Boy, I sure like the second one better ----
do you "hide" under bipartisanship?
By setting LIMITS (imposed by Democrats) of what can be investigated and more importantly, what cant be investigated
Notice that they won't be investigating any Democrat members of Congress. The investigation is a farce from the get-go.
Investigate Democrat members for what?
Like Nazi piglosi refusing to call in additional security for Jan 6.
Democrats and progressive liberals are forever showing their hypocrisy--- --- they have reviled the attack on the Capitol 1/6 while proudly supporting and defending the Capitol police as HEROS even after murdering a defenseless woman yet last year when Trump had to clear 1,000 rowdy idiots from Washington who were blocking his ability to even be able to step outside to take a press photo, the same people acted like Trump was Castro for doing so, and tried to sue him!

Well, idiots, another one of your anti-Trump "gonna-get-him-this-times" has FAILED YET AGAIN.

Failure, a way of life for the sycophant Left.

The DOJ has recommended to the judge that all charges in the case be dropped. And remember, when a judge declines or dismisses a case, that ALWAYS means that there was never no case there!

Your words.

Trump walks free. Tee hee.

do you "hide" under bipartisanship?
By setting LIMITS (imposed by Democrats) of what can be investigated and more importantly, what cant be investigated
Notice that they won't be investigating any Democrat members of Congress. The investigation is a farce from the get-go.
Investigate Democrat members for what?
Like Nazi piglosi refusing to call in additional security for Jan 6.

Fucking moron, Pelosi is the one who called for an investigation into that and other Insurrection Day matters. It's Republicans who are trying to prevent such investigations.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

do you "hide" under bipartisanship?
By setting LIMITS (imposed by Democrats) of what can be investigated and more importantly, what cant be investigated
Notice that they won't be investigating any Democrat members of Congress. The investigation is a farce from the get-go.
Investigate Democrat members for what?
Like Nazi piglosi refusing to call in additional security for Jan 6.

Fucking moron, Pelosi is the one who called for an investigation into that and other Insurrection Day matters. It's Republicans who are trying to prevent such investigations.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Is Piglosi being forced to testify? Eh, dumbass?
do you "hide" under bipartisanship?
By setting LIMITS (imposed by Democrats) of what can be investigated and more importantly, what cant be investigated
Notice that they won't be investigating any Democrat members of Congress. The investigation is a farce from the get-go.
Investigate Democrat members for what?
Like Nazi piglosi refusing to call in additional security for Jan 6.

Fucking moron, Pelosi is the one who called for an investigation into that and other Insurrection Day matters. It's Republicans who are trying to prevent such investigations.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Is Piglosi being forced to testify? Eh, dumbass?
Fucking moron, she doesn't have to testify for her actions regarding Insurrection Day to be investigated.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
Why is this something to celebrate OP?
They are celebrating getting away with beating on cops.
They didn't beat any cops. BLM protestors threw Molotov cocktails at cops and your ilk didn't give a shit.
And still could care less, but they expect cop's to respect them, and to follow them regardless of their attacks on them. I'll be so glad when the country finally wakes up from it's delusional nightmare being lived. Even the military is under attack, but they are so disciplined that they feel that no matter what, they must listen to who is in charge no matter how bad he or she is. What a shame it all is.
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
So you are contending that a commission represent equally by both parties won't be bipartisan? Care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
do you "hide" under bipartisanship?
By setting LIMITS (imposed by Democrats) of what can be investigated and more importantly, what cant be investigated
Notice that they won't be investigating any Democrat members of Congress. The investigation is a farce from the get-go.
Investigate Democrat members for what?
Like Nazi piglosi refusing to call in additional security for Jan 6.

Fucking moron, Pelosi is the one who called for an investigation into that and other Insurrection Day matters. It's Republicans who are trying to prevent such investigations.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Is Piglosi being forced to testify? Eh, dumbass?
Fucking moron, she doesn't have to testify for her actions regarding Insurrection Day to be investigated.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

You are just admitting that the investigation will be a whitewash.
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
So you are contending that a commission represent equally by both parties won't be bipartisan? Care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
Let's have an "bipartisan" investigation on how politicians enabled the BLM riots.

You don't have a problem with that, do you?
do you "hide" under bipartisanship?
By setting LIMITS (imposed by Democrats) of what can be investigated and more importantly, what cant be investigated
Notice that they won't be investigating any Democrat members of Congress. The investigation is a farce from the get-go.
Investigate Democrat members for what?
Like Nazi piglosi refusing to call in additional security for Jan 6.

Fucking moron, Pelosi is the one who called for an investigation into that and other Insurrection Day matters. It's Republicans who are trying to prevent such investigations.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Is Piglosi being forced to testify? Eh, dumbass?
Fucking moron, she doesn't have to testify for her actions regarding Insurrection Day to be investigated.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

You are just admitting that the investigation will be a whitewash.
By "whitewash," you mean learning how it happened.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Democrats ignored cities being burned, businesses looted, and innocent bystanders beaten in what were supposed to be peaceful protests for social justice. Law enforcement is investigating 1/6. No need for a Congressional Investigation.

So investigate those things if it blows yer skirt up. Separate matter.
Maybe you could bring back Trey “Howdy” Gowdy. :lol:

So what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People? This is really just a vehicle to extend the GET TRUMP fight. A riot will never again happen at the US Capitol. No need for a Congressional investigation when Law Enforcement is already active.

Sorry, we must find out who in government was complicit. We already have a general idea

Nazi Piglosi.
There's that N-word again.
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
So you are contending that a commission represent equally by both parties won't be bipartisan? Care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
Let's have an "bipartisan" investigation on how politicians enabled the BLM riots.

You don't have a problem with that, do you?
Go right ahead.....who has submitted it?

BREAKING: Effort to Open Debate on Bill to Create January 6 Commission Fails in the Senate – Here are the Republicans Who Voted with Democrats​

The GOP finally successfully blocked the Democrats in its first filibuster of the Biden Administration.
The effort to open debate on a bill to create a commission to investigate the January 6 Capitol riot failed in the senate on Friday in a 54-35 vote.
Here are the 6 Republican senators who voted with the Democrats in favor of a January 6 commission:
  • Collins
  • Murkowski
  • Romney
  • Cassidy
  • Sasse
  • Portman

Obviously there were also Democrats that voted not to create a Commission to investigate the Jan 6th riot.
Glad to see that there is still some sanity within the Senate in this Bi-Partisan voting....

No surprise in the least on the two ones i know about Romney and Murkowski.Romney is a clone of Obama, during the debates,they said the same exact same things. Murkowski is destorying jobs in Alaska.I have my fingers crossed that kelly whats her name gets nominated in the next election for the new governor of Alaska.

are you positive Marvin Bush from the crime cartel Bush family did not vote for it?
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because the Repubs don't run around blaming everyone else for it's fails
You really think so?

Isn't the whole reason for the need for this commission a result of Trump blaming everyone, including people of his own party for him FAILING to win this election?

I'll tell you what. How much do you want to bet me that after the Democrats convene their own select commission? Everyone on this board on the right, everyone in the right-wing media, and every right-wing politician will disregard the conclusions reached, citing the non-bipartisan nature of the investigation as a reason to do so? You all will BLAME the Democrats for this commission not being bipartisan while at the same time conveniently forget to mention that you choose to not participate?

Are you willing to make that wager?
Oh you mean they will act like the Democrat's have acted over the years in the same ways ??? Hey what's fit for the goose is fit for the gander right ? You have to meet strategies and tactics of your opposition in order to defeat them with the same strategies and tactics maybe ?? Why should anyone attempt to not fight fire with fire these days ?? Time to set the brush ablaze in order to stop the out of control firestorm coming at you, so let the Chip's fall where they may.

A review of leftist policies and agenda's might be in order for you to review, because the weakness of those policies and agenda's will be the lefts Achilles heel, otherwise in regards to the American voters all around thinking on the important issues that are most important to them. Yeah bringing in the illegals in mass won't save the leftist political ambition's either.
The GOP lost the popular vote in 7 of the 8 last presidential elections. Tell us again whose policies and ideas are being rejected by the voters.

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