Nixon Impeachment Unraveling????

All the time. Who wouldn't talk to the only man that got an Arab country and Israel to sign a peace treaty?

Are we speaking of the man who wrote Yasser Arafat's speeches?

A) What did Yasser Arafat have to do with the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel?

B) Got a cite to prove that contention? :eusa_whistle:

a. insight into the character of Carter.

b. you're not seriously going to suggest that I'm not 100% correct on my contentions....are you?
Are we speaking of the man who wrote Yasser Arafat's speeches?

A) What did Yasser Arafat have to do with the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel?

B) Got a cite to prove that contention? :eusa_whistle:

a. insight into the character of Carter.

b. you're not seriously going to suggest that I'm not 100% correct on my contentions....are you?

a. doesn't answer my question.

b. doesn't provide the requested cite.

So the answer would have to be a NO.
All the time. Who wouldn't talk to the only man that got an Arab country and Israel to sign a peace treaty?

A person with common sense and intelligence.

Are you saying Sadat and Begin lacked common sense and intelligence?

"Carter has long enjoyed a reputation as a Middle East sage, owing, of course, to his role in the original Camp David accords. That reputation, however, rests on shaky grounds. Truth is, Sadat and Begin had their deal worked out before ever approaching Washington. And the facilitators they used were far from saintly Southern Baptists: They used the dreadful King of Morocco and the even more dreadful Ceausescu of Romania! When they had their plan essentially worked out, however, they called the White House (whose occupant just happened to be J.C.) (initials not accidental, he and his most fervent admirers have seemed to think for years)."
Jay Nordlinger on Jimmy Carter on National Review Online
A) What did Yasser Arafat have to do with the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel?

B) Got a cite to prove that contention? :eusa_whistle:

a. insight into the character of Carter.

b. you're not seriously going to suggest that I'm not 100% correct on my contentions....are you?

a. doesn't answer my question.

b. doesn't provide the requested cite.

So the answer would have to be a NO.

Just to teach you a lesson that you should have learned long ago.....wanna bet?

C'mon, big boy!

Put your dinero where you put your dinner!
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every ex-president is consulted on policy.

Has anyone asked Jimmy Carter's opinion on anything?

All the time. Who wouldn't talk to the only man that got an Arab country and Israel to sign a peace treaty?

"Who wouldn't talk....."

"For years, Carter has been a thorn in the side of presidents, acting as a kind of “anti-president,” as Lance Morrow once put it in an essay for Time. You recall how Carter irked Clinton on Haiti and North Korea. His low moment, however, came during the run-up to the Gulf War, when he wrote members of the U.N. Security Council — including Mitterrand’s France and Communist China — urging them to thwart the Bush administration’s effort. Our government found out about it when the Canadian prime minister, Brian Mulroney, called the defense secretary, Dick Cheney, and said, “What the . . .?” Some people actually allowed themselves to utter the word “treason.”

Sometimes, Carter says he would never act at odds with the government; at other times, he talks about a higher law, a duty to conscience, etc. Either would be fine: but the ex-president doesn’t stick to one or the other."
Jay Nordlinger on Jimmy Carter on National Review Online
PC would defend Ted Bundy if he had been a Republican.

You never tire of making a fool of yourself.

Rather than actually confront the facts......facts!....that I post, you make some hit-and-run absurdity about me.

You must be Liberal.
Quite a few use him as a source....including Howard Kurtz, the author of the Washington Post article quoted.

What's amusing is your post, in light of the fact that the number of folks who have ever used you as a credible source is just below one.

Consistent with that fact, you've never been taken seriously.

why would anyone use me as a source? My profession has nothing to do with politics.....Just like you, I am just a internet poster.

You are nothing

".Just like you,...."

Let's be very clear....

To compare your preparation, and ability, with mine is to compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

Wouldn't that be an accurate allusion?

For starters, you should finish junior high school.....

you are a wannabe crank..You are nothing. You play connect the dots, but you skip numbers and add your speculation to very little actual info. You infer things that are not there.

Yeah thats nice, but you tend to use the same style insults constantly. Its boring honestly. We get it, you think you are smart and anyone who disagrees with you lacks an education to understand "you". Its nice, you know how to use a thesaurus.

You are about as special as a cardboard box.
All the time. Who wouldn't talk to the only man that got an Arab country and Israel to sign a peace treaty?

A person with common sense and intelligence.

Are you saying Sadat and Begin lacked common sense and intelligence?

Your comment was " Who wouldn't talk to the only man that got an Arab country and Israel to sign a peace treaty" my response was "a person with common sense and intelligence" which referred to anyone but your beloved Jimmy Carter. In no way did I imply Sadat or Begin lacked common sense and intelligence.
a. insight into the character of Carter.

b. you're not seriously going to suggest that I'm not 100% correct on my contentions....are you?

a. doesn't answer my question.

b. doesn't provide the requested cite.

So the answer would have to be a NO.

Just to teach you a lesson that you should have learned long ago.....wanna bet?

C'mon, big boy!

Put your dinero where you put your dinner!

Is that supposed to be a valid substitute for a cite? Why are you stalling? It seems to me that someone with all the answers would be only to happy to share them and not try to cloud the issue with childish come-ons!!! :eusa_eh:
why would anyone use me as a source? My profession has nothing to do with politics.....Just like you, I am just a internet poster.

You are nothing

".Just like you,...."

Let's be very clear....

To compare your preparation, and ability, with mine is to compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

Wouldn't that be an accurate allusion?

For starters, you should finish junior high school.....

you are a wannabe crank..You are nothing. You play connect the dots, but you skip numbers and add your speculation to very little actual info. You infer things that are not there.

Yeah thats nice, but you tend to use the same style insults constantly. Its boring honestly. We get it, you think you are smart and anyone who disagrees with you lacks an education to understand "you". Its nice, you know how to use a thesaurus.

You are about as special as a cardboard box.

Ooooo....did I hurt your widdle feelings???

I heard what you said.... was this, wasn't it?

[ame=]Charlie Brown Teacher Speaking - YouTube[/ame]
Jimmy Carter was nothing more than a political opportunist who views himself as an intellectual superior political patron of state.
The Republicans abandoned Nixon mostly because of what was reveal by the tapes. Then he resigned. Woodward???? Meh, he's out for Woodward, always has been.
a. doesn't answer my question.

b. doesn't provide the requested cite.

So the answer would have to be a NO.

Just to teach you a lesson that you should have learned long ago.....wanna bet?

C'mon, big boy!

Put your dinero where you put your dinner!

Is that supposed to be a valid substitute for a cite? Why are you stalling? It seems to me that someone with all the answers would be only to happy to share them and not try to cloud the issue with childish come-ons!!! :eusa_eh:

I just wanna really stick it to ya' when I do so. won't bet...?

1. "At a time when Yasser Arafat was regarded as a diplomatic pariah by the U.S. government, former President Jimmy Carter secretly coached the Palestinian leader to improve his image, drafted passages for Arafat's public speeches and counseled other leaders of the Palestinian uprising in Israeli-occupied territories, according to a forthcoming book.

"There was no world leader Jimmy Carter was more eager to know than Yasser Arafat," the historian Douglas Brinkley wrote in "The Unfinished Presidency: Jimmy Carter's Journey Beyond the White House" to be published in May by Viking. "Carter felt certain affinities with the Palestinian: a tendency toward hyperactivity and a workaholic disposition. Both men were like modern Bedouins with airplanes instead of camels," always moving.The book portrays the former Georgia governor as a messianic character, infused with righteousness, working Arab back channels to change Middle East equations.
Carter secretly coached Arafat | Deseret News

2. "After Carter had that first meeting with Arafat, he went home and promptly served the PLO head as PR adviser and speechwriter. What do I mean? Listen to Brinkley: “On May 24 Carter drafted on his home computer the strategy and wording for a generic speech Arafat was to deliver soon for Western ears . . .” Said Carter, “The audience is not the Security Council, but the world community. The objective of the speech should be to secure maximum sympathy and support of other world leaders . . . The Likud leaders are now on the defensive, and must not be given any excuse for continuing their present abusive policies.”
Jay Nordlinger on Jimmy Carter on National Review Online

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeee???

[ame=]Queen - We are the champions, live - YouTube[/ame]
Quite a few use him as a source....including Howard Kurtz, the author of the Washington Post article quoted.

What's amusing is your post, in light of the fact that the number of folks who have ever used you as a credible source is just below one.

Consistent with that fact, you've never been taken seriously.

why would anyone use me as a source? My profession has nothing to do with politics.....Just like you, I am just a internet poster.

You are nothing

".Just like you,...."

Let's be very clear....

To compare your preparation, and ability, with mine is to compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

Wouldn't that be an accurate allusion?

For starters, you should finish junior high school.....

I heard the moon landing and Apollo program were all a hoax too.
Milton Friedman - the holy father of Rightwing economists - said Nixon was the most fiscally liberal president after FDR.

Do Republicans know why he said this?

Can they name the policies, agencies and programs he was referring to?

Because I'd take Nixon over Carter and Clinton and Obama. Yes, Tricky Dickie was an agitator who used the "culture war" to manipulate the white Christian middle class (- I'm talking about the Silent White Majority" whom the 60's Left had abandoned). But from a policy perspective he used the vast power of big government productively to stimulate the economy, grow the middle class, build infrastructure and protect the environment. He was easily one of the greatest liberal presidents in American history. He came from the old centrist wing of the Republican Party, the one that made a home for Nelson Rockefeller.

I've tried to teach Republicans about Nixon. I've begged them to turn off Limbaugh and Hannity in hopes that they might research his actual policies. But I never get anywhere because they are so trapped inside rightwing news sources. I've also begged them to study the Reagan Legacy Project launched by Grover Norquist. The Legacy project created a revisionist history of Reagan that literally erased his very liberal policies as Governor of California. They also erased his staggering debt and deficits. They erased the fact that he singlehandedly passed the most liberal abortion policy in this nation's history, and was not very religious until he realized that he needed Pat Robertson and the Moral Majority to finally break the New Deal Coalition and consolidate the South and Heartland into a powerful Republican electoral machine.

I happen to like the actual Nixon. And there are elements of the actual Reagan that I love. I think it is tragic that the new Republican Party has placed so many of its voters in a hermetically sealed bubble. It means they can't speak with any degree of complexity about their heroes. They are stuck at the level of bumper stickers and talking points.
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