Nixon’s Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon

It sooo hilarious that wingnuts believe they're smarter than John Dean and The Washington Post Editorial Board and many other legal/political scholars.

I suggest wingnuts read up on Watergate.

And Dean,WAPO and probably you still have myths you believe.. for one the myth of 46 million uninsured!

The Census says 10 million are not citizens. Studies of Census data show 14 million counted as UNINSURED ONLY need register with Medicaid and therefore ARE NOT uninsured!
And 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 can afford but DON"T NEED NOR WANT to buy health insurance... YET
Dean,WAPO,Obama and probably you DENY these numbers!
In doing so you and Obama have fostered the BIGGEST most ludicrous stupid LIE to support DESTRUCTION of our health care system!

SO until those people and idiots like you can add 10 million plus 14 million plus 18 million equals 42 million subtracted from 46 million..
those 4 million people still exist! HAVE always existed and idiots like YOU,DEAN,WAPO,Obama CAN'T do simple math we have a major problem!

Historians will look at these 3 numbers and try to figure out why this was so difficult for people to grasp... that there never were 46 million people that
were not insured, or were not legal to be insured or that WANTED to be insured!
They are going to try to figure out how such a GRANDIOSE LIE was perpetuated!
It sooo hilarious that wingnuts believe they're smarter than John Dean and The Washington Post Editorial Board and many other legal/political scholars.

I suggest wingnuts read up on Watergate.

Any comparison of this situation to Watergate has originated and is essentially coming from the conservatives, and it is just another example of their continuous hyperbolic and hysterical accusations against Obama since practically the day he was elected. They've been screeching impeachment since within a few weeks of the election. They keep slinging shit and hope against hope something will stick. Same thing they did to Clinton for 8 years. They are a pathetic lot; can't win an election without using the Supreme Court and relying on the Electoral College; can't keep anyone in office without starting a war; can't accept that any other party is in power so spend the entire presidency wasting everyone's energy and time (and millions of taxpayer dollars) on diversiions that hope to bring down that presidency. They and their tactics are pathetic and repellent in every way. They create and maintain extreme devisiveness in the country and criple the government's ability to actually do anything for the American people. A despicable lot through and through.
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It sooo hilarious that wingnuts believe they're smarter than John Dean and The Washington Post Editorial Board and many other legal/political scholars.

I suggest wingnuts read up on Watergate.

....and many other legal and political scholars. That leaves quite a bit of open territory.
True. Obama is much worse.

What total, irrational nonsense.:cuckoo:

They are correct. Nixon targeted specific political enemies. Obama demonized average American citizens who dared to question the government, and de facto unleashed the full force of the federal government upon such citizens.
Woodward called Obama a "Madman" too

Woodward has become a madman. He suffers from hubris and will say anything to get himself back in the limelight. His ego reigns over any other consideration, and he has lost all credibility.

I'm very confident you wouldn't be saying that if Obama were a Republican.
It sooo hilarious that wingnuts believe they're smarter than John Dean and The Washington Post Editorial Board and many other legal/political scholars.

I suggest wingnuts read up on Watergate.

How is John Dean so smart? Vince Foster was a pretty smart guy and his corpse ended up driving to an obscure D.C. park where he was found with a gun in his hand.

And your point is...?

My point is that there is no litigator employed by the Hussein administration or the DNC who would dare tell the truth about government abuses. Foster was murdered and Hillary made sure that any woman would be ruined if she came clean about her relationships with the sleaze bag president. The democrat party united with the mainstream media is just too strong for a weakling like Dean to spill the beans.
The fact that radical lefties have to dig up poor old (what is he-90?) John Dean to say "Barry is not a crook" is almost laughable. Barry must be in bigger trouble than we think.

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