Nixon’s Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon

Allegations of illegal behavior?

Washington Post

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

Your replies and your MSNBC rant tells us a couple of things about you. First you did not READ anything I posted. Second, you do not debate, you already know what you're going to say, regardless of what I say or provide.

The only information from MSNBC is what Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said. THERE IS A VIDEO at the link where you can personally watch, listen and hopefully absorb what Rep. Schiff said.

You truly made a fool of yourself on this to try again?

Do I care to try again? Care to try what again? I already made my point and your rebuttal consisted of simply repeating yourself. What am I supposed to be trying again? Are you suggesting that I repeat myself so you can repeat yourself and then I can repeat myself....? If you have some new information that applies to my previous comment then feel free to post it. Otherwise, I feel like I'm conversing with somebody inflicted by Tourette's Syndrome. I look forward to your next repetition.

I see you have decided to abdicate and resort to insults. You have not addressed any of my FACTS. Your MSNBC rant is non sequitur. Your allegations of illegal behavior are undocumented, and I provided evidence that groups were targeted by the IRS because their 'illegal behavior' was saying something critical of President Bush. So, you wasted your chance.

Game, set,

okie dokie
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It appears that wingnuts either don't know or are conveniently ignoring Nixon's legacy. Trying to compare Obama to Nixon is waaaaay beyond trying to compare apples and oranges.

Bush, however, was much worse than Nixon - but was not impeached.

Gee, Lakhota...if Bush WAS worse than Nixon...who was impeached...then why wasn't he impeached as well?

(I'll give ya' a little hint there, order to BE impeached...first you have to commit an impeachable offense.)
It appears that wingnuts either don't know or are conveniently ignoring Nixon's legacy. Trying to compare Obama to Nixon is waaaaay beyond trying to compare apples and oranges.

Bush, however, was much worse than Nixon - but was not impeached.

Gee, Lakhota...if Bush WAS worse than Nixon...who was impeached...then why wasn't he impeached as well?

(I'll give ya' a little hint there, order to BE impeached...first you have to commit an impeachable offense.)

Are you suggesting Bush did not commit any impeachable offenses?
It appears that wingnuts either don't know or are conveniently ignoring Nixon's legacy. Trying to compare Obama to Nixon is waaaaay beyond trying to compare apples and oranges.

Bush, however, was much worse than Nixon - but was not impeached.

Gee, Lakhota...if Bush WAS worse than Nixon...who was impeached...then why wasn't he impeached as well?

(I'll give ya' a little hint there, order to BE impeached...first you have to commit an impeachable offense.)

Are you suggesting Bush did not commit any impeachable offenses?

I'm not just suggesting it...I'm stating it as fact. George W. Bush did not commit any impeachable offenses.
Gee, Lakhota...if Bush WAS worse than Nixon...who was impeached...then why wasn't he impeached as well?

(I'll give ya' a little hint there, order to BE impeached...first you have to commit an impeachable offense.)

Are you suggesting Bush did not commit any impeachable offenses?

I'm not just suggesting it...I'm stating it as fact. George W. Bush did not commit any impeachable offenses.

Many disagree...

George W. Bush’s Impeachable Offenses: Newsroom: The Independent Institute

List Of Bush's Impeachable Offenses

Bush's impeachable offense -

Finally, an Indictment filed again for George W. Bush | Eslkevin's Blog

War crimes tribunal targets George W. Bush - The BG News: Columns

269 War Crimes: Types of War Crimes « GEORGE W. BUSH, WAR CRIMINAL?

Well, I'm glad that's all settled then. Ordinarily this is the part where I ask what he did that was impeachable. You then say he lied about weapons of mass destruction. Then I point out Pres. Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Russia, and the U.N. all said he had weapons of mass destruction. Then you say , " But John! Even though you are ordinarily right and agree with everything you say I must disagree on this point. Bush NEW there weren't any weapons of mass destruction". Then you post a bunch of far left conspiracy theories as some sort of proof. So I'm going to forgo all that and go to bed. I wish you a goodnight and hope to engage with you later when I'm not so tired. Have a great night. Ciao!
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Well, I'm glad that's all settled then. Ordinarily this is the part where I ask what he did that was impeachable. You then say he lied about weapons of mass destruction. Then I point out Pres. Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Russia, and the U.N. all said he had weapons of mass destruction. Then you say , " ... but John! Even though you are ordinarily right and agree with everything you say I must disagree on this point. Bush NEW there weren't any weapons of mass destruction". Then you post a bunch of far left conspiracy theories as some sort of proof. So I'm going to forgo all that and go to bed. I wish you a goodnight and hope to engage with you later when I'm not so tired. Have a great night. Ciao!

It's mostly irrelevant what others thought because they didn't invade Iraq. Bush did. In fact, both Bushes invaded Iraq. Bush 41 suckered Saddam into Kuwait and Bush 43 manufactured false evidence.

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