Ninth Circuit Delivers Decision on Citizenship and Voter Registration in Arizona

Uh...this was already the law. Non-citizens can't vote in a national or state election...anywhere.
Congrats, fixing a problem...that doesn't exist. :auiqs.jpg:
I do love it when clowns like you fail to understand what was said.

The ruling is based on proof of citizenship. That is BEFORE and DURING voting.

Lots of people break the law every day and don't get caught. I'll bet even someone like you witness it every day.
I do love it when clowns like you fail to understand what was said.

The ruling is based on proof of citizenship. That is BEFORE and DURING voting.

Lots of people break the law every day and don't get caught. I'll bet even someone like you witness it every day.
And I love when you idiots think you've won something.
Proof of citizenship is a prerequisite for voting in a national or state election.
Non citizens aren't allowed to vote (except in certain local school board elections)..period.

The law breaking you are asserting happened during the 2020 and 2022 elections...DIDN'T HAPPEN. :auiqs.jpg:
And I love when you idiots think you've won something.
Proof of citizenship is a prerequisite for voting in a national or state election.
Non citizens aren't allowed to vote (except in certain local school board elections)..period.

The law breaking your are asserting happened during the 2020 and 2022 elections...DIDN'T HAPPEN. :auiqs.jpg:
Nope. You can, or could get a ballot here in Arizona just for national elections without id.
Nope. You can, or could get a ballot here in Arizona just for national elections without id.
Knowing people who actually live and vote in Arizona, I can tell you that's not the case.
But let's say for the moment you're right. As soon as it's filed, it gets discarded.

Again, the widespread fraud...didn't happen. :)
And I love when you idiots think you've won something.
Proof of citizenship is a prerequisite for voting in a national or state election.
Non citizens aren't allowed to vote (except in certain local school board elections)..period.

The law breaking you are asserting happened during the 2020 and 2022 elections...DIDN'T HAPPEN. :auiqs.jpg:
Yet in blue states, it is never enforced and actively fought against. Otherwise you wouldn't get so bent out of shape when we demand election integrity.

If it isn't happening, then asking for integrity harms no one.

Yet in blue states, it is never enforced and actively fought against. Otherwise you wouldn't get so bent out of shape when we demand election integrity.

If it isn't happening, then asking for integrity harms no one.

It's enforced everywhere. In blue states and red states (yes, even in red states).
This circus sideshow in AZ is just a right wing wet dream to throw some red meat to the willing feebs that think massive fraud goes on (it doesn't).

Anyone who believes this conspiracy theory...has a weak mind. :)
It's enforced everywhere. In blue states and red states (yes, even in red states).
This circus sideshow in AZ is just a right wing wet dream to throw some red meat to the willing feebs that think massive fraud goes on (it doesn't).

Anyone who believes this conspiracy theory...has a weak mind. :)
We Arizona voters got a letter after m. Garland sued Arizona over voter id. It said you had to have id to vote in state elections and proof of residency. It also said if you didn't have id or proof of residency you could get a ballot only for federal offices.
You are the stupid one Jill, either you lie or are just....stupid
We Arizona voters got a letter after m. Garland sued Arizona over voter id. It said you had to have id to vote in state elections and proof of residency. It also said if you didn't have id or proof of residency you could get a ballot only for federal offices.
You are the stupid one Jill, either you lie or are just....stupid
Sigh....follow what I'm saying and repeat....This..Doesn't..Happen! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Uh...this was already the law. Non-citizens can't vote in a national or state election...anywhere.
Congrats, fixing a problem...that doesn't exist. :auiqs.jpg:
This is about showing proof of citizenship to register. Try reading. AZ. did not require that, now they have to or that vote is illegal. It is just harder to cheat. Is that bad?
This is about showing proof of citizenship to register. Try reading. AZ. did not require that, now they have to or that vote is illegal. It is just harder to cheat. Is that bad?
There was no cheating. These were always requirements. This is just kabuki theater for those of you who believe in conspiracy theories.

Fixing problem...that don't exist. :)
Not following. These requirements are pretty much in the website I linked, even if it was old.
How do any of these requirements allow a non-citizen to get a ballot and then file it legally?
If you read through the registration process, it shows you can get a ballot for federal elections only with no id, no proof of residency. The new site that I gave you was created and namer by our governor, who was sec of state in az and in charge of elections while she ran for governor
She created a lot of newbaz state websites, but left the old ones up. No idea why
But what I tell you is true. Illegals voted here in az. And they did so legally. Our state Assembly forced the governor to create the bullshit 'federal only ballot' that required no id by withholding funding for EVERYTHING. I know this because I live here, I don't rely on 'friends and family in az' . I live here and have for over 30 years.
Edited to add, now that is changed. You now have to have id and show proof of residency to vote in az.
The federal only ballot in AZ was created in response to Garland's lawsuit because the state Assembly passed a law requiring id and proof of residency to vote. So the assembly said, ok but we will only do that for fed elections and still require id for state elections.
This court case overturns garlands lawsuit. It fixed a damn big problem that DID exist
There was no cheating. These were always requirements. This is just kabuki theater for those of you who believe in conspiracy theories.

Fixing problem...that don't exist. :)
There was all kinds of cheating and no doubt will be again. This time they will get caught.
I have a friend who has a family from El Salvador working for him that lives about 11 miles away, a neighbor. I talk with him via text every day.
He is losing his employees he just texted me . They told him if they can't vote here they are leaving. They plan to go to New York. They have friends or someone there that invited them and they claim they can vote there.

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