Nixon’s Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon

The fact that radical lefties have to dig up poor old (what is he-90?) John Dean to say "Barry is not a crook" is almost laughable. Barry must be in bigger trouble than we think.

Anyone who tries to compare the current so-called scandals to Watergate is grossly lacking in factual Watergate history. BTW, Dean is 74.

I was 28 years old when Nixon resigned. I remember it well. I had voted for him twice.
The fact that radical lefties have to dig up poor old (what is he-90?) John Dean to say "Barry is not a crook" is almost laughable. Barry must be in bigger trouble than we think.

Anyone who tries to compare the current so-called scandals to Watergate is grossly lacking in factual Watergate history. BTW, Dean is 74.

I was 28 years old when Nixon resigned. I remember it well. I had voted for him twice.

so back in the day when liberals believed in marriage you were married to Jay Sliverheels
The fact that radical lefties have to dig up poor old (what is he-90?) John Dean to say "Barry is not a crook" is almost laughable. Barry must be in bigger trouble than we think.

Anyone who tries to compare the current so-called scandals to Watergate is grossly lacking in factual Watergate history. BTW, Dean is 74.

I was 28 years old when Nixon resigned. I remember it well. I had voted for him twice.

Well, you aren't anything if consistent. Voting for two men who have perpetrated scandals of the same caliber. Way to go Lakhota! You are a perfect example of why some people shouldn't vote period! Oh, and Obama feigns outrage at the sight of the IRS targeting political opponents, he isn't the least bit concerned.
The fact that radical lefties have to dig up poor old (what is he-90?) John Dean to say "Barry is not a crook" is almost laughable. Barry must be in bigger trouble than we think.

Anyone who tries to compare the current so-called scandals to Watergate is grossly lacking in factual Watergate history. BTW, Dean is 74.

I was 28 years old when Nixon resigned. I remember it well. I had voted for him twice.

Watergate was about a 3rd rate burglary. The investigation was expanded to alleged abuses by the IRS regarding the alleged "enemies list". How is that any different from the current pile of scandals regarding Obama except that initial scandal was about negligent homicide rather than burglary?
Nixon was a pretty smart guy - and a savvy politician. I didn't learn that he had some loose screws until after I had voted for him twice. Actually, his loose screws weren't apparent until after Watergate broke - then he started looking like a paranoid lunatic.
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.

More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

What the fuck dude? your now quoting senile 90 year old dinosaurs to protect your assnine Obama. get a grip will ya?
Obama got burned....his bullshit blew up in his face. it was going to happen sooner or latter. deal with it.
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.

More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

What the fuck dude? your now quoting senile 90 year old dinosaurs to protect your assnine Obama. get a grip will ya?

Got any proof that Dean is senile? And 90?
"Loose screws and paranoid lunatic" not withstanding, Watergate was about a 3rd rate burglary investigation that expanded into government abuses of alleged enemies. It's the freaking same thing we have today. I'll tell you the difference between Watergate and now. "Out of control" might seem a bit too strong but it's the only way to characterize the media. There was no talk radio or Fox. Everyone in the media was on the same page all the time. Karl Mark Bernstein was the son of card carrying communists who hated Nixon who was a former HUAC federal prosecutor. Who would tolerate an unverified, unidentified informant in the Obama white house without demanding verification of Woodword/Bernstein editorials? Obama is ten times worse than Watergate but the comparison is legitimate
More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

What the fuck dude? your now quoting senile 90 year old dinosaurs to protect your assnine Obama. get a grip will ya?

Got any proof that Dean is senile? And 90?

well I am 48 born in 1965..... soooooooooooo do the math. he has to be an old guy and frickin senile wearing diapers.. I sure as hell hope I die before that. lol.
although all of us were probably children/teens when Dick was in charge, but we never forget his signature manarism with the arms and fingers, the maneuvering as he spoke, he was a comedians dream come true, just like with Bill Clinton, and look at what we have now, the most boring president ever. God, he never says anything intrieging, just, uhm, uhh, err, its bushes fault,,etc.
Nixon was a pretty smart guy - and a savvy politician. I didn't learn that he had some loose screws until after I had voted for him twice. Actually, his loose screws weren't apparent until after Watergate broke - then he started looking like a paranoid lunatic.

Remember that Nixon believed what he was doing was for the ‘good of the Nation.’

Nixon believed the ends justified the means. If he had to violate the Constitution to keep America ‘safe from communism,’ then that’s what he would do.
although all of us were probably children/teens when Dick was in charge, but we never forget his signature manarism with the arms and fingers, the maneuvering as he spoke, he was a comedians dream come true, just like with Bill Clinton, and look at what we have now, the most boring president ever. God, he never says anything intrieging, just, uhm, uhh, err, its bushes fault,,etc.

IDK, I remember my dad waking me up when we landed on the moon, and seen live nam' on t,v. I just dont remember Nixion much. just what I read. but with ford they had a field day on SNL. and chevy chase.
and your prolly right about Nixion. he was trying to connect with the kids of the day....just like Bill clinton playing his flute on the Jay Leno Tonight show in the
90's.... Nixion was just trying to be "hip" I believe now that I think about it....

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