No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

Typical Ludd propaganda garbage designed to enflame and enrage.

The first link is from the "Huff Post Gay Voices" section. It is not news, it is commentary.

The second link, from Fox News, is simply a NEWS item.

Ludd also fails to disclose that this legislation was previously proposed by the same state lawmaker and was defeated.

So Ludd has now created a "pig pile" on the state of Tennessee, which happens to be a beautiful state with a lot of history, and is a great place to visit and live.

Funny how when I was in school, back in the 60s and early 70s, the word "gay" meant "happy", and homosexuality was never a topic of conversation.

Now homosexuality is used as some sort of "choice" or "lifestyle" that school-age children must explore and talk about and make a decision about.

What a fucked up country we have become.

So gay people never existed until recently and sexuality was never something kids had to struggle with?



Responses like this qualify as "logic" to the leftists, and are not worthy of a counter-response. :cuckoo:

Because there isn't one.

You can try to paint the "good old days" as something they weren't, and some people will believe you because it fits their agenda. However, homosexaulisty has always existed, even if homosexuals were forced to live their lives "in the closet."

If you want a return to those times, so be it, but it's not going to happen.

Typical idiot liberal.

You ignore the dangers surrounding homosexual behavior and you call Republicans ignorant for wanting to protect children.

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity. Syphilis, for example is found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners. But in 1999, King County, Washington (Seattle), reported that 85 percent of syphilis cases were among self-identified homosexual practitioners. (1) And as noted above, syphilis among homosexual men is now at epidemic levels in San Francisco.(2)

(1) "Resurgent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men — King County, Washington, 1997-1999," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, 48(35): 773-777 (September 10, 1999).

(2) Heredia, "Big spike in cases of syphilis in S.F.: Gay, bisexual men affected most."

A person is either gay or they're not gay.

Teaching these things is not going to prevent a person from being gay.
OK parents out there. Would you want to know if your child was gay? I'm not saying you would or should love them less, but just that I think this is information a decent parent would want and probably fail to see despite subtle indicators.

Admittedly, it violates the child's privacy.
Let me see if I have this right....

Legislation to ban all weapons that has been submitted is not going to happen and we should not worry about it at all, legislation that has already been defeated once and resubmitted about this topic we should fear and tremble and be very concerned about? Got that right?

Typical idiot liberal.

You ignore the dangers surrounding homosexual behavior and you call Republicans ignorant for wanting to protect children.

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity. Syphilis, for example is found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners. But in 1999, King County, Washington (Seattle), reported that 85 percent of syphilis cases were among self-identified homosexual practitioners. (1) And as noted above, syphilis among homosexual men is now at epidemic levels in San Francisco.(2)

(1) "Resurgent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men — King County, Washington, 1997-1999," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, 48(35): 773-777 (September 10, 1999).

(2) Heredia, "Big spike in cases of syphilis in S.F.: Gay, bisexual men affected most."

Put syphilis on the list.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | CDC: Large increase in syphilis cases among Homosexual and Bisexual Men

ATLANTA, Georgia, August 3, 2011 ( - On Monday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that minority homosexual and bisexual men account for a disproportionate number of new syphilis cases. About 15% of people with untreated syphilis eventually develop long-term complications, including damage to the brain, nerves, heart and blood vessels that can prove fatal.

The national syphilis rate hit an all-time low of 2.1 cases per 100,000 people in 2000, but using data from 27 states, the CDC observed a rising U.S. syphilis rate largely among men. In 2009, the rate among men was just under 8 cases per 100,000 versus 1.4 cases per 100,000 women.

CDC researchers found that between 2005 and 2008, the syphilis rate among African-American homosexual and bisexual men rose at an 8-times faster rate compared with their Caucasian counterparts. The 2008 syphilis rate among African-American homosexual and bisexual men was 19 per 100,000.

Hispanic homosexual and bisexual men had more than twice the increase of Caucasian men. The 2008 syphilis rate among Hispanic men was just over 7 per 100,000 and among Caucasian men 4 per 100,000.

Oops the study is racist too!
OK parents out there. Would you want to know if your child was gay? I'm not saying you would or should love them less, but just that I think this is information a decent parent would want and probably fail to see despite subtle indicators.

Admittedly, it violates the child's privacy.

If you're a decent parent, you don't need the school to tell you your kid is gay.
Let me see if I have this right....

Legislation to ban all weapons that has been submitted is not going to happen and we should not worry about it at all, legislation that has already been defeated once and resubmitted about this topic we should fear and tremble and be very concerned about? Got that right?

Wait, there's been legislation submitted to ban all weapons?

Link please.
The more Tennessee pisses Liberals off, the more I want to buy property there.

I wish all you bigots would settle down in one place.

Maybe those separatists are onto something...
Last edited:
Schools should not be teaching kids how to be gay.

If they are going to be talking about sexuality, pretending homosexuality does not exist is very Ahmadinejadesque.

"There are no homosexuals in Ira-, er, Tennessee!"
The complaint that gays have is the heterosexual reproduction in taught in science and biology classes. Gay sex (without reproduction) is not taught. Nor should it be taught.

Typical idiot liberal.

You ignore the dangers surrounding homosexual behavior and you call Republicans ignorant for wanting to protect children.

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity. Syphilis, for example is found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners. But in 1999, King County, Washington (Seattle), reported that 85 percent of syphilis cases were among self-identified homosexual practitioners. (1) And as noted above, syphilis among homosexual men is now at epidemic levels in San Francisco.(2)

(1) "Resurgent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men — King County, Washington, 1997-1999," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, 48(35): 773-777 (September 10, 1999).

(2) Heredia, "Big spike in cases of syphilis in S.F.: Gay, bisexual men affected most."

A person is either gay or they're not gay.

Teaching these things is not going to prevent a person from being gay.

All those STD films didn't stop the straight people either
The complaint that gays have is the heterosexual reproduction in taught in science and biology classes. Gay sex (without reproduction) is not taught. Nor should it be taught.

Wow. Look at you, taking the bigot's complaint and turning it around and manufacturing complete bullshit that it was the homosexuals who were complaining!

Amazing! Have you no shame?
The law would prohibit sex education classes from mentioning homosexuality. Not just "science and biology" classes. Classes specifically for sexual education would be prohibited from mentioning homosexuality.

Thus the name "Don't Say Gay" given to this bill.
Typical idiot liberal.

You ignore the dangers surrounding homosexual behavior and you call Republicans ignorant for wanting to protect children.

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity. Syphilis, for example is found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners. But in 1999, King County, Washington (Seattle), reported that 85 percent of syphilis cases were among self-identified homosexual practitioners. (1) And as noted above, syphilis among homosexual men is now at epidemic levels in San Francisco.(2)

(1) "Resurgent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men — King County, Washington, 1997-1999," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, 48(35): 773-777 (September 10, 1999).

(2) Heredia, "Big spike in cases of syphilis in S.F.: Gay, bisexual men affected most."

Typical idiot redneck.

Millions of heteros died over several centuries from STDs. Many children today are born blind and with other birth defects due to the heterosexual transmission of STDs.

One in five Americans has herpes.

Typical idiot liberal.

You ignore the dangers surrounding homosexual behavior and you call Republicans ignorant for wanting to protect children.

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity. Syphilis, for example is found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners. But in 1999, King County, Washington (Seattle), reported that 85 percent of syphilis cases were among self-identified homosexual practitioners. (1) And as noted above, syphilis among homosexual men is now at epidemic levels in San Francisco.(2)

(1) "Resurgent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men — King County, Washington, 1997-1999," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, 48(35): 773-777 (September 10, 1999).

(2) Heredia, "Big spike in cases of syphilis in S.F.: Gay, bisexual men affected most."

There is a BRIGHT SIDE to encouraging high school kids to "explore" their "gay" side.

If more kids are convinced that they are GAY, it will reduce the number of ABORTIONS. :clap2:
This is pretty sick. There must be something seriously wrong with Campfield. Closet gay perhaps? Wouldn't be the first time for a republican.

Any republicans want to repudiate his actions?

don't you libs love gays?

nevermind. not if they are GOP

I'm not a liberal. I'm just not hateful towards people for their sexual orientation.

Typical idiot liberal.

You ignore the dangers surrounding homosexual behavior and you call Republicans ignorant for wanting to protect children.

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity. Syphilis, for example is found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners. But in 1999, King County, Washington (Seattle), reported that 85 percent of syphilis cases were among self-identified homosexual practitioners. (1) And as noted above, syphilis among homosexual men is now at epidemic levels in San Francisco.(2)

(1) "Resurgent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men — King County, Washington, 1997-1999," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, 48(35): 773-777 (September 10, 1999).

(2) Heredia, "Big spike in cases of syphilis in S.F.: Gay, bisexual men affected most."

OMG, you're right. I completely forgot that no straight person EVER gets STDs.:cuckoo:

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