what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People?
Public testimony under oath, subpoenas acquired in less time, for starters. Thanks for asking.
he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election
Give a source for HIS WORDS doing this or STFU...people are tired of your bullshyt.

“We’re going to march to the Capitol - and I’ll be with you - and fight like hell. Otherwise, you’re not going to have a country.”
That's not a paragraph full of word's that implicates Trump in calling for the riot or violence that took place on that day, otherwise the protest took on a life of it's own. Trump is no dummy, even though you want him to be but can't quite pull it off. The American people are no dummies either, even though your movement is working it's hardest to make them that way. It ain't happening, and this metaphoric "FIGHT" ain't over by no stretch of the imaginative lefts imagination.

The fact that you have put your money on Biden doing the nation's Business, and in conducting foriegn policy in the best interest of all American's is simply telling about your intellectual mental state. You are bankrupt.
The right wing congressman and public attempt to white wash the Attack on the Capital, are traitors to this country, we can't except that and expect to stay a Republic/Democracy. They are willing to sell out every value that makes us what and who we are as a country to stay in power. When in fact the actions of 1/6 and the response now is enough reason in itself to erase these traitors from our country. Their party should be destroyed and remade with some semblance of patriotism for the conservative voice that is needed in this country but it is up to them to create a voice that has enough support without being 100% hate based as it is now and for the real conservative trying to find reason to support this hate group you dishonor conservatism. It is nothing but a organized hate group as it is now. Don't let them destroy us , they will without a care. You have a choice, look the other way or stand up for this great country. There is nothing in between. You are part of it or you are a solution for it.

View attachment 494840

You're absolutely right and with the authorized murder of the unarmed female protestor by the Capitol police because our congresspersons feared for their lives; we need to pass an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States that authorizes castle doctrine and concealed carry across the nation for all homeowners and business owners for the same reason.

This needs to happen yesterday!!!



he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election
Give a source for HIS WORDS doing this or STFU...people are tired of your bullshyt.

“We’re going to march to the Capitol - and I’ll be with you - and fight like hell. Otherwise, you’re not going to have a country.”
That's not a paragraph full of word's that implicates Trump in calling for the riot or violence that took place on that day, otherwise the protest took on a life of it's own. Trump is no dummy, even though you want him to be but can't quite pull it off. The American people are no dummies either, even though your movement is working it's hardest to make them that way. It ain't happening, and this metaphoric "FIGHT" ain't over by no stretch of the imaginative lefts imagination.

The fact that you have put your money on Biden doing the nation's Business, and in conducting foriegn policy in the best interest of all American's is simply telling about your intellectual mental state. You are bankrupt.
Since you are so confident, you wont mind if we put the people in Trumps insurrection war tent under oath in Congress. Because surely they wont describe a crazy old man who was watching with glee. Or how he immediately ran to the TV when his speech ended, to watch the result of his speech, and was pleased to see they were what he expected and wanted.. No worries, right?
THis the right thinks is a actual response to counteract the support of the right in the destruction of this country
Huh? Where's my Biden decoder ring when I need it?
The right isn't poorly running cities into the ground, nor running states like gulags.
The right wasn't sabotaging trade deals by obstructing the gov't and commiting logan act interferences.
The right wasn't doing quid pro quos with China to let cartels bring China Fetynal into the country.
The right didn't elect the 1 guy that is doing everything you falsely claimed Trump as doing.
The right didn't kill hundreds of thousands of people for political control by down playing remedies and censoring knowledge about the medications and supplements that elleviate the intensity of the virus.
The right didn't create antifa and BLM terrorists nor higher crimes through defund police dabacles. They didn't create the mental instability, nor the sanitation issues, nor the riots and looting. And lastly not all the protestors Jan6 were from the right, especially not the ones who got roudy wnd broke laws, many people preplaned the protests left right and center and anti gov't types over lockdowns not the voting.
Pelosi knew this and the left had instigator. (proof=guy with dixie flag was a Dem from Delaware and his fur collar friend who broke in was a dem) which is why she purposely refused national guard reinforcements, with intent to incite and use it as a political theater piece. You fell for it but the vote for the commission did not.
he asked his supporters to stop the certification of that election
Give a source for HIS WORDS doing this or STFU...people are tired of your bullshyt.

“We’re going to march to the Capitol - and I’ll be with you - and fight like hell. Otherwise, you’re not going to have a country.”
That's not a paragraph full of word's that implicates Trump in calling for the riot or violence that took place on that day, otherwise the protest took on a life of it's own. Trump is no dummy, even though you want him to be but can't quite pull it off. The American people are no dummies either, even though your movement is working it's hardest to make them that way. It ain't happening, and this metaphoric "FIGHT" ain't over by no stretch of the imaginative lefts imagination.

The fact that you have put your money on Biden doing the nation's Business, and in conducting foriegn policy in the best interest of all American's is simply telling about your intellectual mental state. You are bankrupt.
Just because he didn't say the words go to the capitol and break-in doesn't mean he doesn't carry responsibility for that happening.

It was Trump who kept and even keeps on claiming the election was stolen. It was Trump who held that rally that turned violent. It is Trump who was at least one of the people who took steps to prevent congress from certifying the election.

I'll put in this analogy. Let's say you are a shop owner of a failing shop. So you hire an ex-con who is a known pyromaniac. and let it drop to that person that it would be a good thing if "something" happened to that shop. The guy then burns it down. Would you accept the shop owner saying that he didn't litterally say he wanted the shop burned down to the pyromaniac as an excuse?

As to be intellectually bankrupt. I noted that you didn't reply to my last response to you. Do you want to remedy that?
Let's face this fact: The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has become the RINO. The values and principles going back to IKE [see: Republican Party Platform of 1956 | The American Presidency Project] have devolved into a party rejecting the first principle in the link above:

"Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose."
Further more in the same link:

"Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."

"While jealously guarding the free institutions and preserving the principles upon which our Republic was founded and has flourished, the purpose of the Republican Party is to establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares.
"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land."
This 21st century Republican Party is not conservative by any means, it is radical and rejects overtly by their words and deeds (meaning McConnell & trump specifically, and those elected members of Congress who put their job first and foremost), a rejection of the words in bold above.
Anything the republican's have become, they became that way because of Democrat's. The countering of radical Democrat's has driven the republican's along with the citizenry (mad), as in mentally unstable mad.

You people could drive a snake crazy, and that's saying something. Look at the chaos you've caused already, yet the very definition of looney is not admitting to it, and then attempting to blame someone else for it.
because the Repubs don't run around blaming everyone else for it's fails
You really think so?

Isn't the whole reason for the need for this commission a result of Trump blaming everyone, including people of his own party for him FAILING to win this election?

I'll tell you what. How much do you want to bet me that after the Democrats convene their own select commission? Everyone on this board on the right, everyone in the right-wing media, and every right-wing politician will disregard the conclusions reached, citing the non-bipartisan nature of the investigation as a reason to do so? You all will BLAME the Democrats for this commission not being bipartisan while at the same time conveniently forget to mention that you choose to not participate?

Are you willing to make that wager?
what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People?
Public testimony under oath, subpoenas acquired in less time, for starters. Thanks for asking.

OK. What is your higher goal..... prevent from ever happening again or use as a tool to punish the opposition politically?
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Fine by me. Like every other commission it would be a waste of millions of dollars with no end result other than politicians being able to grandstand in front of the cameras in the appearance they are actually doing something for their constituents.
Yup. A giant waste of time and tax dollars. Hell its been investigated to death already.

Politicians love to grand stand and pat themselves on the back. Worthless, one and all.
Agree, and if it hasn't been, then where is our DOJ, FBI, CIA, and HLS at ???? They have plenty of power already to do these things, so the only explanation is that the Democrat's keep trying to use the thing to play politic's against Trump who became their biggest fear ever.

The thing is, is that the American people have got to wake up, and quit allowing this stuff to continue in their name without consequences either swiftly or at the upcoming poles.

Heard now that there is evidence that Biden knew more about his son's dealings with some bad player's in the world, yet we don't hear cries from the halls of power to impeach the alledged crooked politician occupying the people's house currently. Why don't the people want better for their country than what we've been seeing ?? How about lower taxes, more job's, better retirement for senior's, better conditions for senior's who paved the way for those up and coming behind them, better management of our government service's where infrastructure is concerned, and putting the manual drive switches back onto everything they've been removed from, otherwise to insulate ourselves from attack in order to survive while fighting back ?????????? Stop government from playing their social experimentation on the citizen's. Get out of the citizen's business where it doesn't belong, and fix the media problem by creating a bipartisan media channel that only gives the news in which pertains to the economy and security of our country, and hopefully this would relegate the entertainment news to being a bafoon that people will finally give up on, and realize the damage it has caused, and the spell in which they were under.
The right wing congressman and public attempt to white wash the Attack on the Capital, are traitors to this country, we can't except that and expect to stay a Republic/Democracy. They are willing to sell out every value that makes us what and who we are as a country to stay in power. When in fact the actions of 1/6 and the response now is enough reason in itself to erase these traitors from our country. Their party should be destroyed and remade with some semblance of patriotism for the conservative voice that is needed in this country but it is up to them to create a voice that has enough support without being 100% hate based as it is now and for the real conservative trying to find reason to support this hate group you dishonor conservatism. It is nothing but a organized hate group as it is now. Don't let them destroy us , they will without a care. You have a choice, look the other way or stand up for this great country. There is nothing in between. You are part of it or you are a solution for it.

View attachment 494840

You're absolutely right and with the authorized murder of the unarmed female protestor by the Capitol police because our congresspersons feared for their lives; we need to pass an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States that authorizes castle doctrine and concealed carry across the nation for all homeowners and business owners for the same reason.

This needs to happen yesterday!!!




Next time they may....if you read RW social media, they are trying to work each other up to such an event. I'm sure that the Authorities will meet them armed this time with "weapons free".
what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People?
Public testimony under oath, subpoenas acquired in less time, for starters. Thanks for asking.
Perhaps time for a Special Counsel.
A special counsel will by definition only rule on the legality of it. Legality is less important than the political aspect.

The 9/11 commission for instance was not there to rule on legal issues. They were there to ascertain what happened. Where mistakes were made, and how those mistakes could be prevented. A more streamlined flow of information across the intelligence communities is an example of measures taken.

A special counsel wouldn't deal with those issues.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why on earth would you need a commission for this anyway? Hell, your last democrat commission lied and fabricated evidence to make people think our president worked for Putin.

Why did you need 10 Ben Ghazi investigations which found bupkis?
Did Hillary try to hang Biden or something?
Hillary didnt send them help, thats why. Also, at no point did they fabricate evidence like democrats did against Trump.

Remind me of when Dear Leader called off his riot or called in the National Guard
Wait never mind, he didn’t - Too busy watching on TeeVee FOR 3 hours.
Well fucktard, Trump offered the National Guard and Pisslosi the drunk refused it. As well as any other added security. On a day the FBI says they knew something may happen. Makes it Nancy’s fault. His riot? No retard, it’s YOUR riot. Not insurrection, riot. YOUR term. Remind us when Biden, Harris, and other Dems called off the Portland attempted (and at times successful) murderers? Oh wait, they encouraged them to continue. IDIOT.
The insanity of people who have a serious mentally ill hate monger as their leader.This is what you get, they believe there is something to what they say. The sad part is how easily they got to this point. One of these haters says a opinion and it becomes fact to the rest of them. Monothink ,which takes a hell of a weak mind to follow.
this does is set the stage for another more violent attempt Insurrection.
Which is just going to result in all of those people being hosed down by the national guard next time. Not that the GOP cares. They have no affinity for their base.

These assholes who preach of Law and Order and Respect for "Blue Lives Matter". These assholes shit on the memory of 140-Injured Capitol Hill Police Officers who defended these cowardly pieces liquid shit.

These shit stains wipe their asses with the United States Constitution, which they have sworn to protect and instead use as toilet paper.

These fucking cowards, who hid in their offices while Insurrectionists attacked our Capitol, crawl on their bellies to a Traitor.

Fuck every last one of belly crawling, shit sucking cowards They care nothing for our country, they worship a 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward.

Fuck every last of them.
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People?
Public testimony under oath, subpoenas acquired in less time, for starters. Thanks for asking.

OK. What is your higher goal..... prevent from ever happening again or use as a tool to punish the opposition politically?
Prevent from happening again which includes finding out who caused it to happen.
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
They are afraid...of trump...of trump cultists....of being held responsible for their part. They are afraid.

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