No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

My nephew came out to my brother when he was 11. We love him as he graduated from a major university at age 21, has a graduate degree now and teaches at a community college while he works on his PHD at age 27. Owns his own home and has a steady partner.
We have seen many kids that are banned from coming home for Christmas by their religious families.
Homophobia is a sickness, an evil belief that has no basis other than a few old Testament Jewish law claims that have no basis in fact.
I like Gary Johnson. Man has balls on many social issues that most Republican politicians shy away from.
Johnson would have had my vote. Good man.
Well, I've always considered Tennessee as the home of the "single branch" family tree, so what they do up there isn't much concern to me.

Watch yourself, I heard banjos the last time I said something like that!
In that case, the post certainly delivered.

yours as well


your " veiled threat" comment has to be about the most pussified comment ever made at USMB. What threat? Only a pussy would think that.

your achievement gap is showing. Better stick a tampon in it.

Ad hominems and juvenile taunts.

If you're not a 13 year old boy with maturity issues, you're certainly doing a wonderful impression of one.

ever read any of your own posts?
Watch yourself, I heard banjos the last time I said something like that!

Tennessee has some of the most prestigious universities in the country.
Amazing you folks fall for Hollywood stereotypes.

Name them!

Tennessee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia? LOL, and you claim to be "educated".
If you do not know you are as ignorant as they come.

Sewanee, The University of the South
Fisk historically black university
And others also
Note that the private schools have some of the lowest professor to student ratios in the country.
You are as naive and biased as they come.
Not a doubt in my mind.

That tells us much about your mind. :lol:
Paul is a loon, no doubt about it.....But, the fact that you choose to engage in perversions with those of your gender, tells us all about what goes on in your sick mind.:cuckoo:


No it doesn't. My being gay doesn't tell you at all what goes on in my mind.

I do "choose" to engage in a relationship with a partner of the same sex, but the attractions behind them are not has been pointed out already.
Well, I've always considered Tennessee as the home of the "single branch" family tree, so what they do up there isn't much concern to me.

Watch yourself, I heard banjos the last time I said something like that!

Tennessee has some of the most prestigious universities in the country.
Amazing you folks fall for Hollywood stereotypes.

To be fair, trying to pass laws like this does not help with the "Hollywood Stereotype" now does it?
Watch yourself, I heard banjos the last time I said something like that!

Tennessee has some of the most prestigious universities in the country.
Amazing you folks fall for Hollywood stereotypes.

To be fair, trying to pass laws like this does not help with the "Hollywood Stereotype" now does it?

Truth is - the guy who proposed this legislation represents Knoxville. A recall petition has already started.
Tennessee has some of the most prestigious universities in the country.
Amazing you folks fall for Hollywood stereotypes.

Name them!

Tennessee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia? LOL, and you claim to be "educated".
If you do not know you are as ignorant as they come.

Sewanee, The University of the South
Fisk historically black university
And others also
Note that the private schools have some of the lowest professor to student ratios in the country.
You are as naive and biased as they come.

You say:

Tennessee has some of the most prestigious universities in the country

You can't get it right with a list, so why can't wiki make a fucking list of colleges and universities in Tennessee?

Try Vanderbilt, named after Vanderbilt for giving them a million dollars to help heal the wounds from the Civil War and educate the stupid fucks! He never set foot in the South.

Try Tennessee State University and the University of Tennessee! Along with Vanderbilt these are not bad colleges and universities, but they aren't some of the most prestigious universities in the country. There are plenty of better state universities and plenty of colleges better than Vanderbilt, which is the best Tennessee has.
Wow, what am awful thing to do to someone. High school kids are often exploring sexuality, and don't have a real grasp on how they feel. Outing possible gay kids to their parents is totally outrageous, and can put children in physical danger and/or emotional turmoil.

What sort of physical danger? From their parents?

Schools tell parents if their children swear at school, if they say cross words to each other, if they draw certain types of pictures...but if kids are sexually acting out in inappropriate ways, liberals think that should be hidden from parents.

Liberals continue to fight the fight to sexualize children and lure them into depravity. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE ENGAGING IN OVERTLY SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Most schools don't allow kissing or holding hands. Essentially the homo bloc is insisting that children be allowed to engage in sexual behavior, in public, and that it be hidden from their parents. Charming.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Wikipedia? LOL, and you claim to be "educated".
If you do not know you are as ignorant as they come.

Sewanee, The University of the South
Fisk historically black university
And others also
Note that the private schools have some of the lowest professor to student ratios in the country.
You are as naive and biased as they come.

You say:

Tennessee has some of the most prestigious universities in the country

You can't get it right with a list, so why can't wiki make a fucking list of colleges and universities in Tennessee?

Try Vanderbilt, named after Vanderbilt for giving them a million dollars to help heal the wounds from the Civil War and educate the stupid fucks! He never set foot in the South.

Try Tennessee State University and the University of Tennessee! Along with Vanderbilt these are not bad colleges and universities, but they aren't some of the most prestigious universities in the country. There are plenty of better state universities and plenty of colleges better than Vanderbilt, which is the best Tennessee has.

Vanderbilt is ranked 15th in the nation you fool.
You are ignorant so you have never heard of Sewanee. That is in the top 5 liberal arts universities in the country.
Fool. You are a closet bigot 2W.
Wow, what am awful thing to do to someone. High school kids are often exploring sexuality, and don't have a real grasp on how they feel. Outing possible gay kids to their parents is totally outrageous, and can put children in physical danger and/or emotional turmoil.

What sort of physical danger? From their parents?

Yes, from their parents. A man beat his four year old to death because he thought he might be gay. A FOUR year old. Teens are thrown from their homes for being gay all the time, leaving them open to all kinds of physical danger.

Schools tell parents if their children swear at school, if they say cross words to each other, if they draw certain types of pictures...but if kids are sexually acting out in inappropriate ways, liberals think that should be hidden from parents.
Being gay is not acting out in any way, it is just being. Were you aware that you could be gay and :eek: a virgin?

Liberals continue to fight the fight to sexualize children and lure them into depravity. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE ENGAGING IN OVERTLY SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Most schools don't allow kissing or holding hands. Essentially the homo bloc is insisting that children be allowed to engage in sexual behavior, in public, and that it be hidden from their parents. Charming.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You can be gay without ever doing any of the things you mentioned. They wouldn't have to have "engaged" in any "behavior" for a teacher to rat them out to their parents.
It doesn't surprise me that bigots who jeer about the sexuality of southerners would promote homosexual acting out among school kids, and further fight that it take place hidden from the kids' parents.

Next they'll be asking for sex therapists to teach the kids how to properly engage in sexual activity. Without parental consent, of course.

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