the stupidity of your people responding to the attack on the capital by your hate group by trying to switch it to a statement about the left , or when bringing up your leader president scum Bag, answering it with Hillary Clinton lies or that Obama wasn’t born here. Look at every single comment in this thread , people who can think realize instantly the stupidity in such responses. This thread is about the right rejecting the 1/6 investigation and the best they got has nothing at all to do with the thread but instead attacks Democrats for everything from Benghazi, to how democrats didn’t support Trump. You know they have no response to our charges of sedition and the right being traitors to this country. Hell if they want to talk about Democrats not supporting trump or that Clinton lied or that Obama wasn’t born here then they should start their own thread/
These people should be charged with sedition and being traitors
What, do you imagine, is keeping DoJ from bringing those charges? Any clue at all, Cletus? Here's a hint... THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T PROVE IT. They'd look like idiots when they went to court. You people have gone waaay off the deep end and your party is on its way down beginning next year. The next move by the scum in DC will almost certainly be a move to kill the filibuster. IF they do that, this country is going to come apart at the seams.
Trump will fall in our court system and your party will fall in the commission that's right around the corner. You lose ,loser lose and traitor will get theirs , you are this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be treated as such. AS i always will from now on. Why? because every patriot in this country know you are a traitor and this countries enemy.
Trump will fall in our court system and your party will fall in the commission that's right around the corner. You lose ,loser lose and traitor will get theirs , you are this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be treated as such. AS i always will from now on. Why? because every patriot in this country know you are a traitor and this countries enemy.

Sieg heil!!!




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These people should be charged with sedition and being traitors
What, do you imagine, is keeping DoJ from bringing those charges? Any clue at all, Cletus? Here's a hint... THEY KNOW THEY CAN'T PROVE IT. They'd look like idiots when they went to court. You people have gone waaay off the deep end and your party is on its way down beginning next year. The next move by the scum in DC will almost certainly be a move to kill the filibuster. IF they do that, this country is going to come apart at the seams.
Trump will fall in our court system and your party will fall in the commission that's right around the corner. You lose ,loser lose and traitor will get theirs , you are this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be treated as such. AS i always will from now on. Why? because every patriot in this country know you are a traitor and this countries enemy.
Good. It's time BOTH sides recognize that the other is a blood enemy. I have regarded communist democrats as enemies for a number of years now. It is a principle that guides me daily. How much would it take, to nudge this recognition of enemies over into an out an out street war? I hope we find out soon.
Republicans really believed ANTIFA or BLM were involved they would have had an investigation started January 7th. They're too invested in Trump.
Antifa would love to make Trump supporters look bad. It wouldn't surprise me if they sunk to that low level to do exactly that.
Antifa does have some legitimate gripes. The right wing's gripe? Only that this trump character is pissed off cuz he can't play at being president for another four years and therefore being shielded from being prosecuted for what ever crimes he may have and probably did commit. He doesn't give one good god damn about anyone else but himself.
Democrats and progressive liberals are forever showing their hypocrisy--- --- they have reviled the attack on the Capitol 1/6 while proudly supporting and defending the Capitol police as HEROS even after murdering a defenseless woman yet last year when Trump had to clear 1,000 rowdy idiots from Washington who were blocking his ability to even be able to step outside to take a press photo, the same people acted like Trump was Castro for doing so, and tried to sue him!

Well, idiots, another one of your anti-Trump "gonna-get-him-this-times" has FAILED YET AGAIN.

Failure, a way of life for the sycophant Left.

The DOJ has recommended to the judge that all charges in the case be dropped. And remember, when a judge declines or dismisses a case, that ALWAYS means that there was never no case there!

Your words.

Trump walks free. Tee hee.

If you have to gas some people and kick the shit out of some others to get a good photo op with an upside down bible it's well worth the cost if you're Donald Trump.
Democrats and progressive liberals are forever showing their hypocrisy--- --- they have reviled the attack on the Capitol 1/6 while proudly supporting and defending the Capitol police as HEROS even after murdering a defenseless woman yet last year when Trump had to clear 1,000 rowdy idiots from Washington who were blocking his ability to even be able to step outside to take a press photo, the same people acted like Trump was Castro for doing so, and tried to sue him!

Well, idiots, another one of your anti-Trump "gonna-get-him-this-times" has FAILED YET AGAIN.

Failure, a way of life for the sycophant Left.

The DOJ has recommended to the judge that all charges in the case be dropped. And remember, when a judge declines or dismisses a case, that ALWAYS means that there was never no case there!

Your words.

Trump walks free. Tee hee.

If you have to gas some people and kick the shit out of some others to get a good photo op with an upside down bible it's well worth the cost if you're Donald Trump.

Sure, and if you need to burn cities, loot businesses and shut down the country with a pandemic it's worth it to get rid of Trump...dumbass.

She was killed in the commission of a crime. The mob that was breaking windows and hitting police officers is responsible for her death.


If it's good enough for the Capitol police to murder an unarmed female protestor because our congresspersons feel threatened then they need to draft a Constitutional Amendment making Castle Doctrine and conceal carry nationwide.

If it's good enough for our congresspersons to murder a unarmed protestor when they feel threatened at their home or place of work then it's good enough for the rest of us.


Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:

Except, Feinstein, Sinema and Manchin won't go along with your power grab.

You don't need them to run a house investigation.

You pricks just can't endure the fact that you won't get a blue-ribbon grandstand.
Have ya come to grips with the reality that you FUCKING LOST yet??

Awwwww....need a tissue ?
Time to nuke the 60 vote BS. Bastards :mad:
Time to Benghazi their asses!

Come and get us.
yeah they investigated Biden, investigated obama people prior to the election but they can't investigate Trump even when their place of business was broken into with pictures.

Well I guess Biden will have to do a presidential commission. I guess they had their chance to sugar coat the capitol riot and put their spin on it.

Now they will have to deal with a commission.

Still I hope the democrats do not try to make rules changes as it will come back to bite them in the future.

There Thirty Fucking Three Goddamn Investigation Into Benghazi. Nothing but empty Hot RePuBliKan Air. HRC suffered over 25-Years of investigations. In fact if HRC were involved in 01-06-21 Insurgency, Cons would be throwing body blocks and breaking arms to get to the nearest microphone to demanding an Investigation.

140- Capitol Hill Officers were injured, and all "Law and Order" Cons do not give fucking shits about them. A Capitol Hill Police Officer had a heart attack and they could not care one way or the other.

They only care cove ring their collective shit smelling assholes.

These people treat the United States Constitution like toilet paper. They would crawl threw vomit to see their Traitor.

Fuck them.

Actually, it's you that wipes your fat backside with it.

We are showing people that reality every day.
The right wing congressman and public attempt to white wash the Attack on the Capital, are traitors to this country, we can't except that and expect to stay a Republic/Democracy. They are willing to sell out every value that makes us what and who we are as a country to stay in power. When in fact the actions of 1/6 and the response now is enough reason in itself to erase these traitors from our country. Their party should be destroyed and remade with some semblance of patriotism for the conservative voice that is needed in this country but it is up to them to create a voice that has enough support without being 100% hate based as it is now and for the real conservative trying to find reason to support this hate group you dishonor conservatism. It is nothing but a organized hate group as it is now. Don't let them destroy us , they will without a care. You have a choice, look the other way or stand up for this great country. There is nothing in between. You are part of it or you are a solution for it.

View attachment 494840

You're absolutely right and with the authorized murder of the unarmed female protestor by the Capitol police because our congresspersons feared for their lives; we need to pass an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States that authorizes castle doctrine and concealed carry across the nation for all homeowners and business owners for the same reason.

This needs to happen yesterday!!!




View attachment 495250


Congresspersons are not special there's three hundred and fifty million people standing in line to take their place in this country.

If it's good enough for our congresspersons to deal out death because they're threatened at their home of place of business then it's good enough for me.

My attitude because of people like you stands we need this Amendment to the Constitution.



No what we really need is to make sure the attack on the capital with all sorts of weapons and the attempted murder and murder of the police that were their and the fact that they tried to destroy this great country and destroy our democracy for the sake of a piece of shit like Trump to be forced in as our first dictator. These people should be charged with sedition and being traitors to this country and like most right wingers I believe in law and order so they will support my thinking that the harshest punishment possible should be applied to these murderers and attempted murderers and traitor to the full extent of the law and that I support 100% in the fact that they give the death sentence for traitors in this country. As I'm sure they do also.

Alright Adolf, cool your heels because the gas chambers take time to build, but hang in there anyways.
the stupidity of your people responding to the attack on the capital by your hate group by trying to switch it to a statement about the left , or when bringing up your leader president scum Bag, answering it with Hillary Clinton lies or that Obama wasn’t born here. Look at every single comment in this thread , people who can think realize instantly the stupidity in such responses. This thread is about the right rejecting the 1/6 investigation and the best they got has nothing at all to do with the thread but instead attacks Democrats for everything from Benghazi, to how democrats didn’t support Trump. You know they have no response to our charges of sedition and the right being traitors to this country. Hell if they want to talk about Democrats not supporting trump or that Clinton lied or that Obama wasn’t born here then they should start their own thread/
Are you trying to sensor speech ?? If the beginnings or possible origins can't be explained, then how can the court get to the bottom of a case in order to render a verdict ??? In a courtroom one must lay out the case, and then one must present the evidence. In the case of the people verses the current administration, all evidence is worthy of review, and it should be reviewed.
Sullivan was lookin' for trouble and good footage it would bring, and has been arrested for it, but the Capitol event and riot was planned and executed, by others.
Apparently, he was urging people to break in. He incited rioting more than any speech Trump ever gave.

Sullivan is a shill for Antifa and BLM.
Antifa nor Blm claim him.....

And Sullivan does not claim them either...:dunno: seems he just goes where trouble is, to make more trouble....??

I haven't seen video of him urging others to break in to the Capitol Building....?? Is there video, a link?

Where have you been, Princess?

The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
They are afraid...of trump...of trump cultists....of being held responsible for their part. They are afraid.
The only purpose of this investigation is to investigate Republicans, so how can it possibly be bi-partisan? It couldn't possibly be more partisan.
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
So you are contending that a commission represent equally by both parties won't be bipartisan? Care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
Let's have an "bipartisan" investigation on how politicians enabled the BLM riots.

You don't have a problem with that, do you?
As abhorrent as those riots were, they weren't an attack on our country. Unlike Insurrection Day which was an attack at the heart of our government to prevent the winner of the 2020 election being certified so that the loser of that election could be undemocratically installed.

You demonstrate how the right suffers from an abnormal brain disfunction known as conservatism.
Neither were the Jan 6 riots. Who are you trying to kid? You only fool the gullible with this horseshit.
^^^ a fucking moron who doesn't know what the U.S. government is. :cuckoo:
I now you don't overthrow it with a taser and some cable ties, dip stick.

The hysteria over this event is purely fictional
You do with a big enough mob to subdue the police and lawmakers.
You don't subdue people who can use machine guns, moron.
Hundreds of thousands descended upon the Capitol. Thousand squeezed inside the perimeter of the building and some 800 stormed inside. And that was before other departments showed up as backup with machine guns.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Thanks for admitting it was unarmed Americans against machine guns.

Why lie, fucking moron? Where did I say the insurgents were unarmed?

What were they armed with, cable ties?
Fucking moron....

You web page uses the term "dangerous weapon" over and over. Nowhere is that defined.
Why do you work so hard to show the forum just how big of a fucking moron you are, fucking moron?

Fucking moron... a) there's some 40 insurrectionists on that page charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon. That means they were armed, despite your delusional claims they weren't; and b) every one of those has their indictment linked which describes what they used as weapons.

Seriously fucking moron, what the fuck is wrong with you? When did you decide to side with enemies of America?
What "dangerous weapon" was that, cable ties? A hollow aluminum flag poll?

Their indictment does not describe this so called "dangerous weapon." It simply says "dangerous weapon." It takes a special kind of stupid to believe these people intended to overthrow the government.
Democrats and progressive liberals are forever showing their hypocrisy--- --- they have reviled the attack on the Capitol 1/6 while proudly supporting and defending the Capitol police as HEROS even after murdering a defenseless woman yet last year when Trump had to clear 1,000 rowdy idiots from Washington who were blocking his ability to even be able to step outside to take a press photo, the same people acted like Trump was Castro for doing so, and tried to sue him!

Well, idiots, another one of your anti-Trump "gonna-get-him-this-times" has FAILED YET AGAIN.

Failure, a way of life for the sycophant Left.

The DOJ has recommended to the judge that all charges in the case be dropped. And remember, when a judge declines or dismisses a case, that ALWAYS means that there was never no case there!

Your words.

Trump walks free. Tee hee.

She was killed in the commission of a crime. The mob that was breaking windows and hitting police officers is responsible for her death.

So was George Floyd.
The D's can have their own commission now for as long as it pleases them to keep it up, keep it up
Democrats need to be able to hide under "bipartisanship"
How do you "hide" under bipartisanship?

Bipartisan is what prevents only one side being able to influence the investigations.

It seems to me this is the GOP wanting to hide under the label of partisanship, so they won't have to deal with what happened.
"Hiding" under the label of being bipartisan isn't trying to suggest bipartisanship will take place nor does it have the intent of being bipartisan from a Democrat perspective, thus the meaning of "hiding" under the label is appropriate in the context it was written in.
So you are contending that a commission represent equally by both parties won't be bipartisan? Care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
Let's have an "bipartisan" investigation on how politicians enabled the BLM riots.

You don't have a problem with that, do you?
As abhorrent as those riots were, they weren't an attack on our country. Unlike Insurrection Day which was an attack at the heart of our government to prevent the winner of the 2020 election being certified so that the loser of that election could be undemocratically installed.

You demonstrate how the right suffers from an abnormal brain disfunction known as conservatism.
Neither were the Jan 6 riots. Who are you trying to kid? You only fool the gullible with this horseshit.
^^^ a fucking moron who doesn't know what the U.S. government is. :cuckoo:
I now you don't overthrow it with a taser and some cable ties, dip stick.

The hysteria over this event is purely fictional
You do with a big enough mob to subdue the police and lawmakers.
You don't subdue people who can use machine guns, moron.
Hundreds of thousands descended upon the Capitol. Thousand squeezed inside the perimeter of the building and some 800 stormed inside. And that was before other departments showed up as backup with machine guns.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Thanks for admitting it was unarmed Americans against machine guns.

Why lie, fucking moron? Where did I say the insurgents were unarmed?

What were they armed with, cable ties?
Fucking moron....

You web page uses the term "dangerous weapon" over and over. Nowhere is that defined.
Why do you work so hard to show the forum just how big of a fucking moron you are, fucking moron?

Fucking moron... a) there's some 40 insurrectionists on that page charged with being in possession of a dangerous weapon. That means they were armed, despite your delusional claims they weren't; and b) every one of those has their indictment linked which describes what they used as weapons.

Seriously fucking moron, what the fuck is wrong with you? When did you decide to side with enemies of America?
What "dangerous weapon" was that, cable ties? A hollow aluminum flag poll?

Their indictment does not describe this so called "dangerous weapon." It simply says "dangerous weapon." It takes a special kind of stupid to believe these people intended to overthrow the government.
A wooden toothpick can be a dangerous weapon.

A sharpened #2 Mirado wooden pencil is a dangerous weapon
democrats intended to drag this commission out as long as necessary. The stated intent was to make Trump a pariah by innuendo.
Scum bag is a pile of shit and he's the only facts we have to draw on. Only the stupidest and the most hateful amongst us think he has done anything of value in his life or has any value at all as far as being a human is concerned.
Trump is worth 10,000 Nazi Piglosis of Chuck Schumars. All Dims know how to do is lie and spend money and run witch hunts. IF you want to see true hate, then look at your own filthy party.

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