Nixon Impeachment Unraveling????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

Woodward and Bernstein Skewered?

Watergate Yarn Unravels in Unclouded Light of History?

Could this be another nail in the coffin of the century long ascendancy of Progrssivism.

Truth about McCarty....FDR...Obama..........Nixon?

1. "Gradually, inexorably, the great Watergate fraud is unraveling. ... Bob Woodward, unable to resist the temptation to try again and again to be at the forefront of investigative journalism, is being steadily exposed as a chronically dishonest myth-maker. Carl Bernstein, his Watergate partner, is at least cautious enough not to tempt the fates with a regime of endless returns to the well of public gratitude for spurious and destructive exposés.

2. Because he compulsively seeks to be always in the vanguard of the exposeurs, Woodward, is a Ralph Nader figure, a runner whom renown outran... The most prominent early episode in this disintegration of a gigantic, methane-filled balloon of a reputation was “Veil,” the quickie, me-too scramble of the siren-chaser over the Iran-Contra affair.

3. Woodward claimed to have dressed up as an orderly, penetrated massive security, and entered the hospital room of dying former CIA director William Casey, and although all records show that there were nurses in his room as well as a leak-proof security perimeter, and that Casey was comatose, Woodward claimed to have extracted from him a deathbed confession of wrongdoing.

a. This was a fabrication. It was impossible and everyone knew it was impossible, but the psycho-investment of the liberal media and political establishment in Woodward’s credibility prevented the mainstream media and the bipartisan post-Watergate political consensus from acknowledging this egregious grotesquerie.....

4. Then came the authorized biography of long-serving Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee ...., in which Bradlee allowed his biographer to see all his notes of the Watergate era. In these, Bradlee shrewdly covered both sides of the street by repeatedly expressing doubt about the truthfulness of the Woodward-Bernstein account of Watergate. It also clearly detailed that Woodward and Bernstein did little actual investigating; they just made themselves the spokesman for Deep Throat, Mark Felt, who had been passed over by President Nixon as successor to J. Edgar Hoover as director of the FBI and, in his rage, showered the administration with accusations of lack of probity, some true and some not.

5. It was because of the great Watergate myth that Nixon’s subsequent kindnesses to Felt — including forcing his way into Felt’s subsequent trial for criminal violations of the privacy of urban guerrillas and testifying for him (although Nixon suspected he was Deep Throat) and successfully asking President Reagan to pardon him and his co-accused after their conviction — had to be overlooked.

6. The unmasking of Woodward and Bernstein sheds no credit on Bradlee, [who] went to extraordinary lengths to destroy a distinguished administration, although they knew that the basis on which the destruction was happening, while it inflated their prestige and profits, was of questionable accuracy and fairness.

7. Article II of impeachment claimed Nixon had “endeavored” to misuse the IRS (not that he had actually done so, as some of his predecessors had), had not fulfilled his oath to uphold the Constitution, and had violated the constitutional rights of citizens. Article III of impeachment charged Nixon with impeding impeachment proceedings by non-compliance with eight Judiciary Committee subpoenas for 147 tapes of White House conversations. All the Democrats voted for these three articles and half the Republicans for the first two.

8. But such was the sense of presidenticidal righteousness confected by the Woodward-Bernstein revelations and their media echo chamber that Richard Nixon resigned. Thus ended an administration that must be ranked — with Lincoln’s time in office, Washington’s first term, and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first and third terms — as one of the most successful presidencies in American history. Woodward, Bernstein, Bradlee, and others have jubilated about it ever since.... What occurred was a tragedy that wounded the country and the presidency and facilitated the Democratic desertion of the anti-Communists of Indochina — which led to the massacres of the South Vietnamese resisters, the Killing Fields of Cambodia, and the Boat People.

9. It is too late to redress the unjust fates of those who gained and those who lost, including among the disserved the whole nation, in the Watergate debacle and its sequels, but not too late to welcome the miraculous emergence of a balanced treatment of a cautionary and tragic episode, and to reassess blame and credit accordingly.

10. . Richard Nixon did not live to see his comeback, but it is no less real and just and astonishing for that, and he was confident it would come. And Woodward and Bernstein will, with the luck of a few more years, see themselves, figuratively, shorn like harlots in olden time. The political system and the media failed, with unseemly self-celebration, but history will not."
Watergate Yarn Unravels in Unclouded Light of History - The New York Sun

We live in interesting times......
Nixon's impeachment was eerily similar to that of Andrew Johnson. Both were persecuted by rabid political opponents who were quite willing to invent imaginary transgressions. Johnson narrowly escaped this naked power play, but Nixon's early anti-communist activities could not be forgiven.
Nixon was not impeached. He resigned rather than go through the process even if he had the ability to prove his innocence.

Richard Nixon went on to become a respected elder statesman who was consulted by every president since his term for advice. Nixon was a basically great man who put the nation first when he resigned. Before that, when he accepted the results of the election that Kennedy won, even though everyone knew that the election was fraudulent.
Nixon thought it real enough to run.

Based on what Nixon was reading/watching the MSM had already concluded his guilt.
Nixon was also smart and patriotic enough to know a huge fissure was developing (I know cause I lived through it!) in people's confidence in the office of the President!

Smart enough that he couldn't overcome the massive major press bias.. remember..

  • In 1964, 94% of media professionals voted for Democrat Lyndon Johnson over Republican Barry Goldwater.
  • In 1968, 86% voted for Democrat Hubert Humphrey over Republican Richard Nixon.
  • In 1972, 81% voted for Democrat George McGovern over the incumbent Nixon.
Research on Media Bias - Discover the Networks
So why wouldn't the BIASED MSM go after Nixon?
I love the revisionist history of the Right....McCarthy now a good guy. Nixon just misunderstood and not a crook.


Does revealing the truth qualify as 'revisionism'?

For example:

1. Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

2. And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

3. In the 1990s, decrypted Soviet cables known as the VENONA project were declassified. The cables referenced 349 citizens, immigrants, etc. living in the United States that were members of a massive underground Communist conspiracy to steal information from the U.S. and relay it to the leaders of the Soviet Union. Several of the people McCarthy listed in 1950 were incriminated by VENONA, but nobody will ever give him credit for this.
Daily Perspective: Why McCarthy Was a Hero

I'd be happy to recommend two of the books by Haynes and Klehr that explain the Venona Papers.

"For Haynes and Klehr, unmasking spies is a vocation. Since 1992, they have co-authored seven books. Most rely on documents unearthed in Soviet archives and break new ground in the study of espionage."
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: News Center
Nixon was not impeached. He resigned rather than go through the process even if he had the ability to prove his innocence.

Richard Nixon went on to become a respected elder statesman who was consulted by every president since his term for advice. Nixon was a basically great man who put the nation first when he resigned. Before that, when he accepted the results of the election that Kennedy won, even though everyone knew that the election was fraudulent.

"Nixon was a basically great man who put the nation first when he resigned."

An interesting contrast with the rapist, found guilty of perjury, and when confronted with same choice that Nixon was,

"On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."" Special Report: Clinton Accused
Nixon was not impeached. He resigned rather than go through the process even if he had the ability to prove his innocence.

Richard Nixon went on to become a respected elder statesman who was consulted by every president since his term for advice. Nixon was a basically great man who put the nation first when he resigned. Before that, when he accepted the results of the election that Kennedy won, even though everyone knew that the election was fraudulent.

"Nixon was a basically great man who put the nation first when he resigned."

An interesting contrast with the rapist, found guilty of perjury, and when confronted with same choice that Nixon was,

"On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."" Special Report: Clinton Accused

ah dick morris.......yeah id totally use him as a source if i wanted to be taken seriously.
Nixon was not impeached. He resigned rather than go through the process even if he had the ability to prove his innocence.

Richard Nixon went on to become a respected elder statesman who was consulted by every president since his term for advice. Nixon was a basically great man who put the nation first when he resigned. Before that, when he accepted the results of the election that Kennedy won, even though everyone knew that the election was fraudulent.

"Nixon was a basically great man who put the nation first when he resigned."

An interesting contrast with the rapist, found guilty of perjury, and when confronted with same choice that Nixon was,

"On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."" Special Report: Clinton Accused

ah dick morris.......yeah id totally use him as a source if i wanted to be taken seriously.

Quite a few use him as a source....including Howard Kurtz, the author of the Washington Post article quoted.

What's amusing is your post, in light of the fact that the number of folks who have ever used you as a credible source is just below one.

Consistent with that fact, you've never been taken seriously.
"Nixon was a basically great man who put the nation first when he resigned."

An interesting contrast with the rapist, found guilty of perjury, and when confronted with same choice that Nixon was,

"On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."" Special Report: Clinton Accused

ah dick morris.......yeah id totally use him as a source if i wanted to be taken seriously.

Quite a few use him as a source....including Howard Kurtz, the author of the Washington Post article quoted.

What's amusing is your post, in light of the fact that the number of folks who have ever used you as a credible source is just below one.

Consistent with that fact, you've never been taken seriously.

why would anyone use me as a source? My profession has nothing to do with politics.....Just like you, I am just a internet poster.

You are nothing
ah dick morris.......yeah id totally use him as a source if i wanted to be taken seriously.

Quite a few use him as a source....including Howard Kurtz, the author of the Washington Post article quoted.

What's amusing is your post, in light of the fact that the number of folks who have ever used you as a credible source is just below one.

Consistent with that fact, you've never been taken seriously.

why would anyone use me as a source? My profession has nothing to do with politics.....Just like you, I am just a internet poster.

You are nothing

".Just like you,...."

Let's be very clear....

To compare your preparation, and ability, with mine is to compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

Wouldn't that be an accurate allusion?

For starters, you should finish junior high school.....
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Nixon had abused the power of the executive office, abetted and assisted in the obstruction of justice, and did the honorable thing, resigned rather suffer the humility of facing the prospect of a lengthly impeachment trial which would further split the country. Ford responded accordingly and pardoned him. Regretfully not enough time for healing had passed when Jimmy Carter and his gang of numb skulls assumed control.

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