No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

Typical Ludd propaganda garbage designed to enflame and enrage.

The first link is from the "Huff Post Gay Voices" section. It is not news, it is commentary.

The second link, from Fox News, is simply a NEWS item.

Ludd also fails to disclose that this legislation was previously proposed by the same state lawmaker and was defeated.

So Ludd has now created a "pig pile" on the state of Tennessee, which happens to be a beautiful state with a lot of history, and is a great place to visit and live.

Funny how when I was in school, back in the 60s and early 70s, the word "gay" meant "happy", and homosexuality was never a topic of conversation.

Now homosexuality is used as some sort of "choice" or "lifestyle" that school-age children must explore and talk about and make a decision about.

What a fucked up country we have become.
No, there have always been fucked up bigots in this world. It's just that we are becoming less tolerant of the bigotry. I like the direction in which the country is going.
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It is what it is......I really don't give a fuck what those perv's do behind closed doors, as long as it's between two consenting adults....That's their god damn business.....

I feel the same way about heterosexuals....but they don't keep it behind closed doors. Everytime I go out to eat or to a movie, there is another one of those heterosexuals holding hands or kissing in public. Why do they have to flaunt it so much? Are they recruiting?

I just get a kick out of the fact that they actually try and claim it's natural, and that they are not actually perverts, which is exactly what they are......There is nothing natural between two people of the same gender having sexual relations with each other......They damn sure weren't born that way.

Yes, actually, we were born "that way". I certainly didn't make a conscious choice to be attracted to women, it is simply the way I've always felt. And yes, it is natural in the most literal sense since same sex pairings are found in nature.

Can Animals Be Gay?

But hey, if they want to play husband and husband, wife and wife, or whatever the fuck it is they want to call themselves, fine....they can play that shit behind closed doors,

We aren't playing. We're doing it for real. And we aren't going to do it behind closed doors anymore. We're living our lives out in the open. We're holding hands in the movie theaters, we're sending our kids to your schools.

and i'll keep voting in favor of prop 8 here in Cali, to try and protect the sanctity of marriage.


As is your right. You are, however, in an ever growing minority. Prop 8 would not pass today but it won't matter since the SCOTUS will take care of Prop 8 this spring. The sanctity of marriage will still be fine though. You'll still be able to get married by Elvis at a drive through...we'll just be able to as well.
Nearly 500 species exhibit homosexuality, and one species bullies homosexuals.

Yes, the species that is intelligent enough to know better then to be degenerate.

So we don't approve of homosexuality and don't involve ourselves in it, but is that an excuse to make another human being's life miserable? It doesn't bother me if someone setting at my supper table is a homosexual, they have to eat too! As long as they aren't bothering me, why is it any of my business what they do in their private lives?

Typical Ludd propaganda garbage designed to enflame and enrage.

The first link is from the "Huff Post Gay Voices" section. It is not news, it is commentary.

The second link, from Fox News, is simply a NEWS item.

Ludd also fails to disclose that this legislation was previously proposed by the same state lawmaker and was defeated.

So Ludd has now created a "pig pile" on the state of Tennessee, which happens to be a beautiful state with a lot of history, and is a great place to visit and live.

Funny how when I was in school, back in the 60s and early 70s, the word "gay" meant "happy", and homosexuality was never a topic of conversation.

Now homosexuality is used as some sort of "choice" or "lifestyle" that school-age children must explore and talk about and make a decision about.

What a fucked up country we have become.

That law has nothing whatsoever to do with "choice", "lifetyle", exploring or making decisions about sexuality.
The banning of "gay issues" means the banning of sex education classes which right wing kooks want.
Sex is a bad word to these clowns no matter if it is straight, gay or whatever. Sex is part of humanity, science and health class.
It has everything to do with another right wing religous KOOK wanting to force HIS religious views on everyone else. Friend of mine works in Knoxville, votes Republican and is leading opposition to this clown Campfield.

And amazing that anyone would support him. No wonder the Democrats keep kicking our ass each election.
We have Gay/Straight alliance in most of the high schools around here, in an area that used to be rural Georgia. And this community is 100% Republican as every elected official in the county is Republican.
Straight kids out number the gays 10-1 in the Gay/ Straight Alliance. Straight teachers mostly sponsor it but there was an assistant football coach that came out of the closet years ago to lead it.
Young folks know better and laugh loud when they hear the myth of "it is a choice". No one chooses their sexuality, they are born that way. I never contemplated whether I wanted schlong or pussy as I WAS BORN ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.
Gay folk are born attracted to the same sex. Nothing wrong with teaching that to middle school kids.
As soon as we get rid of the "sex is bad" syndrome in America maybe we can come out of the damn stone age.
Wow, what am awful thing to do to someone. High school kids are often exploring sexuality, and don't have a real grasp on how they feel. Outing possible gay kids to their parents is totally outrageous, and can put children in physical danger and/or emotional turmoil.

Yes, much better to have some caring homosexual supply a little succor.
Wow, what am awful thing to do to someone. High school kids are often exploring sexuality, and don't have a real grasp on how they feel. Outing possible gay kids to their parents is totally outrageous, and can put children in physical danger and/or emotional turmoil.

Yes, much better to have some caring homosexual supply a little succor.

There are a lot of "better" situations than outing a kid to a potentially homophobic parent.
And that is why, in part, dems kicked our asses again in the elections, crackerjaxon.

The demography of America has changed, and if the GOP does not, it is doomed.
Wow, what am awful thing to do to someone. High school kids are often exploring sexuality, and don't have a real grasp on how they feel. Outing possible gay kids to their parents is totally outrageous, and can put children in physical danger and/or emotional turmoil.

Yes, much better to have some caring homosexual supply a little succor.

There are a lot of "better" situations than outing a kid to a potentially homophobic parent.

Of course parents shouldn't know what their kids are doing.

That's a given, right?
Yes, much better to have some caring homosexual supply a little succor.

There are a lot of "better" situations than outing a kid to a potentially homophobic parent.

Of parents shouldn't know hwat their kids are doing.

That's a given, right?

If a kid doesn't want to tell their parents they are gay, they probably have reason.

How many of your friends were thrown out of their homes as a teen? Plenty of mine were.
And that is why, in part, dems kicked our asses again in the elections, crackerjaxon.

The demography of America has changed, and if the GOP does not, it is doomed.

What's this "we" shit? I voted for Gary Johnson, the only man worth voting for in that election.

Until the republicans manage to field a conservative candidate, I will continue to vote for libertarian and constitutionalist candidates.

The republicans deserved to lose the last two elections because they were too damned stupid to nominate Ron Paul.
And that is why, in part, dems kicked our asses again in the elections, crackerjaxon.

The demography of America has changed, and if the GOP does not, it is doomed.

What's this "we" shit? I voted for Gary Johnson, the only man worth voting for in that election.

Until the republicans manage to field a conservative candidate, I will continue to vote for libertarian and constitutionalist candidates.

The republicans deserved to lose the last two elections because they were too damned stupid to nominate Ron Paul.

He couldn't even get nominated and you think he'd have won?
There are a lot of "better" situations than outing a kid to a potentially homophobic parent.

Of parents shouldn't know hwat their kids are doing.

That's a given, right?

If a kid doesn't want to tell their parents they are gay, they probably have reason.

How many of your friends were thrown out of their homes as a teen? Plenty of mine were.

They probably don't want to tell their poarents they are gay because they aren't, or because they are ashamed.

And rightly so.

Damn. Gays are reaching into homes to take children from their parents.
And that is why, in part, dems kicked our asses again in the elections, crackerjaxon.

The demography of America has changed, and if the GOP does not, it is doomed.

What's this "we" shit? I voted for Gary Johnson, the only man worth voting for in that election.

Until the republicans manage to field a conservative candidate, I will continue to vote for libertarian and constitutionalist candidates.

The republicans deserved to lose the last two elections because they were too damned stupid to nominate Ron Paul.

He couldn't even get nominated and you think he'd have won?

Not a doubt in my mind.
And that is why, in part, dems kicked our asses again in the elections, crackerjaxon.

The demography of America has changed, and if the GOP does not, it is doomed.

Exactly why Karl Rove is starting another GOP PAC American Crossroads.
We have a looney tune in Paul Broun in Georgia who is an embarrassment.
Right wingers are unelectable.
Tired of us being outflanked by the religious right. They could care less about winning elections.
Karl Rove, as much as I don't like him, is 100% right about trying to isolate the social values cons in the choice of candidates in 2014.

Rove wants the party competitive, the soc values cons want to stay in the Hive.
Of parents shouldn't know hwat their kids are doing.

That's a given, right?

If a kid doesn't want to tell their parents they are gay, they probably have reason.

How many of your friends were thrown out of their homes as a teen? Plenty of mine were.

They probably don't want to tell their poarents they are gay because they aren't, or because they are ashamed.

And rightly so.

Damn. Gays are reaching into homes to take children from their parents.

And guess why kids would be ashamed for being who they are?
PARENTS telling them there is something wrong with being who you are if it happens to be gay.
And how does a teacher know 100% what they are reporting to the parents is 100% true?
Amazing that when another big government bill comes along like this one some conservatives accept it because it is founded in religious beliefs.
Of parents shouldn't know hwat their kids are doing.

That's a given, right?

If a kid doesn't want to tell their parents they are gay, they probably have reason.

How many of your friends were thrown out of their homes as a teen? Plenty of mine were.

They probably don't want to tell their poarents they are gay because they aren't, or because they are ashamed.

And rightly so.

Damn. Gays are reaching into homes to take children from their parents.

You're supposing and I'm telling you what happens. The people I know (as in personally) who did not want to tell their parents, knew that their parents would not react well. 14 and 15 and thrown from their homes or worse. One friend's parents put him through reparative shock therapy.

We're not taking children. We have our own or heterosexuals throw them away.
Karl Rove, as much as I don't like him, is 100% right about trying to isolate the social values cons in the choice of candidates in 2014.

Rove wants the party competitive, the soc values cons want to stay in the Hive.

Broun, the kook who claims the earth is 6000 years old, is one Rove is going to isolate. Article today in the AJC on that.
Chambliss is retiring and the field will be large in Ga. Interesting that Senate races in Georgia are very competitive for Democratic candidates.
We do not want Broun. He is a clown and panders to the religious right.
The religious right have attempted to cheat their way into the party ever since they tried to circumvent the Bush 1 primary here where Bush 1 won with the majority of the votes in the state and the Pat Robertson mob "Moral Majority" or the religious wrong as I call them, attempted to hijack our delegation and put up Robertson as our man at the NO convention.
We were the laughing stock of the GOP convention that year.
The religious right must go and if so make them look like the fools and kooks they are.
What's this "we" shit? I voted for Gary Johnson, the only man worth voting for in that election.

Until the republicans manage to field a conservative candidate, I will continue to vote for libertarian and constitutionalist candidates.

The republicans deserved to lose the last two elections because they were too damned stupid to nominate Ron Paul.

He couldn't even get nominated and you think he'd have won?

Not a doubt in my mind.

That tells us much about your mind. :lol:

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