No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

It's very unhealthy to suggest such a thing and a child being bullied needs to get whatever it takes involved to stop it. There is the school, the parents, the police and the community. Killing someone for any reason, other than war or self-defense, is not something you should be suggesting a child should do.

I consider my stance, self-defense. And my stance is for those of the age of accountability (13 and up).

I don't care how you consider it, your stance is wrong and it's wrong to potentially suggest that to a child, who hasn't lived long enough to properly mature in their judgment, while being on the internet. You don't know the age of the person who may read your post, so think about it.

So what should the victim do? Kill himself/herself? And have these Southern Christian yahoos, laugh at him at his death? That's exactly what they want, because they can't kill him/her without going to prison.

A head for an eye is appropriate for chronic bullying.

Bullies deserve what they got coming to them, whether it's a severe disciplinary action, utter humiliation, legal action, civil suit, severe beating, or death itself.

Never let bullies win, by killing yourself without at least leaving your mark.
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People who don't give a shit if kids fuck like bunnies also aren't likely to care if they shoot the shit out of each other.

Just saying. These people aren't known for their care and concern for children.
I consider my stance, self-defense. And my stance is for those of the age of accountability (13 and up).

I don't care how you consider it, your stance is wrong and it's wrong to potentially suggest that to a child, who hasn't lived long enough to properly mature in their judgment, while being on the internet. You don't know the age of the person who may read your post, so think about it.

So what should the victim do? Kill himself/herself? And have these Southern Christian yahoos, laugh at him at his death? That's exactly what they want, because they can't kill him/her without going to prison.

A head for an eye is appropriate for chronic bullying.

Bullies deserve what they got coming to them, whether it's a severe disciplinary action, utter humiliation, legal action, civil suit, severe beating, or death itself.

Never let bullies win, by killing yourself without at least leaving your mark.

I don't know where you came up with suicide, but it should be obvious that parents, the school and the cops & courts if need be, can stop bullying. If the kid can't go to the parents for whatever reason, find someone in the school and be ready to go to the cops and courts next to stop that person doing the bullying. Don't allow them to have the right to be a bully. That school doesn't want legal action taken, but you can get a court order against the person being a bully and prevent that person being near you, if need be. Bullies change, so let life do the teaching for you.
We're on page 11 of a thread where you've been insisting it isn't the responsibility of teachers to inform parents that their kids are engaging in sodomy. But if anyone dares to tease those kids about engaging in sodomy, you're ready to call out S.W.A.T.

I know, I've repeatedly told her that its not illegal for 2 kids who are of the same age to engage in sex. I believe SW even mentioned the specific law that states that. Besides this law isnt even about sex, its about sexal orientation.

There are already rules in place if a kid does something inappropriate in school, this law is about targeting "suspected gay kids" who have not broken any rules, and outing them.

For some reason she wants to talk about sex. I think all adults would agree that if children are caught having sex in school, then it should be reported to parents. I don't think a school should be involved telling parents of rumors about children having sex. It's possible some kid could be announcing they had sex in school and force the school to deal with it.

There are statutory laws in states that vary involving underage sex and it's usually legal when the people's ages are within 4 years of each other, meaning it would be illegal for a 17 year old to have sex with a 13 year old, if there is more than 4 years difference in their age.

I'm only saying this to set the record straight, because I would expect most people to know the law and not be claiming underage sex is illegal when it isn't.

If some kid is gay, leave the kid alone and mind your own business. There is always some state out there, trying to become lead conductor of the Stupid Parade and there are always Republicans involved.

Amy insists that sex between 15 year olds is legal. I posted the information, by state, of which states require a minimum age for the offender, and a particular number of years between the kids...and the truth is, many, many states have no minimum age, and no requirement of an age gap between the kids. In other words, if two 14 year olds are fucking, the older one can, and will be, prosecuted. I worked with a reporter who had this happen to her son, and I worked in a jail where the youngest trusty on my crew was in prison because he screwed his 16 year old girlfriend when he was 17. Two years earlier.

I have looked these laws up in the past, but I would have to know the state that 17 year old was in to assess if that story is legit. No state was like that when I checked long ago. Here is a link to just statutory rape by state that has some info:

Statutory Rape Laws by State

Statutory rape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't care how you consider it, your stance is wrong and it's wrong to potentially suggest that to a child, who hasn't lived long enough to properly mature in their judgment, while being on the internet. You don't know the age of the person who may read your post, so think about it.

So what should the victim do? Kill himself/herself? And have these Southern Christian yahoos, laugh at him at his death? That's exactly what they want, because they can't kill him/her without going to prison.

A head for an eye is appropriate for chronic bullying.

Bullies deserve what they got coming to them, whether it's a severe disciplinary action, utter humiliation, legal action, civil suit, severe beating, or death itself.

Never let bullies win, by killing yourself without at least leaving your mark.

I don't know where you came up with suicide, but it should be obvious that parents, the school and the cops & courts if need be, can stop bullying. If the kid can't go to the parents for whatever reason, find someone in the school and be ready to go to the cops and courts next to stop that person doing the bullying. Don't allow them to have the right to be a bully. That school doesn't want legal action taken, but you can get a court order against the person being a bully and prevent that person being near you, if need be. Bullies change, so let life do the teaching for you.

Sorry, I may gotten ahead of myself there. Cases like these are likely to end in a suicide.

Bullies can change only if they directly make amends for what he/she has done. If they don't then my stance on bullying is firm.

Maybe this plan is tamer. Treat the bullies as the dogs that they are and fine the parents/guardians and the school for any case of chronic bullying. Just like the laws of liability regarding pets or animals.
For some reason she wants to talk about sex. I think all adults would agree that if children are caught having sex in school, then it should be reported to parents. I don't think a school should be involved telling parents of rumors about children having sex. It's possible some kid could be announcing they had sex in school and force the school to deal with it.

There are statutory laws in states that vary involving underage sex and it's usually legal when the people's ages are within 4 years of each other, meaning it would be illegal for a 17 year old to have sex with a 13 year old, if there is more than 4 years difference in their age.

I'm only saying this to set the record straight, because I would expect most people to know the law and not be claiming underage sex is illegal when it isn't.

If some kid is gay, leave the kid alone and mind your own business. There is always some state out there, trying to become lead conductor of the Stupid Parade and there are always Republicans involved.

Amy insists that sex between 15 year olds is legal. I posted the information, by state, of which states require a minimum age for the offender, and a particular number of years between the kids...and the truth is, many, many states have no minimum age, and no requirement of an age gap between the kids. In other words, if two 14 year olds are fucking, the older one can, and will be, prosecuted. I worked with a reporter who had this happen to her son, and I worked in a jail where the youngest trusty on my crew was in prison because he screwed his 16 year old girlfriend when he was 17. Two years earlier.

I have looked these laws up in the past, but I would have to know the state that 17 year old was in to assess if that story is legit. No state was like that when I checked long ago. Here is a link to just statutory rape by state that has some info:

Statutory Rape Laws by State

Statutory rape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I ALREADY POSTED THEM. I quoted the laws, cited them, and gave you the links.

So what should the victim do? Kill himself/herself? And have these Southern Christian yahoos, laugh at him at his death? That's exactly what they want, because they can't kill him/her without going to prison.

A head for an eye is appropriate for chronic bullying.

Bullies deserve what they got coming to them, whether it's a severe disciplinary action, utter humiliation, legal action, civil suit, severe beating, or death itself.

Never let bullies win, by killing yourself without at least leaving your mark.

I don't know where you came up with suicide, but it should be obvious that parents, the school and the cops & courts if need be, can stop bullying. If the kid can't go to the parents for whatever reason, find someone in the school and be ready to go to the cops and courts next to stop that person doing the bullying. Don't allow them to have the right to be a bully. That school doesn't want legal action taken, but you can get a court order against the person being a bully and prevent that person being near you, if need be. Bullies change, so let life do the teaching for you.

Sorry, I may gotten ahead of myself there. Cases like these are likely to end in a suicide.

Bullies can change only if they directly make amends for what he/she has done. If they don't then my stance on bullying is firm.

Maybe this plan is tamer. Treat the bullies as the dogs that they are and fine the parents/guardians and the school for any case of chronic bullying. Just like the laws of liability regarding pets or animals.

The ideal situation would be for parents to tell their kids to inform them if anyone in school is bullying them and the parents should contact the school and put an early end to it. If it goes on, then harassment charges against the family will put an end to it. There is nothing wrong with other things like self-defense, but fighting should only be in self-defense. The important thing is to stop these things in their early stages.
why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.

Again, you inbred, backwoods fucknozzle, I was not "slamming" him. I was supporting his decision to remain the obviously closeted drama queen he is.

Saying he is gay is not a pejorative.

Isn't name calling against the rules of the new, improved, seriously moderated politics forum?

I thought it was. Maybe not.
Getting these loony liberal idiots, particularly the gay, er, perverted ones frothing at the mouth angry is too much fun....Kinda like a hobby.:cool:

And yes, it always seem to be the liberals who always end up throwing around gay, er, perverted slams against those who don't buy into their BS.....Their abject hypocrisy is comical.
People who don't give a shit if kids fuck like bunnies also aren't likely to care if they shoot the shit out of each other.

Just saying. These people aren't known for their care and concern for children.

So teachers and government are your solution to stop kids that "fuck like bunnies".
That is the role of parents, not teachers and government.
You are a closet liberal.
Again, you inbred, backwoods fucknozzle, I was not "slamming" him. I was supporting his decision to remain the obviously closeted drama queen he is.

Saying he is gay is not a pejorative.

Isn't name calling against the rules of the new, improved, seriously moderated politics forum?

I thought it was. Maybe not.
Getting these loony liberal idiots, particularly the gay, er, perverted ones frothing at the mouth angry is too much fun....Kinda like a hobby.:cool:

And yes, it always seem to be the liberals who always end up throwing around gay, er, perverted slams against those who don't buy into their BS.....Their abject hypocrisy is comical.

Been voting Republican since 1972.
Raised a Goldwater Republican.
Back in the day when Republicans openly solicited the gay vote.
Before fools like you came along and asked them "Hey pervert, will you vote Republican?"
You are stuck on stupid with the gay boggeyman issue. I want to defeat Democrats.
I remember the day when Goldwater led the charge and we all stood up in the face of these religious right KOOKS and ran them off. Pat Robertson and his crowd of crooks almost hijacked our state convention and Bob Barr led the charge and we defeated them. Then Bush II allowed their fringe element back in the party and look where we are now.
Stuck on stupid on the gay boogeyman issue with Democrats once again gaining more ground on us and kicking our asses.
What we have now in many parts of the Republican party are a bunch of milk weak pussy sissies that are more interested in calling gay folk names instead of having the guts and determination to go fight a damn war and defeat the Democrats.
We've been through this. We're talking of children. Sex is illegal between children. Homosexual activity is sodomy. This has already been established, which is why the fucknozzles are reduced to twitching masses of incoherence.

The bill states that suspected homosexual activity (i.e., SODOMY) be reported to parents. That's SEX to less enlightened ppl. And SEX is illegal.


It goes way beyond that.

or who may be at risk of engaging in,

As in hasn't done a fucking thing yet. Why would simply stating you are gay mean you are more "at risk" than a straight teen?

So you are of the belief that it's better to wait until children have sex, and maybe not then, before reporting it?

Thank goodness you aren't in a position of authority.

I'm saying you "small government conservatives" are giving teachers an awful lot of power. Who determines who is "at risk"? How is saying "I'm gay" make you "at risk"? If little Johnny tells a teacher he likes little Susie, do you automatically assume they are going to fuck? Why do you assume it if Johnny says he likes Billy? child, no adult, nobody should be outed (other than posthumously) without their consent to anybody else.

If a teacher were truly concerned that a teen was having or about to have sex, that could be reported without having to mention the gender of the individual with whom the kid is going to have sex. Why do you feel the disclosure of their sexual orientation is so important. WHAT PURPOSE DOES IT SERVE?

I'll answer it for you since you duck and dodge like Ali on steroids. You actually think the parents can "do something" about their kid being gay. They can't. Reparative therapy doesn't work.

Teens thrown from their homes do work...they work the streets in the sex trade.

Bears repeating...40% of homeless teens are gay. 26% of homeless gay teens were thrown out of their homes when their sexual orientation was discovered. That's a lot of homophobia...
It goes way beyond that.

or who may be at risk of engaging in,

As in hasn't done a fucking thing yet. Why would simply stating you are gay mean you are more "at risk" than a straight teen?

So you are of the belief that it's better to wait until children have sex, and maybe not then, before reporting it?

Thank goodness you aren't in a position of authority.

I'm saying you "small government conservatives" are giving teachers an awful lot of power. Who determines who is "at risk"? How is saying "I'm gay" make you "at risk"? If little Johnny tells a teacher he likes little Susie, do you automatically assume they are going to fuck? Why do you assume it if Johnny says he likes Billy? child, no adult, nobody should be outed (other than posthumously) without their consent to anybody else.

If a teacher were truly concerned that a teen was having or about to have sex, that could be reported without having to mention the gender of the individual with whom the kid is going to have sex. Why do you feel the disclosure of their sexual orientation is so important. WHAT PURPOSE DOES IT SERVE?

I'll answer it for you since you duck and dodge like Ali on steroids. You actually think the parents can "do something" about their kid being gay. They can't. Reparative therapy doesn't work.

Teens thrown from their homes do work...they work the streets in the sex trade.

Bears repeating...40% of homeless teens are gay. 26% of homeless gay teens were thrown out of their homes when their sexual orientation was discovered. That's a lot of homophobia...

It boils down to this:
Folks that believe being a homosexual is a terrible thing.
Folks that believe being a homosexual is not a terrible thing.

Everything else is bull shit.
Again, you inbred, backwoods fucknozzle, I was not "slamming" him. I was supporting his decision to remain the obviously closeted drama queen he is.

Saying he is gay is not a pejorative.

Isn't name calling against the rules of the new, improved, seriously moderated politics forum?

I thought it was. Maybe not.
Getting these loony liberal idiots, particularly the gay, er, perverted ones frothing at the mouth angry is too much fun....Kinda like a hobby.:cool:

And yes, it always seem to be the liberals who always end up throwing around gay, er, perverted slams against those who don't buy into their BS.....Their abject hypocrisy is comical.

And yet it seems only Koshergrl is frothing. She seems to think that only homophobes get to "name call". :lol:

Talk about abject hypocrisy. :lol:

I've not noticed anyone getting angry either. Projection?
So you are of the belief that it's better to wait until children have sex, and maybe not then, before reporting it?

Thank goodness you aren't in a position of authority.

I'm saying you "small government conservatives" are giving teachers an awful lot of power. Who determines who is "at risk"? How is saying "I'm gay" make you "at risk"? If little Johnny tells a teacher he likes little Susie, do you automatically assume they are going to fuck? Why do you assume it if Johnny says he likes Billy? child, no adult, nobody should be outed (other than posthumously) without their consent to anybody else.

If a teacher were truly concerned that a teen was having or about to have sex, that could be reported without having to mention the gender of the individual with whom the kid is going to have sex. Why do you feel the disclosure of their sexual orientation is so important. WHAT PURPOSE DOES IT SERVE?

I'll answer it for you since you duck and dodge like Ali on steroids. You actually think the parents can "do something" about their kid being gay. They can't. Reparative therapy doesn't work.

Teens thrown from their homes do work...they work the streets in the sex trade.

Bears repeating...40% of homeless teens are gay. 26% of homeless gay teens were thrown out of their homes when their sexual orientation was discovered. That's a lot of homophobia...

It boils down to this:
Folks that believe being a homosexual is a terrible thing.
Folks that believe being a homosexual is not a terrible thing.

Everything else is bull shit.

Pretty much.

However, just believing homosexuality is a terrible thing, on its own, is not really the problem. Its when these folks try to use the power of government to do something about it, is when the problem occurs.
People who don't give a shit if kids fuck like bunnies also aren't likely to care if they shoot the shit out of each other.

Just saying. These people aren't known for their care and concern for children.

So teachers and government are your solution to stop kids that "fuck like bunnies".
That is the role of parents, not teachers and government.
You are a closet liberal.

I expect people who are paid to teach and counsel children, and who we are obligated by law to leave our children with every day, to take reasonable steps to protect our children and keep the kids' parents informed of risky behavior. If they refuse to do it, they should go to jail.

There's a word for people who seek out children, and then enable them to act out sexually. It's "pimp".
What this comes down to is the progressive establishment's committment to enabling children to engage in sex. They don't think it's wrong, they think of children as sexual creatures, and they are willing to break the law in order to accomodate sex between kids. PARTICULARLY if it's homosexual sex. They're vested in encouraging that. Because they know that if parents get involved, kids are less likely to engage in sex at a young age. So they want the go-ahead to teach kids all about sex in wonderful it is, how to hide it, how to kill off the fruits of it, how there's no such thing as *bad* sex....but at the same time be absolved of all responsibility to report sexual activity to the parents. Because, ultimately, they think kids should be having sex, and they see it as their *role* to facilitate it.
People who don't give a shit if kids fuck like bunnies also aren't likely to care if they shoot the shit out of each other.

Just saying. These people aren't known for their care and concern for children.

So teachers and government are your solution to stop kids that "fuck like bunnies".
That is the role of parents, not teachers and government.
You are a closet liberal.

I expect people who are paid to teach and counsel children, and who we are obligated by law to leave our children with every day, to take reasonable steps to protect our children and keep the kids' parents informed of risky behavior. If they refuse to do it, they should go to jail.

There's a word for people who seek out children, and then enable them to act out sexually. It's "pimp".
So...people who do not spy for parents should go to jail, huh.
People who work around kids and are aware that they're engaging in illegal sex and don't report it should.

You do know what a mandatory reporter is, right?

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