Nixon’s Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon

Richard Nixon is gone now, and I am poorer for it. He was the real thing -- a political monster straight out of Grendel and a very dangerous enemy. He could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time. He lied to his friends and betrayed the trust of his family. Not even Gerald Ford, the unhappy ex-president who pardoned Nixon and kept him out of prison, was immune to the evil fallout. Ford, who believes strongly in Heaven and Hell, has told more than one of his celebrity golf partners that "I know I will go to hell, because I pardoned Richard Nixon."

More: He Was a Crook - Hunter S. Thompson - The Atlantic

You know what, Lakhota? I knew Hunter S. Thompson and he was so baked from all the drugs and alcohol he's consumed over the years, his "opinion" always needed to be taken with a LARGE grain of salt.
Richard Nixon is gone now, and I am poorer for it. He was the real thing -- a political monster straight out of Grendel and a very dangerous enemy. He could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time. He lied to his friends and betrayed the trust of his family. Not even Gerald Ford, the unhappy ex-president who pardoned Nixon and kept him out of prison, was immune to the evil fallout. Ford, who believes strongly in Heaven and Hell, has told more than one of his celebrity golf partners that "I know I will go to hell, because I pardoned Richard Nixon."

More: He Was a Crook - Hunter S. Thompson - The Atlantic

You know what, Lakhota? I knew Hunter S. Thompson and he was so baked from all the drugs and alcohol he's consumed over the years, his "opinion" always needed to be taken with a LARGE grain of salt.

Yeah, sure you did...

You know what, Lakhota? I knew Hunter S. Thompson and he was so baked from all the drugs and alcohol he's consumed over the years, his "opinion" always needed to be taken with a LARGE grain of salt.

Yeah, I'm sure you did...

I lived in Aspen for ten years...Hunter lived just down the road in Woody Creek. The drunken idiot almost hit my motorcycle one day on River Road. He was banned from the Aspen Golf Course for whipping a 12 gauge shotgun out of his golf bag and blazing away at some Canadian geese that were landing on one of the ponds. You could find him quite often at the last bar stool at the Woody Creek Tavern...mumbling incoherently to himself. Yeah, I knew Hunter S. Thompson...
You know what, Lakhota? I knew Hunter S. Thompson and he was so baked from all the drugs and alcohol he's consumed over the years, his "opinion" always needed to be taken with a LARGE grain of salt.

Yeah, I'm sure you did...

I lived in Aspen for ten years...Hunter lived just down the road in Woody Creek. The drunken idiot almost hit my motorcycle one day on River Road. He was banned from the Aspen Golf Course for whipping a 12 gauge shotgun out of his golf bag and blazing away at some Canadian geese that were landing on one of the ponds. You could find him quite often at the last bar stool at the Woody Creek Tavern...mumbling incoherently to himself. Yeah, I knew Hunter S. Thompson...

So, are you calling him a liar?

Hunter S. Thompson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He Was a Crook - Hunter S. Thompson - The Atlantic
The fact that this guy feels the need to come out and say that, is a good indication of how bad Obama looks right now.
It sooo hilarious that wingnuts believe they're smarter than John Dean and The Washington Post Editorial Board and many other legal/political scholars.

I suggest wingnuts read up on Watergate.

Any comparison of this situation to Watergate has originated and is essentially coming from the conservatives, and it is just another example of their continuous hyperbolic and hysterical accusations against Obama since practically the day he was elected. They've been screeching impeachment since within a few weeks of the election. They keep slinging shit and hope against hope something will stick. Same thing they did to Clinton for 8 years. They are a pathetic lot; can't win an election without using the Supreme Court and relying on the Electoral College; can't keep anyone in office without starting a war; can't accept that any other party is in power so spend the entire presidency wasting everyone's energy and time (and millions of taxpayer dollars) on diversiions that hope to bring down that presidency. They and their tactics are pathetic and repellent in every way. They create and maintain extreme devisiveness in the country and criple the government's ability to actually do anything for the American people. A despicable lot through and through.

You're pretty much correct. The problem with the shrill hyper-partisans is that, like the boy who cried wolf, they've screamed it so many times and gone Full Retard so often, most people outside of their echo chamber have stopped listening to them.

However, that doesn't mean something bad didn't happen. The IRS may or may not have been targeting groups politically. If they were, then we need to find out what happened and take appropriate action.
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True enough Obama is no Nixon. For all his faults at least Nixon accomplished some great things. He won a true landslide winning his second term.

Accomplishments of Nixon, compare with Obama.

ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), ending segregation, revenue sharing, ending the draft, new anti crime laws, started the process of ending the Cold War, recognized and fought against foreign oil price gouging, and implemented a broad environmental program (he is largely responsible for the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency and the first clean water act). He was the only President to achieve a balanced national budget between 1961 and 1998.
Some of his most acclaimed achievements came in his quest for world stability. During visits in 1972 to Beijing and Moscow, he reduced tensions with China and the U.S.S.R. His summit meetings with Russian leader Leonid I. Brezhnev produced a treaty to limit strategic nuclear weapons. In January 1973, he announced an accord with North Vietnam to end American involvement in Indochina. In 1974, his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, negotiated disengagement agreements between Israel and its opponents, Egypt and Syria.
True. Obama is much worse.

And you have no "credible" facts to prove it, right?

The hell we don't, we are living it..
economy still in the crapper after all his SPENDING, 8% Unemployment still after FIVE FUCKING YEARS...welfare exploded, poverty is up under him, etc etc...but according to you I'm sure that would be called, Obama is GREAT
you Obama cult members are Pathetic
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True. Obama is much worse.

And you have no "credible" facts to prove it, right?

The hell we don't, we are living it..
economy still in the crapper after all his SPENDING, 8% Unemployment still after FIVE FUCKING YEARS...welfare exploded, poverty is up under him, etc etc...but according to you I'm sure that would be called, Obama is GREAT
you Obama cult members are Pathetic

I think the division in the country is the biggest indicator of just how bad Obama's presidency has been.
Nixon lied and tried to cover up a break in where one political party was trying to spy on another political party. Then he had the decency to step out and not put the country through a long impeachment process.

Clinton lied under oath about sex in the oval office, did not step away and put the country through a long and divisive impeachment process

Obama lied about a terrorist attach on US soil (embassies and consulates are US soil). His inactions and lies were the direct cause of 4 american deaths.

political spying----who cares
sex with an intern----who cares
death of 4 americans due to incompetence and lying-----we should all care, because we could be next
so is there a mountain near Rushmore? I think we need another one. Being Obama is making a few more Presidents look like Saints, maybe we can carve another 4/5 Presidents into "Mount Rushmore 2.0", lets see, what would be a good order,,,,,"Carter,Clinton,Ronny,Bill,Nixon&Bush. That would be Perfect!
So your point is that you are for the IRS conducting political harassment? So far, the differences between Republicans and Democrats are as follows. Republicans are against political harassment no matter who is being harassed. Democrats are against political harassment unless it's against those who practice political opposition. Even the republicans helped run Nixon out of town. They did not surround the wagons and defend the indefensible like some on this site. I do however give credit to some democratic congressman who refute the IRS for targeting political opponents.

REALLY??? Do you live under the house?

While Republicans attack the Obama administration over some IRS agents auditing conservative groups with the words "Tea Party" and "patriot" in their names, they weren't particularly outraged when the IRS targeted liberal groups during President George W. Bush's presidency, noted

“I wish there was more GOP interest when I raised the same issue during the Bush administration, where they audited a progressive church in my district in what look liked a very selective way,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told MSNBC on Monday (video below). One of the liberal groups targeted by the IRS under the Bush administration was All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The IRS actually threatened to revoke the church's tax-emption because Pastor George Regas said: ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine," on the Sunday before the 2004 election. Ironically, conservative churches that actively campaigned for President Bush in 2004 were not audited by the IRS, reported the New York Times.

According to the Baltimore Sun, the IRS also went after the NAACP after they said Bush was the first president since Herbert Hoover not to address the organization.

In 2006, the IRS investigated the liberal environmental group Greenpeace after a conservative group called "Public Interest Watch," which had financial ties to Exxon, pushed for an investigation, reported Democracy Now.

Sources:, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Democracy Now, MSNBC


IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Washington Post
Friday, September 1, 2006

Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status.

"It was an enormous threat," NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said of the investigation. The opposite outcome, he said, "would have reduced our income remarkably."

Bond reiterated his belief that the investigation was politically motivated. He said the decision, received by the NAACP on Aug. 9, "meant that they thought they had harassed us enough and they could stop."

In a response to lawmakers who expressed outrage over the investigation in 2004, IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson said the agency's examinations are based on tax law, not partisanship.

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.
why would the GOP even bother going after Dem's financial records to win elections? Dem's have been in the minority ever since Carter F****ked up the economy. And then came Ronald Reagan!
Yeah, I'm sure you did...

I lived in Aspen for ten years...Hunter lived just down the road in Woody Creek. The drunken idiot almost hit my motorcycle one day on River Road. He was banned from the Aspen Golf Course for whipping a 12 gauge shotgun out of his golf bag and blazing away at some Canadian geese that were landing on one of the ponds. You could find him quite often at the last bar stool at the Woody Creek Tavern...mumbling incoherently to himself. Yeah, I knew Hunter S. Thompson...

So, are you calling him a liar?

Hunter S. Thompson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He Was a Crook - Hunter S. Thompson - The Atlantic

Hunter Thompson HATED Richard he's not exactly unbiased in his opinion. What I find amusing is that I think Thompson would have been appalled at what THIS Administration just did with the AP phone records. I think he would have seen THAT as something exactly like Nixon would have done and I'm pretty sure he would have let Obama have it with both barrels if he were still around to do so. Thompson hated Nixon because Nixon was always trying to seize more power for the Presidency...just the way that Barack Obama is always trying to do. It's Nixon's view of an "Imperial Presidency" that made Hunter Thompson detest him so what's different about THIS President?
So your point is that you are for the IRS conducting political harassment? So far, the differences between Republicans and Democrats are as follows. Republicans are against political harassment no matter who is being harassed. Democrats are against political harassment unless it's against those who practice political opposition. Even the republicans helped run Nixon out of town. They did not surround the wagons and defend the indefensible like some on this site. I do however give credit to some democratic congressman who refute the IRS for targeting political opponents.

REALLY??? Do you live under the house?

While Republicans attack the Obama administration over some IRS agents auditing conservative groups with the words "Tea Party" and "patriot" in their names, they weren't particularly outraged when the IRS targeted liberal groups during President George W. Bush's presidency, noted

“I wish there was more GOP interest when I raised the same issue during the Bush administration, where they audited a progressive church in my district in what look liked a very selective way,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told MSNBC on Monday (video below). One of the liberal groups targeted by the IRS under the Bush administration was All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The IRS actually threatened to revoke the church's tax-emption because Pastor George Regas said: ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine," on the Sunday before the 2004 election. Ironically, conservative churches that actively campaigned for President Bush in 2004 were not audited by the IRS, reported the New York Times.

According to the Baltimore Sun, the IRS also went after the NAACP after they said Bush was the first president since Herbert Hoover not to address the organization.

In 2006, the IRS investigated the liberal environmental group Greenpeace after a conservative group called "Public Interest Watch," which had financial ties to Exxon, pushed for an investigation, reported Democracy Now.

Sources:, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Democracy Now, MSNBC


IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Washington Post
Friday, September 1, 2006

Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status.

"It was an enormous threat," NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said of the investigation. The opposite outcome, he said, "would have reduced our income remarkably."

Bond reiterated his belief that the investigation was politically motivated. He said the decision, received by the NAACP on Aug. 9, "meant that they thought they had harassed us enough and they could stop."

In a response to lawmakers who expressed outrage over the investigation in 2004, IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson said the agency's examinations are based on tax law, not partisanship.

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

First off, if you want your argument taken seriously I would have left off your far left wing sources as to give the illusion that your points did not derive from hyperbolic liberal outfits. Let me put it this way.
Pres. Obama rewrote Benghazi talking point to help him win an election.
Sorces: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News
You see what I mean?

Also, I have stated in the past that the IRS has been used for political purposes by both sides. However, I do not think this condones todays IRS from not being held responsible of wrong doing. The left's argument that "everybody does it" is odd. Here's my theory. Nobody should do it! Two wrongs don't make a right. Before you bring up the fact that Abraham Lincoln suspend Habeas Corpus. I don't care. I am still against suspending Habeas Corpus. I think this further explains some of the different views from the left and right.

You compare keeping conservative requests for tax free exemption to the NAACP that already has tax free exemption. You may very well believe the republicans were targeting the NAACP because of political reasons. That's fine. Maybe you're right. It's debatable. Since, however, the NAACP was granted tax exemption and conservative groups weren't because of political reasons then certainly this makes your comparison of todays scandal and scandals of yesteryear already flawed.

I think it's interesting that Julien Bond has been quoted as saying he thinks the IRS has every right to target the Tea Party but Julien Bond apparently doesn't like his own organization targeted. Julien Bond likes to have things both ways but then again he's a hyper-partisan race monger whom most people tend to ignore anyway. Not unlike louis Farrakhan or David Duke.

I also complimented some democratic congressman who have strayed from the "Everybody does it" heard mentality of the left (especially on this site) for standing up against an IRS that has been corrupt for many,many years. I didn't want to be too partisan when it came to such a serious topic. I hope you can do the same one day.

I do not live under a house. I live under a condo!
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So your point is that you are for the IRS conducting political harassment? So far, the differences between Republicans and Democrats are as follows. Republicans are against political harassment no matter who is being harassed. Democrats are against political harassment unless it's against those who practice political opposition. Even the republicans helped run Nixon out of town. They did not surround the wagons and defend the indefensible like some on this site. I do however give credit to some democratic congressman who refute the IRS for targeting political opponents.

REALLY??? Do you live under the house?

While Republicans attack the Obama administration over some IRS agents auditing conservative groups with the words "Tea Party" and "patriot" in their names, they weren't particularly outraged when the IRS targeted liberal groups during President George W. Bush's presidency, noted

“I wish there was more GOP interest when I raised the same issue during the Bush administration, where they audited a progressive church in my district in what look liked a very selective way,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told MSNBC on Monday (video below). One of the liberal groups targeted by the IRS under the Bush administration was All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The IRS actually threatened to revoke the church's tax-emption because Pastor George Regas said: ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine," on the Sunday before the 2004 election. Ironically, conservative churches that actively campaigned for President Bush in 2004 were not audited by the IRS, reported the New York Times.

According to the Baltimore Sun, the IRS also went after the NAACP after they said Bush was the first president since Herbert Hoover not to address the organization.

In 2006, the IRS investigated the liberal environmental group Greenpeace after a conservative group called "Public Interest Watch," which had financial ties to Exxon, pushed for an investigation, reported Democracy Now.

Sources:, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Democracy Now, MSNBC


IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Washington Post
Friday, September 1, 2006

Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status.

"It was an enormous threat," NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said of the investigation. The opposite outcome, he said, "would have reduced our income remarkably."

Bond reiterated his belief that the investigation was politically motivated. He said the decision, received by the NAACP on Aug. 9, "meant that they thought they had harassed us enough and they could stop."

In a response to lawmakers who expressed outrage over the investigation in 2004, IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson said the agency's examinations are based on tax law, not partisanship.

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

First off, if you want your argument taken seriously I would have left off your far left wing sources as to give the illusion that your points did not derive from hyperbolic liberal outfits. Let me put it this way.
Pres. Obama rewrote Benghazi talking point to help him win an election.
Sorces: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News
You see what I mean?

Also, I have stated in the past that the IRS has been used for political purposes by both sides. However, I do not think this condones todays IRS from not being held responsible of wrong doing. The left's argument that "everybody does it" is odd. Here's my theory. Nobody should do it! Two wrongs don't make a right. Before you bring up the fact that Abraham Lincoln suspend Habeas Corpus. I don't care. I am still against suspending Habeas Corpus. I think this further explains some of the different views from the left and right.

You compare keeping conservative requests for tax free exemption to the NAACP that already has tax free exemption. You may very well believe the republicans were targeting the NAACP because of political reasons. That's fine. Maybe you're right. It's debatable. Since, however, the NAACP was granted tax exemption and conservative groups weren't because of political reasons then certainly this makes your comparison of todays scandal and scandals of yesteryear already flawed.

I think it's interesting that Julien Bond has been quoted as saying he thinks the IRS has every right to target the Tea Party but Julien Bond apparently doesn't like his own organization targeted. Julien Bond likes to have things both ways but then again he's a hyper-partisan race monger whom most people tend to ignore anyway. Not unlike louis Farrakhan or David Duke.

I also complimented some democratic congressman who have strayed from the "Everybody does it" heard mentality of the left (especially on this site) for standing up against an IRS that has been corrupt for many,many years. I didn't want to be too partisan when it came to such a serious topic. I hope you can do the same one day.

I do not live under a house. I live under a condo!

First off, the sources are not Op-eds. They're based not on opinion, but documented facts, including direct quotes. You can try to defend Republican intent, but these incidents did happen. And if we had to wait for Faux News, Breitbart or Malkin to report Republican malfeasance, we would never ever hear a PEEP.

When Republicans had the IRS scrutinize non profits it wasn't new applications. But that is WHEN they should be scrutinized. When they first apply. What Republicans did was try to use the IRS as an executioner on groups that had already been scrutinized, questioned and qualified for tax exempt status.

I agree no one should do it, but your haughty contention that "Republicans are against political harassment no matter who is being harassed. Democrats are against political harassment unless it's against those who practice political opposition" is BULLSHIT.

For you folks on the right, liberals are held to a high moral and ethics standard. But for Republicans and conservatives, professional wrestling rules apply. When the referee turns his back, the liberal gets whacked with a chair. When the ref looks back, you right wingers feign innocence.
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Yes, Obama is no Nixon. Nixon actually accomplished something while in office and resigned because he cared more about the country than he did about his legacy.
REALLY??? Do you live under the house?

While Republicans attack the Obama administration over some IRS agents auditing conservative groups with the words "Tea Party" and "patriot" in their names, they weren't particularly outraged when the IRS targeted liberal groups during President George W. Bush's presidency, noted

“I wish there was more GOP interest when I raised the same issue during the Bush administration, where they audited a progressive church in my district in what look liked a very selective way,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told MSNBC on Monday (video below). One of the liberal groups targeted by the IRS under the Bush administration was All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The IRS actually threatened to revoke the church's tax-emption because Pastor George Regas said: ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine," on the Sunday before the 2004 election. Ironically, conservative churches that actively campaigned for President Bush in 2004 were not audited by the IRS, reported the New York Times.

According to the Baltimore Sun, the IRS also went after the NAACP after they said Bush was the first president since Herbert Hoover not to address the organization.

In 2006, the IRS investigated the liberal environmental group Greenpeace after a conservative group called "Public Interest Watch," which had financial ties to Exxon, pushed for an investigation, reported Democracy Now.

Sources:, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Democracy Now, MSNBC


IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Washington Post
Friday, September 1, 2006

Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status.

"It was an enormous threat," NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said of the investigation. The opposite outcome, he said, "would have reduced our income remarkably."

Bond reiterated his belief that the investigation was politically motivated. He said the decision, received by the NAACP on Aug. 9, "meant that they thought they had harassed us enough and they could stop."

In a response to lawmakers who expressed outrage over the investigation in 2004, IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson said the agency's examinations are based on tax law, not partisanship.

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

First off, if you want your argument taken seriously I would have left off your far left wing sources as to give the illusion that your points did not derive from hyperbolic liberal outfits. Let me put it this way.
Pres. Obama rewrote Benghazi talking point to help him win an election.
Sorces: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News
You see what I mean?

Also, I have stated in the past that the IRS has been used for political purposes by both sides. However, I do not think this condones todays IRS from not being held responsible of wrong doing. The left's argument that "everybody does it" is odd. Here's my theory. Nobody should do it! Two wrongs don't make a right. Before you bring up the fact that Abraham Lincoln suspend Habeas Corpus. I don't care. I am still against suspending Habeas Corpus. I think this further explains some of the different views from the left and right.

You compare keeping conservative requests for tax free exemption to the NAACP that already has tax free exemption. You may very well believe the republicans were targeting the NAACP because of political reasons. That's fine. Maybe you're right. It's debatable. Since, however, the NAACP was granted tax exemption and conservative groups weren't because of political reasons then certainly this makes your comparison of todays scandal and scandals of yesteryear already flawed.

I think it's interesting that Julien Bond has been quoted as saying he thinks the IRS has every right to target the Tea Party but Julien Bond apparently doesn't like his own organization targeted. Julien Bond likes to have things both ways but then again he's a hyper-partisan race monger whom most people tend to ignore anyway. Not unlike louis Farrakhan or David Duke.

I also complimented some democratic congressman who have strayed from the "Everybody does it" heard mentality of the left (especially on this site) for standing up against an IRS that has been corrupt for many,many years. I didn't want to be too partisan when it came to such a serious topic. I hope you can do the same one day.

I do not live under a house. I live under a condo!

First off, the sources are not Op-eds. They're based not on opinion, but documented facts, including direct quotes. You can try to defend Republican intent, but these incidents did happen. And if we had to wait for Faux News, Breitbart or Malkin to report Republican malfeasance, we would never ever hear a PEEP.

When Republicans had the IRS scrutinize non profits it wasn't new applications. But that is WHEN they should be scrutinized. When they first apply. What Republicans did was try to use the IRS as an executioner on groups that had already been scrutinized, questioned and qualified for tax exempt status.

I agree no one should do it, but your haughty contention that "Republicans are against political harassment no matter who is being harassed. Democrats are against political harassment unless it's against those who practice political opposition" is BULLSHIT.

For you folks on the right, liberals are held to a high moral and ethics standard. But for Republicans and conservatives, professional wrestling rules apply. When the referee turns his back, the liberal gets whacked with a chair. When the ref looks back, you right wingers feign innocence.

Non profits should only be scrutinized once when they first apply? Even if there are allegations of illegal behavior? What kind of rationale is that? I personally don't believe groups applying for non profit status should be denied for political differences. I really had no idea that this was a controversial stance. Learn something new everyday I guess.

My "haughty" contention that "Republicans are against political harassment and Democrats aren't " is obviously going to be controversial. At least I understand THIS controversy. I would just point out that when a corrupt individual "Nixon" does something wrong, republicans become his biggest enemy. When a corrupt individual "Obama, Clinton" do something wrong, the left surrounds the wagons and protect their mentors. It's simply a difference in attitude is all.

Your sources are not op-eds? Sorry but that dog don't hunt. MSNBC is all op-ed all the time. Even when it's couched in a news story format. How many times does MSNBC have to get in trouble for selectively editing videos to fit a liberal narrative till you realize you're watching propaganda? According to MSNBC ratings, you're one of their last viewers.

As for your contention that people on the left are held to a higher standard than folks on the right. Well, I'm assuming this tidbit of knowledge was derived from the "non op-ed" stories formed at the MSNBC DNC factory. Seriously, the press is overwhelmingly left of center. So to suggest that the right gets a better shake than the left is nonsense. Rather it be the mainstream press, hollywood or culture in general the right is always held to a higher hypocritical standard.
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I lived in Aspen for ten years...Hunter lived just down the road in Woody Creek. The drunken idiot almost hit my motorcycle one day on River Road. He was banned from the Aspen Golf Course for whipping a 12 gauge shotgun out of his golf bag and blazing away at some Canadian geese that were landing on one of the ponds. You could find him quite often at the last bar stool at the Woody Creek Tavern...mumbling incoherently to himself. Yeah, I knew Hunter S. Thompson...

So, are you calling him a liar?

Hunter S. Thompson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He Was a Crook - Hunter S. Thompson - The Atlantic

Hunter Thompson HATED Richard he's not exactly unbiased in his opinion. What I find amusing is that I think Thompson would have been appalled at what THIS Administration just did with the AP phone records. I think he would have seen THAT as something exactly like Nixon would have done and I'm pretty sure he would have let Obama have it with both barrels if he were still around to do so. Thompson hated Nixon because Nixon was always trying to seize more power for the Presidency...just the way that Barack Obama is always trying to do. It's Nixon's view of an "Imperial Presidency" that made Hunter Thompson detest him so what's different about THIS President?

Bush/Cheney were accused of the same thing.

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