slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:

I held off on my next donation to the REPUBS until I saw what was going to come of this 1/6 Dimm proposed debacle.
I'll be gladly signing a check to them this weekend!!
Too soon....Too many republicans voted in favor of that fan dance.

Don't be a sap.

Still. My money. My choice.
Choose to put on a longshot at the horse track....Your odds for a payoff with the current crop of swampers running the party will be greatly higher.....Choosing and individual would be best.

If you think humans are a bad bet, I never put money on an animal.
I know the animal will run in the same direction every time, istead of teling me it's going to run in one direction then goes the other as soon as the gate opens.

They stumble, too.

And while you persist as to how I should politically spend my money, IT IS very Bidenesque of you to continue to do so.
Not telling you....Just pointing out that throwing money at the RNC at this point is like Fauci funding the Wuhan lab...Your funeral, if you want to spend it on kneecapping what you say you really want.
Waiting for Preciant post from our Oddest of Balls - Should prolly STFU

All this does is set the stage for another more violent attempt Insurrection. Fuck Republicans
Why are you worried about "republican insurrection", when you know democrats are the ones who are going to riot constantly? We have seen MANY riots since Jan 6th, and not one of them was right wing. You probably wont see another right wing riot in your life time, so whats with this unreasonable fear? Why do you only comment on the one riot and not the hundreds of others?
Not even close the threat to demactacy is totally from the right , hate crimes are by republicans and hate deaths are literally all done by the hate party right. No Antifa or BLM has been charged ever with a hate crime killing,. Hundreds by the the hate party right. Thousand when it includes all hate crimes. When The right opens their mouth then they are lying.
What fucking hate crimes by the right? Furthermore, why hasnt BLM and ANTIFA been charged with a hate crime? Is there another group in the nation who has attacked people based on skin color or political beliefs more than them?
If they open their mouths it is a lie. They don't even come close to the truth, everything they got is made up lies from someone else, these micro minds read it and it becomes fact to them. They have no concept at all of critical thinking.

Very Trumpian - HuH :confused-84:
Democrats ignored cities being burned, businesses looted, and innocent bystanders beaten in what were supposed to be peaceful protests for social justice. Law enforcement is investigating 1/6. No need for a Congressional Investigation.

So investigate those things if it blows yer skirt up. Separate matter.
Maybe you could bring back Trey “Howdy” Gowdy. :lol:

So what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People? This is really just a vehicle to extend the GET TRUMP fight. A riot will never again happen at the US Capitol. No need for a Congressional investigation when Law Enforcement is already active.

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:
Democrats ignored cities being burned, businesses looted, and innocent bystanders beaten in what were supposed to be peaceful protests for social justice. Law enforcement is investigating 1/6. No need for a Congressional Investigation.

So investigate those things if it blows yer skirt up. Separate matter.
Maybe you could bring back Trey “Howdy” Gowdy. :lol:

So what is a Democrat-led Congressional investigation going to yield for the American people that a Law Enforcement Investigation won’t yield for the American People? This is really just a vehicle to extend the GET TRUMP fight. A riot will never again happen at the US Capitol. No need for a Congressional investigation when Law Enforcement is already active.

Sorry, we must find out who in government was complicit. We already have a general idea.

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:

Democrats can’t explain this.
This is why the filibuster needs to go.
The filibuster functions much the same as the Electoral College. Both keep the minority side from being raped by the majority.

The filibuster saves the liberal asses just as much as it saves the conservative asses. Your buddy Harry Reid proved that for you.

Liberalism is well represented by anti-American assholes!

First of all Harry Reid is not my “buddy”.
Secondly, I do not support ”Liberalism“.

Elections are supposed to have consequences. No minority party should be able to shut down legislation arbitrarily because of a 60 vote threshold. If compromise is such an anathema than let either party pass legislation by 51 to 49 votes.

If elected reps in the minority party object to the bill, vote against it. If there aren’t enough votes to defeat the measure, too bad. Go win the next election.
Yeah, well it's funny how that flip's everytime a party in opposition takes control over the other, where as the lever's start getting pulled in order to protect either party from each other's so called policy vengeance or wrath given. It's a constant war waged by either party against each other, while we the people suffer through it all.

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:

That’s one entrance out of many opened by cops who knew they were outnumbered and preferred staying alive. Several others were fired for their obvious empathy for a bunch of violent sore losers .. like you ;)

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.

Cap Cops let them in? Is that what they told you on OAN? :rolleyes-41:

That’s one entrance out of many opened by cops who knew they were outnumbered and preferred staying alive. Several others were fired for their obvious empathy for a bunch of violent sore losers .. like you ;)

You're a mind reader now?...Your guess as to why they removed the barricades and waved people in is immaterial.

You asked where the idea that the capitol police allowed people in came from, and you were shown the video that cannot be denied.

The facts are the facts, asshole.
This is why the filibuster needs to go.
The filibuster functions much the same as the Electoral College. Both keep the minority side from being raped by the majority.

The filibuster saves the liberal asses just as much as it saves the conservative asses. Your buddy Harry Reid proved that for you.

Liberalism is well represented by anti-American assholes!

First of all Harry Reid is not my “buddy”.
Secondly, I do not support ”Liberalism“.

Elections are supposed to have consequences. No minority party should be able to shut down legislation arbitrarily because of a 60 vote threshold. If compromise is such an anathema than let either party pass legislation by 51 to 49 votes.

If elected reps in the minority party object to the bill, vote against it. If there aren’t enough votes to defeat the measure, too bad. Go win the next election.
Yeah, well it's funny how that flip's everytime a party in opposition takes control over the other, where as the lever's start getting pulled in order to protect either party from each other's so called policy vengeance or wrath given. It's a constant war waged by either party against each other, while we the people suffer through it all.

Of course, each party is only concerned about its own power. The hypocrisy is unceasing…

I held off on my next donation to the REPUBS until I saw what was going to come of this 1/6 Dimm proposed debacle.
I'll be gladly signing a check to them this weekend!!
Too soon....Too many republicans voted in favor of that fan dance.

Don't be a sap.

Still. My money. My choice.
Choose to put on a longshot at the horse track....Your odds for a payoff with the current crop of swampers running the party will be greatly higher.....Choosing and individual would be best.

If you think humans are a bad bet, I never put money on an animal.
I know the animal will run in the same direction every time, istead of teling me it's going to run in one direction then goes the other as soon as the gate opens.

They stumble, too.

And while you persist as to how I should politically spend my money, IT IS very Bidenesque of you to continue to do so.
Not telling you....Just pointing out that throwing money at the RNC at this point is like Fauci funding the Wuhan lab...Your funeral, if you want to spend it on kneecapping what you say you really want.
Waiting for Preciant post from our Oddest of Balls - Should prolly STFU

All this does is set the stage for another more violent attempt Insurrection. Fuck Republicans
Why are you worried about "republican insurrection", when you know democrats are the ones who are going to riot constantly? We have seen MANY riots since Jan 6th, and not one of them was right wing. You probably wont see another right wing riot in your life time, so whats with this unreasonable fear? Why do you only comment on the one riot and not the hundreds of others?
Not even close the threat to demactacy is totally from the right , hate crimes are by republicans and hate deaths are literally all done by the hate party right. No Antifa or BLM has been charged ever with a hate crime killing,. Hundreds by the the hate party right. Thousand when it includes all hate crimes. When The right opens their mouth then they are lying.
What fucking hate crimes by the right? Furthermore, why hasnt BLM and ANTIFA been charged with a hate crime? Is there another group in the nation who has attacked people based on skin color or political beliefs more than them?
I'll give you a lesson here,hate crimes is a government designation and listing of hate crimes and hate crime murders in this country. Just look it up. Example in 2018 there was only 50 hate crime murders in this country , every single one were done by your hate party, Not one by Muslims or any left wing organization. everyone by one of your many hate groups that the right supports.
That's because the definition of "hate crime" is when a right winger commits a crime.
Sullivan was lookin' for trouble and good footage it would bring, and has been arrested for it, but the Capitol event and riot was planned and executed, by others.
Apparently, he was urging people to break in. He incited rioting more than any speech Trump ever gave.

Sullivan is a shill for Antifa and BLM.
Antifa nor Blm claim him.....

And Sullivan does not claim them either...:dunno: seems he just goes where trouble is, to make more trouble....??

I haven't seen video of him urging others to break in to the Capitol Building....?? Is there video, a link?

I held off on my next donation to the REPUBS until I saw what was going to come of this 1/6 Dimm proposed debacle.
I'll be gladly signing a check to them this weekend!!
Too soon....Too many republicans voted in favor of that fan dance.

Don't be a sap.

Still. My money. My choice.
Choose to put on a longshot at the horse track....Your odds for a payoff with the current crop of swampers running the party will be greatly higher.....Choosing and individual would be best.

If you think humans are a bad bet, I never put money on an animal.
I know the animal will run in the same direction every time, istead of teling me it's going to run in one direction then goes the other as soon as the gate opens.

They stumble, too.

And while you persist as to how I should politically spend my money, IT IS very Bidenesque of you to continue to do so.
Not telling you....Just pointing out that throwing money at the RNC at this point is like Fauci funding the Wuhan lab...Your funeral, if you want to spend it on kneecapping what you say you really want.
Waiting for Preciant post from our Oddest of Balls - Should prolly STFU

All this does is set the stage for another more violent attempt Insurrection. Fuck Republicans
Why are you worried about "republican insurrection", when you know democrats are the ones who are going to riot constantly? We have seen MANY riots since Jan 6th, and not one of them was right wing. You probably wont see another right wing riot in your life time, so whats with this unreasonable fear? Why do you only comment on the one riot and not the hundreds of others?
Not even close the threat to demactacy is totally from the right , hate crimes are by republicans and hate deaths are literally all done by the hate party right. No Antifa or BLM has been charged ever with a hate crime killing,. Hundreds by the the hate party right. Thousand when it includes all hate crimes. When The right opens their mouth then they are lying.
EVery crime committed during the riots in Portland, Seattle and Kenosha was a hate crime, and they were all committed by the left.
Sullivan was lookin' for trouble and good footage it would bring, and has been arrested for it, but the Capitol event and riot was planned and executed, by others.
Apparently, he was urging people to break in. He incited rioting more than any speech Trump ever gave.

Sullivan is a shill for Antifa and BLM.
Antifa nor Blm claim him.....

And Sullivan does not claim them either...:dunno: seems he just goes where trouble is, to make more trouble....??

I haven't seen video of him urging others to break in to the Capitol Building....?? Is there video, a link?
You expect goons who are too cowardly to show their faces in public to yell the truth about one of their own?...Seriously?
Another explanation is that he's not an unhinged TDS suffering fuckng crackpot, like you two schmendricks.
If you're referring to McConnell, I would agree he's no crackpot. He could be a traitor too who has covertly manipulated his party into taking the position they took and are now saddled with.

And there's little doubt that McConnell has taken it up the ass from Trump many times already!

How can McConnell handle this situation now, as he's been forced to take a position against having his party involved?
McConnell speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Much like Trump, he lies and lies about his lies by lying.

McTurtle: Two faces/ Three chins :)

View attachment 494952
Hmmm, have we ever heard McConnell engaging in the act of or attacking someone over their looks ????

Are you being a hypocrite right now, otherwise when your party acted all outraged over Trump's using of one's looks when he had attacks against him, and in return he so chose to use such tactics on the politician or candidate in return, but y'all went crazy about that.

Not the best thing to do, and infact it was actually school yard level bullcrap, but it appears that no one is exempt from the tactic being used when anger consumes a person.

But here you are with all your so called smarts that you think you have, and being worse than Trump because you attack a person that doesn't even engage in such things, and even if he did why not be the better person instead of becoming that which you claim you hate so bad in life ???

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
why do they matter more then other police. how many of them, were shot, bit, and had glass and rock tossed at hme like blm cops?
"Blue Lives Matter" my ass.....trump fluffers grasping at excuses for beating on cops on Jan 6th.

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