Nixon’s Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon

Liddy should have whacked John Dean the little mousey rat fuck

Thanks for crystallizing conservative's views on the first amendment. If you don't like what they say...KILL THEM.

dont go there please.... because it just makes your post sound foolish and as bad as his.

The problem is, Gordon Liddy really did offered to kill John Dean by shoving a pencil into his throat.

Since Liddy was released from prison he is the darling of the right. The More Liddy talks about killing, guns and his hatred for liberals, the more excited listeners get.
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.
More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

I agree with him 100%, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Obama.
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.
More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

I agree with him 100%, Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Obama.

Oh, is that what Dean said? I must have missed that...
President Obama expressed anger Monday at recent revelations that the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative non-profit groups for increased scrutiny during his first term. “If you have the IRS operating in anything less than a neutral and nonpartisan way, then that is outrageous,” Obama said. “It is contrary to our traditions.”

By traditions, he presumably meant the nation’s laws, which for decades have held that the federal government cannot target specific groups or individuals for tax enforcement without cause. But the IRS has a long history of disregarding this tradition.

For much of the post-war period, the agency has failed to meet its mission of neutrality, bowing to political pressure and resisting repeated attempts at internal reforms. On multiple occasions, it has become embroiled in scandal due to exactly the sort of behavior that senior IRS officials now admit occurred between 2010 and 2012.

More: IRS Scandal Echoes a Long History of Political Harassment | - By Michael Scherer
President Obama expressed anger Monday at recent revelations that the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative non-profit groups for increased scrutiny during his first term. “If you have the IRS operating in anything less than a neutral and nonpartisan way, then that is outrageous,” Obama said. “It is contrary to our traditions.”

By traditions, he presumably meant the nation’s laws, which for decades have held that the federal government cannot target specific groups or individuals for tax enforcement without cause. But the IRS has a long history of disregarding this tradition.

For much of the post-war period, the agency has failed to meet its mission of neutrality, bowing to political pressure and resisting repeated attempts at internal reforms. On multiple occasions, it has become embroiled in scandal due to exactly the sort of behavior that senior IRS officials now admit occurred between 2010 and 2012.

More: IRS Scandal Echoes a Long History of Political Harassment | - By Michael Scherer

So your point is that you are for the IRS conducting political harassment? So far, the differences between Republicans and Democrats are as follows. Republicans are against political harassment no matter who is being harassed. Democrats are against political harassment unless it's against those who practice political opposition. Even the republicans helped run Nixon out of town. They did not surround the wagons and defend the indefensible like some on this site. I do however give credit to some democratic congressman who refute the IRS for targeting political opponents.
No Tea Party / Patriot groups were denied. Democrats WERE denied.

Tea party/ Patriot groups weren't denied because the IRS sat on there applications. A couple of democratic organizations were denied after being investigated. The great thing about being denied is that the denied organization can repeal. A group cannot repeal if it has been put in suspended animation (some groups for up to three years). There is a course a group can take when denied a tax exempt status. There is no course to take when a group's application is being purposely held in limbo because of political reasons. I will also point out the bizarrely intimate questions only asked to right wing groups such as "What do you pray for?"
No Tea Party / Patriot groups were denied. Democrats WERE denied.

Tea party/ Patriot groups weren't denied because the IRS sat on there applications. A couple of democratic organizations were denied after being investigated. The great thing about being denied is that the denied organization can repeal. A group cannot repeal if it has been put in suspended animation (some groups for up to three years). There is a course a group can take when denied a tax exempt status. There is no course to take when a group's application is being purposely held in limbo because of political reasons. I will also point out the bizarrely intimate questions only asked to right wing groups such as "What do you pray for?"

Can you give us some "credible" proof of your claims?
LOL! You're kidding right? Ok! OK! I guess Conservatives should be used to being held to a higher standard than other people hold for themselves. Here we go...

IRS gave liberals a pass; Tea Party groups put on hold

When you said you wanted some "credible" proof of my claims I just assumed you were referring to liberal outlets so I paste and copied some liberal outlets reporting on the IRS scandal. I hope you appreciate my endeavor. You're welcome.
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LOL! You're kidding right? Ok! OK! I guess Conservatives should be used to being held to a higher standard than other people hold for themselves. Here we go...

IRS gave liberals a pass; Tea Party groups put on hold
IRS asked anti-abortion group about content of public prayers

When you said you wanted some "credible" proof of my claims I just assumed you were referring to liberal outlets so I paste and copied some liberal outlets reporting on the IRS scandal. I hope you appreciate my endeavor. You're welcome.

Well, your first link no longer exists, and the rest just recites stuff we've already heard.
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.

More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

Yeah, there is no comparison...Nixon TRIED and failed to get the IRS to target his foes...while Barry succeeded in getting the IRS to target his foes. Gotta hand it to ya', Lahkota...when you're right you're right!!!
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It sooo hilarious that wingnuts believe they're smarter than John Dean and The Washington Post Editorial Board and many other legal/political scholars.

I suggest wingnuts read up on Watergate.

How is John Dean so smart? Vince Foster was a pretty smart guy and his corpse ended up driving to an obscure D.C. park where he was found with a gun in his hand.

Another conspiracy theory. You guys are hilarious.
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.

More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

One, you consider this an endorsement? He's less bad than Nixon?

Two, you take his premise as correct, that Nixon's crimes were worse than Benghazi, IRS, and AP which are only those uncovered until now. That's a jump. Nixon's minions never managed to get folks killed. No mention of Fast & Furious, more people killed.
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.

More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

One, you consider this an endorsement? He's less bad than Nixon?

Two, you take his premise as correct, that Nixon's crimes were worse than Benghazi, IRS, and AP which are only those uncovered until now. That's a jump. Nixon's minions never managed to get folks killed. No mention of Fast & Furious, more people killed.

There's a lot of fucked up shit in what you're saying - but the worst is leaving out Vietnam and Cambodia. Also, how many have died from Agent Orange?

What about the Kent State massacre?

And what about JFK...?
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.

More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...

How should he know?

He's not an obama admin insider.

This reeks of 'grasping at straws' desperation for any kind of deflection.
Richard Nixon is gone now, and I am poorer for it. He was the real thing -- a political monster straight out of Grendel and a very dangerous enemy. He could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time. He lied to his friends and betrayed the trust of his family. Not even Gerald Ford, the unhappy ex-president who pardoned Nixon and kept him out of prison, was immune to the evil fallout. Ford, who believes strongly in Heaven and Hell, has told more than one of his celebrity golf partners that "I know I will go to hell, because I pardoned Richard Nixon."

More: He Was a Crook - Hunter S. Thompson - The Atlantic

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