Nine threads on Dems and "obamagate."

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Sweet. LOL
So what? We have at least nine maybe more anti Trump bullshit daily!
Just for the mention I will be posting some Trump bashing directly.
We never take those unintelligent and banal posts seriously, anyway, ya knucklehead.
Whatever you buttkissing loser
And what IS your I.Q. again, Einstein? You appear to be evading the question..........
Hard to communicate with a retarded snail.
Gotta love how dems are fighting to keep their corruption and spying from the voters. :)
I thought there were rules and/or standards against that.

I've also noted that any anti-Obamagate or perceived to be, get banished to the nether regions of USMB.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that there was some kind of bias that welcomed that particular topic.
Our mods have a conservative bias?

The TrumpTards need to:

1. Take a deep breath

2. Log out of here

3. Google search terms like Obama, surveillance, "Spygate" Trump campaign, James Comey investigation, IG report

4. And learn that Trump is blowing smoke up your collective asses.

So Bush could have planted a spy in the Obama transition team, listened in on Val Jaretts call to the Ayatollah, unmasked her, and got her in a perjury trap, right?
Right leaning posts outnumber left leaning ones by at least 4 to 1. I watched the board for years before I joined and that has almost always been the case.
In the last two weeks, the right wing has amped up the rhetoric to a whole new level, grabbing and repeating any piece of news they think is favorable to Trump and throwing it out there as chum (for his base).
Probably in hopes of creating a distraction from Trump's cavernously terrible response to the virus.
Right leaning posts outnumber left leaning ones by at least 4 to 1. I watched the board for years before I joined and that has almost always been the case.
In the last two weeks, the right wing has amped up the rhetoric to a whole new level, grabbing and repeating any piece of news they think is favorable to Trump and throwing it out there as chum (for his base).
Probably in hopes of creating a distraction from Trump's cavernously terrible response to the virus.
Like cattle.
Right leaning posts outnumber left leaning ones by at least 4 to 1. I watched the board for years before I joined and that has almost always been the case.
In the last two weeks, the right wing has amped up the rhetoric to a whole new level, grabbing and repeating any piece of news they think is favorable to Trump and throwing it out there as chum (for his base).
Probably in hopes of creating a distraction from Trump's cavernously terrible response to the virus.

Yeah sure lol
Right leaning posts outnumber left leaning ones by at least 4 to 1. I watched the board for years before I joined and that has almost always been the case.
In the last two weeks, the right wing has amped up the rhetoric to a whole new level, grabbing and repeating any piece of news they think is favorable to Trump and throwing it out there as chum (for his base).
Probably in hopes of creating a distraction from Trump's cavernously terrible response to the virus.
Like cattle.
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