No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

Enjoy playing your liberal PC BS, wee one.

Sad to see so many people in this great country turning coward and playing the PC game.....truly sad, indeed.

Perhaps the PC act is overplayed, but it certainly beats the caveman act of yours. Assuming of course, it's an act, which is certainly in doubt at this point.
Caveman act?......Bwahahhaahahahahahahahhahah!

Fact is, I don't hate 'em.....If I did, I wouldn't support them serving openly in the military.....If I did, I would fully support taking the Iranian route, and executing 'em.....Only two types of perv's I would support executing, Chesters and rapists.

But yes, they are perv's.....It's just the way it is, and no amount of PC BS is going to change that fact....As long as they keep that shit between consenting adults, that's their fucking business....But don't sit there and spew that "it's natural" crap, 'cause it's pure garbage, period.

While that mey be your opinion, and unelightened as it may be, you're entitltled to it, it doesn't make it fact. It imply makes it one person's opinion. An opinion, I might add, that is certainly outdated and in the minority.
Perhaps the PC act is overplayed, but it certainly beats the caveman act of yours. Assuming of course, it's an act, which is certainly in doubt at this point.
Caveman act?......Bwahahhaahahahahahahahhahah!

Fact is, I don't hate 'em.....If I did, I wouldn't support them serving openly in the military.....If I did, I would fully support taking the Iranian route, and executing 'em.....Only two types of perv's I would support executing, Chesters and rapists.

But yes, they are perv's.....It's just the way it is, and no amount of PC BS is going to change that fact....As long as they keep that shit between consenting adults, that's their fucking business....But don't sit there and spew that "it's natural" crap, 'cause it's pure garbage, period.

While that mey be your opinion, and unelightened as it may be, you're entitltled to it, it doesn't make it fact. It imply makes it one person's opinion. An opinion, I might add, that is certainly outdated and in the minority.
And your OPINION holds no more weight than mine.....But go ahead and keep thinking it does, while I continue to sit here and LMAO!

'cause, after all, laughing at libs is something that most definitely does come naturally,.....'cause, well, they're fuckin' libs, and ya' just can't help laughing at their loony shit.:cool:
Caveman act?......Bwahahhaahahahahahahahhahah!

Fact is, I don't hate 'em.....If I did, I wouldn't support them serving openly in the military.....If I did, I would fully support taking the Iranian route, and executing 'em.....Only two types of perv's I would support executing, Chesters and rapists.

But yes, they are perv's.....It's just the way it is, and no amount of PC BS is going to change that fact....As long as they keep that shit between consenting adults, that's their fucking business....But don't sit there and spew that "it's natural" crap, 'cause it's pure garbage, period.

While that mey be your opinion, and unelightened as it may be, you're entitltled to it, it doesn't make it fact. It imply makes it one person's opinion. An opinion, I might add, that is certainly outdated and in the minority.
And your OPINION holds no more weight than mine.....But go ahead and keep thinking it does, while I continue to sit here and LMAO!

'cause, after all, laughing at libs is something that most definitely does come naturally,.....'cause, well, they're fuckin' libs, and ya' just can't help laughing at their loony shit.:cool:

You can sit there and laugh your ass off, hurl ad hominens and believe you're clever, but at the end of the day more Americans agree with my opinion than yours. And this shows in the changing laws and attitudes towards homosexuals.

So while I can understand why you may be angry and bitter, with society passing you by and rejecting your homophobic views, don't think for a moment that your opinions are legitimate or accepted by the public.
Perhaps the PC act is overplayed, but it certainly beats the caveman act of yours. Assuming of course, it's an act, which is certainly in doubt at this point.
Caveman act?......Bwahahhaahahahahahahahhahah!

Fact is, I don't hate 'em.....If I did, I wouldn't support them serving openly in the military.....If I did, I would fully support taking the Iranian route, and executing 'em.....Only two types of perv's I would support executing, Chesters and rapists.

But yes, they are perv's.....It's just the way it is, and no amount of PC BS is going to change that fact....As long as they keep that shit between consenting adults, that's their fucking business....But don't sit there and spew that "it's natural" crap, 'cause it's pure garbage, period.

While that mey be your opinion, and unelightened as it may be, you're entitltled to it, it doesn't make it fact. It imply makes it one person's opinion. An opinion, I might add, that is certainly outdated and in the minority.

Nearly 500 species exhibit homosexuality, and one species bullies homosexuals.

Yes, the species that is intelligent enough to know better then to be degenerate.

Bullying someone denotes intelligence?:confused:

The animal kingdom has no concept of the term "degenerate". That's a concept created by man. So yeah, you're saying that animals are not intelligent enough to abstain from a concept they know nothing about.
While that mey be your opinion, and unelightened as it may be, you're entitltled to it, it doesn't make it fact. It imply makes it one person's opinion. An opinion, I might add, that is certainly outdated and in the minority.
And your OPINION holds no more weight than mine.....But go ahead and keep thinking it does, while I continue to sit here and LMAO!

'cause, after all, laughing at libs is something that most definitely does come naturally,.....'cause, well, they're fuckin' libs, and ya' just can't help laughing at their loony shit.:cool:

You can sit there and laugh your ass off, hurl ad hominens and believe you're clever, but at the end of the day more Americans agree with my opinion than yours. And this shows in the changing laws and attitudes towards homosexuals.

So while I can understand why you may be angry and bitter, with society passing you by and rejecting your homophobic views, don't think for a moment that your opinions are legitimate or accepted by the public.
Funny how even here in this bastion of liberal idiocy, they couldn't defeat prop 8......So, it looks as though your dreams of liberal Utopia are just that......A big fuckin' dream, that will never happen.
Hate much?


It is what it is......I really don't give a fuck what those perv's do behind closed doors, as long as it's between two consenting adults....That's their god damn business.....I just get a kick out of the fact that they actually try and claim it's natural, and that they are not actually perverts, which is exactly what they are......There is nothing natural between two people of the same gender having sexual relations with each other......They damn sure weren't born that way.

But hey, if they want to play husband and husband, wife and wife, or whatever the fuck it is they want to call themselves, fine....they can play that shit behind closed doors, and i'll keep voting in favor of prop 8 here in Cali, to try and protect the sanctity of marriage.


Let me see if I can wade through this orgy of juvenile thought, homophobia, Archie Bunker republicanism and plain ignorance to find a point.....

Nope, just seeing so much ignorant babble, sorry.

Enjoy your hate little man, enjoy your hate.
^^^Says the lil' wee one who runs around whining about about "ad hominens''.

Liberal hypocrites like you are fucking entertaining to the core, no doubt about it....Particularly when you YOURSELF came out and started attacking a fellow posters family member, just a few posts after joining this board.

Too fuckin' funny!
And your OPINION holds no more weight than mine.....But go ahead and keep thinking it does, while I continue to sit here and LMAO!

'cause, after all, laughing at libs is something that most definitely does come naturally,.....'cause, well, they're fuckin' libs, and ya' just can't help laughing at their loony shit.:cool:

You can sit there and laugh your ass off, hurl ad hominens and believe you're clever, but at the end of the day more Americans agree with my opinion than yours. And this shows in the changing laws and attitudes towards homosexuals.

So while I can understand why you may be angry and bitter, with society passing you by and rejecting your homophobic views, don't think for a moment that your opinions are legitimate or accepted by the public.
Funny how even here in this bastion of liberal idiocy, they couldn't defeat prop 8......So, it looks as though your dreams of liberal Utopia are just that......A big fuckin' dream, that will never happen.

2008 is five years in the past, but since most republicans try to cling to the past, even in the present, your bringing this up is hardly surprising.

So, how do you reconcile all the states who have passed marriage equity laws in the past two years?

It is what it is......I really don't give a fuck what those perv's do behind closed doors, as long as it's between two consenting adults....That's their god damn business.....I just get a kick out of the fact that they actually try and claim it's natural, and that they are not actually perverts, which is exactly what they are......There is nothing natural between two people of the same gender having sexual relations with each other......They damn sure weren't born that way.

But hey, if they want to play husband and husband, wife and wife, or whatever the fuck it is they want to call themselves, fine....they can play that shit behind closed doors, and i'll keep voting in favor of prop 8 here in Cali, to try and protect the sanctity of marriage.


Let me see if I can wade through this orgy of juvenile thought, homophobia, Archie Bunker republicanism and plain ignorance to find a point.....

Nope, just seeing so much ignorant babble, sorry.

Enjoy your hate little man, enjoy your hate.
^^^Says the lil' wee one who runs around whining about about "ad hominens''.

Liberal hypocrites like you are fucking entertaining to the core, no doubt about it....Particularly when you YOURSELF came out and started attacking a fellow posters family member, just a few posts after joining this board.

Too fuckin' funny!

You want to attack, you'll get the like in return.

So you're still upset your little report to the mods didn't work?

Bristol and Chattanooga are pretty neat towns in TN.

Some of the smaller bergs are wastelands of inbred necks, for sure.
Let me see if I can wade through this orgy of juvenile thought, homophobia, Archie Bunker republicanism and plain ignorance to find a point.....

Nope, just seeing so much ignorant babble, sorry.

Enjoy your hate little man, enjoy your hate.
^^^Says the lil' wee one who runs around whining about about "ad hominens''.

Liberal hypocrites like you are fucking entertaining to the core, no doubt about it....Particularly when you YOURSELF came out and started attacking a fellow posters family member, just a few posts after joining this board.

Too fuckin' funny!

You want to attack, you'll get the like in return.

So you're still upset your little report to the mods didn't work?

I could care less what the fuckin' mods do....You exposed yourself a few posts in......Your credibility was shot from the get go, that's why it's so entertaining to listen to you piss and moan about ad hominen's, after you took the pussy route of attacking family because you were getting your liberal ass handed to you from basically your very first few posts.
^^^Says the lil' wee one who runs around whining about about "ad hominens''.

Liberal hypocrites like you are fucking entertaining to the core, no doubt about it....Particularly when you YOURSELF came out and started attacking a fellow posters family member, just a few posts after joining this board.

Too fuckin' funny!

You want to attack, you'll get the like in return.

So you're still upset your little report to the mods didn't work?

I could care less what the fuckin' mods do....You exposed yourself a few posts in......Your credibility was shot from the get go, that's why it's so entertaining to listen to you piss and moan about ad hominen's, after you took the pussy route of attacking family because you were getting your liberal ass handed to you from basically your very first few posts.

You use terms like "fag" and "dyke" and talk about my credibility. To be honest, I could care less what some bigoted homophobe thinks of me and I would actually be worried if you agreed with me about, well anything.

As for the rest, I imagine you're in the middle of your nightly ritual of swilling a 12 pack of inexpensive domestic beer, so I'll attribute your juvenile rant to that. Hope is light beer because I doubt that gut of yours is getting any smaller, is it?

So, have a lovely evening, enjoy your beer and tell everyone there in the double-wide how you "wooped some liberal's ass on that there 'net."

Eh haw, Cletis
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You want to attack, you'll get the like in return.

So you're still upset your little report to the mods didn't work?

I could care less what the fuckin' mods do....You exposed yourself a few posts in......Your credibility was shot from the get go, that's why it's so entertaining to listen to you piss and moan about ad hominen's, after you took the pussy route of attacking family because you were getting your liberal ass handed to you from basically your very first few posts.

You use terms like "fag" and "dyke" and talk about my credibility. To be honest, I could care less what some bigoted homophobe thinks of me and I would actually be worried if you agreed with me about, well anything.

As for the rest, I imagine you're in the middle of your nightly ritual of swilling a 12 pack of inexpensive domestic beer, so I'll attribute your juvenile rant to that. Hope is light beer because I doubt that gut of yours is getting any smaller, is it?

So, have a lovely evening, enjoy your beer and tell everyone there in the double-wide how you "wooped some liberal's ass on that there 'net."

Eh haw, Cletis
And i'm sure your hypocritical liberal ass has a problem with so many fags and dykes who refer to themselves as fags and dykes,, wee one?

BTW, nice try at an attack, wee one.......although you miserably failed.....What's next, an attack on the family, coward?
I could care less what the fuckin' mods do....You exposed yourself a few posts in......Your credibility was shot from the get go, that's why it's so entertaining to listen to you piss and moan about ad hominen's, after you took the pussy route of attacking family because you were getting your liberal ass handed to you from basically your very first few posts.

You use terms like "fag" and "dyke" and talk about my credibility. To be honest, I could care less what some bigoted homophobe thinks of me and I would actually be worried if you agreed with me about, well anything.

As for the rest, I imagine you're in the middle of your nightly ritual of swilling a 12 pack of inexpensive domestic beer, so I'll attribute your juvenile rant to that. Hope is light beer because I doubt that gut of yours is getting any smaller, is it?

So, have a lovely evening, enjoy your beer and tell everyone there in the double-wide how you "wooped some liberal's ass on that there 'net."

Eh haw, Cletis
And i'm sure your hypocritical liberal ass has a problem with so many fags and dykes who refer to themselves as fags and dykes,, wee one?

BTW, nice try at an attack, wee one.......although you miserably failed.....What's next, an attack on the family, coward?

Is this where you tell me how you'd whip my ass if I was there?

You're too funny, please don't stop, I'm laughing my ass off at your pathetic retorts.. Reminds me of something junior high kids would say.
You use terms like "fag" and "dyke" and talk about my credibility. To be honest, I could care less what some bigoted homophobe thinks of me and I would actually be worried if you agreed with me about, well anything.

As for the rest, I imagine you're in the middle of your nightly ritual of swilling a 12 pack of inexpensive domestic beer, so I'll attribute your juvenile rant to that. Hope is light beer because I doubt that gut of yours is getting any smaller, is it?

So, have a lovely evening, enjoy your beer and tell everyone there in the double-wide how you "wooped some liberal's ass on that there 'net."

Eh haw, Cletis
And i'm sure your hypocritical liberal ass has a problem with so many fags and dykes who refer to themselves as fags and dykes,, wee one?

BTW, nice try at an attack, wee one.......although you miserably failed.....What's next, an attack on the family, coward?

Is this where you tell me how you'd whip my ass if I was there?

You're too funny, please don't stop, I'm laughing my ass off at your pathetic retorts.. Reminds me of something junior high kids would say.
So, what's next, coward? attack on the family?

Hey, you exposed yourself early on,'s just the way it with it.
And i'm sure your hypocritical liberal ass has a problem with so many fags and dykes who refer to themselves as fags and dykes,, wee one?

BTW, nice try at an attack, wee one.......although you miserably failed.....What's next, an attack on the family, coward?

Is this where you tell me how you'd whip my ass if I was there?

You're too funny, please don't stop, I'm laughing my ass off at your pathetic retorts.. Reminds me of something junior high kids would say.
So, what's next, coward? attack on the family?

Hey, you exposed yourself early on,'s just the way it with it.

You're repeating yourself.

Now then, carry on... :lol:
I'm going to put aside for a moment how deeply offensive this legislation is to me, and how downright goofy it strikes me as being -- as though hearing the word "gay" will subconsciously activate the next generation of Rachel Maddows and George Takeis like the mention of solitaire did for the Manchurian candidate. I suspect that Campfield misunderstands how kids, even young kids, figure out who they are -- and how important it is not to interfere with that process.

Such ignorance and hate should be deeply offensive to every American.

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