Nixon’s Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon

At least the NAACP had books to audit!

The current abuses by the IRS was to prevent organizations critical of obama from forming at all.
The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.

More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...
Soooooo, the needless slaughter of four Americans on the anniversary OF 9/11, because of the abject ineptness of Obama and his administration, followed by a blatant cover-up, should be excused because you dream of sniffing his well worn dirty underwear, correct?
John Fucking Dean was the counsel to fucking Richard Milquetoast Nixon whom libs tend to hate almost as much as they loathe W and Ron Reagan.

Yet, when the moron, Dean, talks any smack that says negative shit about conservatives or Republicans, the libs put his past aside and embrace that embarrassment of a nitwit.

Credibility is not the liberal strong suit.

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The current slate of controversies consuming the White House has some people comparing President Barack Obama to former President Richard Nixon, but a former top aide to Nixon thinks that's ridiculous.

John Dean, who served as White House counsel under the disgraced former president, said that anyone applying the Nixonian label to Obama is "challenged in their understanding of history." There's no legitimate comparison, Dean argued, between the Internal Revenue Service's improper targeting of conservative groups, the Department of Justice's subpoena of Associated Press phone records or the investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya and the scandals that ultimately led to Nixon's undoing.

“There are no comparisons. They’re not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals,” Dean told the Boston Globe.

Dean was present in the Oval Office when Nixon suggested using the IRS to target his foes.

More: Nixon's Counsel Says Obama Is No Nixon | TPM LiveWire / By TOM KLUDT

I've always been a John Dean fan - and I believe he's exactly right. He should know...
There is an expression, "damned by faint praise". If you were to say "Obama is no Reagan", that would be far less damning.
If these things are such little "molehills", little buddy...then kindly explain why the White House Press Secretary has stood in front of the nation and told lie after lie after lie ABOUT them?
Lakhota! Lakhota! Lakhota! Are you purposely trying to make my head explode? LOL! You actually seem like a pretty nice person but you have to start expanding your horizons when it comes to news gathering. I'm sure Fox is far too right for you but what about CNN? There are other news sources besides Media Matters and MSNBC. There is a lot of information floating around! Experience it! Please! For the love of God! I beg you! Change your damn channel!!!
Lakhota! Lakhota! Lakhota! Are you purposely trying to make my head explode? LOL! You actually seem like a pretty nice person but you have to start expanding your horizons when it comes to news gathering. I'm sure Fox is far too right for you but what about CNN? There are other news sources besides Media Matters and MSNBC. There is a lot of information floating around! Experience it! Please! For the love of God! I beg you! Change your damn channel!!!

Lakhota! Lakhota! Lakhota! Are you purposely trying to make my head explode? LOL! You actually seem like a pretty nice person but you have to start expanding your horizons when it comes to news gathering. I'm sure Fox is far too right for you but what about CNN? There are other news sources besides Media Matters and MSNBC. There is a lot of information floating around! Experience it! Please! For the love of God! I beg you! Change your damn channel!!!

they are a troll, Obama apologist and spreader of hate...don't expect much more from them
First off, if you want your argument taken seriously I would have left off your far left wing sources as to give the illusion that your points did not derive from hyperbolic liberal outfits. Let me put it this way.
Pres. Obama rewrote Benghazi talking point to help him win an election.
Sorces: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News
You see what I mean?

Also, I have stated in the past that the IRS has been used for political purposes by both sides. However, I do not think this condones todays IRS from not being held responsible of wrong doing. The left's argument that "everybody does it" is odd. Here's my theory. Nobody should do it! Two wrongs don't make a right. Before you bring up the fact that Abraham Lincoln suspend Habeas Corpus. I don't care. I am still against suspending Habeas Corpus. I think this further explains some of the different views from the left and right.

You compare keeping conservative requests for tax free exemption to the NAACP that already has tax free exemption. You may very well believe the republicans were targeting the NAACP because of political reasons. That's fine. Maybe you're right. It's debatable. Since, however, the NAACP was granted tax exemption and conservative groups weren't because of political reasons then certainly this makes your comparison of todays scandal and scandals of yesteryear already flawed.

I think it's interesting that Julien Bond has been quoted as saying he thinks the IRS has every right to target the Tea Party but Julien Bond apparently doesn't like his own organization targeted. Julien Bond likes to have things both ways but then again he's a hyper-partisan race monger whom most people tend to ignore anyway. Not unlike louis Farrakhan or David Duke.

I also complimented some democratic congressman who have strayed from the "Everybody does it" heard mentality of the left (especially on this site) for standing up against an IRS that has been corrupt for many,many years. I didn't want to be too partisan when it came to such a serious topic. I hope you can do the same one day.

I do not live under a house. I live under a condo!

First off, the sources are not Op-eds. They're based not on opinion, but documented facts, including direct quotes. You can try to defend Republican intent, but these incidents did happen. And if we had to wait for Faux News, Breitbart or Malkin to report Republican malfeasance, we would never ever hear a PEEP.

When Republicans had the IRS scrutinize non profits it wasn't new applications. But that is WHEN they should be scrutinized. When they first apply. What Republicans did was try to use the IRS as an executioner on groups that had already been scrutinized, questioned and qualified for tax exempt status.

I agree no one should do it, but your haughty contention that "Republicans are against political harassment no matter who is being harassed. Democrats are against political harassment unless it's against those who practice political opposition" is BULLSHIT.

For you folks on the right, liberals are held to a high moral and ethics standard. But for Republicans and conservatives, professional wrestling rules apply. When the referee turns his back, the liberal gets whacked with a chair. When the ref looks back, you right wingers feign innocence.

Non profits should only be scrutinized once when they first apply? Even if there are allegations of illegal behavior? What kind of rationale is that? I personally don't believe groups applying for non profit status should be denied for political differences. I really had no idea that this was a controversial stance. Learn something new everyday I guess.

My "haughty" contention that "Republicans are against political harassment and Democrats aren't " is obviously going to be controversial. At least I understand THIS controversy. I would just point out that when a corrupt individual "Nixon" does something wrong, republicans become his biggest enemy. When a corrupt individual "Obama, Clinton" do something wrong, the left surrounds the wagons and protect their mentors. It's simply a difference in attitude is all.

Your sources are not op-eds? Sorry but that dog don't hunt. MSNBC is all op-ed all the time. Even when it's couched in a news story format. How many times does MSNBC have to get in trouble for selectively editing videos to fit a liberal narrative till you realize you're watching propaganda? According to MSNBC ratings, you're one of their last viewers.

As for your contention that people on the left are held to a higher standard than folks on the right. Well, I'm assuming this tidbit of knowledge was derived from the "non op-ed" stories formed at the MSNBC DNC factory. Seriously, the press is overwhelmingly left of center. So to suggest that the right gets a better shake than the left is nonsense. Rather it be the mainstream press, hollywood or culture in general the right is always held to a higher hypocritical standard.

Allegations of illegal behavior?

Washington Post

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

Your replies and your MSNBC rant tells us a couple of things about you. First you did not READ anything I posted. Second, you do not debate, you already know what you're going to say, regardless of what I say or provide.

The only information from MSNBC is what Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said. THERE IS A VIDEO at the link where you can personally watch, listen and hopefully absorb what Rep. Schiff said.

You truly made a fool of yourself on this to try again?
Lakhota! Lakhota! Lakhota! Are you purposely trying to make my head explode? LOL! You actually seem like a pretty nice person but you have to start expanding your horizons when it comes to news gathering. I'm sure Fox is far too right for you but what about CNN? There are other news sources besides Media Matters and MSNBC. There is a lot of information floating around! Experience it! Please! For the love of God! I beg you! Change your damn channel!!!


Only Lakhota is capable of such "selective comprehension".
First off, the sources are not Op-eds. They're based not on opinion, but documented facts, including direct quotes. You can try to defend Republican intent, but these incidents did happen. And if we had to wait for Faux News, Breitbart or Malkin to report Republican malfeasance, we would never ever hear a PEEP.

When Republicans had the IRS scrutinize non profits it wasn't new applications. But that is WHEN they should be scrutinized. When they first apply. What Republicans did was try to use the IRS as an executioner on groups that had already been scrutinized, questioned and qualified for tax exempt status.

I agree no one should do it, but your haughty contention that "Republicans are against political harassment no matter who is being harassed. Democrats are against political harassment unless it's against those who practice political opposition" is BULLSHIT.

For you folks on the right, liberals are held to a high moral and ethics standard. But for Republicans and conservatives, professional wrestling rules apply. When the referee turns his back, the liberal gets whacked with a chair. When the ref looks back, you right wingers feign innocence.

Non profits should only be scrutinized once when they first apply? Even if there are allegations of illegal behavior? What kind of rationale is that? I personally don't believe groups applying for non profit status should be denied for political differences. I really had no idea that this was a controversial stance. Learn something new everyday I guess.

My "haughty" contention that "Republicans are against political harassment and Democrats aren't " is obviously going to be controversial. At least I understand THIS controversy. I would just point out that when a corrupt individual "Nixon" does something wrong, republicans become his biggest enemy. When a corrupt individual "Obama, Clinton" do something wrong, the left surrounds the wagons and protect their mentors. It's simply a difference in attitude is all.

Your sources are not op-eds? Sorry but that dog don't hunt. MSNBC is all op-ed all the time. Even when it's couched in a news story format. How many times does MSNBC have to get in trouble for selectively editing videos to fit a liberal narrative till you realize you're watching propaganda? According to MSNBC ratings, you're one of their last viewers.

As for your contention that people on the left are held to a higher standard than folks on the right. Well, I'm assuming this tidbit of knowledge was derived from the "non op-ed" stories formed at the MSNBC DNC factory. Seriously, the press is overwhelmingly left of center. So to suggest that the right gets a better shake than the left is nonsense. Rather it be the mainstream press, hollywood or culture in general the right is always held to a higher hypocritical standard.

Allegations of illegal behavior?

Washington Post

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

Your replies and your MSNBC rant tells us a couple of things about you. First you did not READ anything I posted. Second, you do not debate, you already know what you're going to say, regardless of what I say or provide.

The only information from MSNBC is what Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said. THERE IS A VIDEO at the link where you can personally watch, listen and hopefully absorb what Rep. Schiff said.

You truly made a fool of yourself on this to try again?

Do I care to try again? Care to try what again? I already made my point and your rebuttal consisted of simply repeating yourself. What am I supposed to be trying again? Are you suggesting that I repeat myself so you can repeat yourself and then I can repeat myself....? If you have some new information that applies to my previous comment then feel free to post it. Otherwise, I feel like I'm conversing with somebody inflicted by Tourette's Syndrome. I look forward to your next repetition.
It appears that wingnuts either don't know or are conveniently ignoring Nixon's legacy. Trying to compare Obama to Nixon is waaaaay beyond trying to compare apples and oranges.

Bush, however, was much worse than Nixon - but was not impeached.
Non profits should only be scrutinized once when they first apply? Even if there are allegations of illegal behavior? What kind of rationale is that? I personally don't believe groups applying for non profit status should be denied for political differences. I really had no idea that this was a controversial stance. Learn something new everyday I guess.

My "haughty" contention that "Republicans are against political harassment and Democrats aren't " is obviously going to be controversial. At least I understand THIS controversy. I would just point out that when a corrupt individual "Nixon" does something wrong, republicans become his biggest enemy. When a corrupt individual "Obama, Clinton" do something wrong, the left surrounds the wagons and protect their mentors. It's simply a difference in attitude is all.

Your sources are not op-eds? Sorry but that dog don't hunt. MSNBC is all op-ed all the time. Even when it's couched in a news story format. How many times does MSNBC have to get in trouble for selectively editing videos to fit a liberal narrative till you realize you're watching propaganda? According to MSNBC ratings, you're one of their last viewers.

As for your contention that people on the left are held to a higher standard than folks on the right. Well, I'm assuming this tidbit of knowledge was derived from the "non op-ed" stories formed at the MSNBC DNC factory. Seriously, the press is overwhelmingly left of center. So to suggest that the right gets a better shake than the left is nonsense. Rather it be the mainstream press, hollywood or culture in general the right is always held to a higher hypocritical standard.

Allegations of illegal behavior?

Washington Post

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

Your replies and your MSNBC rant tells us a couple of things about you. First you did not READ anything I posted. Second, you do not debate, you already know what you're going to say, regardless of what I say or provide.

The only information from MSNBC is what Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said. THERE IS A VIDEO at the link where you can personally watch, listen and hopefully absorb what Rep. Schiff said.

You truly made a fool of yourself on this to try again?

Do I care to try again? Care to try what again? I already made my point and your rebuttal consisted of simply repeating yourself. What am I supposed to be trying again? Are you suggesting that I repeat myself so you can repeat yourself and then I can repeat myself....? If you have some new information that applies to my previous comment then feel free to post it. Otherwise, I feel like I'm conversing with somebody inflicted by Tourette's Syndrome. I look forward to your next repetition.

I see you have decided to abdicate and resort to insults. You have not addressed any of my FACTS. Your MSNBC rant is non sequitur. Your allegations of illegal behavior are undocumented, and I provided evidence that groups were targeted by the IRS because their 'illegal behavior' was saying something critical of President Bush. So, you wasted your chance.

Game, set,

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