No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

there is a bright side to encouraging high school kids to "explore" their "gay" side.

If more kids are convinced that they are gay, it will reduce the number of abortions. :clap2:

if more kids are taught that homosexuality exists, and that gays are not more evil than, say, a negro, then maybe there will be less bigoted dipshits like yourself. :clap2:

even the homophobe should want children to understand what it is so they know to report it to the proper authorities when the priest does it to them.

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Schools should not be teaching kids how to be gay.

If they are going to be talking about sexuality, pretending homosexuality does not exist is very Ahmadinejadesque.

"There are no homosexuals in Ira-, er, Tennessee!"
Ohmygodineedajob's not so subtle point, was that faggots, dykes, and other assorted perverts don't exist in Iran because they are summarily executed when it is found that they are perverts.....What he should have clarified is the fact that, yes, perverts do exist in Iran, but don't live long past being exposed.

No, he denied they existed at all. He was specifically asked why homosexuals were punished in his country, and he denied they even existed in the first place.

Just like Tennessee is trying to deny in health class that homosexuality exists in Tennessee.

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Victims of bullying should be allowed to kill their bullies (and ONLY their bullies) if the school or this case the state, fails to do anything about it.

It's better than committing suicide over bullying, you will hailed as a hidden hero to many people. Look up Jorge Saavendra, for example.
Christ, you fucks are so phoney, it's laughable.....Just admit it, you weren't born that way, you choose to be perverts, and be done with it.....Enough with the fucking lies, already.

Tell us all about that moment you decided not to be gay.

Sounds like you're looking for new whack off material...
Interesting obsession you have there. It does not require describing sexual acts to explain one's orientation.

You homophobes are the ones who are obsessed with the sex lives of gays. How many references to butt sex would I find from homophobes if I went through these 26 pages? The last topic on gay marriage I participated in could not go a single page without at least two homophobes going on and on about butt sex.

Jester claimed homosexuality is a choice, so I would like him to apply some critical thinking and tell us when he decided not to be gay, since it's a choice after all.
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Ohmygodineedajob's not so subtle point, was that faggots, dykes, and other assorted perverts don't exist in Iran because they are summarily executed when it is found that they are perverts.....What he should have clarified is the fact that, yes, perverts do exist in Iran, but don't live long past being exposed.

Hate much?


It is what it is......I really don't give a fuck what those perv's do behind closed doors, as long as it's between two consenting adults....That's their god damn business.....I just get a kick out of the fact that they actually try and claim it's natural, and that they are not actually perverts, which is exactly what they are......There is nothing natural between two people of the same gender having sexual relations with each other......They damn sure weren't born that way.

But hey, if they want to play husband and husband, wife and wife, or whatever the fuck it is they want to call themselves, fine....they can play that shit behind closed doors, and i'll keep voting in favor of prop 8 here in Cali, to try and protect the sanctity of marriage.


"Not normal" =/= "wrong".

It is not normal for a person to eat the recommended daily amount of vegetables. Only 26 percent of Americans do.

Typical idiot liberal.

You ignore the dangers surrounding homosexual behavior and you call Republicans ignorant for wanting to protect children.

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity. Syphilis, for example is found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners. But in 1999, King County, Washington (Seattle), reported that 85 percent of syphilis cases were among self-identified homosexual practitioners. (1) And as noted above, syphilis among homosexual men is now at epidemic levels in San Francisco.(2)

(1) "Resurgent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men — King County, Washington, 1997-1999," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, 48(35): 773-777 (September 10, 1999).

(2) Heredia, "Big spike in cases of syphilis in S.F.: Gay, bisexual men affected most."

You forgot the biggest one, it makes "god" or "Jesus" sad. You act like you care about gays.
Why? If the kid is hiding his or her sexuality from their parents, there is usually a reason.

Yes, and the parents need to deal with it.

Do you approve of *hiding* children's sexual relationships from their parents as well?

How about *hiding* the fact that they are hearing voices?

Those of us who have worked with children and counseled families know that *hiding* things from parents isn't just unhealthy, it's often unsafe. We teach children that adults who encourage you to *keep secrets* are to be avoided.

People who race around telling children they have a *right* to hide things from their parents are highly suspect. In this case, the homosexual lobby encourages children to hide their sexuality from their parents in order to give the kids more time to *grow* and commit to their homosexualit deviance, up to and including actually engaging in homosexual sex (reference Amy & sky's many assertions that sex between children is perfectly legal...and outright lie). It's all a matter of growing their support base

Why is it necessary for a counselor or teacher to report a child they suspect to be gay or was confided in that they were gay? To what end would you require this disclosure to the parents? What purpose would it serve? If a child does not want to tell his/her parents, why would you? They aren't doing anything.

For a majority of conservatives it’s necessary for them to compel others to conform; conservatives, for the most part, disdain dissent and diversity. We’ve seen evidence of that in this very thread with references to ‘perversion’ and the like.

If gay students know their sexual orientation can be reported to their parents, the hateful ‘reasoning’ goes, then it will force LGBT students to ‘stop being gay’ and conform. The proposed legislation is as moronic as it is heinous.

Codifying the requirement of teachers to report ‘the gay’ to parents is the state’s way of making its anti-gay policy official, it reinforces the false notion that homosexuality is ‘abnormal,’ and some affliction that must be ‘dealt with.’

This law is clearly un-Constitutional, and should be challenged in court if passed, as the state can demonstrate no compelling governmental interest to single out a particular class of persons for this reporting requirement, the law is predicated solely on animus towards homosexuals, and its goal is to only demean and humiliate.
Yes, and the parents need to deal with it.

Do you approve of *hiding* children's sexual relationships from their parents as well?

How about *hiding* the fact that they are hearing voices?

Those of us who have worked with children and counseled families know that *hiding* things from parents isn't just unhealthy, it's often unsafe. We teach children that adults who encourage you to *keep secrets* are to be avoided.

People who race around telling children they have a *right* to hide things from their parents are highly suspect. In this case, the homosexual lobby encourages children to hide their sexuality from their parents in order to give the kids more time to *grow* and commit to their homosexualit deviance, up to and including actually engaging in homosexual sex (reference Amy & sky's many assertions that sex between children is perfectly legal...and outright lie). It's all a matter of growing their support base

Why is it necessary for a counselor or teacher to report a child they suspect to be gay or was confided in that they were gay? To what end would you require this disclosure to the parents? What purpose would it serve? If a child does not want to tell his/her parents, why would you? They aren't doing anything.

For a majority of conservatives it’s necessary for them to compel others to conform; conservatives, for the most part, disdain dissent and diversity. We’ve seen evidence of that in this very thread with references to ‘perversion’ and the like.

If gay students know their sexual orientation can be reported to their parents, the hateful ‘reasoning’ goes, then it will force LGBT students to ‘stop being gay’ and conform. The proposed legislation is as moronic as it is heinous.

Codifying the requirement of teachers to report ‘the gay’ to parents is the state’s way of making its anti-gay policy official, it reinforces the false notion that homosexuality is ‘abnormal,’ and some affliction that must be ‘dealt with.’

This law is clearly un-Constitutional, and should be challenged in court if passed, as the state can demonstrate no compelling governmental interest to single out a particular class of persons for this reporting requirement, the law is predicated solely on animus towards homosexuals, and its goal is to only demean and humiliate.

The bill isn't about reporting *gay*. It's about reporting suspected homosexual activity...i.e., sodomy.

Which is, of course, illegal among children. You are stating that it's un-constitutional to report illegal child sexual activity to the child's parents. Right?

Which is ludicrous.
Why is it necessary for a counselor or teacher to report a child they suspect to be gay or was confided in that they were gay? To what end would you require this disclosure to the parents? What purpose would it serve? If a child does not want to tell his/her parents, why would you? They aren't doing anything.

For a majority of conservatives it’s necessary for them to compel others to conform; conservatives, for the most part, disdain dissent and diversity. We’ve seen evidence of that in this very thread with references to ‘perversion’ and the like.

If gay students know their sexual orientation can be reported to their parents, the hateful ‘reasoning’ goes, then it will force LGBT students to ‘stop being gay’ and conform. The proposed legislation is as moronic as it is heinous.

Codifying the requirement of teachers to report ‘the gay’ to parents is the state’s way of making its anti-gay policy official, it reinforces the false notion that homosexuality is ‘abnormal,’ and some affliction that must be ‘dealt with.’

This law is clearly un-Constitutional, and should be challenged in court if passed, as the state can demonstrate no compelling governmental interest to single out a particular class of persons for this reporting requirement, the law is predicated solely on animus towards homosexuals, and its goal is to only demean and humiliate.

The bill isn't about reporting *gay*. It's about reporting suspected homosexual activity...i.e., sodomy.

Which is, of course, illegal among children. You are stating that it's un-constitutional to report illegal child sexual activity to the child's parents. Right?

Which is ludicrous.


If that excuse was true, it would not specify gay sex. It would require all sexual activity to be reported to parents.

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Because the schools have already established that they can work with a child to hide illegal sexual activity from parents, so long as it results in the child getting contraceptives or an abortion.

Now we're trying to protect the few kids left who aren't likely to get pregnant....
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Too fuckin' funny.......A perverted dyke, using a gay slam against Graham.

I wasn't "slamming" him, I was actually defending him. A lot of people would like to see him outed and called on his hypocrisy. I don't. I think he should come out when he is comfortable doing so...then he can be taken to task.

Christ, you fucks are so phoney, it's laughable.....Just admit it, you weren't born that way, you choose to be perverts, and be done with it.....Enough with the fucking lies, already.

Why would I admit something that simply isn't true? Your repeated insistence that it is a choice is interesting though. What I hear you saying is that you think you could be attracted to a man. Is that the case? Could you look at a big, hairy, sweaty male body and feel your jeans getting a little tighter? Could you look at another man and think you'd like to spend your life with them, honoring and cherishing them? Could you?
why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.

Again, you inbred, backwoods fucknozzle, I was not "slamming" him. I was supporting his decision to remain the obviously closeted drama queen he is.

Saying he is gay is not a pejorative.
I wasn't "slamming" him, I was actually defending him. A lot of people would like to see him outed and called on his hypocrisy. I don't. I think he should come out when he is comfortable doing so...then he can be taken to task.

Why would I admit something that simply isn't true? Your repeated insistence that it is a choice is interesting though. What I hear you saying is that you think you could be attracted to a man. Is that the case? Could you look at a big, hairy, sweaty male body and feel your jeans getting a little tighter? Could you look at another man and think you'd like to spend your life with them, honoring and cherishing them? Could you?
why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.

Again, you inbred, backwoods fucknozzle, I was not "slamming" him. I was supporting his decision to remain the obviously closeted drama queen he is.

Saying he is gay is not a pejorative.

Isn't name calling against the rules of the new, improved, seriously moderated politics forum?

I thought it was. Maybe not.
Typical Ludd propaganda garbage designed to enflame and enrage.

The first link is from the "Huff Post Gay Voices" section. It is not news, it is commentary.

The second link, from Fox News, is simply a NEWS item.

Ludd also fails to disclose that this legislation was previously proposed by the same state lawmaker and was defeated.

So Ludd has now created a "pig pile" on the state of Tennessee, which happens to be a beautiful state with a lot of history, and is a great place to visit and live.

Funny how when I was in school, back in the 60s and early 70s, the word "gay" meant "happy", and homosexuality was never a topic of conversation.

Now homosexuality is used as some sort of "choice" or "lifestyle" that school-age children must explore and talk about and make a decision about.

What a fucked up country we have become.
It's amazing how worked up cons get over other peoples' sex lives.

They like to think about other people and how they get it on.......a lot.

"--Any off-topic posts will be deleted or moved to an appropriate forum as per Administrator & Moderator discretion at any time.

The Rules
Because the schools have already established that they can work with a child to hide illegal sexual activity from parents, so long as it results in the child getting contraceptives or an abortion.

Now we're trying to protect the few kids left who aren't likely to get pregnant....

Wow. I'm watching a delusion build itself right before my eyes!
I know, it's awful when parents get in the way of child sodomy...what insufferable interference!!!!
why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.

Again, you inbred, backwoods fucknozzle, I was not "slamming" him. I was supporting his decision to remain the obviously closeted drama queen he is.

Saying he is gay is not a pejorative.

Isn't name calling against the rules of the new, improved, seriously moderated politics forum?

I thought it was. Maybe not.

Ask the guy that said "you perverts". I only respond in kind, love.
Pervert is a description, love.

"per·vert transitive verb \pər-ˈvərt\

Definition of PERVERT

a : to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right : corrupt
b : to cause to turn aside or away from what is generally done or accepted : misdirect

a : to divert to a wrong end or purpose : misuse

b : to twist the meaning or sense of : misinterpret "

And quite applicable in this case.

Pervert - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That's the verb...

The noun:


A pervert is a person who doesn't behave normally, often when it comes to sex: perverts pervert the accepted rules of society.
The most common use of pervert is as a word for people who are deviant sexually..."

We have a group of people insisting that it's wrong to prevent children from engaging in sodomy...and wrong for adults who are aware of it to inform possibly un-informed parents of it.

Meanwhile, twisting (a.k.a. "perverting") the language in order to hide what is really going on...claiming that the bill is a *witchhunt* to *expose* gay children..that it has nothing to do with sex, that parents are abusive monsters and have no business being informed...and on and on.

So as you can see, "pervert" is just an apt description.

I'm fairly certain that your perjorative isn't to be found in merriam-webster, however.
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why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.

Again, you inbred, backwoods fucknozzle, I was not "slamming" him. I was supporting his decision to remain the obviously closeted drama queen he is.

Saying he is gay is not a pejorative.

Isn't name calling against the rules of the new, improved, seriously moderated politics forum?

I thought it was. Maybe not.

not when there is also substantive debate included as well asswipe.

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