Nixon Tried to Spoil Johnson’s Vietnam Peace Talks in ’68, Notes Show


Those who know more history than can be summarized on a bumper sticker know that Johnson's efforts were going nowhere because he was operating from a very weak position. Thus, it was entirely appropriate for Nixon's team to slow the process until he could get into office and change the direction of the war, in order to negotiate from a position of greater strength. Nixon bombed the shit out of North Vietnam and forced them to be more compliant in the final deal.

And indeed, the final settlement was very favorable to both South Vietnam and to the U.S., but it RELIED ON OUR ASSURANCES THAT IF THE NORTH ATTACKED, WE WOULD COME BACK IN TO HELP REPEL THEM, which the Democrats in Congress refused to do, when the time came, despite desperate requests from the South Vietnamese - who wanted only that we keep our promises to them. Thus, Nixon's victory at the negotiating table was turned into ignominious defeat by Democrat pussies in Congress.

And there you have it. But the Leftist Press finds it necessary - for some perverse reason - to keep kicking at Nixon's corpse more than 40 years after he left office. Pathetic, isn't it?
Quoting from Nixon's notes is conspiring with the 'left'? Oh, we certainly couldn't have that now, could we. Subverting efforts toward peace, no matter how uncertain, would normally be at least frowned upon, but if it means 'kicking Nixon's corpse', well, let it pass.

Those who know more history than can be summarized on a bumper sticker know that Johnson's efforts were going nowhere because he was operating from a very weak position. Thus, it was entirely appropriate for Nixon's team to slow the process until he could get into office and change the direction of the war, in order to negotiate from a position of greater strength. Nixon bombed the shit out of North Vietnam and forced them to be more compliant in the final deal.

And indeed, the final settlement was very favorable to both South Vietnam and to the U.S., but it RELIED ON OUR ASSURANCES THAT IF THE NORTH ATTACKED, WE WOULD COME BACK IN TO HELP REPEL THEM, which the Democrats in Congress refused to do, when the time came, despite desperate requests from the South Vietnamese - who wanted only that we keep our promises to them. Thus, Nixon's victory at the negotiating table was turned into ignominious defeat by Democrat pussies in Congress.

And there you have it. But the Leftist Press finds it necessary - for some perverse reason - to keep kicking at Nixon's corpse more than 40 years after he left office. Pathetic, isn't it?

I was lollygagging at sea calmly looking at the Gulf of Tonkin and heard thunder. I looked up an saw no clouds. I asked my friend Ski what is that? He pointed at a mountain and said B-52 strike. I saw the mountain covered with black smoke with flames licking out. Two decades later I was drinking with B-52 pilots in a Georgia bar and asked them about it. Cutting to the chase it was precision bombing.

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