slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:
I saw the video where they move the barricades back. Cnn won't show you that.
Why is this something to celebrate OP?
If I may? It's slightly encouraging from the Right to see some kind of resistance to the non-stop bullshyte the Left has engaged in. It isn't going to even be a speed bump on Nancy's way to her newest Star Chamber exercise, so don't despair. The media will plaster every detail, 24/7, for your viewing enjoyment. The rest of us will be taking notes as the means you used to cheat in 2020 are fully exposed by audits your thugs can't stop.
The total insanity!
what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People?
Public testimony under oath, subpoenas acquired in less time, for starters. Thanks for asking.
Perhaps time for a Special Counsel.
A special counsel will by definition only rule on the legality of it. Legality is less important than the political aspect.

The 9/11 commission for instance was not there to rule on legal issues. They were there to ascertain what happened. Where mistakes were made, and how those mistakes could be prevented. A more streamlined flow of information across the intelligence communities is an example of measures taken.

A special counsel wouldn't deal with those issues.
Pffft, yeah just get Mueller to head it up again... Rotflmbo.He can then hire all his leftist croney partisans to attempt to frame people up again or to pressure people into saying things based upon threats unrelated to the issue altogether, and then hoping for an outcome through intimidation tactics. Yeah that really went well didn't it ? Talk about a waste of taxpayers money, and worse it segregated the nation into tribes now who are since warring against each other.

Ohhhh the damage Democrat's can do to a city, town or country when they try to run them. It's just that bad.

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:
I saw the video where they move the barricades back. Cnn won't show you that.

Too bad it’s the ONLY video OAN, Fox & Newsmax showed you.

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:
I saw the video where they move the barricades back. Cnn won't show you that.

Too bad it’s the ONLY video OAN, Fox & Newsmax showed you.
They let them in, sucks to be you.
I guess I could just respond with this one response to everyone of the posts from the right/
"Try to get past the stupidity of responding to the attack on your hate group by try to switch it to a statement about the left , or when bringing up your leader president scum Bag, to answer it with something that Hillary Clinton said , people who can think realize instantly the stupidity in such responses." after a while you end up having no clue how to respond to stupid!
he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election
Give a source for HIS WORDS doing this or STFU...people are tired of your bullshyt.

“We’re going to march to the Capitol - and I’ll be with you - and fight like hell. Otherwise, you’re not going to have a country.”
That's not a paragraph full of word's that implicates Trump in calling for the riot or violence that took place on that day, otherwise the protest took on a life of it's own. Trump is no dummy, even though you want him to be but can't quite pull it off. The American people are no dummies either, even though your movement is working it's hardest to make them that way. It ain't happening, and this metaphoric "FIGHT" ain't over by no stretch of the imaginative lefts imagination.

The fact that you have put your money on Biden doing the nation's Business, and in conducting foriegn policy in the best interest of all American's is simply telling about your intellectual mental state. You are bankrupt.
Just because he didn't say the words go to the capitol and break-in doesn't mean he doesn't carry responsibility for that happening.

It was Trump who kept and even keeps on claiming the election was stolen. It was Trump who held that rally that turned violent. It is Trump who was at least one of the people who took steps to prevent congress from certifying the election.

I'll put in this analogy. Let's say you are a shop owner of a failing shop. So you hire an ex-con who is a known pyromaniac. and let it drop to that person that it would be a good thing if "something" happened to that shop. The guy then burns it down. Would you accept the shop owner saying that he didn't litterally say he wanted the shop burned down to the pyromaniac as an excuse?

As to be intellectually bankrupt. I noted that you didn't reply to my last response to you. Do you want to remedy that?
You trying to speak for Dr.Evil instead of letting him speak ? Unless you can link Trump to that imaginative ex-con who went forth to alledgedly burn the capital down on Trump's order or to literally as a proxy attempt to stop the certification through violence, then you are just speaking on emotion's due to your TDS, and due your loyalty to party over country.
Dr. Love responded to my post 352 and you interjected yourself in that. So why can't I do the same here?

Secondly, that post gives primary sources (Trump words himself) all focused on him trying to stop the certification of the election by various means.

Thirdly I don't have to prove that Trump was willing to use violence to stop that certification. I simply have to prove ( and it has been proven) that Trump wanted to prevent Biden's election win from being certified. That in itself is more than enough basis for a congressional commission dealing with that issue alone. Since we are talking about the President of the United States actively trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power.

The fact that those attempts ended in violence is simply another nail in that betrayal of his oath of office.
We laugh at what you believe.
They have to go,
Any time you feel up to it... come get some. This group you like to broad brush as evil or stupid is about 75 million Americans. We're tired of your shit and we aren't going ANYWHERE. This country isn't the exclusive playground for you and those like you, we all share it.
what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People?
Public testimony under oath, subpoenas acquired in less time, for starters. Thanks for asking.
Perhaps time for a Special Counsel.
A special counsel will by definition only rule on the legality of it. Legality is less important than the political aspect.

The 9/11 commission for instance was not there to rule on legal issues. They were there to ascertain what happened. Where mistakes were made, and how those mistakes could be prevented. A more streamlined flow of information across the intelligence communities is an example of measures taken.

A special counsel wouldn't deal with those issues.
Pffft, yeah just get Mueller to head it up again... Rotflmbo.He can then hire all his leftist croney partisans to attempt to frame people up again or to pressure people into saying things based upon threats unrelated to the issue altogether, and then hoping for an outcome through intimidation tactics. Yeah that really went well didn't it ? Talk about a waste of taxpayers money, and worse it segregated the nation into tribes now who are since warring against each other.

Ohhhh the damage Democrat's can do to a city, town or country when they try to run them. It's just that bad.
You do realize I just argued against a special counsel? And if you are SO very worried about partisan investigations (not that the Mueller investigation was one.) Why are you arguing against a BIPARTISAN commission?

It's not that this will prevent Congress from investigating it simply prevents REPUBLICANS from participating.

Do you have any idea how inconsistent your position is?
he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election
Give a source for HIS WORDS doing this or STFU...people are tired of your bullshyt.

“We’re going to march to the Capitol - and I’ll be with you - and fight like hell. Otherwise, you’re not going to have a country.”
That's not a paragraph full of word's that implicates Trump in calling for the riot or violence that took place on that day, otherwise the protest took on a life of it's own. Trump is no dummy, even though you want him to be but can't quite pull it off. The American people are no dummies either, even though your movement is working it's hardest to make them that way. It ain't happening, and this metaphoric "FIGHT" ain't over by no stretch of the imaginative lefts imagination.

The fact that you have put your money on Biden doing the nation's Business, and in conducting foriegn policy in the best interest of all American's is simply telling about your intellectual mental state. You are bankrupt.
Just because he didn't say the words go to the capitol and break-in doesn't mean he doesn't carry responsibility for that happening.

It was Trump who kept and even keeps on claiming the election was stolen. It was Trump who held that rally that turned violent. It is Trump who was at least one of the people who took steps to prevent congress from certifying the election.

I'll put in this analogy. Let's say you are a shop owner of a failing shop. So you hire an ex-con who is a known pyromaniac. and let it drop to that person that it would be a good thing if "something" happened to that shop. The guy then burns it down. Would you accept the shop owner saying that he didn't litterally say he wanted the shop burned down to the pyromaniac as an excuse?

As to be intellectually bankrupt. I noted that you didn't reply to my last response to you. Do you want to remedy that?
You trying to speak for Dr.Evil instead of letting him speak ? Unless you can link Trump to that imaginative ex-con who went forth to alledgedly burn the capital down on Trump's order or to literally as a proxy attempt to stop the certification through violence, then you are just speaking on emotion's due to your TDS, and due your loyalty to party over country.
Dr. Love responded to my post 352 and you interjected yourself in that. So why can't I do the same here?

Secondly, that post gives primary sources (Trump words himself) all focused on him trying to stop the certification of the election by various means.

Thirdly I don't have to prove that Trump was willing to use violence to stop that certification. I simply have to prove ( and it has been proven) that Trump wanted to prevent Biden's election win from being certified. That in itself is more than enough basis for a congressional commission dealing with that issue alone. Since we are talking about the President of the United States actively trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power.

The fact that those attempts ended in violence is simply another nail in that betrayal of his oath of office.
We laugh at what you believe.
Fair enough. At least I'm willing to articulate it and give actual counterarguments to those who don't believe as I do.

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:
I saw the video where they move the barricades back. Cnn won't show you that.

Too bad it’s the ONLY video OAN, Fox & Newsmax showed you.
They let them in, sucks to be you.
This is "letting them in," right, rightard...?

Democrats ignored cities being burned, businesses looted, and innocent bystanders beaten in what were supposed to be peaceful protests for social justice. Law enforcement is investigating 1/6. No need for a Congressional Investigation.

So investigate those things if it blows yer skirt up. Separate matter.
Maybe you could bring back Trey “Howdy” Gowdy. :lol:

So what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People? This is really just a vehicle to extend the GET TRUMP fight. A riot will never again happen at the US Capitol. No need for a Congressional investigation when Law Enforcement is already active.
This is getting old , reading nonsense trying to justify their support for the destruction of our great country and democracy. The right across the board are traitors.
No one is justifying the rioting, you fucking moron.
he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election
Give a source for HIS WORDS doing this or STFU...people are tired of your bullshyt.

“We’re going to march to the Capitol - and I’ll be with you - and fight like hell. Otherwise, you’re not going to have a country.”
That's not a paragraph full of word's that implicates Trump in calling for the riot or violence that took place on that day, otherwise the protest took on a life of it's own. Trump is no dummy, even though you want him to be but can't quite pull it off. The American people are no dummies either, even though your movement is working it's hardest to make them that way. It ain't happening, and this metaphoric "FIGHT" ain't over by no stretch of the imaginative lefts imagination.

The fact that you have put your money on Biden doing the nation's Business, and in conducting foriegn policy in the best interest of all American's is simply telling about your intellectual mental state. You are bankrupt.
Just because he didn't say the words go to the capitol and break-in doesn't mean he doesn't carry responsibility for that happening.

It was Trump who kept and even keeps on claiming the election was stolen. It was Trump who held that rally that turned violent. It is Trump who was at least one of the people who took steps to prevent congress from certifying the election.

I'll put in this analogy. Let's say you are a shop owner of a failing shop. So you hire an ex-con who is a known pyromaniac. and let it drop to that person that it would be a good thing if "something" happened to that shop. The guy then burns it down. Would you accept the shop owner saying that he didn't litterally say he wanted the shop burned down to the pyromaniac as an excuse?

As to be intellectually bankrupt. I noted that you didn't reply to my last response to you. Do you want to remedy that?
You trying to speak for Dr.Evil instead of letting him speak ? Unless you can link Trump to that imaginative ex-con who went forth to alledgedly burn the capital down on Trump's order or to literally as a proxy attempt to stop the certification through violence, then you are just speaking on emotion's due to your TDS, and due your loyalty to party over country.
Dr. Love responded to my post 352 and you interjected yourself in that. So why can't I do the same here?

Secondly, that post gives primary sources (Trump words himself) all focused on him trying to stop the certification of the election by various means.

Thirdly I don't have to prove that Trump was willing to use violence to stop that certification. I simply have to prove ( and it has been proven) that Trump wanted to prevent Biden's election win from being certified. That in itself is more than enough basis for a congressional commission dealing with that issue alone. Since we are talking about the President of the United States actively trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power.

The fact that those attempts ended in violence is simply another nail in that betrayal of his oath of office.
We laugh at what you believe.
Fair enough. At least I'm willing to articulate it and give actual counterarguments to those who don't believe as I do.
We're heard your stupid arguments 10,000 times already, and they are just as stupid as they ever were.
because the Repubs don't run around blaming everyone else for it's fails
You really think so?

Isn't the whole reason for the need for this commission a result of Trump blaming everyone, including people of his own party for him FAILING to win this election?

I'll tell you what. How much do you want to bet me that after the Democrats convene their own select commission? Everyone on this board on the right, everyone in the right-wing media, and every right-wing politician will disregard the conclusions reached, citing the non-bipartisan nature of the investigation as a reason to do so? You all will BLAME the Democrats for this commission not being bipartisan while at the same time conveniently forget to mention that you choose to not participate?

Are you willing to make that wager?
Oh you mean they will act like the Democrat's have acted over the years in the same ways ??? Hey what's fit for the goose is fit for the gander right ? You have to meet strategies and tactics of your opposition in order to defeat them with the same strategies and tactics maybe ?? Why should anyone attempt to not fight fire with fire these days ?? Time to set the brush ablaze in order to stop the out of control firestorm coming at you, so let the Chip's fall where they may.

A review of leftist policies and agenda's might be in order for you to review, because the weakness of those policies and agenda's will be the lefts Achilles heel, otherwise in regards to the American voters all around thinking on the important issues that are most important to them. Yeah bringing in the illegals in mass won't save the leftist political ambition's either.
Try to get past the stupidity of responding to the attack on your hate group by try to switch it to a statement about the left , or when bringing up your leader president scum Bag, to answer it with something that Hillary Clinton said , people who can think realize instantly the stupidity in such responses.
It's called pointing out your craven hypocrisy, you brain damaged piece of shit.

Leftists seem to believe they get a special exemption for their hypocrisy.
Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.
Indeed, yet looking at this from outside of the immediate political events, should voters begin requiring on the state and national level that our elected representatives have legal backgrounds/ qualifications? I’m not sure if that is the best way to skew our already limited selection of “good” politicians. There are good politicians, but not many get air time. The loudest ones get the coverage and the loudest ones will be wasting our time and our money grandstanding during these procedures.

Overall, we have one saturated mess of one-sided politics with a one-size fits all blanket labeling.

Our country’s social and economic conditions will significantly improve when voters demand that candidates take a battery of tests and post their scores. This is the way forward, instead of this useless back-and-forth Dem/Rep rope pulling contest we’ve had going on for years.

Is it even reasonable to assume that a politically-saturated person will view primary evidence without their partisan lens? I’m stuck on this, as a constitutionalist and as a big-picture thinker.
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Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why can't Democrats respect the law?

Show me the part of the constitution about the filibuster :lol:
The Constitution does not contain every law we have. Also the Democrats do not give a shit about the Constitution or they would not make such a fuss over the Constitutional guarantee of election integrity. Next.
Even if it wouldn't be something that is strictly illegal, investigating the question and be forced to reckon with the answer is probably one of the most important things you can do.
Indeed, yet looking at this from outside of the immediate political events, should voters begin requiring on the state and national level that our elected representatives have legal backgrounds/ qualifications? I’m not sure if that is the best way to skew our already limited selection of “good” politicians. There are good politicians, but not many get air time. The loudest ones get the coverage and the loudest ones will be wasting our time and our money grandstanding during these procedures.

Overall, we have one saturated mess of one-sided politics with a one-size fits all blanket labeling.

Our countries social and economic conditions will significantly improve when voters demand that candidates take a battery of tests and post their scores. This is the way forward, instead of this useless back-and-forth Dem/Rep rope pulling contest we’ve had going on for years.

Is it even reasonable to assume that a politically-saturated person will view primary evidence without their partisan lens? I’m stuck on this, as a constitutionalist and as a big-picture thinker.
No, I don't think there should be any requisite conditions besides maybe age to run for public office.

The question however seems to be completely irrelevant to whether or not the loser of any particular election can invoke any but the constitutionally allowed legal challenges? And if not, this commission seems the most straightforward way to start tackling that question.

My whole problem here is not strictly focused on Trump. It is focused on the precedent that Trump set and the response now in motion by the GOP to make that precedent stick in future elections. A precedent and this is the only opinion I'll give that leads to something else than representative Democracy.
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