NJ criminalizes 10+ round high capacity magazines today

No, moron......we do not tell the fire dept. they can only use so many gallons of water to put out a house fire...they get all the water they need....so you don't get to tell a law abiding, good person, how many bullets they get to keep themselves or family members alive and safe from violent criminals....
Putting out a fire in nothing like you shooting a fucking gun.

You van keep all ther bullets you want. Just can put them all in a single magazine/

You still can't explain why it is so important to asshats like yourself to keep those bullets out of a magazine......we show you the actual research, we show you why you are wrong....but you start weeping, pulling out your hair and start yelling...."Because I say so..." as if that is a legitimate argument...

You gave two contradicting arguments. Make up your tiny little mind.

No moron.....a mass public shooter, murdering unarmed, helpless people in a gun free zone is a different situation from a law abiding, good person under attack by one or more criminals....completely different dynamics...... you know it...which is why you refuse to acknowledge it....

So, why not use a muzzle loader in these attacks. Accorduing to you, the victims just stand still & allow you to shoot them.
It seems that you want to restrict the constitutional rights of peaceable law abiding citizens because of bad acts of a handful of deranged violent people.

How does that make sense to you?
This is the fourth location I know of where gun owners have intentionally ignored a registration or confiscation law....

CT and NY residents refused to register high cap msgs and “assault rifles” a couple years ago. MA residents refused to turn in bump sticks and trigger cranks this past February. NJ residents now refuse to give up tools that every LEO in NJ carry on a daily basis.

CT, NY, MA, and NJ gun owners, I applaud you. Now imagine what’s gonna happen when they try this in CONSERVATIVE states.
This is the fourth location I know of where gun owners have intentionally ignored a registration or confiscation law....

CT and NY residents refused to register high cap msgs and “assault rifles” a couple years ago. MA residents refused to turn in bump sticks and trigger cranks this past February. NJ residents now refuse to give up tools that every LEO in NJ carry on a daily basis.

CT, NY, MA, and NJ gun owners, I applaud you. Now imagine what’s gonna happen when they try this in CONSERVATIVE states.

We all need to stick together and show we are not going to fold and we will fight them to the end when all is corrected.

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We all need to stick together and show we are not going to fold and we will fight them to the end when all is corrected.

I agree 100%. We need to stick together and fight as one body against all threats.
And if they have hot women, we need to take them and show them how good it can be to be free....iffinyaknowwhatimean. lol
When the law is unconstitutional, it is not defying the law, it is simply ignoring an unjust law.

The Constitution •is• the law. When any part of any level of government in this nation attempts to enact or enforce lesser laws or policies that violate the Constitution, it is they who are acting illegally; it is they who are the criminals. They must not be allowed to forget this.
We all need to stick together and show we are not going to fold and we will fight them to the end when all is corrected.

I agree 100%. We need to stick together and fight as one body against all threats.

I’m in.

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When the law is unconstitutional, it is not defying the law, it is simply ignoring an unjust law.

The Constitution •is• the law. When any part of any level of government in this nation attempts to enact or enforce lesser laws or policies that violate the Constitution, it is they who are acting illegally; it is they who are the criminals. They must not be allowed to forget this.

Absolutely. We have to fight them to the end.

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When the law is unconstitutional, it is not defying the law, it is simply ignoring an unjust law.

The Constitution •is• the law. When any part of any level of government in this nation attempts to enact or enforce lesser laws or policies that violate the Constitution, it is they who are acting illegally; it is they who are the criminals. They must not be allowed to forget this.

Absolutely. We have to fight them to the end.

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It only takes ONE corrupt tyrant to revoke the rights of millions........

But it takes millions of brave citizens to reclaim those rights once taken.....

Moral: NEVER give up your rights to begin with. MUCH easier to keep them, than win them back
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It looks like this statement from the Declaration of Independence is biting leftist politicians in the ass. "“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”. It seems some people in the northeast are not consenting. More power to them. They deserve all the support they can get.
This is the fourth location I know of where gun owners have intentionally ignored a registration or confiscation law....

CT and NY residents refused to register high cap msgs and “assault rifles” a couple years ago. MA residents refused to turn in bump sticks and trigger cranks this past February. NJ residents now refuse to give up tools that every LEO in NJ carry on a daily basis.

CT, NY, MA, and NJ gun owners, I applaud you. Now imagine what’s gonna happen when they try this in CONSERVATIVE states.

We all need to stick together and show we are not going to fold and we will fight them to the end when all is corrected.

The Democrats will back off if confronted.

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