No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

Wow, what am awful thing to do to someone. High school kids are often exploring sexuality, and don't have a real grasp on how they feel. Outing possible gay kids to their parents is totally outrageous, and can put children in physical danger and/or emotional turmoil.

In Tennessee, sex outside the family is frowned upon.

you should go to Tennessee and say that

They'd laugh and tell me another redneck joke.

Typical Ludd propaganda garbage designed to enflame and enrage.

The first link is from the "Huff Post Gay Voices" section. It is not news, it is commentary.

The second link, from Fox News, is simply a NEWS item.

Ludd also fails to disclose that this legislation was previously proposed by the same state lawmaker and was defeated.

So Ludd has now created a "pig pile" on the state of Tennessee, which happens to be a beautiful state with a lot of history, and is a great place to visit and live.

Funny how when I was in school, back in the 60s and early 70s, the word "gay" meant "happy", and homosexuality was never a topic of conversation.

Now homosexuality is used as some sort of "choice" or "lifestyle" that school-age children must explore and talk about and make a decision about.

What a fucked up country we have become.

So gay people never existed until recently and sexuality was never something kids had to struggle with?


Kids only struggle with gay thoughts when idiots push sick ideas on them and tell them they may be gay. Some idiot tell my child that I will meet them personally.
You're basically saying, "tell then that to their face" and you weren't expecting an insult? You believed others would find this an intelligent post?

Well, alrighty then.

Dubya's post deserved no better

In that case, the post certainly delivered.

yours as well


your " veiled threat" comment has to be about the most pussified comment ever made at USMB. What threat? Only a pussy would think that.

your achievement gap is showing. Better stick a tampon in it.
Last edited:
Typical Ludd propaganda garbage designed to enflame and enrage.

The first link is from the "Huff Post Gay Voices" section. It is not news, it is commentary.

The second link, from Fox News, is simply a NEWS item.

Ludd also fails to disclose that this legislation was previously proposed by the same state lawmaker and was defeated.

So Ludd has now created a "pig pile" on the state of Tennessee, which happens to be a beautiful state with a lot of history, and is a great place to visit and live.

Funny how when I was in school, back in the 60s and early 70s, the word "gay" meant "happy", and homosexuality was never a topic of conversation.

Now homosexuality is used as some sort of "choice" or "lifestyle" that school-age children must explore and talk about and make a decision about.

What a fucked up country we have become.

So gay people never existed until recently and sexuality was never something kids had to struggle with?


Kids only struggle with gay thoughts when idiots push sick ideas on them and tell them they may be gay. Some idiot tell my child that I will meet them personally.

Gotta get your internet badass on, huh? :lol:

Hey, homophobes, lissen up, tuff guys.

I will be your super caped hero. If anyone tries to make you have sex with someone of your own sex, call me at 1 800-safe-sex, and I will fly to save you from a fate worse than death.

What a bunch of dopes.
Hate much?


It is what it is......I really don't give a fuck what those perv's do behind closed doors, as long as it's between two consenting adults....That's their god damn business.....I just get a kick out of the fact that they actually try and claim it's natural, and that they are not actually perverts, which is exactly what they are......There is nothing natural between two people of the same gender having sexual relations with each other......They damn sure weren't born that way.

But hey, if they want to play husband and husband, wife and wife, or whatever the fuck it is they want to call themselves, fine....they can play that shit behind closed doors, and i'll keep voting in favor of prop 8 here in Cali, to try and protect the sanctity of marriage.


Let me see if I can wade through this orgy of juvenile thought, homophobia, Archie Bunker republicanism and plain ignorance to find a point.....

Nope, just seeing so much ignorant babble, sorry.

Enjoy your hate little man, enjoy your hate.
Enjoy playing your liberal PC BS, wee one.

Sad to see so many people in this great country turning coward and playing the PC game.....truly sad, indeed.
Typical Ludd propaganda garbage designed to enflame and enrage.

The first link is from the "Huff Post Gay Voices" section. It is not news, it is commentary.

The second link, from Fox News, is simply a NEWS item.

Ludd also fails to disclose that this legislation was previously proposed by the same state lawmaker and was defeated.

So Ludd has now created a "pig pile" on the state of Tennessee, which happens to be a beautiful state with a lot of history, and is a great place to visit and live.

Funny how when I was in school, back in the 60s and early 70s, the word "gay" meant "happy", and homosexuality was never a topic of conversation.

Now homosexuality is used as some sort of "choice" or "lifestyle" that school-age children must explore and talk about and make a decision about.

What a fucked up country we have become.

So gay people never existed until recently and sexuality was never something kids had to struggle with?


Kids only struggle with gay thoughts when idiots push sick ideas on them and tell them they may be gay. Some idiot tell my child that I will meet them personally.

Really? I mean, really?

You make it sound like homoseuality is a disease that's passed through verbal discussion. What about you? If someone came up to you when you were a kid and told you that might be gay, would you have ended up being gay?
Dubya's post deserved no better

In that case, the post certainly delivered.

yours as well


your " veiled threat" comment has to be about the most pussified comment ever made at USMB. What threat? Only a pussy would think that.

your achievement gap is showing. Better stick a tampon in it.

Ad hominems and juvenile taunts.

If you're not a 13 year old boy with maturity issues, you're certainly doing a wonderful impression of one.

It is what it is......I really don't give a fuck what those perv's do behind closed doors, as long as it's between two consenting adults....That's their god damn business.....I just get a kick out of the fact that they actually try and claim it's natural, and that they are not actually perverts, which is exactly what they are......There is nothing natural between two people of the same gender having sexual relations with each other......They damn sure weren't born that way.

But hey, if they want to play husband and husband, wife and wife, or whatever the fuck it is they want to call themselves, fine....they can play that shit behind closed doors, and i'll keep voting in favor of prop 8 here in Cali, to try and protect the sanctity of marriage.


Let me see if I can wade through this orgy of juvenile thought, homophobia, Archie Bunker republicanism and plain ignorance to find a point.....

Nope, just seeing so much ignorant babble, sorry.

Enjoy your hate little man, enjoy your hate.
Enjoy playing your liberal PC BS, wee one.

Sad to see so many people in this great country turning coward and playing the PC game.....truly sad, indeed.

Perhaps the PC act is overplayed, but it certainly beats the caveman act of yours. Assuming of course, it's an act, which is certainly in doubt at this point.
Let me see if I can wade through this orgy of juvenile thought, homophobia, Archie Bunker republicanism and plain ignorance to find a point.....

Nope, just seeing so much ignorant babble, sorry.

Enjoy your hate little man, enjoy your hate.
Enjoy playing your liberal PC BS, wee one.

Sad to see so many people in this great country turning coward and playing the PC game.....truly sad, indeed.

Perhaps the PC act is overplayed, but it certainly beats the caveman act of yours. Assuming of course, it's an act, which is certainly in doubt at this point.
Caveman act?......Bwahahhaahahahahahahahhahah!

Fact is, I don't hate 'em.....If I did, I wouldn't support them serving openly in the military.....If I did, I would fully support taking the Iranian route, and executing 'em.....Only two types of perv's I would support executing, Chesters and rapists.

But yes, they are perv's.....It's just the way it is, and no amount of PC BS is going to change that fact....As long as they keep that shit between consenting adults, that's their fucking business....But don't sit there and spew that "it's natural" crap, 'cause it's pure garbage, period.
Enjoy playing your liberal PC BS, wee one.

Sad to see so many people in this great country turning coward and playing the PC game.....truly sad, indeed.

Perhaps the PC act is overplayed, but it certainly beats the caveman act of yours. Assuming of course, it's an act, which is certainly in doubt at this point.
Caveman act?......Bwahahhaahahahahahahahhahah!

Fact is, I don't hate 'em.....If I did, I wouldn't support them serving openly in the military.....If I did, I would fully support taking the Iranian route, and executing 'em.....Only two types of perv's I would support executing, Chesters and rapists.

But yes, they are perv's.....It's just the way it is, and no amount of PC BS is going to change that fact....As long as they keep that shit between consenting adults, that's their fucking business....But don't sit there and spew that "it's natural" crap, 'cause it's pure garbage, period.

Natural or not can be debated, but it's not outside the normal. At least 500 different animal species have been well documented to display homosexual tendencies. Penguins, lizards, monkeys, dolphins, and many more have displayed homosexual tendencies within their population.

No sex education made these animals this way, no TV shows, no peer pressure, and I doubt any conscious choice was present.
Nearly 500 species exhibit homosexuality, and one species bullies homosexuals.

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