this does is set the stage for another more violent attempt Insurrection.
Which is just going to result in all of those people being hosed down by the national guard next time. Not that the GOP cares. They have no affinity for their base.

High pressure hoses as used against blacks in the 50s n 60s and installed for immediate pressurization and usage against violent RW insurrectionists could work!

Sure be fun to see a few of those buttfuckers blown down a few staircases same as they dragged Officer Fanone!
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Need tissues honey?

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
Yep so should the police in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. Leave liberals to kill their own! Oh and Capitol police let those peaceful protestors in. Nancy just don't like the average people around her.
what all the suidden other cops matter. they put up with a lot moe thne capitoal police ever have.

slow my foot republicans blocked it. celebration time.
Capitol Police should walk off the job.
I hope they do.
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Investigation of a field trip ? Who took selfies inside the ropes? Democrats are so childish ... boo hoo we are not getting our way , time to go nuclear ... bunch of dopes. . . If you fools need to investigate, investigate nov. 3.
What you are talking about with them walking orderly inside, happened earlier, on another side of the Capitol building....
and not the side of the violent rioters beating up the cops and smashing and ram rodding windows and doors to get in....

It's deceiving to imply, they were the same incident...imo.

Indeed, those breaking windows and beating the police were led by John Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa terrorists that infiltrated the protest.

Well, maybe they can launch another Benghazi investigation.

I know right? Ten just wasn’t enough :rolleyes-41:
Well, time for Nancy to get busy. This will backfire on The Insurrectionist Party - Bigly.
NP will name a select committee that will start calling in witnesses. Start with Kevin and Mitch!
Hopefully 3 Rs and three Ds. No one currently serving.
It will be covered nonstop by everyone but the usual media suspects.
There was no insurrection.

Their is nothing here comparable to the War Between the States.

Their is nothing here comparable to 9-11.

Their is nothing here comparable to Pearl Harbor.

Our current President, our Speaker of the House, our Democrat Party Leaders, our fake-news-media pundits are all FULL OF SHIT, PISS and VINEGAR!!!

Liberalism is a blatantly obvious mental disorder.
This is why the filibuster needs to go.
The filibuster functions much the same as the Electoral College. Both keep the minority side from being raped by the majority.

The filibuster saves the liberal asses just as much as it saves the conservative asses. Your buddy Harry Reid proved that for you.

Liberalism is well represented by anti-American assholes!

I held off on my next donation to the REPUBS until I saw what was going to come of this 1/6 Dimm proposed debacle.
I'll be gladly signing a check to them this weekend!!
Too soon....Too many republicans voted in favor of that fan dance.

Don't be a sap.

Still. My money. My choice.
Choose to put on a longshot at the horse track....Your odds for a payoff with the current crop of swampers running the party will be greatly higher.....Choosing and individual would be best.

If you think humans are a bad bet, I never put money on an animal.
I know the animal will run in the same direction every time, istead of teling me it's going to run in one direction then goes the other as soon as the gate opens.

They stumble, too.

And while you persist as to how I should politically spend my money, IT IS very Bidenesque of you to continue to do so.
Not telling you....Just pointing out that throwing money at the RNC at this point is like Fauci funding the Wuhan lab...Your funeral, if you want to spend it on kneecapping what you say you really want.
Waiting for Preciant post from our Oddest of Balls - Should prolly STFU

All this does is set the stage for another more violent attempt Insurrection. Fuck Republicans
Why are you worried about "republican insurrection", when you know democrats are the ones who are going to riot constantly? We have seen MANY riots since Jan 6th, and not one of them was right wing. You probably wont see another right wing riot in your life time, so whats with this unreasonable fear? Why do you only comment on the one riot and not the hundreds of others?
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Fine by me. Like every other commission it would be a waste of millions of dollars with no end result other than politicians being able to grandstand in front of the cameras in the appearance they are actually doing something for their constituents.
Or it will be good enough to have the hate group the right calls a party flushed down the shitter were they belong. The people who tried to bring down this country for the sake of a mentally ill dictator and the people who still support them are anti Americans traitor. They have to go, if we want to save our democracy. These people belong in Russia with the rest of the right wing supporters.

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