The event is being investigated by the Justice Dept. and there`s not a thing that the GQP can do to stop it. Enjoy your high-fives and spiking the ball while you can.
Oh like you all have done for 4 years, otherwise ignoring the justice dept when killing, looting, burning, occupying, ignoring a pandemic, lying, crying and etc ? Now all of a sudden you believe in the justice system again eh ?? Well isn't that special.
There was no justice department under trump.
This is why the filibuster needs to go.
The filibuster functions much the same as the Electoral College. Both keep the minority side from being raped by the majority.

The filibuster saves the liberal asses just as much as it saves the conservative asses. Your buddy Harry Reid proved that for you.

Liberalism is well represented by anti-American assholes!

First of all Harry Reid is not my “buddy”.
Secondly, I do not support ”Liberalism“.

Elections are supposed to have consequences. No minority party should be able to shut down legislation arbitrarily because of a 60 vote threshold. If compromise is such an anathema than let either party pass legislation by 51 to 49 votes.

If elected reps in the minority party object to the bill, vote against it. If there aren’t enough votes to defeat the measure, too bad. Go win the next election.
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Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why on earth would you need a commission for this anyway? Hell, your last democrat commission lied and fabricated evidence to make people think our president worked for Putin.

Why did you need 10 Ben Ghazi investigations which found bupkis?
Did Hillary try to hang Biden or something?
Hillary didnt send them help, thats why. Also, at no point did they fabricate evidence like democrats did against Trump.

Remind me of when Dear Leader called off his riot or called in the National Guard
Wait never mind, he didn’t - Too busy watching on TeeVee FOR 3 hours.
Well fucktard, Trump offered the National Guard and Pisslosi the drunk refused it. As well as any other added security. On a day the FBI says they knew something may happen. Makes it Nancy’s fault. His riot? No retard, it’s YOUR riot. Not insurrection, riot. YOUR term. Remind us when Biden, Harris, and other Dems called off the Portland attempted (and at times successful) murderers? Oh wait, they encouraged them to continue. IDIOT.
because the Repubs don't run around blaming everyone else for it's fails
You really think so?

Isn't the whole reason for the need for this commission a result of Trump blaming everyone, including people of his own party for him FAILING to win this election?

I'll tell you what. How much do you want to bet me that after the Democrats convene their own select commission? Everyone on this board on the right, everyone in the right-wing media, and every right-wing politician will disregard the conclusions reached, citing the non-bipartisan nature of the investigation as a reason to do so? You all will BLAME the Democrats for this commission not being bipartisan while at the same time conveniently forget to mention that you choose to not participate?

Are you willing to make that wager?
What are republicans so afraid of...? Those in office are such slimey, yellowbelly cowards shows where they stand, which is with their own reelection and not their oath of office, instead of getting answers for those harmed on January 6th, and getting to the bottom of why security failed so miserably, and what happened with Ashley, and who ordered what, when? Did Capitol Police chief get orders from sergeant of arms to stand down or not prepare for possible civil unrest?

This commission outside of congress, bipartisan, equal commissioners, equal subpoena power... on both sides, should have been welcomed by everyone.
It shouldn't be politicized, and that's exactly what the aim was for undoubtedly, because we have a DOJ and other services that already have the powers to get to the bottom of these things, but certain player's are attempting to use it for political purposes. That's all
What is not political about not accepting the election results and trying to stop the certification of the election? Isn't that an inherently political act?
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why on earth would you need a commission for this anyway? Hell, your last democrat commission lied and fabricated evidence to make people think our president worked for Putin.

Why did you need 10 Ben Ghazi investigations which found bupkis?
Did Hillary try to hang Biden or something?
Hillary didnt send them help, thats why. Also, at no point did they fabricate evidence like democrats did against Trump.

Remind me of when Dear Leader called off his riot or called in the National Guard
Wait never mind, he didn’t - Too busy watching on TeeVee FOR 3 hours.
Well fucktard, Trump offered the National Guard and Pisslosi the drunk refused it. As well as any other added security. On a day the FBI says they knew something may happen. Makes it Nancy’s fault. His riot? No retard, it’s YOUR riot. Not insurrection, riot. YOUR term. Remind us when Biden, Harris, and other Dems called off the Portland attempted (and at times successful) murderers? Oh wait, they encouraged them to continue. IDIOT.

Dude, you have anger management issues and are once again spinning like a top.
Call upstairs for a nice Hot Pocket ;)
I don't think voters will forget this. At least a majority of us. We know who the enemy of democracy is.
The R party has made a choice to end the noise by not taking part in a commission. They're gambling that is the quickest way to kill the fuss being made.

The trials and the convictions of some of the rioters will keep this thing going.

The D's just need to time the court cases and convictions for just before the next election.

When you speak of “timing” - I’d rather keep it as apolitical as possible while still playing hardball.
I get the temptation, but there’s a way to play dirty like the Insurrection Party without being quite so obvious about it.
Another explanation is that he's not an unhinged TDS suffering fuckng crackpot, like you two schmendricks.
If you're referring to McConnell, I would agree he's no crackpot. He could be a traitor too who has covertly manipulated his party into taking the position they took and are now saddled with.

And there's little doubt that McConnell has taken it up the ass from Trump many times already!

How can McConnell handle this situation now, as he's been forced to take a position against having his party involved?
McConnell speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Much like Trump, he lies and lies about his lies by lying.

McTurtle: Two faces/ Three chins :)

Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Why can't Democrats respect the law?

Show me the part of the constitution about the filibuster :lol:
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
No worries. Democrats tried to hold a bipartisan joint investigation. Now it will have to be partisan investigations held independently in each chamber.
Bipartisan? Who are you kidding? Bicommunist is more like it.
Fuck off, nut, until you learn what bipartisan means.
Fuck off troll. There should have been a bipartisan investigation of fraud and Jan. 6th never would have happened.
The states already did that, Fruitcake. Then they certified their slates. In turn, certified by the Congress which included several objections.

Several objections? I’d put that number somewhere upwards of 160 ultimate no votes.
Only one way to fix traitors such as Hawley, Cruz and over 140 House Pugs: Deport them all to Belarus! :)

Another attempt by Democrat extremists to discredit the Republican Party and thereby prevent Trump from running in the 2024 election has failed!

Senate blocks legislation to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection.​

View attachment 494644

The Senate voted 54-35 to reject the creation of a January 6 commission.

Source: Senate blocks legislation to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection

Actually the majority voted for it.

54 voted for it. The majority.

35 voted against it. The minority.

In a democratic republic, that would have become law.

The only reason why it didn't advance is because the republicans have destroyed democracy in our senate. A democracy requires over 50% to vote for it. Which is what happened.

Only a third voted against it.

Your lie is pathetic and has the situation backwards but then I expect it from people who believe that Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man.

Yep Dana. We are the only developed nation in the world where you can win 54-35 and still lose.
Imagine a football game ending with that score where the team getting 35 points declares victory. :)
They'll continue to whitewash it, but they're the only ones buying into this stuff.

Ten Benghazi investigations are fine, but an attack that had them barricaded for their lives was no big deal.

This is the Republican Party now. These are not outliers. The party is fully behind this madness.
The R party has hogtied itself to making the claim that it was only a peaceful visit to the Capitol. That won't work!
And now they have effectively stuffed gags in the mouths of their champions who would have been able to argue their case to the joint commission.

Huge tactical fuck up!
I hope so, but I'm not assuming anything.

If these ignorant, misguided, dishonest people see electoral wins, then that's where this country is. That's the scary part.

The only scary part is that we have too many anti-American dotards that think like you!

You’ll need to find a new name to call progressives. “Dotard” is taken ;)
What are republicans so afraid of...? Those in office are such slimey, yellowbelly cowards shows where they stand, which is with their own reelection and not their oath of office, instead of getting answers for those harmed on January 6th, and getting to the bottom of why security failed so miserably, and what happened with Ashley, and who ordered what, when? Did Capitol Police chief get orders from sergeant of arms to stand down or not prepare for possible civil unrest?

This commission outside of congress, bipartisan, equal commissioners, equal subpoena power... on both sides, should have been welcomed by everyone.
It shouldn't be politicized, and that's exactly what the aim was for undoubtedly, because we have a DOJ and other services that already have the powers to get to the bottom of these things, but certain player's are attempting to use it for political purposes. That's all
Having congress doing the investigation, aka Bengazi style with 8 investigations in to it, is political....

Having a 9/11 style commission OUTSIDE of house congressmen and Senate senators, with equal number of commissioners, equal subpoena power on each side of the aisle,

Was the best, non partisan way to investigate this situation.

Having all those house hearings and investigations is NOT...

the right wing will be shouting FOUL all the way through the investigations... A commission would have been seen as legitimate, with both sides equal, and the truth they uncover, would have been believed, even by some Trump supporters....and Trump did NOT want to take a chance on that happening....

Having the democrat majority house do the investigation, trump can call it a Witch Hunt, Fake News etc...and THAT is what Trump wants..... He has you all, wrapped around his pinky finger...and he smiles....
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
Ummm… yeah.

OH WAIT, remind me, what are the members of SCOTUS names again and who appointed them? I seem to recall something about a strict constructionist bent on the court or some such.

I will admit, you’re a GAMBLER.

Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run, you NEVER COUNT YOUR WINNINGS WHEN YOU’RE SITTING AT THE TABLE” — Kenny Rogers
SCOTUS doesn't certify elections -- Congress does.

Most Trumpettes are like Dear Leader. They never took Civics or Government 101.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
I think it's time to start considering whether Trump can gain enough support to make him a threat to your country and democracy. He almost certainly can't gain enough support by voters but he do huge damage to America with even just a third of the people supporting him.

Fascism can win out over a democracy by the use of force, when that force can be appied by their greater will to bring fascism, over the comparably peaceful populace who aren't inclined toward violence.

While the Jan.6 demonstration by Trump only became a circus act if compared to a real coup attempt, it still should have sent a very powerful message. Can Trump rally his troops to try it again, only with guns the next time and with serious intent?

I still think that the democracy's army will eliminate him first, or at least make the attempt.

Can he still rise again to power even with much less support than a majority? Hitler did.

A huge landslide vote against Trump and his enablers may not be powerful enough to stop him!

I’m not gonna support an assassin, prison will suffice. Little RICO Bay-Bee! :D
All that's needed to keep Trump out of office is to keep Democrats to win control of Congress in the 2024 election.
From a Canadian's POV, I see it as a situation in which Trump must be prevented from regaining the presidency. This will be a mutually agreed position of all of America's security agencies. It's just too unthinkable to contemplate the damage he could do if he regains power.

For that reason, all options are on the table to stop him!

This has called for Biden to begin to compromise on his planned agenda in order to maintain popularity of his D party. Biden will be following directions from responsible Americans who fully understand America's precarious position. He must know that America's future is on very shaky ground with the fascist threat, even if it's not with Trump leading it.

If necessary, government will deal with Trump even if it calls for the Kennedy solution!

The China threat to America's superiority can't be ignored for much longer, just for the sake of domestic division in America. America must find it's way back to sanity and start to pull together.
This certainly calls for the elimination of the Trump problem.
We have the 14th Amendment to keep him out, but will need Democrats in control of Congress on 1.6.25 to enforce it.
Ummm… yeah.

OH WAIT, remind me, what are the members of SCOTUS names again and who appointed them? I seem to recall something about a strict constructionist bent on the court or some such.

I will admit, you’re a GAMBLER.

Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run, you NEVER COUNT YOUR WINNINGS WHEN YOU’RE SITTING AT THE TABLE” — Kenny Rogers
SCOTUS doesn't certify elections -- Congress does.

Most Trumpettes are like Dear Leader. They never took Civics or Government 101.
ROFLMAO! Well I see the disease has spread, but I’m betting that like the poster you quoted YOU won’t be able to delineate the strategy whereby Congress could utilize the 14th Amendment to decertify an election without the Judicial Branch having the final say.

Or are you like your predecessor in this idiotic theory hoping that we’ll go into full SOVIET UNION MODE on the small chance that Donny were to manage to get re-elected and thus allow the Congress to de-certify the state elections, disenfranchise the voters and simply APPOINT their candidate of choice while SCOTUS just goes into a corner and sulks.

Come on! of you two genius back up your argument with something that looks like reason.


Another attempt by Democrat extremists to discredit the Republican Party and thereby prevent Trump from running in the 2024 election has failed!

Senate blocks legislation to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection.​

View attachment 494644

The Senate voted 54-35 to reject the creation of a January 6 commission.

Source: Senate blocks legislation to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection

Actually the majority voted for it.

54 voted for it. The majority.

35 voted against it. The minority.

In a democratic republic, that would have become law.

The only reason why it didn't advance is because the republicans have destroyed democracy in our senate. A democracy requires over 50% to vote for it. Which is what happened.

Only a third voted against it.

Your lie is pathetic and has the situation backwards but then I expect it from people who believe that Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man.

Yep Dana. We are the only developed nation in the world where you can win 54-35 and still lose.
Imagine a football game ending with that score where the team getting 35 points declares victory. :)
They think that Trump losing the election by 7 million votes means he won.
Democrats ignored cities being burned, businesses looted, and innocent bystanders beaten in what were supposed to be peaceful protests for social justice. Law enforcement is investigating 1/6. No need for a Congressional Investigation.

So investigate those things if it blows yer skirt up. Separate matter.
Maybe you could bring back Trey “Howdy” Gowdy. :lol:

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