the party tremendously and really do not care what happens to it. I'm saying if the GOP wants to win, Trump is their only chance. I want him to win strictly because he is whats best for the country right now. I don't care what ticket he runs under he has my vote.

No, he's really not. The last thing we need at any point in time, but especially not now, is a loose-cannon egomaniac who makes up his policy positions off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment, irrespective of the facts OR what he said on the same subject the day before.
Thats your opinion--and I will respect that--but lets be perfectly honest Cruz or Kasich CANNOT beat Hillary in the general election.

Like Clinton or not, she is a seasoned politician with decades of experience. She'll run roughshod over Cruz or Kasich. She'll have a field day with them and easily defeat them. It will be an ass whipping like Obama gave Romney

What are you talking about? Trump is the only candidate polling worse than Hillary and the only candidate in the history of polling with worse negatives than Hillary. I'm not saying trump will definitely lose, Clinton is that bad a candidate, but he is only one who can lose to her.

I'm tired of you guys acting as if Hillary is some big unstoppable juggernaut. She is such a bad candidate that she has been beaten by Obama and now she is being seriously challenged by sanders. If the criminal investigations continue there is a good chance she is in jail next year.

And the Democrats are terrified of a president Cruz. So much so that they are voting for trump to stop him. How about we give them what they truly fear? A constitutional conservative that will destroy their socialist dreams forever
I'm not saying Hillary is unstoppable. I'm saying Cruz and/or Kasich cannot beat her. In regards to polling its still way too early. They haven't even faced off yet and the polls WILL change once the match-up gets underway.

Clinton isn't going to jail and she won't be indicted. Hasn't happened yet and it never will.
And we give a rat's furry fat ass about the GOP because why? I thought the whole point of the Trump insurgency was to burn down the GOPe and all its works, and now suddenly, we're supposed to cheer on Trump to SAVE them?

Yeah, no consistency issues THERE.
Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I give zero fucks about the GOP. I dislike the party tremendously and really do not care what happens to it. I'm saying if the GOP wants to win, Trump is their only chance. I want him to win strictly because he is whats best for the country right now. I don't care what ticket he runs under he has my vote.

No, he's really not. The last thing we need at any point in time, but especially not now, is a loose-cannon egomaniac who makes up his policy positions off-the-cuff on the spur of the moment, irrespective of the facts OR what he said on the same subject the day before.
Thats your opinion--and I will respect that--but lets be perfectly honest Cruz or Kasich CANNOT beat Hillary in the general election.

Like Clinton or not, she is a seasoned politician with decades of experience. She'll run roughshod over Cruz or Kasich. She'll have a field day with them and easily defeat them. It will be an ass whipping like Obama gave Romney

What are you talking about? Trump is the only candidate polling worse than Hillary and the only candidate in the history of polling with worse negatives than Hillary. I'm not saying trump will definitely lose, Clinton is that bad a candidate, but he is only one who can lose to her.

I'm tired of you guys acting as if Hillary is some big unstoppable juggernaut. She is such a bad candidate that she has been beaten by Obama and now she is being seriously challenged by sanders. If the criminal investigations continue there is a good chance she is in jail next year.

And the Democrats are terrified of a president Cruz. So much so that they are voting for trump to stop him. How about we give them what they truly fear? A constitutional conservative that will destroy their socialist dreams forever
I'm not saying Hillary is unstoppable. I'm saying Cruz and/or Kasich cannot beat her. In regards to polling its still way too early. They haven't even faced off yet and the polls WILL change once the match-up gets underway.

Clinton isn't going to jail and she won't be indicted. Hasn't happened yet and it never will.

And we're asking, "Where's the evidence that Cruz can't beat her, and Trump can? Especially considering that all the polls show the exact opposite."

I'll agree with you that Kasich couldn't beat eggs, let alone an electoral opponent.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

First of all, Haley isn't establishment. She was a political outsider who defeated a sitting Lt Governor, Attorney General, and U.S. Congressman to win the Republican nomination for governor in 2010 and ultimately win the general election. She went from fourth place and basically unheard of to the top of the pack literally overnight after Sarah Palin endorsed her.

Second, unlike The Donald, Haley is an actual conservative Republican, so it's not hard to figure out why she'd want to endorse two conservative Republicans.

Oh, she's all in it at this point, bro. She's a phony GOPer. What is an "actual conservative Republican?" Cos if they're anything like the elected officials, I want nothing to do with it.

I actually lived in South Carolina when she was running for governor and she already had my support before most people even knew who she was. If Nikki Haley is no longer conservative enough for you people then your expectations of conservatism have surpassed the boundaries of our universe.

Problem is they aren't conservative. If they were they would NOT be supporting Trump.

Is Trump conservative? I don't think he's that deep. But the Trump phenomenon is borne of the GOP being phony for more than a century now. And this might not have happened before multi media.
Rubio (demolished) drops out, and South Carolina governess Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz. It's like she wasn't paying the fuck attention when Mitt Romney was unable to talk the people out of Trump. The people didn't want business as usual. These elites just can't face the music. Just remember this when they come knocking on your door wanting your business. Give them the finger like they're trying to give you the finger right now.

Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?
when the bush family and its money started to back him. plus he is owned by a few billionaire donors.

Exactly, just cos Cruz may (or may not) be the prototypical GOP candidate on immigration doesn't mean he's not ready to play ball with the corporations.
Nikki Haley latches onto the next establishment loser, endorsing Ted Cruz.

Cruz is part of the establishment? When did that happen?

Well, do you see all the elites backing him? Why is that?

No, I don't see all the elites backing him.

Well, Christie didn't. But he's known to sell out the party. Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Maybe, some are abstaining; but the establishment wants no part of Trump.

Why do you feel that makes Cruz part of the establishment?

Haven't you heard? Everybody is the establishment now if you're against The Donald, the only true RINO running for the GOP nomination. How's that for irony?

Why is Trump winning? Straight talk. No to illegal immigration. No to coddling Muslims. No to Chinese games. The GOP doesn't like this b/c they like to say one thing and do whatever the fuck they want. The entire fucking lot of reps is RINO! The people have spotted someone who will actually do sh** they want done. If Trump is also RINO at the end of the day, that's basically semantics.

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