Nine Reasons for Religious scepticism - Part 1


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2014
Corner of Chaos and Reason
Over the next few posts, I'm going to present arguments in favour of, if not atheism, then, at least, healthy theistic scepticism for debate, discussion, and consideration.

  • Of the many existing religions, which one is true?

    According to the Pew Research Center (2012), Christianity has 2.2 billion adherents, Islam 1.6 billion, and Hinduism 1.1 billion. At least ten other contemporary religions claim between 1 million and 500 million believers.

    Dana, Dan. The Reason Revolution: Atheism, Secular Humanism, and the Collapse of Religion (Kindle Locations 87-88). . Kindle Edition.
Now think about what that means? The differences between all of these belief systems are not minor: some believe in reincarnation, some are polytheistic, There is no rational way to claim that all of these belief systems worship the same God. So, how statistically probable is it that you just happened to be born in the one region of the world where your particular religion is the one correct, accurate, and "true" path to God; especially considering that all of the people born in the regions of the world where their religion is the "norm" also believe the same thing.

Then add the some 100,000 different religions that have existed through history. Man has been inventing, and reinventing deities since language was first discovered. If we now think that Greek mythology is quaint, and baseless, what, 5,000 years from now, might Earth's inhabitants think of your religion? If we know that belief in Apollo is silly, because there is no evidence to support such a belief, why, then, is belief in any other God, without evidence, any less silly?

All of them are true.

And all of them are false.

You know so very little child.
Over the next few posts, I'm going to present arguments in favour of, if not atheism, then, at least, healthy theistic scepticism for debate, discussion, and consideration.

  • Of the many existing religions, which one is true?

    According to the Pew Research Center (2012), Christianity has 2.2 billion adherents, Islam 1.6 billion, and Hinduism 1.1 billion. At least ten other contemporary religions claim between 1 million and 500 million believers.

    Dana, Dan. The Reason Revolution: Atheism, Secular Humanism, and the Collapse of Religion (Kindle Locations 87-88). . Kindle Edition.
Now think about what that means? The differences between all of these belief systems are not minor: some believe in reincarnation, some are polytheistic, There is no rational way to claim that all of these belief systems worship the same God. So, how statistically probable is it that you just happened to be born in the one region of the world where your particular religion is the one correct, accurate, and "true" path to God; especially considering that all of the people born in the regions of the world where their religion is the "norm" also believe the same thing.

Then add the some 100,000 different religions that have existed through history. Man has been inventing, and reinventing deities since language was first discovered. If we now think that Greek mythology is quaint, and baseless, what, 5,000 years from now, might Earth's inhabitants think of your religion? If we know that belief in Apollo is silly, because there is no evidence to support such a belief, why, then, is belief in any other God, without evidence, any less silly?
They all have one thing in common, a belief in a higher power. The fact that they mimic nature by diversifying is natural. Every phase of the evolution of matter follows a similar pattern. It is similar to what we see in the technology cycle. When an is idea reaches its practically complete state it explodes onto the scene and rapidly expands (i.e. inflationary phase) until it reaches the equilibrium phase where slight differences create competition which leads to the next big breakthrough, thus repeating the cycle once again. The reality is that belief in God exists because man is hardwired to worship God. Man is compulsive, he will worship something, often times himself. I believe some people call this the God void. The only choice in the matter is what he chooses to worship. Arguing that God does not exist because there are many religions and beliefs is a stupid argument. You need to face the fact that you take it on faith that God does not exist. You have no evidence that He doesn't.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.

Used to lecture on religious anthropology, a lifetime ago....sometimes seems like two
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.

Used to lecture on religious anthropology, a lifetime ago....sometimes seems like two
Then I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, when I talk about being able to almost draw a line from primitive Sun Worship to early agricultural, and fertility gods, to the more organised religions that arose with the invention of written language.
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.

Used to lecture on religious anthropology, a lifetime ago....sometimes seems like two
Can you please share some of your knowledge on religious anthropology? I'd be interested in hearing it. I have no preference for an outcome.
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you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
Tell me, in all those stats you posted, you neglected to post how many millions are agnostics, humanists, and atheists.


You sure are good at disrespecting others beliefs. A bit insecure in your own are you? :dunno:
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
Tell me, in all those stats you posted, you neglected to post how many millions are agnostics, humanists, and atheists.


You sure are good at disrespecting others beliefs. A bit insecure in your own are you? :dunno:
How would such numbers be relevant to the point being made in the OP? Or do you just feel like changing the subject?
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.

Used to lecture on religious anthropology, a lifetime ago....sometimes seems like two
Then I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, when I talk about being able to almost draw a line from primitive Sun Worship to early agricultural, and fertility gods, to the more organised religions that arose with the invention of written language.
And you somehow believes that this proves that God does not exist? For a guy who says he doesn't need to prove that God does not exist, you sure do seem to be trying hard to do what you say you don't need to do.

Unlike you, I'm not sure what ARIS2CHAT has to say on the subject, but given your bias and dishonesty, I am more inclined to believe ARIS2CHAT than you.
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
Tell me, in all those stats you posted, you neglected to post how many millions are agnostics, humanists, and atheists.


You sure are good at disrespecting others beliefs. A bit insecure in your own are you? :dunno:
How would such numbers be relevant to the point being made in the OP? Or do you just feel like changing the subject?
They are relevant because it goes to the weight of your argument. The title of the OP is, "Nine Reasons for Religious scepticism - Part 1." If the number of skeptics is small in contrast to the number who do believe in God, then by inspection, we should be skeptical of your skepticism, as it goes to the weight of your argument. The fact that you are being coy about this is just another example of your intellectual dishonesty.
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.

Used to lecture on religious anthropology, a lifetime ago....sometimes seems like two
Then I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, when I talk about being able to almost draw a line from primitive Sun Worship to early agricultural, and fertility gods, to the more organised religions that arose with the invention of written language.
And you somehow believes that this proves that God does not exist? For a guy who says he doesn't need to prove that God does not exist, you sure do seem to be trying hard to do what you say you don't need to do.

Unlike you, I'm not sure what ARIS2CHAT has to say on the subject, but given your bias and dishonesty, I am more inclined to believe ARIS2CHAT than you.
Scepticism. Look it up. I keep telling you, it isn't up to be to prove nonexistence. It is on theists to prove existence. Nonexistence is the default presumption.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.

Used to lecture on religious anthropology, a lifetime ago....sometimes seems like two
Can you share some of your knowledge on religious anthropology? I'd be interested in hearing it. I have no preference for an outcome.
I studied anthropology and religion myself at Uni. I was more interested in physical anthropology than cultural anthropology. I wanted to know about the roots of the consciousness in the Universe.

Mysterious Chimpanzee Behavior May Be Evidence of "Sacred" Rituals
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
Tell me, in all those stats you posted, you neglected to post how many millions are agnostics, humanists, and atheists.


You sure are good at disrespecting others beliefs. A bit insecure in your own are you? :dunno:
How would such numbers be relevant to the point being made in the OP? Or do you just feel like changing the subject?
They are relevant because it goes to the weight of your argument. The title of the OP is, "Nine Reasons for Religious scepticism - Part 1." If the number of skeptics is small in contrast to the number who do believe in God, then by inspection, we should be skeptical of your skepticism, as it goes to the weight of your argument. The fact that you are being coy about this is just another example of your intellectual dishonesty.
So, a position is only valid if held by the majority? Really? So the Earth really was flat, as long as the majority believed it was flat?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.

Used to lecture on religious anthropology, a lifetime ago....sometimes seems like two
Then I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, when I talk about being able to almost draw a line from primitive Sun Worship to early agricultural, and fertility gods, to the more organised religions that arose with the invention of written language.
And you somehow believes that this proves that God does not exist? For a guy who says he doesn't need to prove that God does not exist, you sure do seem to be trying hard to do what you say you don't need to do.

Unlike you, I'm not sure what ARIS2CHAT has to say on the subject, but given your bias and dishonesty, I am more inclined to believe ARIS2CHAT than you.
Scepticism. Look it up. I keep telling you, it isn't up to be to prove nonexistence. It is on theists to prove existence. Nonexistence is the default presumption.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

The uncertainty principle.

When it comes to finding consciousness in the universe, if you have already convinced yourself that it doesn't exist, you won't find it.

I guarantee it.
you need nine reason????
Oh, I think there are a plethora of reasons. I am only presenting nine for the purpose of discussion. Then there are lost causes like MisterBeale, who seems to get his entire world view from reading fortune cookies.
there is a difference in ever changing spoken religions that in antiquity came and left by their own volition and those that are pretentiously scripted for adoration by their adherents to sustain themselves beyond their limited value.

I'm not so sure there is. I'm reading a fascinating book by Ajay Kansal that traces the evolution of religion, from the invention of language through the development of writing, and there is an almost direct line of progression of religious thought. There is an actual path that can be followed of when, how, and why religions rose, and deities were created.

Used to lecture on religious anthropology, a lifetime ago....sometimes seems like two
Then I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, when I talk about being able to almost draw a line from primitive Sun Worship to early agricultural, and fertility gods, to the more organised religions that arose with the invention of written language.
And you somehow believes that this proves that God does not exist? For a guy who says he doesn't need to prove that God does not exist, you sure do seem to be trying hard to do what you say you don't need to do.

Unlike you, I'm not sure what ARIS2CHAT has to say on the subject, but given your bias and dishonesty, I am more inclined to believe ARIS2CHAT than you.
Scepticism. Look it up. I keep telling you, it isn't up to be to prove nonexistence. It is on theists to prove existence. Nonexistence is the default presumption.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Then you have no proof that God does not exist and are taking it on faith. Is the ridiculousness of your argument lost on you? By definition God "exists" beyond the natural universe, beyond natural laws. We can only infer His existence through what He has created. You reject that. I don't. Therefore, you can't use the "I can't prove God exist, so He must not exist" argument because I have proven to myself that He exists. I have good reason to believe He exists. You do not have a good reason to believe He doesn't exist because your argument is based on a logical fallacy.

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