The right wing congressman and public attempt to white wash the Attack on the Capital, are traitors to this country, we can't except that and expect to stay a Republic/Democracy. They are willing to sell out every value that makes us what and who we are as a country to stay in power. When in fact the actions of 1/6 and the response now is enough reason in itself to erase these traitors from our country. Their party should be destroyed and remade with some semblance of patriotism for the conservative voice that is needed in this country but it is up to them to create a voice that has enough support without being 100% hate based as it is now and for the real conservative trying to find reason to support this hate group you dishonor conservatism. It is nothing but a organized hate group as it is now. Don't let them destroy us , they will without a care. You have a choice, look the other way or stand up for this great country. There is nothing in between. You are part of it or you are a solution for it.


You're absolutely right and with the authorized murder of the unarmed female protestor by the Capitol police because our congresspersons feared for their lives; we need to pass an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States that authorizes castle doctrine and concealed carry across the nation for all homeowners and business owners for the same reason.

This needs to happen yesterday!!!


Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Like China stopping an investigation into the coronavirus.

I held off on my next donation to the REPUBS until I saw what was going to come of this 1/6 Dimm proposed debacle.
I'll be gladly signing a check to them this weekend!!
Too soon....Too many republicans voted in favor of that fan dance.

Don't be a sap.

Still. My money. My choice.
Choose to put on a longshot at the horse track....Your odds for a payoff with the current crop of swampers running the party will be greatly higher.....Choosing and individual would be best.

If you think humans are a bad bet, I never put money on an animal.
I know the animal will run in the same direction every time, istead of teling me it's going to run in one direction then goes the other as soon as the gate opens.

They stumble, too.

And while you persist as to how I should politically spend my money, IT IS very Bidenesque of you to continue to do so.
Not telling you....Just pointing out that throwing money at the RNC at this point is like Fauci funding the Wuhan lab...Your funeral, if you want to spend it on kneecapping what you say you really want.
Waiting for Preciant post from our Oddest of Balls - Should prolly STFU

All this does is set the stage for another more violent attempt Insurrection. Fuck Republicans
Why are you worried about "republican insurrection", when you know democrats are the ones who are going to riot constantly? We have seen MANY riots since Jan 6th, and not one of them was right wing. You probably wont see another right wing riot in your life time, so whats with this unreasonable fear? Why do you only comment on the one riot and not the hundreds of others?
Not even close the threat to demactacy is totally from the right , hate crimes are by republicans and hate deaths are literally all done by the hate party right. No Antifa or BLM has been charged ever with a hate crime killing,. Hundreds by the the hate party right. Thousand when it includes all hate crimes. When The right opens their mouth then they are lying.
What fucking hate crimes by the right? Furthermore, why hasnt BLM and ANTIFA been charged with a hate crime? Is there another group in the nation who has attacked people based on skin color or political beliefs more than them?
thats what im wondering
There will be a bunch of Republicans giving speeches on Memorial Day, talking about sacrifice and duty and honor, and they all have voted (not all, but over 90%) and are all on record as having no duty, no courage, and most of all, no honor.

Another attempt by Democrat extremists to discredit the Republican Party and thereby prevent Trump from running in the 2024 election has failed!

Senate blocks legislation to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection.​

View attachment 494644

The Senate voted 54-35 to reject the creation of a January 6 commission.

Source: Senate blocks legislation to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection
God I love these idiots, anyone on the right want to tell us why the right rejected this commission. This should be good.
  • There are already multiple investigations being performed
  • It would be just another liberal waste of money
  • Nancy Pelosi wants to control another one
  • Nancy picks all of the staff for the commission - it makes no difference that the commission is balanced. The outcome would be biased and accomplish nothing more than stuffing liberals' pockets with taxpayer dollars.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Investigation of a field trip ? Who took selfies inside the ropes? Democrats are so childish ... boo hoo we are not getting our way , time to go nuclear ... bunch of dopes. . . If you fools need to investigate, investigate nov. 3.
What you are talking about with them walking orderly inside, happened earlier, on another side of the Capitol building....
and not the side of the violent rioters beating up the cops and smashing and ram rodding windows and doors to get in....

It's deceiving to imply, they were the same incident...imo
Indeed, those breaking windows and beating the police were led by John Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa terrorists that infiltrated the protest.


Yes, Sullivan was there with camera lady. He was a trouble maker, but was not a leader of who entered the building.... He was not with blm or antifa but another like group that did have a tiny gathering earlier in the day but the group did not amount to much of anything.... out of the nearly 500 arrests, Sullivan being just one in the Trumpet crowd, which amounts to zip.

If you've watched the arrests and charges brought from Jan 3, these men and women were most certainly trump supporters, and the planners were trump supporters, and those coordinating with walkie talkies were trump supporters, and the ones who beat up the 140 cops were TRUMP supporters and the ones who put up the hanging gallows shouting hang Mike pence were trumpers too.

Sullivan was lookin' for trouble and good footage it would bring, and has been arrested for it, but the Capitol event and riot was planned and executed, by others.

Your second article from the Washington Times basically says, oops, we lied, the facial recognition equipment did NOT FIND antifa or blm there as they initially claimed, it was neo Nazis that the facial recognition software found.....
At any other time in American history, I think, the GOP torpedoing a bipartisan investigation into an armed and violent mob-storm on the US Capitol during election proceedings would be political suicide. These days, though, so many Republicans have kicked aside their conservative values and gone balls-deep for Trumpy nationalism that they are cheering it on as some sort of victory.

Hamilton, Madison, and Jay must be spinning like lathes right now.
Sullivan was lookin' for trouble and good footage it would bring, and has been arrested for it, but the Capitol event and riot was planned and executed, by others.
Apparently, he was urging people to break in. He incited rioting more than any speech Trump ever gave.

Sullivan is a shill for Antifa and BLM.
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THis the right thinks is a actual response to counteract the support of the right in the destruction of this country
Huh? Where's my Biden decoder ring when I need it?
The right isn't poorly running cities into the ground, nor running states like gulags.
The right wasn't sabotaging trade deals by obstructing the gov't and commiting logan act interferences.
The right wasn't doing quid pro quos with China to let cartels bring China Fetynal into the country.
The right didn't elect the 1 guy that is doing everything you falsely claimed Trump as doing.
The right didn't kill hundreds of thousands of people for political control by down playing remedies and censoring knowledge about the medications and supplements that elleviate the intensity of the virus.
The right didn't create antifa and BLM terrorists nor higher crimes through defund police dabacles. They didn't create the mental instability, nor the sanitation issues, nor the riots and looting. And lastly not all the protestors Jan6 were from the right, especially not the ones who got roudy wnd broke laws, many people preplaned the protests left right and center and anti gov't types over lockdowns not the voting.
Pelosi knew this and the left had instigator. (proof=guy with dixie flag was a Dem from Delaware and his fur collar friend who broke in was a dem) which is why she purposely refused national guard reinforcements, with intent to incite and use it as a political theater piece. You fell for it but the vote for the commission did not.
Let's face this fact: The 21st iteration of the Republican Party has become the RINO. The values and principles going back to IKE [see: Republican Party Platform of 1956 | The American Presidency Project] have devolved into a party rejecting the first principle in the link above:

"Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose."
Further more in the same link:

"Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."

"While jealously guarding the free institutions and preserving the principles upon which our Republic was founded and has flourished, the purpose of the Republican Party is to establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares.
"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land."
This 21st century Republican Party is not conservative by any means, it is radical and rejects overtly by their words and deeds (meaning McConnell & trump specifically, and those elected members of Congress who put their job first and foremost), a rejection of the words in bold above.
Anything the republican's have become, they became that way because of Democrat's. The countering of radical Democrat's has driven the republican's along with the citizenry (mad), as in mentally unstable mad.

You people could drive a snake crazy, and that's saying something. Look at the chaos you've caused already, yet the very definition of looney is not admitting to it, and then attempting to blame someone else for it.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Fine by me. Like every other commission it would be a waste of millions of dollars with no end result other than politicians being able to grandstand in front of the cameras in the appearance they are actually doing something for their constituents.
Yup. A giant waste of time and tax dollars. Hell its been investigated to death already.

Politicians love to grand stand and pat themselves on the back. Worthless, one and all.
Agree, and if it hasn't been, then where is our DOJ, FBI, CIA, and HLS at ???? They have plenty of power already to do these things, so the only explanation is that the Democrat's keep trying to use the thing to play politic's against Trump who became their biggest fear ever.

The thing is, is that the American people have got to wake up, and quit allowing this stuff to continue in their name without consequences either swiftly or at the upcoming poles.

Heard now that there is evidence that Biden knew more about his son's dealings with some bad player's in the world, yet we don't hear cries from the halls of power to impeach the alledged crooked politician occupying the people's house currently. Why don't the people want better for their country than what we've been seeing ?? How about lower taxes, more job's, better retirement for senior's, better conditions for senior's who paved the way for those up and coming behind them, better management of our government service's where infrastructure is concerned, and putting the manual drive switches back onto everything they've been removed from, otherwise to insulate ourselves from attack in order to survive while fighting back ?????????? Stop government from playing their social experimentation on the citizen's. Get out of the citizen's business where it doesn't belong, and fix the media problem by creating a bipartisan media channel that only gives the news in which pertains to the economy and security of our country, and hopefully this would relegate the entertainment news to being a bafoon that people will finally give up on, and realize the damage it has caused, and the spell in which they were under.
Anything the republican's have become

as in mentally unstable mad.

they became that way because of Democrat's.

the very definition of looney is not admitting to it, and then attempting to blame someone else for it.
You understand how ironic this is?
Well it's a different kind of mad, where as the Pubs have been driven to becoming mad by the Crats.....But as for the Democrat's, well they undoubtedly are just born mad. LOL.

Good catch on your part. I see it in my writings however -the blame is where the irony fails, because the Repubs don't run around blaming everyone else for it's fails, but rather it goes into counter mode when it is being blamed when it shouldn't be being blamed by those making the claim. It's a set up.
What are republicans so afraid of...? Those in office are such slimey, yellowbelly cowards shows where they stand, which is with their own reelection and not their oath of office, instead of getting answers for those harmed on January 6th, and getting to the bottom of why security failed so miserably, and what happened with Ashley, and who ordered what, when? Did Capitol Police chief get orders from sergeant of arms to stand down or not prepare for possible civil unrest?

This commission outside of congress, bipartisan, equal commissioners, equal subpoena power... on both sides, should have been welcomed by everyone.
It shouldn't be politicized, and that's exactly what the aim was for undoubtedly, because we have a DOJ and other services that already have the powers to get to the bottom of these things, but certain player's are attempting to use it for political purposes. That's all

No 1/6 Commission​

Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards

Poor baby. Time now to move past that day back to investigating the fraudulent election which CAUSED 1/6 to happen!
No, there will be none of that. Republicans know they have members who were complicit in 1-6. This is why they voted against it.
The event is being investigated by the Justice Dept. and there`s not a thing that the GQP can do to stop it. Enjoy your high-fives and spiking the ball while you can.
Oh like the left have done for 4 years, otherwise ignoring the justice dept when killing, looting, burning, occupying, ignoring a pandemic, lying, crying and etc ? Now all of a sudden you believe in the justice system again eh ?? Well isn't that special.
Anything the republican's have become

as in mentally unstable mad.

they became that way because of Democrat's.

the very definition of looney is not admitting to it, and then attempting to blame someone else for it.
You understand how ironic this is?
Well it's a different kind of mad, where as the Pubs have been driven to becoming mad by the Crats.....But as for the Democrat's, well they undoubtedly are just born mad. LOL.

Good catch on your part. I see it in my writings however -the blame is where the irony fails, because the Repubs don't run around blaming everyone else for it's fails, but rather it goes into counter mode when it is being blamed when it shouldn't be being blamed by those making the claim. It's a set up.
No, that is not the case. The racist lunatics started taking over the party in 1980 and most of the sane normal republicans have died off. So now it's straight loony bin.

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