No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

You say:

You can't get it right with a list, so why can't wiki make a fucking list of colleges and universities in Tennessee?

Try Vanderbilt, named after Vanderbilt for giving them a million dollars to help heal the wounds from the Civil War and educate the stupid fucks! He never set foot in the South.

Try Tennessee State University and the University of Tennessee! Along with Vanderbilt these are not bad colleges and universities, but they aren't some of the most prestigious universities in the country. There are plenty of better state universities and plenty of colleges better than Vanderbilt, which is the best Tennessee has.

Vanderbilt is rated high in most lists, here is just one, they are 17th: National University Rankings | Top National Universities | US News Best Colleges

Usually above Cal, Boston College, William and Mary, Georgetown, Wake Forest, Tufts, Michigan... But that doesn't fit you agenda.

Of course bigotry plays into your opinion, which seems the norm for you.

This is what he said:

Tennessee has some of the most prestigious universities in the country

Is it true? No, it isn't true. I also found Vanderbuilt as 17th and the University of Tennessee at 101st, but the University of Tennessee has many locations. In the 200s you have you various Tennesse State Universities, which aren't the same. I haven't found any other Tennessee university or college listed as close to being a most prestigious in the country. Tennessee has one prestigious university and it was started by someone who never set foot in the South. The university I attended is much better than the second Tennessee university listed and I never considered it prestigious.

Vanderbilt and Sewanee are some of the most prestigious universities in the country.
Give it up. You are showing how senile you are. Take another Namenda.
Or 2 or 7.
Vanderbilt is rated high in most lists, here is just one, they are 17th: National University Rankings | Top National Universities | US News Best Colleges

Usually above Cal, Boston College, William and Mary, Georgetown, Wake Forest, Tufts, Michigan... But that doesn't fit you agenda.

Of course bigotry plays into your opinion, which seems the norm for you.

This is what he said:

Tennessee has some of the most prestigious universities in the country

Is it true? No, it isn't true. I also found Vanderbuilt as 17th and the University of Tennessee at 101st, but the University of Tennessee has many locations. In the 200s you have you various Tennesse State Universities, which aren't the same. I haven't found any other Tennessee university or college listed as close to being a most prestigious in the country. Tennessee has one prestigious university and it was started by someone who never set foot in the South. The university I attended is much better than the second Tennessee university listed and I never considered it prestigious.

Vanderbilt and Sewanee are some of the most prestigious universities in the country.
Give it up. You are showing how senile you are. Take another Namenda.
Or 2 or 7.

Fisk is also highly rated, they sit at #5.
This is what he said:

Is it true? No, it isn't true. I also found Vanderbuilt as 17th and the University of Tennessee at 101st, but the University of Tennessee has many locations. In the 200s you have you various Tennesse State Universities, which aren't the same. I haven't found any other Tennessee university or college listed as close to being a most prestigious in the country. Tennessee has one prestigious university and it was started by someone who never set foot in the South. The university I attended is much better than the second Tennessee university listed and I never considered it prestigious.

Vanderbilt and Sewanee are some of the most prestigious universities in the country.
Give it up. You are showing how senile you are. Take another Namenda.
Or 2 or 7.

Fisk is also highly rated, they sit at #5.

I believe Fisk is at #5 and has been as high as #2 amongst historically black universities and is in the top 100 of all universities. WE Dubois was a graduate. Also, Ivy League have always looked to Fisk for their graduate students be it affirmative action or not. Dates back 100 years.
I went to military school in TN in the 60s and received an excellent education. Relatives attended Sewanee in 60s and 70s as my father taught there before we moved to north Atlanta in the late 60s where Dad taught at Emory.
I love the way the homosexual lobby seeks to find ways to encourage, then hide the overt sexual behavior of children from parents, while demonizing parents who want to know what their kids are up to at school.
Back to the subject:
Every Republican I know in TN opposes the bill and labels Campfield A KOOK.

Is that somehow relevant?

Campfield has openly declared many times
"Straight people do not get AIDS"
"50% or more of theaters, the movies are based on homosexuality"
"AIDS came from one person screwing a monkey"
"It is impossible to contract AIDS from heterosexual sex"

Your kinda hero I am sure.

Campfield has labeled his own bill "Don't Say Gay" bill.
Voters are not stupid in predominantly Republican TN.
Next election they will show up at the voting booths to Don't Elect Campfield.
Wow, what am awful thing to do to someone. High school kids are often exploring sexuality, and don't have a real grasp on how they feel. Outing possible gay kids to their parents is totally outrageous, and can put children in physical danger and/or emotional turmoil.

What sort of physical danger? From their parents?

Schools tell parents if their children swear at school, if they say cross words to each other, if they draw certain types of pictures...but if kids are sexually acting out in inappropriate ways, liberals think that should be hidden from parents.

Liberals continue to fight the fight to sexualize children and lure them into depravity. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE ENGAGING IN OVERTLY SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Most schools don't allow kissing or holding hands. Essentially the homo bloc is insisting that children be allowed to engage in sexual behavior, in public, and that it be hidden from their parents. Charming.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:


I've never heard of a school "telling parents" that Jessie seems to like tommy, but its ok to run and tattle if they think tommy likes Timmy?

And hell yes physical danger from their parents, as well as emotional danger. There are entire programs set up for gay teens who have been kicked out of their home for being gay.
I love the way the homosexual lobby seeks to find ways to encourage, then hide the overt sexual behavior of children from parents, while demonizing parents who want to know what their kids are up to at school.

I am not part of any homosexual lobby.
All this is is more government for parents that are too lazy and stupid to know what their children are doing in school.
Good parents already know what their kids do in school. They meet with their teachers often.
Bad parents oppose sex education in health class.
Plenty of good private schools to send your kids if you do not like the public schools where they teach health and science.
I recommend Gay/Straight alliances at high schools.
Amazing the amount of adults that once they saw what these clubs were teaching: TOLERANCE, do not have to accept anything, then most all- a very high % of conservative adults want their kids to tolerate other school kids and move on with it.
I used to be as anti gay as they come, just part of the locker room culture I was part of for many years. Then I started seeing many pro athletes like Charles Barkley and many others speak about how being a homophobe was absurd.
If I could change anyone can. These kids deserve respect. They do not want to hide WHO THEY ARE.
Wow, what am awful thing to do to someone. High school kids are often exploring sexuality, and don't have a real grasp on how they feel. Outing possible gay kids to their parents is totally outrageous, and can put children in physical danger and/or emotional turmoil.

What sort of physical danger? From their parents?

Schools tell parents if their children swear at school, if they say cross words to each other, if they draw certain types of pictures...but if kids are sexually acting out in inappropriate ways, liberals think that should be hidden from parents.

Liberals continue to fight the fight to sexualize children and lure them into depravity. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE ENGAGING IN OVERTLY SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Most schools don't allow kissing or holding hands. Essentially the homo bloc is insisting that children be allowed to engage in sexual behavior, in public, and that it be hidden from their parents. Charming.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:


I've never heard of a school "telling parents" that Jessie seems to like tommy, but its ok to run and tattle if they think tommy likes Timmy?

And hell yes physical danger from their parents, as well as emotional danger. There are entire programs set up for gay teens who have been kicked out of their home for being gay.

So you subscribe to the belief that schools should hide the activities of children from their parents; rather than report the parents as a threat.

If the parents are some sort of threat, they should be reported. Otherwise, schools have no right withholding information from parents that the parents want to know about their children. And most parents want to know what the kids are doing in school.

Or do you maintain that schools should not be required to report abusive parents, and should interject themselves instead into non-reported dv situations as the "protectors" of children..who are allegedly in danger...but which the school has not reported?
There was that woman who started a huge firestorm because she posted on facebook she was going to tan her sons ass because she saw him walking with the gay kid from across the street. Imagine what she'd do if the school called and said they suspected he was gay?
I love the way the homosexual lobby seeks to find ways to encourage, then hide the overt sexual behavior of children from parents, while demonizing parents who want to know what their kids are up to at school.

"Overt sexual behavior"? If it's overt then their parents would already know.

This has nothing to do with schools. Schools are not equipped to judge, nor should they care about, a child's sexual orientation. No one, with the exception of the individual themselves, can judge their sexual orientation. You make it sound like gay kids are having orgies on school grounds.

Tone down the hyperbole a little bit.
What sort of physical danger? From their parents?

Schools tell parents if their children swear at school, if they say cross words to each other, if they draw certain types of pictures...but if kids are sexually acting out in inappropriate ways, liberals think that should be hidden from parents.

Liberals continue to fight the fight to sexualize children and lure them into depravity. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE ENGAGING IN OVERTLY SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Most schools don't allow kissing or holding hands. Essentially the homo bloc is insisting that children be allowed to engage in sexual behavior, in public, and that it be hidden from their parents. Charming.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:


I've never heard of a school "telling parents" that Jessie seems to like tommy, but its ok to run and tattle if they think tommy likes Timmy?

And hell yes physical danger from their parents, as well as emotional danger. There are entire programs set up for gay teens who have been kicked out of their home for being gay.

So you subscribe to the belief that schools should hide the activities of children from their parents; rather than report the parents as a threat.

If the parents are some sort of threat, they should be reported. Otherwise, schools have no right withholding information from parents that the parents want to know about their children. And most parents want to know what the kids are doing in school.

Or do you maintain that schools should not be required to report abusive parents, and should interject themselves instead into non-reported dv situations as the "protectors" of children..who are allegedly in danger...but which the school has not reported?
There are already laws in place for inappropriate conduct in schools. If you're child is caught having sex, you'll hear about it, no matter if its with a boy or a girl.

However the school doesn't report to every parent on the personal lives of their children. I can understand why you like the bill, as what is does is mark the idea of being homosexual as a threat that needs reporting, which is what I disagree with.
No, that's not what it does at all. What it does is stop teachers from *hiding* information that parents need to make informed decisions about THEIR OWN CHILDREN, based on the kids' behavior at school.

Schools call parents to report hand holding, spitting in the mezzazine, clothes that don't adhere to the dress code, and for daring to use words/gestures/jokes that are not approved by the staff.

But they don't want to tell parents anything about things that matter, and can affect the kids for the rest of their lives.

Just more evidence of the ass-backward influence of Kinsey, working towards the goal of weaning children from their parents and indoctrinating them into a depraved, and often illegal and dangerous, lifestyle that will lead to the kids funding and supporting the homosexual and progressive cults.
I love the way the homosexual lobby seeks to find ways to encourage, then hide the overt sexual behavior of children from parents, while demonizing parents who want to know what their kids are up to at school.

"Overt sexual behavior"? If it's overt then their parents would already know.

This has nothing to do with schools. Schools are not equipped to judge, nor should they care about, a child's sexual orientation. No one, with the exception of the individual themselves, can judge their sexual orientation. You make it sound like gay kids are having orgies on school grounds.

Tone down the hyperbole a little bit.

If it's not *overt* then it wouldn't be noticed by the teacher, now, would it?

Children will often push the envelope at school. The school, as their guardians while they are attending class, then, is obligated to advise parents of the child's behavior at school.

I expect the school to let me know if my boy gets to school and changes into a pink tutu and puts on lipstick. Whether or not I support homosexuality in all it's forms and ages, I need to know what he's doing..and if the schools are really going to go to bat to hide that sort of thing from parents, the schools are going to find they no longer have students.
And schools who report "hand holding", report it whether its 2 boys or a boy and a girl. This law is unnecessary and gives schools permission to out suspected gay students who havent broken any school rules.

How dare parents want to be informed about their kids.

Quick, remove the kids from those nosy parents and place them in appropriate homosexual group homes, headed by properly progressive house fathers!

Progressives are incapable of viewing children as anything other than fully aware, sexual creatures.
I love the way the homosexual lobby seeks to find ways to encourage, then hide the overt sexual behavior of children from parents, while demonizing parents who want to know what their kids are up to at school.

"Overt sexual behavior"? If it's overt then their parents would already know.

This has nothing to do with schools. Schools are not equipped to judge, nor should they care about, a child's sexual orientation. No one, with the exception of the individual themselves, can judge their sexual orientation. You make it sound like gay kids are having orgies on school grounds.

Tone down the hyperbole a little bit.

Nope...doubled down on it instead.

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