Nine Percent of Americans Consider Dropping US Citizenship


Standard libtard response: don't answer the facts, just make a stupid joke and act like you proved something.

Rightwinger, it is good that you are too stupid to be the effective liar you strain so hard to be, poor dear.

I call em like I see em Jimbo

No you don't, you just tell any lie that fizzles through your nitwit brain cell.

You just a liar, rightwinger, and a fool to boot.
A Win-Win solution

Let 9% of the population renounce their citizenship and let illegal aliens take it

End to our Immigration problem

When can we start?

So 9% of our population that might evade our overbearing regulations and taxes, especially after Obamacare kicks in, those productive investors and entrepreneurs you would be happy to see leave and a bunch of unskilled laborers that would collapse legal wage scales even further is OK by you?

No, you are just lying more.
They would be the only ones who would wish to give up and leave.

Typical far right reactionary feelings: quit when they don't get their own way.

Again, ignore the questions, make no counter-points or counter-arguments and just rely on throwing up lies, ridicule and nonsense. Starkey you are a well known liar and fraud.
Who cares what you try to think?

You are projecting your continual dishonesty and fraudulence on me again.

Only righty reactionaries would wish to leave.

Yeah, whatever you liar.
A Win-Win solution

Let 9% of the population renounce their citizenship and let illegal aliens take it

End to our Immigration problem

When can we start?

So 9% of our population that might evade our overbearing regulations and taxes, especially after Obamacare kicks in, those productive investors and entrepreneurs you would be happy to see leave and a bunch of unskilled laborers that would collapse legal wage scales even further is OK by you?

No, you are just lying more.

That wall between the US and Mexico is to keep people out

The 9% are free to leave....yourself included
Standard libtard response: don't answer the facts, just make a stupid joke and act like you proved something.

Rightwinger, it is good that you are too stupid to be the effective liar you strain so hard to be, poor dear.

I call em like I see em Jimbo

No you don't, you just tell any lie that fizzles through your nitwit brain cell.

You just a liar, rightwinger, and a fool to boot.

I am a liar?

You are the one with a screen name that is a lie
Look at Costa is, I am informed THE retirement spot for former spooks and state department tyes.

Lots of people who leave do not give up citzenship, they just move.
A Win-Win solution

Let 9% of the population renounce their citizenship and let illegal aliens take it

End to our Immigration problem

When can we start?

So 9% of our population that might evade our overbearing regulations and taxes, especially after Obamacare kicks in, those productive investors and entrepreneurs you would be happy to see leave and a bunch of unskilled laborers that would collapse legal wage scales even further is OK by you?

No, you are just lying more.

That wall between the US and Mexico is to keep people out

The 9% are free to leave....yourself included

lol, as if it were me that hates this country, you moron
Leaving is one answer, destroying obamaland is another. Liberals don't have to worry about those who have given up on the country and want to leave, or have left. Many have already left. There are those of us still loyal to traditional America and would bring obama's america to an end.
Only righty reactionaries would wish to leave.

You idiot. Forgot all the lefties like yourself who were 'threatening' to leave when President Bush was elected?

Stop the rainman dance, Unkotare. I never threatened to leave because Bush was president, I supported him on Aghanistan (until he pulled troops for Iraq) and I supported him on Katrina.

You need to stay in reality.
They would be the only ones who would wish to give up and leave.

Typical far right reactionary feelings: quit when they don't get their own way.

i worked with 2 Democrats Jake who after they retired now live in foreign Countries.....and yes they gave up their Citizenship.....(Costa Rica was one Country the other was Mexico)
IF they are the rw nutters who just UH-Dore Putin, there's room for them in Russia.

If they would leave, we could save money on welfare and giving them free health care.

This statistic is useless to prove a point without context, I only skimmed the article but didn't see anything indicating it was a trend, as in what was the percent who would answer affirmative 5 or 10 years ago?

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